Egkatastash ths Ellhnikhs Epiloghs toy Babel gia LaTeX
  Prokophs Prokopidhs
  Septembrios 1999 (Dior8wsh la8wn, enhmerwsh twn links)

  Ayto to keimeno perigrafei th diadikasia egkatastashs ths Ellhnikhs
  epiloghs toy babel, enos paketoy gia thn epejergasia polyglwssikwn
  keimenwn me to LaTeX.

  Table of Contents

  1. Aparaithta Arxeia

  2. To Basiko Meros toy babel.

     2.1 grtools: athnum.sty kai grmath.sty
     2.2 iso-8859-7

  3. Bibliografiko Styl kai Ellhnikos Syllabismos

  4. Grammatoseires

     4.1 mf
     4.2 tfm

  5. Telikes Ry8miseis

  6. Editors gia to LaTeX kai h Xrhsh twn Ellhnikwn

     6.1 Emacs
     6.2 LyX

  7. Eyxaristies


  1.  Aparaithta Arxeia

  Ypo8etoyme oti mporeite na grafete Ellhnika sto susthma sas. Epishs
  oti exete mia swsta egkatesthmenh ekdosh toy LaTeX, mporeite na
  paragagete p.x. Agglika keimena xrhsimopoiwntas to kai na ta deite me
  to Xdvi h to ghostview. An kati apo ta parapanw den isxuei, prin na
  synexisete, mporeite na diabaste ta ejhs keimena:


  Ypo8etoyme telos oti 8a exete thn koinh logikh na parete antigrafa twn
  arxeiwn poy 8a metatrecete kata th diadikasia ths egkatastashs.

  To (La)TeX toy paradeigmatos mas sth8hke se ena PC apo to Red Hat 5.2
  kata thn egkatastash oloy toy Linux. Se periptwsh poy h diar8rwsh toy
  TeX katalogoy einai diaforetikh sto susthma sas, mporeite na breite ta
  arxeia poy perigrafontai parakatw xrhsimopoiwntas tis entoles locate
  kai find.  Gia paradeigma, mporoume na doume pou topo8etoun tis
  grammatoseires duo diaforetikes ekdoseis toy teTeX, ths dianomhs
  dhladh poy periexei ta TeX, LaTeX, BibTeX, makeindex, k.l.p, analoga
  me thn ekdosh toy Red Hat.

       RedHat 5.2: tetex-0.9-6 /usr/share/texmf/fonts/

       RedHat 5.1: tetex-0.4pl8-11 /usr/lib/texmf/texmf/fonts/

  Ginete loipon root sto susthma sas kai katebaste to arxeio


  Shmeiwnoyme edw oti sto  <>  yparxei
  kai ena RPM paketo me thn Ellhnikh epilogh. An exete th dynatothta
  egkatastashs RPM paketwn, mporeite na to katebasete kai na to
  egkatasthsete opws opoiodhpote allo RPM. Se anti8eth periptwsh,
  synexiste me tis odhgies poy akoloy8oun gia na sthsete thn Ellhnikh
  epilogh apo to tar.gz arxeio.

  Ena kalo shmeio na topo8ethsete ayto to arxeio sto disko sas einai to
  /usr/local/src. Otan to aposympiesete dinontas

       tar xvfz TeXgreek.tar.gz


       gunzip TeXgreek.tar.gz | tar xvf -

  8a dhmioyrgh8ei enas katalogos Texgreek me thn ejhs domh:

                   | -- BibTeX
                   | -- babel
                   | -- doc
                   | -- hyphenation
                   | -- iso8858-7
                   | -- mf
                   | -- misc
                   | -- mkindex
                   | -- tests
                   | -- tfm

  Proairetika mporeite na katebasete to greek-mode.el (apo to
   <>), dhladh thn Ellhnikh epilogh
  gia ton Emacs poy egrace o Sarantos Kapidakhs. Proairetika epishs
  mporeite na sthsete to LyX, poy 8a to katebasete se tar.gz morfh apo
  to  <>

  Leptomereies gi' ayta ta duo programmata sto telos toy ar8roy.

  2.  To Basiko Meros toy babel.

  Ontas ston katalogo Texgreek phgainete prwta ston ypokatalogo babel
  gia na egkatasthsete to basiko paketo.

