Source: ../../libxorp/xorpfd.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/xorpfd.hh,v 1.6 2007/02/16 22:46:29 pavlin Exp $


#include "xorp.h"

#include "c_format.hh"

 * @short XorpFd definition
 * XorpFd is a wrapper class used to encapsulate a file descriptor.
 * It exists because of fundamental differences between UNIX and Windows
 * in terms of how the two families of operating systems deal with file
 * descriptors; in most flavours of UNIX, all file descriptors are
 * created equal, and may be represented using an 'int' type which is
 * usually 32 bits wide. In Windows, sockets are of type SOCKET, which
 * is a typedef alias of u_int; whereas all other system objects are
 * of type HANDLE, which in turn is a typedef alias of 'void *'.
 * The situation is made even more confusing by the fact that under
 * Windows, SOCKETs and HANDLEs may both be passed to various Windows
 * API functions.
 * In order to prevent a situation where the developer has to explicitly
 * cast all arguments passed to such functions (in order to keep the XORP
 * code base compatible across all the operating systems we support), we
 * define a wrapper class with casting operators for the underlying types.
 * When constructed, we always initialize the encapsulated file descriptor
 * to an invalid value appropriate to the OS under which we are running.
 * The non-Windows case is very simple. We do not define both sets of
 * functions at once so that the compiler will flag as an error those
 * situations where file descriptors are being used in a UNIX-like way,
 * i.e. where developers try to exploit the fact that UNIX file descriptors
 * are monotonically increasing integers.
 * XXX: Because Windows defines HANDLE in terms of a pointer, but also
 * defines SOCKET in terms of a 32-bit-wide unsigned integer, beware of
 * mixing 32-bit and 64-bit comparisons under Win64 when working with
 * socket APIs (or indeed any C/C++ library which will potentially do
 * work with sockets under Win64 such as libcomm).

#define	BAD_XORPFD	(-1)

// Non-Windows code.
class XorpFd {
    XorpFd() : _filedesc(BAD_XORPFD) {}

    XorpFd(int fd) : _filedesc(fd) {}

    inline operator int() const	    { return _filedesc; }

    inline string str() const	    { return c_format("%d", _filedesc); }

    inline void clear()		    { _filedesc = BAD_XORPFD; }

    inline bool is_valid() const    { return (_filedesc != BAD_XORPFD); }

    int	    _filedesc;

// Windows code.
class XorpFd {
    enum WinFdType {
	FDTYPE_ERROR,		// Invalid handle or method failure
	FDTYPE_FILE,		// Disk file
	FDTYPE_CONSOLE,		// Console or character device
	FDTYPE_PIPE,		// Named or anonymous pipe
	FDTYPE_SOCKET,		// Socket
	FDTYPE_PROCESS,		// Process handle
	FDTYPE_OTHER		// Unknown handle type

    // Helper function to return what kind of object the encapsulated
    // Windows object handle points to. Optimized for sockets.
    inline WinFdType get_type() const {
	if (!this->is_valid())
	    return (FDTYPE_ERROR);

	// Try to find invalid handles quickly at the cost of 1 syscall.
	DWORD dwflags;
	if (GetHandleInformation(*this, &dwflags) == 0)
	    return (FDTYPE_ERROR);

	struct sockaddr_storage ss;
	socklen_t len = sizeof(ss);
	int ret = getsockname(*this, (struct sockaddr *)&ss, &len);
	if (ret != -1)
	    return (FDTYPE_SOCKET);
	else if (GetLastError() == WSAEINVAL)
	    return (FDTYPE_ERROR);

	DWORD ntype = GetFileType(*this);
	switch (ntype) {
	    return (FDTYPE_CONSOLE);
	    return (FDTYPE_FILE);
	    return (FDTYPE_PIPE);
	    if (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) {
		if (0 != GetProcessId(*this)) {
		return (FDTYPE_ERROR);

	return (FDTYPE_OTHER);

    XorpFd() : _filedesc(BAD_XORPFD), _type(FDTYPE_ERROR) {}

    XorpFd(HANDLE h) : _filedesc(h), _type(get_type()) {}

    // _get_osfhandle() returns a long. We need to force a call
    // to get_type() to discover the underlying handle type.
    XorpFd(long l)
     : _filedesc(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(l)), _type(get_type())

    XorpFd(SOCKET s)
     : _filedesc(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(s)), _type(FDTYPE_SOCKET)

    XorpFd(const XorpFd& rhand)
     : _filedesc(rhand._filedesc), _type(rhand._type)

    inline operator HANDLE() const { return _filedesc; }

    inline operator SOCKET() const {
	return reinterpret_cast<SOCKET>(_filedesc);

    inline void clear() { _filedesc = BAD_XORPFD; _type = FDTYPE_ERROR; }

    inline string str() const { return c_format("%p", _filedesc); }

    inline bool is_valid() const { return (_filedesc != BAD_XORPFD); }

    inline WinFdType type() const { return _type; }

    inline bool is_console() const { return (_type == FDTYPE_CONSOLE); }

    inline bool is_process() const { return (_type == FDTYPE_PROCESS); }

    inline bool is_pipe() const { return (_type == FDTYPE_PIPE); }

    inline bool is_socket() const { return (_type == FDTYPE_SOCKET); }

    // On Windows, HANDLE is a void *.
    // Because there are several cast operators, and any may be
    // invoked implicitly in the context of an expression containing
    // an instance of XorpFd, we must disambiguate by providing
    // comparison operators here.

    inline bool operator ==(const XorpFd& rhand) const {
	return (_filedesc == rhand._filedesc);

    inline bool operator !=(const XorpFd& rhand) const {
	return (_filedesc != rhand._filedesc);

    inline bool operator >(const XorpFd& rhand) const {
	return (_filedesc > rhand._filedesc);

    inline bool operator <(const XorpFd& rhand) const {
	return (_filedesc < rhand._filedesc);

    HANDLE	_filedesc;
    WinFdType	_type;

#endif // __LIBXORP_XORPFD_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Mar 21 11:22:16 2007, using kdoc $.