Ellhniko Lilo mini-Howto
  Cameron Spitzer (cls@truffula.sj.ca.us), Alessandro Rubini
  v2.1, 9 Ianoyarioy 1998

  Ayto to arxeio deixnei merikous typikous tropoys egkatastashs toy
  LILO. Exei san stoxo na apotelesei symplhrwma toy egxeiridioy "Odhgos
  twn xrhstwn toy LILO". Pisteuw oti ta paradeigmata einai xrhsima akomh
  kai sthn periptwsh poy h egkatastash sas den tairiazei me th dikh moy.
  Elpizw oti ayto to keimeno 8a sas glitwsei apo mpelades.  Mia kai h
  tekmhriwsh toy Lilo apo monh ths einai polu kalh, opoios endiaferetai
  gia leptomereies mporei na anatrejei sto  /usr/doc/lilo*

  Table of Contents

  1. Eisagwgh

  2. Proapaitoumenes gnwseis kai typikh egkatastash

     2.1 Poy 8a prepei na egkatasthsw to Lilo;
     2.2 Pws mporw na ry8misw toys IDE sklhrous diskoys moy;
     2.3 Pws mporw na epembw kata th diarkeia ths ekkinhshs;
     2.4 Pws mporw na apegkatasthsw to Lilo;

  3. H aplh ru8mish

  4. Egka8istwntas to

  5. Xrhsimopoiwntas to Lilo otan to BIOS den mporei na dei to Root partition

  6. Prosbash se terastias xwrhtikothtas diskoys otan den mporei to BIOS

  7. Ekkinwntas apo mia disketa Diaswshs (Rescue Floppy)

  8. Peri ths Ellhnikhs Metafrashs


  1.  Eisagwgh

  Para to gegonos oti h tekmhriwsh poy bre8hke sta arxeia phgaioy kwdika
  toy Lilo (ayto poy egkatasta8hke sth /usr/doc/lilo ekdosh) einai polu
  katanohth, oi perissoteroi xrhstes Linux mporei na antimetwpisoyn
  dyskolies ean epixeirhsoyn na dhmioyrghsoyn to diko toys arxeio
  /etc/lilo.conf.  Ayto to keimeno proorizetai sto na toys yposthrijei,
  dinontas tis aparaithtes plhrofories kai deixnontas pente paradeigmata

  ·  To prwto paradeigma einai apo thn klasikh egkatastash ``To Linux
     kai oi Alloi''.

  ·  To epomeno deixnei pws na egkatasthsete to Lilo se sklhro disko
     syndedemeno san /dev/hdc o opoios 8a arxizei san /dev/hda.  Ayto
     xreiazetai synh8ws otan egkatasthsete ena neo disko Linux apo to
     diko sas                          diko sas trexwn susthma.

  ·  To trito paradeigma deixnei pws na jekinhsete ena susthma Linux toy
     opoioy to root partition den einai prosbasimo apo to BIOS.

  ·  To epomeno arxeio-deigma xrhsimopoieitai gia prosbash se diskoys
     megalhs        xwrhtikothtas, stoys opoioys den exei prosbash oute
     to BIOS oute to DOS (ayto einai kata kapoio tropo aparxaiwmeno).

  ·  To teleytaio paradeigma ejhgei pws na epidior8wsete ena xalasmeno
     disko (h katastrofh se ayth thn periptwsh dhmioyrgh8hke apo thn
     egkatastash enos allou leitoyrgikou systhmatos).

  Ta teleytaia tria paradeigmata einai toy Cameron Spitzer,
  cls@truffula.sj.ca.us, o opoios egrace to arxiko keimeno.  O trexwn
  synthrhths den trexei tipota allo ektos apo Linux, gi' ayto to logo
  den mporw na ta elegjw oute na ta enhmerwsw.

