Project Number: 1007 ( RE) Project Title: Multimedia European Research Conferencing Integration (MERCI) Deliverable Type: (PU/LI/RP)* RP |
Deliverable Number: D4 Contractual Date of Delivery: 30 November 1997 Date of Interim Delivery: Date of Final Delivery: March 1998 Title of Deliverable: MERCI Software Deliverable IV Work-Packages contributing to the Deliverable: 3, 10 Nature of the Deliverable: (PR/RE/SP/TO/OT)** TO Author: Roy Bennett, Project Manager, MERCIThose responsible for the deliverables are acknowledged in the relevant section of this document. |
This is a Project deliverable. The tools we are delivering are freely available on World-Wide Web and ftp sites around the world. We have documented each of them under the headings Release Description, Systems Requirements List, Installation Guidelines, and the Web source for the software.
In this deliverable we offer the following upgraded versions of previously delivered tools:
and the following new tools, demonstrated at the Annual Project review in 1997:
Keyword list:
audio, Mbone, multicast, multimedia conferencing, network monitoring,RTP/2, shared workspace, video, voting
Software delivered
FreePhone 3.5 Beta 3
Sacha Fosse-Parisis is now the main man behind FreePhone. Andrés Vega-García wrote the core code of earlier versions of Free Phone up to 3.1b1, as part of his PhD work. Jean Bolot supervises the FreePhone effort.
Release Description
This release of Free Phone might not look very different from R3.2B1, but the internal structure of the code has been completely changed. We removed old C code and replaced it by C++ classes to facilitate the evolution of the code in the future. We also fixed assorted bugs. This version (under Windows with DirectX5.0) supports the 3D Sound and is able to run with several audio cards in the same PC.
Main features:
New features being added to Free Phone include 3D/spatial rendition of sound, a TCP-friendly rate control, and an "optimal" redundancy control mechanism.
Systems Requirements List
Versions are available, both standalone and dynamically linked, for Solaris 2.5, SunOS 4.1.3, Linux 2.0 and FreeBSD 2.2 (for which you need Voxware Audio Driver 3.5).
For Windows95, a dynamically linked version is available for which you need Tcl/Tk 8.0 for Windows and DirectX5.0.
Installation Guidelines
Binaries and a Getting started guide are supplied for all the platforms from the web source.
Web source
MultiMON was developed at the Communications Research Centre of Industry Canada, Ottawa. Contacts for this software are J L Robinson and J A Stewart who make the following acknowledgements for the various software components used by the package:Release Description
MultiMON is a monitor that collects, organises and displays all the IP multicast traffic that is detected at the location of the MultiMON Server.
While MultiMON is a general purpose multicast monitoring tool, it is intended in particular to monitor multicast traffic on local network segments and should assist a network administrator in managing the traffic on an Intranet.
MultiMON is built on a client/server basis which allows the data collectors (Servers) to be distant from the GUI front end displays (Clients).
Systems Requirements List
Multimon is written in tk/tcl, but needs tcpdump, xplot, the distributed processing additions and the object-oriented additions to tk/tcl.
Currently, we have it running on Sun workstations, but there is no reason to believe that it will not run on other platforms, (at least the client) including Windows 95 and NT.
The server needs: tk, tcl, tcpdump, tcl-dp, the client needs: tk, tcl, xplot, tcl-dp stooop
Versions needed:
Installation Guidelines
The Server, the Client, standalone programs, and the included packages are all under one directory structure. Certain files (scripts, etc) will need to be edited to include this correct path. This is outlined below.
The "root" directory has the following files in it:
MultiMON (The MultiMON Client)
MultiMON.server (the MultiMON Server)
README (small text file pointing to these pages)
README.MERCINARI (how to run the rtcp monitor standalone)
v2 (directory containing programs)
latest (symbolic link to v1)
packages (included packages)
To Set up the Server
1) install tk/tcl.
2) install tcl-dp. (see the "spam" utility in the tcl-dp dist.)
3) install tcpdump. Make it setuid if you expect to run multimon from an account other than root.
NOTE that in this version, tcpdump is modified to decrease (significantly) the compute time of the server. There is an image for Solaris in the distribution; it should install "out of the box". The modified tcpdump.c file is also included for those with other platforms.
4) check the paths in the file "MultiMON.server". These paths will need to be edited to reflect your environment.
To Set up the Client
1) install tk/tcl
2) install tcl-dp. (see the "spam" utility in the tcl-dp dist.)
3) install xplot (pre-compiled version for Solaris is included, and should run without any changes)
4) edit the paths in the file "MultiMON".