  Prwta ``trejte'' me to LaTeX to arxeio greek.ins

       cd ../babel/
       latex greek.ins

  8a dhmioyrgh8oun ta ejhs arxeia


  Antigracte ta arxeia lgr*fd, to lgrenc.def, kai to greek.ldf ston
  basiko katalogo toy babel.

       cp lg*.fd /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/
       cp lgrenc.def /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/
       cp greek.ldf /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/

  2.1.  grtools: athnum.sty kai grmath.sty

  Pername twra sta arxeia athnum.sty kai grmath.sty. Ta teleytaia
  "pros8etoyn epipleon leitoyrgikothta sthn ellhnikh epilogh"  sumfwna
  me to  <> opoy kai 8a
  breite perissoteres plhrofories gia th xrhsh toys. Gia na ta

       mkdir /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/grtools
       cp athnum.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/grtools
       cp grmath.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/grtools

  2.2.  iso-8859-7

  Akoloy8ei h egkatastash toy iso8858-7.def wste na mh xreiazetai na
  grafoyme se greeklish kai to TeX na katalabainei ta Ellhnika mas

       cd ../iso8858-7/
       cp iso-8859-7.def /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/

  Pleon, otan 8a exoyme oloklhrwsei thn egkatastash, 8a mporoume na
  grafoyme Ellhniko LaTeX se opoiondhpote editor, me thn proupo8esh na
  yparxoyn prin apo to keimeno mas, dhladh prin apo thn entolh
  \begin{document}, oi parakatw grammes


  An den xrhsimopoih8ei ayto to arxeio, 8a prepei na plhktrologoume to
  keimeno mas kapws etsi ...

       mia dokimastik'h gramm'h

  ... pragma poy kaneis mallon de 8elei. To apotelesma pantws 8a einai
  to idio kai stis duo periptwseis. 8ymizoyme oti gia na exete Ellhniko
  kai jeno keimeno sto idio arxeio, 8a prepei na akoloy8hsete tis
  odhgies sto  <> h sta
  arxeia toy ypokatalogoy doc toy Texgreek.

  3.  Bibliografiko Styl kai Ellhnikos Syllabismos

  Phgainete prwta ston katalogo bibtex gia na egkatasthsete to Ellhniko
  bibliografiko styl.

       cd ../BibTeX
       cp hellas.bst /usr/share/texmf/bibtex/bst/base/

  Parempiptontws, ena euxrhsto programma gia th dhmioyrgia kai th
  diaxeirish ths bibliografias sas mesa sta X einai to bibview. Doyleuei
  mia xara kai me ta Ellhnika. Mporeite na to katebasete se RPM apo to
  h se tar.gz apo to

  Akoloy8oun ta arxeia gia ton Ellhniko syllabismo. To arxeio
  grdfhyphen.tex apotelei beltiwsh toy grhyph.tex. Antigracte kai ta duo
  ston idio katalogo.

       cd ../hyphenation/
       cp grhyph.tex /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/hyphen/
       cp grdfhyph.tex /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/hyphen/

  To /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat einai allo ena
  arxeio poy prepei na "peirajoyme". Anoijte to se enan editor kai
  pros8este tis parakatw grammes ston katalogo me tis glwsses poy 8a

       %greek    grhyph.tex
       greek    grdfhyph.tex

  An dhladh 8elete na xrhsimopoihsete to grdfhyph.tex gia to syllabismo
  balte to grhyph.tex se sxolio. Kai to antistrofo. Protimhste to
  grdfhyph.tex afou to allo paroysiazei problhmata kata thn egkatastash,
  toylaxiston sto TeXGreek.tar.gz, ekdosh Septembrioy 1999.

  Epishs, ston katalogo mkindex yparxoyn plhrofories gia to pws
  proetoimazetai ena Ellhniko eyrethrio, se synergasia me to makeindex.

  4.  Grammatoseires

  4.1.  mf

  Oi grammatoseires arkei na mpoune kapoy poy to TeX caxnei gia tetoioy
  eidoys arxeia. Sto paradeigma poy akoloy8ei, dhmioyrgeitai enas
  katalogos cbgreek gia tis grammatoseires poy erxontai me to paketo.

       cd ../mf
       mkdir /usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/public/cbgreek/
       cp *.mf  /usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/public/cbgreek/

  4.2.  tfm

  Antistoixa gia ta *.tfm arxeia poy perigrafoyn tis diastaseis twn
  xarakthrwn ths ka8e grammatoseiras.

  cd ../tfm
  mkdir /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cbgreek/
  cp *.tfm /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/public/cbgreek/


  Telos 8a prepei na pros8esete me enan editor tis grammes apo to arxeio, poy brisketai ston katalogo misc, sto arxeio
  /usr/share/texmf/fontname/ To arxeio ayto afora thn 8esh
  twn *.pk arxeiwn, poy einai ypeu8yna gia th morfh twn xarakthrwn.