  2.  Proapaitoumenes gnwseis kai typikh egkatastash

  Otan to Lilo jekina to susthma, mporei na fortwsei mono data sectors
  poy mporoun na prospela8oun apo to bios. Opoiodhpote pathname balete
  sto /etc/lilo.conf ginetai resolved kata thn diarkeia ths egkatastashs
  (otan kaleitai to lilo).  Ayto symbainei otan to programma xtizei
  kapoia lista pinakwn ths opoias ta sectors xrhsimopoiountai apo ta
  arxeia.  San apotelesma, ta arxeia prepei na yparxoyn se ena partition
  poy na einai prosbasimo apo to BIOS. Epipleon, prepei na
  janaegkatasthsete to loader (p.x., prepei na janakaleite to lilo) ka8e
  fora poy tropopoieite ta arxeia. Opote janametaglwttisete ton pyrhna
  sas kai gracete panw apo to palio image, prepei na janaegkatasthsete
  to Lilo).

  2.1.  Poy 8a prepei na egkatasthsw to Lilo;

  H ntirektiba boot = sto arxeio /etc/lilo.conf leei sto Lilo pou 8a
  prepei na topo8ethsei to primary boot loader. Genika, mporeite na
  epilejete eite to master boot sector (/dev/hda) eite to root partition
  ths Linux egkatastashs sas (synh8ws einai sto /dev/hda1 h sto

  An exete allo leitoyrgiko susthma egkatesthmeno ston sklhro sas disko,
  8a htan protimotero na egkatasthsete to Lilo sto root partition. Se
  ayth thn periptwsh, prepei na markarete to partition san "bootable"
  (xrhsimopoihste thn entolh "a" toy fdisk h thn entolh "b" toy cfdisk.
  Ean den gracete panw apo to master boot sector, 8a einai pio eukolo na
  apegkatasthsete to Linux kai to Lilo an xreiastei.

  2.2.  Pws mporw na ry8misw toys IDE sklhrous diskoys moy;

  Proswpika den xrhsimopoiw thn epilogh LBA h LARGE sto BIOS (alla egw
  trexw mono Linux).  Ayta einai a8lioi periorismoi poy ofeilontai se
  sxediastika elattwmata toy kosmoy twn PC.  Ayto apaitei oti o pyrhnas
  brisketai stoys prwtoys 1024 kylindroys, alla ayto den einai problhma
  oso kanete partition toys sklhrous sas kai kratate to root mikro (opws
  8a eprepe na kanete etsi ki alliws).

  An o sklhros sas diskos exei hdh ena allo leitoyrgiko susthma, den 8a
  mporesete na allajete tis ry8miseis toy BIOS, alliws to palio susthma
  den 8a doyleuei pia.  Oles oi prosfates dianomes Lilo einai ikanes na
  xeiristoun LBA kai LARGE ry8miseis diskwn.

  An exete perissoteroys apo enan sklhro disko kai merikoi apo aytous
  xrhsimopoiountai mono apo to Linux, alla oxi sthn ekkinhsh toy
  ypologisth, mporeite na dhlwsete sto BIOS sas oti den einai
  egkatasthmenoi.  To susthma sas 8a jekinaei pio grhgora kai to Linux
  8a anixneuei aytomata oloys toys diskoys se xrono mhden. Syxna syndew
  epipleon diskoys sto susthma moy, alla den allazw pote tis ry8miseis
  toy BIOS.

  2.3.  Pws mporw na epembw kata th diarkeia ths ekkinhshs;

  Otan deite to Lilo prompt, mporeite na pathsete ta plhktra <Tab> gia
  na deite th lista me tis pi8anes epiloges. An to Lilo den einai
  ry8mismeno na einai interactive, krathste pathmeno to plhktro <Alt> h
  <Shift> prin emfanistei to mhnyma ``LILO'' .

  An dialejete na ekkinhsete enan pyrhna Linux, mporeite na pros8esete
  parametroys sth grammh entolwn meta apo to onoma toy systhmatos poy
  epilejate. O pyrhnas dexetai polles parametroys sth grammh entolwn,
  alla den einai to katallhlo meros gia na tis para8esoyme edw. Kata thn
  gnwmh moy, merikes apo aytes einai idiaitera shmantikes:

  ·  root=: mporeite na peite ston pyrhna toy Linux na kanei mount san
     root ena diaforetiko partition apo Ayto poy emfanizetai sto
     lilo.conf.  Gia paradeigma, exw ena polu mikro partition poy
     filojenei mia epishs polu mikrh Linux egkatastash, kai etsi
     katafera na jekinhsw to susthma otan katestreca kata la8os to root
     partition moy.

