Source: ../../policy/common/dispatcher.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// $XORP: xorp/policy/common/dispatcher.hh,v 1.6 2005/10/02 22:21:54 abittau Exp $


#include "policy/policy_module.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "libxorp/xlog.h"
#include "element_base.hh"
#include "operator_base.hh"
#include "register_operations.hh"
#include "policy_exception.hh"

 * @short Link between elements and operations. Executes operations on elments.
 * Implementation of multimethods.
 * Insipred/copied from Alexandrescu [Modern C++ Design].
 * By taking base element arguments and an operation, it will execute the
 * correct operation based on the concrete type of the arguments.
 * Similar to an ElementFactory.
class Dispatcher {
    typedef vector<const Element*> ArgList;


     * @short Exception thrown if no operation is found for given arguments.
     * If there is no combination for the given operation and element types.
    class OpNotFound : public PolicyException {
	OpNotFound(const string& err) : PolicyException(err) {}

     * Method to register a binary operation callback with dispatcher.
     * @param L concrete class of first argument
     * @param R concrete class of second argument
     * @param funct function to be called to perform operation.
     * @param op binary operation to be registered.
    template<class L, class R, Element* (*funct)(const L&,const R&)>
    void add(const BinOper& op) {
        // XXX: do it in a better way
        L arg1;
        R arg2;

	const Element* args[] = { &arg1, &arg2 };

        Key key = makeKey(op, 2, args);

        struct Local {
            static inline Element* Trampoline(const Element& left, const Element& right) {
                return funct(static_cast<const L&>(left),
                             static_cast<const R&>(right));

        _map[key].bin = &Local::Trampoline;


     * Method to register a unary operation callback with dispatcher.
     * @param T concrete class of argument
     * @param funct function to be called to perform operation.
     * @param op unary operation to be registered.
    template<class T, Element* (*funct)(const T&)>
    void add(const UnOper& op) {
	// XXX: ugly
	T arg;


	const Element* args[] = { &arg };

        Key key = makeKey(op,1, args);

        struct Local {
	    static inline Element* Trampoline(const Element& arg) {
                return funct(static_cast<const T&>(arg));

        _map[key].un = &Local::Trampoline;

     * Execute an n-ary operation.
     * Throws an exception on failure.
     * @return result of operation.
     * @param op operation to dispatch.
     * @param args arguments of operation.
    Element* run(const Oper& op, unsigned argc, const Element** argv) const;

     * Execute an unary operation.
     * @return Result of operation. Caller is responsible for delete.
     * @param op Operation to perform.
     * @param arg Argument of operation.
    Element* run(const UnOper& op, const Element& arg) const;
     * Execute a binary operation.
     * @return result of operation. Caller is responsible for delete.
     * @param op Operation to perform.
     * @param left first argument.
     * @param right second argument.
    Element* run(const BinOper& op, 
		 const Element& left, 
		 const Element& right) const;

    // Callback for binary operation
    typedef Element* (*CB_bin)(const Element&, const Element&);
    // Callback for unary operation
    typedef Element* (*CB_un)(const Element&);

    // Key which relates to a callback
    typedef unsigned Key;

    // A key relates to either a binary (x)or unary operation.
    typedef union {
	CB_un un;
        CB_bin bin;
    } Value;

    // Hashtable would be better
    typedef map<Key,Value> Map;

     * Create a key for the callback table based on operation and arguments.
     * @return key used for callback lookup.
     * @param op requested operation.
     * @param args the arguments for the operation.
    inline Key makeKey(const Oper& op, unsigned argc, const Element** argv) const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(op.arity() == argc);
	XLOG_ASSERT(argc <= 2);

	unsigned key = 0;

	key |= op.hash();

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
	    const Element* arg = argv[i];
	    unsigned eh = arg->hash();


	    key |= eh << (5*(i+1));

	return key;

    // XXX: definition moved in header file to allow compilation on 2.95.x
     * Lookup a callback for the requested operation and elements.
     * Throws exception if none is found.
     * @return callback which will perform requested operation.
     * @param op operation to perform.
     * @param args the arguments of the operation.
    inline Value lookup(const Oper& op, unsigned argc, const Element** argv) const
	XLOG_ASSERT(op.arity() == argc);

        // find callback
        Key key = makeKey(op, argc, argv);
        return _map[key];

    void assign_op_hash(const Oper&);
    void assign_elem_hash(Element&);

    // Only one global map. Creating multiple dispatcher is thus harmless.
    // However, we may not have different dispatchers.
    static Value _map[32768];

    // Do initial registration of callbacks.
    static RegisterOperations _regops;

    static unsigned _ophash;
    static unsigned _elemhash;


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