The canonical list of +3 oddities

(first posted on comp.sys.sinclar on 15th March 1994)

Note: This list applies to ROM version 4.0.  The version number may be
seen from the system test message (see 1(b) below).  I'm told that most +3
machines have version 4.0 while most +2A machines have version 4.1.  I have
never examined this updated ROM and would be interested to know how many of
the following things apply to it also.

1. Strange Features

   (a) In ROM1

       - At 2AA8 is the message "You should never see this".  It is right,
         because error messages are generated from a message address table,
         and the address of this message isn't in that table.
       - At 2AC1 is the message "Hello there!"
       - At 3283 is the name of the temporary file used by COPY:
         "M:VAXNSUZ.$$$".  Don't save a file of this name and expect
         it to stay there while you copy a file from disk to disk!
       - At 35C4 is the COPY RANDOMIZE routine.  Between the time you press
         enter after typing this command and the appearance of the red error
         cursor, you have about a quarter of a second in which to press
         simultaneously the keys C, J and L. Don't use this command when
         you have valuable data in memory!

   (b) In ROM0

       - From the test screen, press keys Q, A, Z, P, L and M together.
         This brings up the system test (which starts at 21DF and occupies
         most of the rest of the ROM).
       - From the test screen, press keys E, U and A together and then
         play a tape (this routine is at 22D0-22FD).
       - The test screen can be ended by pressing B and V together.  The
         machine resets.
       - The editor has a bunch of editing keys (table at 05E6):
         TAB     up 10
         AT      down 10
         CODE    left word
         VAL$    right word
         INKEY$  top
         RND     bottom
         FN      start of line
         PI      end of line
         SCREEN$ delete char right
         COS     delete word right
         TAN     delete word left
         VAL     delete line right
         LEN     delete line left
         POINT   screen (same as "Screen" in +3 basic menu)

2. Strange Feechurs (aka buglets)

   (a) In ROM1

       046D: The erase message goes to a recently-used stream, not always to
             the lower screen.  For example, PRINT : ERASE "*.bak" prints
             the "Erase *.bak?"  message on the main screen.  Also, the
             lower screen is cleared only if you press Y. If you press N
             then the message stays there even if it was printed in the
             right place.
       0769: "SUB +40" should be "SUB +3F".  The effect of this is that the
             CAT command will only give up to 63 file names, even if there
             are more files on the disk.
       083E: The jump is made to an incorrect location if the load-bytes
             routine is called to verify.  This is mostly harmless, because
             the BASIC VERIFY command doesn't attempt to verify at all.
       0998: A file name such as "T:file" is correctly diverted to tape, but
             does not have its leading "T:" stripped off.
       1236: CLEAR may leave the GOSUB stack without an end marker if it was
             non-empty before the CLEAR [example 1].
       1883: A volume instruction in a PLAY command attempts to output the
             volume to the sound chip even for channels 4 to 8 [example 2].
             It should not output the volume at all, since that will be
             done at 1C74.  Not only is it one time-unit early to output
             the volume [example 3], but it also means that PLAY "V10&"
             and PLAY "&","V10" both make spurious sounds.
       189B: The U instruction in a PLAY command sets the stored volume
             number to 1F even for channels 4 to 8. The programmer appears
             to have intended to output this value to the sound chip, but
             forgotten.  This is a bonus (see above).  Note that notes sent
             to a MIDI channel will be of volume 15 after a U instruction,
             even on channels 4 to 8.
       1BFA: A key-up signal is sent to the MIDI port even after a rest.
             This signal will be for the most recently played note in the
             current string.  For instance, PLAY "Y1a&","Y1N9a" will sound
             only for a minim.
       1F08: The delay to wait for stop bits after an input is (BAUD)-7.
             This value is not checked for overflow, so this delay
             effectively prevents communication at 19200 baud, which
             would otherwise be OK.
       2017: TVPARS is set to accept two parameters after a colour control
             code, rather than just 1. This means that the A in LPRINT INK
             3;"A" is absorbed.  This routine also exits with carry and
             zero reset unless the character was an INK control (see 2B60
             and example 4).
       2020: Any control byte is stored in TVDATA, which might change in
             certain unusual circumstances [example 5].
       202B: When all the bytes of a colour control routine have been
             received, this routine returns with carry and zero both
             reset (see 2B60 and example 4).
       219C: A "LD (TVFLAG),1" should probably be "LD (DFSZ),1" (harmless).
       21FA: COPY capitalises the drive letter in each file name.  This
             has a permanent effect if the file name was written in the
             BASIC program or in a variable.
       25D6: The error reporting routine contains HALT, as does the normal
             spectrum one.
       2624: If the error number in 23610 is out of range, the error
             reporting routine crashes because it does not check the range
             before using it as an index to a message address table.
       2B09: There is a special case for RS232 input which occurs when the
             48K BASIC editor is active, for example in INPUT #3;a.  It
             traps both input and output, but does not check before entering
             an input loop (this is probably OK since the editor does not
             print anything before this loop gets control).  However, before
             making a return it calculates the wrong value to be output to
             port 1FFD, namely (BANKM)|#10.  This will cause a crash.
       2B60: The routine which is called for both input and output on
             channel "P" checks the flags before returning.  If both
             carry and zero are reset, then it reports "End of file".
             This should only happen on input (see 2017 and 202B).
       2DF3: The copy-disk-to-disk routine appears to check both source
             and destination to see that they are not "M:" (if they are
             then they will be treated as normal files and hence give a
             bad filename error).  However the test is done in upper case
             on a lower case letter and so always fails.  The routine opens
             source and destination drives and then, assuming that "M:" is
             not involved, it tries to open the temporary file unless the
             RAM drive is too full.  This gives "File already in use" -
             but apparently not before the contents of the destination
             drive have been erased.  In any case, copying between "M:"
             and "A:" should not be allowed because they have different
       2ECD: A buffer starting at ED11 and of length 0800 is used by the
             COPY command.  This is almost certainly supposed to be in
             page 7, but instead it is in page 0 where it will overwrite an
             area of user memory.  If RAMTOP (and hence the machine stack)
             is in that area when the COPY command is executed then the
             machine will crash.  This error also occurs at 2F12, 2F61,
             2FA7, 3024 and 3043.
       3150: The length of the string ".HED#" (where # is an end marker,
             code FF) as used in COPY TO SPECTRUM FORMAT is given as 4.
             This may result in "Bad filename" unless the original file
             had a file extension of the same length (in which case the
             original name's end marker is in the right place for the new