  ·  init=: h ekdosh 1.3.4 kai newteres toy pyrhna toy Linux dexontai
     ton ka8orismo apo th grammh-entolwn enos programmatos poy
     ekteleitai anti gia to /sbin/init. An synanthsete dyskolies kata
     thn diarkeia ths diadikasias ekkinhshs, mporeite na exete prosbash
     sto susthma ka8orizontas to init=/bin/sh (otan eiste sto shell
     prompt pi8ana na xreiasteite na kanete mount toys diskoys sas:
     dokimaste to ``/sbin/mount -w -n -o remount /; mount -a'', kai
     8ymh8eite na kanete ``/sbin/umount -a'' prin kleisete ton
     hlektroniko sas ypologisth).

  ·  Enas ari8mos: dinontas enan ari8mo sthn grammh entolwn toy pyrhna
     dinetai entolh sto init na jekinhsei se ena sygkekrimeno run-level
     (to default einai synh8ws 3). Anafer8eite sthn tekmhriwsh toy init
     , sto /etc/inittab kai sto /etc/rc.d gia na synexisete peraiterw.

  2.4.  Pws mporw na apegkatasthsw to Lilo;

  Otan to Lilo grafei panw apo to boot sector, krata ena antigrafo toy
  asfaleias sto /boot/boot.xxyy, opoy xxyy einai oi elaxistoi kai
  megistoi ari8moi ths syskeyhs, se dekaejadikh morfh. Mporeite na deite
  toys elaxistoys kai megistoys ari8mous toy diskoy h toy partition sas
  ektelwntas thn ``ls -l /dev/device''. Gia paradeigma, to prwto sector
  toy /dev/hda (megisto 3, elaxisto 0) 8a sw8ei sto /boot/boot.0300,
  egka8istwntas to Lilo sto /dev/fd0 dhmioyrgei to /boot/boot.0200 kai
  egka8istwntas to sto /dev/sdb3 (megisto 8, elaxisto 19) dhmioyrgei to
  /boot/boot.0813. Shmeiwste oti to Lilo de 8a dhmioyrghsei to arxeio an
  yparxei hdh ena. De xreiazetai na anhsyxeite gia antigrafo asfaleias
  ka8e fora poy egkatasteite to Lilo (gia paradeigma, afou
  janametaglwttisete ton pyrhna sas).

  An pote xreiastei na apegkatasthsete to Lilo (gia paradeigma, sthn
  atyxh periptwsh poy xreiazetai na apegkatasthsete to Linux), to mono
  poy xreiazetai einai na epanaferete to arxiko boot sector. An to Lilo
  einai egkatasthmeno sto /dev/hda, aplws gracte ``dd if=/boot/boot.0300
  of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1'' (proswpika grafw ``cat /boot/boot.0300 >
  /dev/hda'', alla den einai toso asfales, ka8ws Ayto 8a epanaferei kai
  to arxiko partition table , to opoio mporei na to exete tropopoihsei
  sto metaju). Ayth h entolh einai polu pio eukolo na ektelestei para na
  prospa8hsete to ``fdisk /mbr'' apo ena kelyfos DOS: sas epitrepei na
  afairesete to Linux apo ena disk xwris na xreiastei na ekkinhsete allo
  leitoyrgiko.  Afou afairesete to Lilo, 8ymh8eite na trejete to fdisk
  toy Linux gia na diagracete o,ti Linux partition exete (to fdisk toy
  DOS den mporei na diagracei non-dos partitions).

  An exete egkatasthsei to Lilo sto root partition sas (p.x.,
  /dev/hda2), de xreiazetai na kanete tipota to idiaitero gia na
  apegkatasthsete to Lilo.  Apla trejte to fdisk toy Linux gia na
  diagracete ta Linux partitions apo to partition table.  Epishs, prepei
  na markarete to DOS partition san bootable.

