This is the MS Windows package: Ready to use, automated installer. 
 Only for Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and Win7, NOT for Win9x and ME.
 From version 2.0.0 on, this also works on 64bit systems, 
 but then be sure to also install the appropriate versions
 of Ghostscript and ImageMagick.

Changes (since 2.3.7)

 * extra blank after exclamation mark and after question mark removed

Changes (since 2.3.6)

 * when converting equations to bitmaps or eps, some equations 
   incorrectly got double numbers. 
   Fixed by replacing \begin{equation}...\end{equation}
   by \begin{displaymath}...\end{displaymath}

Changes (since 2.3.5)

 * updated address of Free Software Foundation (General Public License)

Changes (since 2.3.4)

 * when converting equations to bitmaps or eps, some equations were 
   not correctly converted because \begin{equation}...\end{equation}
   was replaced by $$...$$

Changes (since 2.3.3)

 * added basic support for tikz

Changes (since 2.3.2)

 * fixed bug in "WriteEquationAsBitmapOrEPS" 
    (do not split equations at \\ in align environments)

Changes (since 2.3.1)

 * fixed bug in "PutEpsFile" and "PutPdfFile" 
    (converted eps file name did not include temp folder)

New features (since 2.3.1)

 * (Windows l2rshell) Find MikTeX also when that is user installed and not added to PATH

 * better support for documents which need pdflatex or xelatex
   when converting equations to bitmaps or eps files

Changes (since 2.3.0) include

 * fixed bug in "PutEpsFile" (variable eps was undefined)
 * fixed bug in funct1.c (figure numbers missing with "-F" option,
   patch tracker no.3537371)

Changes (since 2.2.1) include

 * Equations inserted as eps file names have enlarged bounding boxes and
   their insertion points in the text are shifted down 5 points, which
   ensures a correct baseline in most cases.

New features (since 2.2.0) include

 * allow conversion of equations and/or pdf and ps figures to eps files 
   with insertion of eps or bitmap file names in the text, delimited by [###...###]

Changes (since 2.1.0) include

 * When inserting the raw LaTeX code of equations (-M32 option), 
   equations are now delimited by $...$ or \[...\]
   which allows MathType to recognize and convert them.

New features (since 2.1.0) include

 * allow specifying the folder for temporary files (-T option)
   also under Windows. If this folder is specified in the GUI shell, 
   it will be created if it does not yet exist.

New features (since 2.0.0) include

 * better support for the acronym package
 * support for the preamble command \graphicspath{}
 * apply MS Word styles more consistently