  5.  Telikes Ry8miseis

  Enhmerwste to TeX gia tis allages poy kanate me thn entolh:


  Dhmioyrghste to kainourgio arxeio formas gia to LaTeX me thn entolh:

       cd /tmp
       initex latex.ltx

  Meta apo ena katebato mhnymatwn toy TeX, 8a exete ena arxeio latex.fmt
  poy 8a metaferete sto swsto shmeio:

       mv latex.fmt /usr/share/texmf/web2c/

  To neo sas LaTeX me thn Ellhnikh epilogh toy babel einai etoimo.  Ston
  ypokatalogo doc 8a breite odhgies gia th xrhsh toy paketoy.

  Gia na to dokimasete, phgainete pisw ston katalogo Texgreek kai

       cd babel
       latex test2

  An ola phgan kala, mporeite na deite to test2.dvi poy 8a parax8ei, me
  toys gnwstous tropoys (Xdvi, Kdvi) h na to metatrecete se postscript
  me to dvips kai na to ejetasete me to ghostview.

  6.  Editors gia to LaTeX kai h Xrhsh twn Ellhnikwn

  Sto PC toy paradeigmatos gia allagh plhktrologioy xrhsimopoieitai to
  grkbd toy Giannh Tsakirh.  Odhgies xrhshs gia to grkbd sto idio to
  paketo poy 8a to katebasete apo to  <ftp://argeas.cs->.

  8ymizoyme jana edw oti den arkei h allagh plhktrologioy gia na
  katalabei ta Ellhnika to LaTeX. 8a prepei na dhlwnete thn allagh
  glwssas me tis TeX entoles opws aytes perigrafontai sta arxeia toy
  ypokatalogoy doc toy Texgreek.

  6.1.  Emacs

  Ston Emacs, yparxei h dynatothta Ellhnikwn kai me ena eidiko mode gia
  ton Emacs, to greek-mode.el. Einai protimotero giati, ka8ws einai
  ftiagmeno eidika gia ton Emacs, katalabainei pote plhktrologeite
  entolh toy LaTeX kai gyrizei aytomata to plhktrologio sta Agglika.

  Gia na to sthsete kanete ta ejhs. Afou fortwsete ston Emacs to arxeio
  greek-mode.el 8a prepei na to metaglwttisete dinontas Alt-x byte-
  compile-file kai na swsete to arxeio greek-mode.elc poy 8a prokucei,
  ston katalogo, p.x., /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/. Katopin, pros8este sto
  arxeio .emacs poy exete ston proswpiko sas katalogo thn parakatw

       (load "/usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/greek-mode.elc")

  Telos trejte ton Emacs me kapoia ellhnikh grammatoseira h akomh
  kalutera dhmioyrghste ena script me onoma p.x. gremacs poy 8a periexei
  kati san to parakatw kai 8a to trexete ka8e fora poy 8a 8elete ton
  Emacs me Ellhnika.

       #! /bin/sh
       # gremacs

       emacs -fn -etl-fixed-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-c-0-iso8859-7

  Meta apo ola ayta ta fobera kai tromera 8a mporeite na grafete
  Ellhnika keimena, LaTeX kai mh, ston Emacs. H allagh toy plhktrologioy
  8a ginetai me alt-g. Ajizei ton kopo, mia kai o Emacs prosferei ena
  polu euxrhsto periballon gia th syggrafh keimenwn se (La)TeX, to TeX
  mode. Ayto perilambanei elegxo twn entolwn, diaforetiko xrwmatismo gia
  tis entoles kai to kyriws keimeno k.l.p.

  6.2.  LyX

  Gia na gracete ellhnika sto LyX, 8a prepei na pate sto menu Screen
  Options kai na allajete to pedio font-norm apo iso8859-1 se iso8859-7.
  Efoson exete sthsei to grkbd, me alt-shift 8a mporeite na grafete
  ellhnika.  8a exete ena sxedon WYSIWYG editor poy 8a sas boh8hsei
  arketa sto na gracete keimena gia to LaTeX. Sigoyra omws, otan 8a
  8elhsete kati pio periploko, 8a xreiastei na xrhsimopoihsete kwdika
  LaTeX.  To LyX parexei th dynatothta proepiskophshs toy keimenoy sas
  se dvi h postscript morfh, copy paste kai polla alla. Einai mia
  efarmogh poy synexws ejelissetai me kainourgies ekdoseis,  me o,ti
  ayto synepagetai.

  7.  Eyxaristies

  Eyxaristoume ton Antwnh Tsolomith gia th boh8eia kai tis plhrofories
  sxetika me ton Emacs kai to LyX.