  3.  H aplh ru8mish

  Oi perissoteres egkatastaseis toy Lilo xrhsimopoioun ena arxeio
  ry8misewn san ton epomeno:

  boot = /dev/hda   # or your root partition
  delay = 0         # or specify a delay in tenth of a second
  vga = 0           # optional. Use "vga=1" to get 80x50

  image = /boot/vmlinux  # your zImage file
    root = /dev/hda1     # your root partition
    label = Linux        # or any fancy name
    read-only            # mount root read-only

  other = /dev/hda4   # your dos partition, if any
    table = /dev/hda  # the current partition table
    label = dos       # or any non-fancy name

  Mporeite na pollaplasiasete, an 8elete, ta tmhmata ``image'' kai
  ``other''. Den einai asynh8isto na exete ry8misei arketa kernel images
  stolilo.conf, eidika an symbadizete me toys prosfatoys pyrhnes ypo

  4.  Egka8istwntas to hdc  gia na jekinaei san hda

  To Lilo sas epitrepei na kanete map to image toy pyrhna apo ena disko
  kai na dwsete entolh sto BIOS na to anakta apo diaforetiko disko. Gia
  paradeigma, einai koinotopo gia mena na egkatasthsw to Linux se ena
  disko ston opoio syndeomai sto hdc (master diskos toy deuteroy
  controller) kai na to ekkinhsw san standalong susthma ston primary IDE
  controller enos alloy ypologisth. Antegraca thn disketa egkatastashs
  se ena mikroskopiko partition, wste na mporw na ektelw to chroot se
  mia virtual konsola gia na egkatasthsw to hdc enw xrhsimopoiw to
  susthma gia kati allo.

  To arxeio lilo.conf poy xrhsimopoiw gia na egkatasthsw to Lilo moiazei

  # This file must be used from a system running from /dev/hdc
  boot = /dev/hdc   # overwrite MBR of hdc
  disk = /dev/hdc   # tell how hdc will look like:
     bios = 0x80    #  the bios will see it as first drive
  delay = 0
  vga = 0

  image = /boot/vmlinux  # root partition is /dev/hdc1
    root = /dev/hda1         # hdc1 at boot will be hda1
    label = Linux

  Ayto to arxeio ru8mishs prepei na diabastei apo ena Lilo poy brisketai
  sto /dev/hdc1.  Oi apeikoniseis toy Lilo poy grafthkan sto boot sector
  (/dev/hdc) prepei na sebastei ta antigrafa toy vmlinux kai toy
  /boot/boot.b  ta opoia 8a einai dia8esima kata th diarkeia ekkinhshs,
  p.x., ta antigrafa sto hdc.

  Onomazw Ayto to arxeio ru8mishs /mnt/etc/lilo.conf.hdc kai egka8istw
  to Lilo kalwntas to ``cd /mnt; chroot . sbin/lilo -C
  /etc/lilo.conf.hdc'' ka8ws to /dev/hdc1 exei ginei mount katw apo to

  5.  Xrhsimopoiwntas to Lilo otan to BIOS den mporei na dei to Root

  Exw dyo diskoys IDE, kai enan disko SCSI. To BIOS den mporei na dei to
  SCSI disko moy.  O Linux Loader, to Lilo, xrhsimopoiei klhseis toy
  BIOS kai mporei na dei diskoys poy mono to BIOS mporei na dei. To
  koyto AMI BIOS moy 8a jekinhsei mono apo to "A:" h to "C:". To root
  susthma arxeiwn moy einai ena partition sto SCSI disko.

  H lush egkeitai sthn apo8hkeysh toy pyrhna, toy arxeioy apeikonishs
  (map file), kai toy chain loader se ena Linux partition sto prwto IDE.
  Shmeiwste oti den einai aparaithto na kratate to pyrhna sas sto root
  parition sas.

  To deutero parition toy prwtoy IDE diskoy moy (/dev/hda2, to Linux
  parition poy xrhsimeye gia thn ekkinhsh toy systhmatos) einai mounted
  sto /u2. Parakatw akoloy8ei to arxeio /etc/lilo.conf poy xrhsimopoiw.