Web source
Rendez-Vous 1.0.2
Rendez-Vous is a new Internet videoconferencing tool developed at INRIA by Frank Lyonnet. It is in a way the successor to the IVS tool developed some time ago by Thierry Turletti, which was one of the first Mbone tools available.
The audio component of Rendez-Vous is an integration of the application kernel of the FreePhone 3.5 audio tool developed also at INRIA by Sacha Fosse-Parisis and Andres Vega Garcia.
Release Description
Main features of Rendez-Vous:
Main advanced features of Rendez-Vous:
Systems Requirements List
Supported systems are:
Installation Guidelines
Unix users [(audio addr) (audio port) (video addr) (video port) [(ttl)]]
Default parameters are 2242 2244 16.
Windows users
Web source
The Secure Conferencing User Agent (SCUA)
The software was developed by Lan Wang, Anne Jaegemann and Elfriede Hinsch Description
SCUA is based on the MIME standard and has the following features:
Systems Requirements List
The system is available for Unix machines running Solaris.
Installation Guidelines
Full instructions are given in the README file which is included with the release.
Changes have to be made to an installation script and the library for Solaris2.5 has to be retrieved.
At initial use, an installation window is opened and various defaults have to be changed.
Web source
MPoll Beta 1.2
MPoll was developed by Andrew Patrick at the Communications Research Centre (CRC) in Ottawa, Canada, as part of the MERCI project on Collaborative Work Tools.
Release Description
MPoll is a real-time opinion polling and rating collection tool that uses multicasting to distribute questions and responses to all multicast session participants.
MPoll was developed with the following uses in mind:
Systems Requirements List
Currently, binary distributions of MPoll are available for:
Installation Guidelines
The MPoll binary file is a stand-alone C program that does not require any extra libraries in order to run. Simply copy the MPoll program to a directory that is in your path.
WIN32 Systems
set HOME=C:\temp
HOME can be set to any directory you want. MPoll uses this directory to store a cache file ".mpoll.cache" and any results files that you save.
Web source
This software was developed by Andreas Rozek of the Communication Systems and BelWü Development organisation of the Stuttgart University Computer Center.
Release Description
TeleCanvas is the preliminary version of a platform-independent shared whiteboard TeleDraw – entirely written in Java. Problems with Java and protocol development on different machines lead to the development of a subset of the original design features of TeleDraw being implemented as TeleCanvas.
a session participant may even undo the operations of other participants
every single page of a drawing may be printed - printing of a whole document is foreseen for the future
if a bitmap appears to be used several times (such as the background of a drawing page) it is stored (and sent across the network) only once, thus saving memory and network resources.
the program itself may also be run as a web applet - the author is currently developing a "proxy agent" that allows such an applet to participate in a drawing session.
Systems Requirements List
TeleCanvas run-time requirements are a Java 1.1 VM (either as part of a complete SDK or as part of the (smaller) runtime-environment) in order to execute the program. Get the latest version (which is 1.1.2 for Windows 95/NT and Solaris) as earlier releases tend to have lots of bugs!
The installation will require less than 500kB of disk space (mainly for a single Java archive file). During execution, TeleCanvas will need approx. 1MB of RAM plus memory for all the graphical objects and bitmaps used in drawings.
TeleCanvas has been tested on PCs running Windows 95. Tests on the following platforms will be done soon:
Installation Guidelines
TeleCanvas installation is pretty simple. First of all, make sure, that you have already installed the latest version of a Java VM (see xxx for distributions for Windows 95/NT and Solaris). Then download the following files:
Transfer these files into a directory of your choice (e.g., "c:\Program Files\TeleCanvas" for a Windows 95/NT system) and proceed as explained below:
Windows 95/NT
Under Windows 95/NT, there are now a number of ways to proceed:
Destination: <Java Installation Directory>javaw.exe TeleCanvas
Working Directory: <TeleCanvas Installation Directory>
Icon: <TeleCanvas Installation Directory>TeleCanvas.ico
Note: don't create a link for TeleCanvas.bat or even TeleCanvas.jar!
You may now start TeleCanvas with a double-click on the TeleCanvas icon on your desktop
javaw -classpath "TeleCanvas.jar;%ClassPath%" TeleCanvas
(javaw runs TeleCanvas without opening a shell before. You may, however, also use java instead in order to see potential error messages).
UNIX platforms
UNIX users should proceed as follows:
java -classpath "TeleCanvas.jar;$CLASSPATH" TeleCanvas
Web source