PIPVIC Demo 30 June 1998

As one of the deliverables under the PIPVIC project, the PIPVIC partners are due to give a "live" demonstration of IP videoconferencing. The demo will be an open meeting for members of the JANET community. Originally the demo was to be a PIPVIC demo only, but it now looks likely that ATM Cellstack and ISDN based videoconferencing will be demostrated at the same event.

This page will cover issues related to organising the parts of the demonstration which are related to the PIPVIC project.

Date: Tuesday 30 June 1998
Venue: Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre at UCL

Calendar of events leading up to the demo

Date Activity Who
Tuesday 30 June Demo All
Monday 29 June Dress rehearsal All
Sunday 28 June Equipment testing if necessary  UCL
Saturday 27 June Setup of equipment in Tuck Lecture Theatre UCL
Friday 26 June Testing and rehersing all
Thursday 25 June Testing and rehersing all
Wednesday 24 June Testing and rehersing all
Tuesday 23 June Testing and rehersing all
Monday 22 June Testing and rehersing all
Sunday 21 June
Saturday 20 June
Friday 19 June Testing Mbone all
Thursday 18 June Testing Mbone all
Wednesday 17 June Testing Mbone all
Tuesday 16 June Testing Mbone all
Monday 15 June Testing Mbone all
Sunday 14 June
Saturday 13 June
Friday 12 June
Thursday 11 June
Wednesday 10 June
Tuesday 9 June SuperJANET III
Monday 8 June Confirm participants, script  all
Sunday 7 June
Saturday 6 June
Friday 5 June
Thursday 4 June
Wednesday 3 June
Tuesday 2 June
Monday 1 June

Who does what at UCL (only really relevant for UCL people)

PIPVIC Multicast Addresses

Sdr session "PIPVIC (Private)" or


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