there are some local maillists that comms research people here use cred : Communications Research Exposition / Discussi linux : local linux expertise/discussion softeng : software engineering -includes an mobile-systems : Mobile systems discussion list net-management : Local discussion of network management mmm-people : local expansion of multi-media mail list snmp : expansion of Simple Network Management Pr tcp-group : Local expansion of the tcp-group list tcp-ip : Local expansion of the tcp-ip list osi-ds : The osi-ds osimis : The osimis list osimis-licence : The osimis-licence list osisec-dev : OSISEC developers discussion list ucl-mbone : information for running local ucl mbone ucl-mice : local MICE matters ucl-mmm-interest : The ucl-mmm-interest list ucl-multimedia : discussion of multimedia issues www-local : To discuss local Mosaic and WWW issues ucl-rem-conf : Local expansion of ietf remote conferencing list atm-management : The atm-management list additionally, remote lists of some interest to comms people include : discussion of mm conferencing : Integrated services Internet : IP over ATM discussion ietf@CNRI.Reston.VA.US : all matters pertaining to Internet standards and meetings there are lots more, some of which are covered by the local lists acting as fanouts.... Netnomics mailing list *** WARNING *** remember, to join list, usually, you send a message to with the subject line subscribe (or unsubscribe, to leave). Do NOT send such maintenance requests to the list itself, or lots of people will flame you! using mlist, you can find out what lists there are for everything locally....remotely, is a lot more fun to try and discover - sometimes, lists are duplicated on Usenet Bboards....they ar eoften a better way of reading the contents in a less interrupt driven manner!