  #  Install LILO on the Master Boot Record
  #  on the first IDE.
  boot = /dev/hda
  #  /sbin/lilo (the installer) copies the LILO boot record
  #  from the following file to the MBR location.
  install = /u2/etc/lilo/boot.b
  #  I wrote a verbose boot menu.  LILO finds it here.
  message = /u2/etc/lilo/message
  #  The installer will build the following file. It tells
  #  the boot-loader where the blocks of the kernels are.
  map = /u2/etc/lilo/map
  #  Wait 10 seconds, then boot the 1.2.1 kernel by default.
  timeout = 100
  #  The kernel is stored where BIOS can see it by doing this:
  #      cp -p /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage /u2/z1.2.1
  image = /u2/z1.2.1
          label = 1.2.1
  #  LILO tells the kernel to mount the first SCSI partition
  #  as root.  BIOS does not have to be able to see it.
          root = /dev/sda1
  #  This partition will be checked and remounted by /etc/rc.d/rc.S
  #  I kept an old Slackware kernel lying around in case I built a
  #  kernel that doesn't work.  I actually needed this once.
  image = /u2/z1.0.9
          label = 1.0.9
          root = /dev/sda1
  #  My DR-DOS 6 partition.
  other = /dev/hda1
          label = dos
          alias = m

  6.  Prosbash se terastias xwrhtikothtas diskoys otan den mporei to

  To susthma sto xwro ergasias moy exei IDE disko xwrhtikothtas 1GB. To
  BIOS mporei na 'dei' mono ta prwta 504 MB toy IDE.  (opoy MB shmainei
  2**10 bytes, kai oxi 10**6 bytes).  Etsi exw ena MS-DOS partition twn
  350 MB /dev/hda1 kai to Linux root moy se ena partition 120 MB

  To MS-DOS den mporouse na egkatasta8ei mono toy swsta otan o diskos
  htan kainourios.  To Novell DOS 7 eixe to idio problhma. Eytyxws gia
  mena, h IBM jexase na balei thn disketa "OnTrack" sto koyti mazi me to
  disko.  O diskos ypoti8etai oti 8a erxotan mazi me ena proion me thn
  onomasia "OnTrack Disk Manager." An exete mono MSDOS, mallon 8a prepei
  na to xrhsimopoihsete.

  Gi' ayto to logo eftiaja ena partition table me to fdisk toy Linux.
  To MSDOS-6.2 arniotan na egkatasta8ei mono toy sto /dev/hda1.  Elege
  kati san ``ayth h ekdosh toy MS-DOS einai gia nees egkatastaseis.  O
  ypologisths sas exei hdh to MS-DOS gia Ayto xreiazetai na
  promh8eyteite mia pio ananewmenh ekdosh apo ton promh8eyth sas.''
  Sthn pragmatikothta, o diskos htan olokainoyrgos.

  Ti blakeia! Etsi etreja to fdisk toy Linux kai diegraca to partition 1
  apo to table. Ayto ikanopoihse to MS-DOS 6.2 to opoio proxwrhse gia na
  dhmioyrghsei ena oloidio partition 1 san Ayto poy eixa molis diagracei
  kai to opoio to eixe egkatasthsei to idio.  To MS-DOS 6.2 egrace to
  diko toy Master Boot Record sto disko, parolayta den mporouse na

  Eytyxws eixa ena pyrhna Slackware se mia disketa (dhmioyrghmeno apo to
  programma egkatastashs toy Slackware "setup") kai etsi jekinhsa to
  Linux kai egraca to LILO panw apo to katestrammeno MBR toy MS-DOS.
  Doulece. Ayto einai to arxeio /etc/lilo.conf poy xrhsimopoihsa:

  boot = /dev/hda
  map = /lilo-map
  delay = 100
  ramdisk = 0             # Turns off ramdisk in Slackware kernel
  timeout = 100
  disk = /dev/hda         # BIOS only sees first 500 MB.
     bios = 0x80          # specifies the first IDE.
     sectors = 63         # get the numbers from your drive's docs.
     heads = 16
     cylinders = 2100
  image = /vmlinuz
    append = "hd=2100,16,63"
    root = /dev/hda2
    label = linux
    vga = extended
  other = /dev/hda1
    label = msdos
    table = /dev/hda
    loader = /boot/chain.b

  Afotoy egkatesthsa ayta ta systhmata, epalh8eysa oti to partition poy
  periexei ta zImage, boot.b, map, chain.b kai arxeia mhnymatwn mporei
  na xrhsimopoihsei ena susthma arxeiwn msdos, me thn proupo8esh oti den
  exei sympiestei o diskos me kapoio programma "stacker" h
  "doublespace". Etsi 8a mporousa na exw to DOS partition sto /dev/hda1
  me 500 MB.