   (b) In ROM2

       016C: BANK678 is not initialised.  It should be set equal to #10
             so that the STROBE of the centronics port is set high.  Some
             printers cope with an inverted STROBE, but some don't.
       079E: The key beep routine (which is also used for the longer beep
             when a key press is not accepted) uses 0C80 for the frequency,
             whereas the 48K spectrum uses 00C8.  This means that the value
             stored in PIP has 16 times as much effect on the note duration
             in editor mode as it does during the command INPUT.
       0A27: The "line has altered" flag is not cleared when a null line is
             entered (for example, if you type a space then delete it and
             press enter).  This means that if you move the cursor up or
             down on to a program line then the program line is considered
             to have been changed.
       0E13: The "alternate cursor column" is corrupted after a syntax
             error.  If the cursor was moved from its original position
             into its error position then the alternate column is zero and
             the next up or down movement will cause the cursor to jump to
             the left-hand side of the screen.  If it stayed in the same
             place then the alternate column is random and so moving up
             or down will cause unpredictable results [example 6].
       0E6F: "LD HL,(F9DB)" should be "LD HL,F9DB".  This causes several
             undesirable effects with lines that go off the top of the
             screen (this is only a problem when using the lower-screen
             editing mode).  One possible effect is that one or more
             complete lines are deleted from your input when you press
             enter.  Another is that there is a delay before the line is
             successfully entered and when the line is displayed there is a
             beep and a red cursor on the line.
       10E4: After del-word-left and del-word-right, an incorrect "alternate
             cursor column" is stored.
       142C: "RET NC" should be "RET" (harmless).
       14AF: On the 48K spectrum, leading spaces are only printed for token
             codes >=197 starting with a letter.  On the +3, all tokens have
             spaces before and after.
       153D: A program which has a line 0 will display that line ad
             infinitum if the stored current line number is zero.  This
             leads to an infinite loop if you try to add a program line.
       156E: A line number of 0 is displayed as all blanks.
       1A95: When calculating the highest theoretical line number for
             "renumber", the program ignores the carry flag.  If the line
             increment is unusually large this might result in an erroneous
             renumber being accepted and carried out.  The result of doing
             this will probably crash the machine (in the routine at 1C12)
             if it is renumbered again.
       1B48: If a GOTO cannot be renumbered, the routine just returns
             instead of warning the user (similarly at 1B63).
       1B6C: When the renumber routine fetches the number from after a
             GOTO, it ignores the flags from the "get integer" routine.
             Thus, if the number is over 65535 then the routine will fetch a
             (seemingly) random value.  If this value, or indeed any number
             following GOTO, is too large (for example, try GOTO 65535)
             then the program will crash in routine 196E, LINE-ADDR in the
             spectrum ROM because this routine does not cope with too-big
             line numbers.
       1B73: The programmer intends a GOTO which points past the end of
             the program to be renumbered to 9999.  If the program has no
             variables, this will happen.  Otherwise, such a line will be
             numbered to the lowest line number not used by the program.
             This is due to the test "CP #80:JR NZ,notend" to test for
             the end of the program, which should be either "AND #C0:
             JR Z,notend" or "CP #28:JR C,notend".
       1F71: "CALL 202F" should be "CALL 1FA9".  If the character ">" or "<"
             is followed (without a space) by a sequence of letters and then
             anything except "$", "#" or a space and some more letters, then
             the character and the sequence of letters is exchanged when
             you press enter.  For example, "IF foo1<bar2 THEN" changes
             to "IF foo1bar<2 THEN".
       20AD: Following a syntax error, the editor goes through some complex
             manoeuvres to translate the spectrum's error marker (positioned
             at (XPTR)) into a position within the line you typed.  Then it
             louses it all up by using (XPTR)-(ELINE) instead - except on
             the rare occasion when that value is further to the right
             than the position it calculated.  This unnecessary piece
             of code means that the error marker is almost always wildly
       20D3: An "INC DE" is missing.  This means that, on the rare occasion
             when the bug at 20AD doesn't mess up the position of the error
             marker, the error marker is displaced rightwards one character
             for each hidden floating-point form which was inserted to the
             left of it while the line was being checked.