  Epishs, ema8a oti to "OnTrack" 8a mporouse na eixe gracei ena
  partition table poy na arxizei meta apo merikes dekades bytes apo thn
  arxh toy diskoy, anti gia thn arxh toy, kai pws einai dynaton na
  "peirajeis" ton odhgo toy Linux gia IDE wste na jeperasei ayto to
  problhma.  Alla h egkatastash 8a htan adunath xwris ton
  prometaglwttismeno pyrhna Slackware.  Telika, h IBM moy esteile mia
  disketa "OnTrack".  Kalesa thn texnikh yposthrijh ths OnTrack.  Moy
  eipan pws to Linux xalase giati den xrhsimopoiei to BIOS. Telika
  petaja thn disketa toys!

  7.  Ekkinwntas apo mia disketa Diaswshs (Rescue Floppy)

  Sth synexeia, egkatesthsa ta Windows-95 sto susthma toy grafeioy moy.
  Ejafanise to wraio LILO MBR moy, alla afhse ta Linux partitions moy
  apeiraxta.  Oi pyrhnes pairnoyn polu wra na fortw8oun apo disketa, kai
  etsi ekana mia disketa me ena LILO panw ths, to opoio ekkinouse ton
  pyrhna moy apo ton IDE.

  Eftiaja th LILO disketa moy ws ejhs:

    fdformat /dev/fd0H1440      #  lay tracks on virgin diskette
    mkfs -t minix /dev/fd0 1440 #  make file system of type minix
    mount /dev/fd0 /mnt         #  mount in the standard tmp mount point
    cp -p /boot/chain.b /mnt    #  copy the chain loader over
    lilo -C /etc/lilo.flop      #  install LILO and the map on the diskette.
    umount /mnt

  Shmeiwste pws h disketa prepei na exei ginei mounted otan trexete ton
  installer etsi wste na mporei to Lilo na gracei to map arxeio toy

  To arxeio einai to /etc/lilo.flop.  Einai peripoy san to teleytaio:

  #  Makes a floppy that can boot kernels from HD.
  boot = /dev/fd0
  map = /mnt/lilo-map
  delay = 100
  ramdisk = 0
  timeout = 100
  disk = /dev/hda     # 1 GB IDE, BIOS only sees first 500 MB.
     sectors = 63
     heads = 16
     cylinders = 2100
  image = /vmlinuz
    append = "hd=2100,16,63"
    root = /dev/hda2
    label = linux
    vga = extended
  other = /dev/hda1
    label = msdos
    table = /dev/hda
    loader = /mnt/chain.b

  Telos, xreiasthka MS-DOS 6.2 sto susthma toy grafeioy moy, alla den
  h8ela na peirajw ton prwto disko moy.  Pros8esa enan SCSI controller
  kai ena disko, eftiaja ena susthma arxeiwn msdos panw toy me thn
  entolh toy Linux mkdosfs, kai ta Windows-95 to blepoyn ws "D:".  Alla
  fysika to MSDOS den mporei na jekinhsei apo to D:.  Ayto den apotelei
  problhma otan exete LILO.  Pros8esa ta akoloy8a sto lilo.conf toy
  Paradeigmatos 2.

  other = /dev/sda1
    label = d6.2
    table = /dev/sda
    loader = /boot/any_d.b

  Me aythn thn tropopoihsh, to MSDOS-6.2 trexei kai pisteuei pws einai
  sto C: kai pws ta Windows-95 briskontai sto D:.

  8.  Peri ths Ellhnikhs Metafrashs

  Gia sxolia, parathrhseis, dior8wseis, enhmerwseis peri ths Ellhnikhs
  metafrashs aytou toy HOWTO, steilte email sthn Boula Sanida :
  voulariba@hellug.gr h ston Eyripidh Papakwsta : evris@hellug.gr kai
  enallaktika : ep@rocketmail.com