       Stop press...  Matthew Wilson has just pointed out that the
             "renumber" routine incorrectly renumbers "FORMAT LINE xxxx"
             because it expects all "LINE" keywords to be part of "SAVE ...
             LINE xxxx".


1.  10 GOSUB 100          This program does not fail at line 110, as one
    20 RETURN             would expect, but instead keeps going and, when it
   100 CLEAR 32767        reaches line 20, tries to return to a non-existent
   110 RETURN             statement.  It also alters memory locations 32768
                          and 32769, which should be forbidden.

2.  10 PLAY "X8192W0U1&9c"                  Lines 10 and 20 should sound
    20 PLAY "X8192W0U1&9c","","","","V15"   identical, but they don't since
                                            V15 affects the "X" register.

3.  10 PLAY "T240N7cccc"           Between each pair of notes there is a
    20 PLAY "T60N3cccc"            silent gap of one time-unit, which is
    30 PLAY "T60N3cV15cV15cV15c"   about 1/24 of a crotchet.  Thus the
                                   notes in line 10 are much closer together
    than those in line 20.  However, those in line 30 are joined together
    because the V command before each note makes it sound one time unit

4.  10 LPRINT CHAR$ 16;CHR$ 1;"ABC"   Each line reports an error.  Lines 10
    20 LPRINT INK 1;"ABC"             and 30 say "End of File" while line 20
    30 LPRINT PAPER 1;"ABC"           says "Nonsense in BASIC".  The reason
                                      for this latter report is that the
    INK control causes 2017 to set the carry flag, which remains set
    through 1F89 (which receives the second control character), and
    an oversight in the Spectrum ROM at 2210 causes it to think that
    the colour control routine did not find a colour control.  It then
    searches for an expression but finds a ';' and reports the error.

5.  10 LPRINT CHR$ 16;       The control byte 16 is stored in TVDATA, but
    20 PRINT AT 0,0;         so is the control 22 from PRINT AT.  When the
    30 LPRINT CHR$ 0;"ABC"   earlier control is finished, it is treated as
                             PRINT AT instead of INK.

6.  Type a syntax error which is just over one line long on the screen.
    Press enter twice.  Press the down-arrow.  The cursor probably jumps
    into the middle of the screen.  Press an arrow again and the computer
    will probably crash.

Ian Collier |