[ For now I'm reproducing the file as I received it, I'll put this on
the Web eventually --Arnt ]

Here are some instructions I wrote for the Apple Macintosh program MacSpeccy
versions 1.0 and v1.1. This is in addition to the wonderful work done by
Mr Keenan (programmer of MacSpeccy) and is not part of his work, for which I
can take no credit.

keyword = type just the letter to get a keyword, eg. A = NEW

control = the item on the key, directly above the character/number,
 eg. ctrl-A=STOP

control+shift=Extend mode - the item at the very top above the key,
   eg.ctrl+shift A=READ

control+shift then shift ... = the item at below the very top above
 the key   eg.ctrl+shift shift A=~

User Defined Graphics are POKE USRed, and you may see them in programs
inbetween inverted commas. These are NOT letters, they are UDG characters.
To get them type SHIFT+9 to get a G cursor, then type the character a-u, and
then press SHIFT+9 to get the K/L back.

To EDIT a line
There used to be an EDIT key, but now this has been changed for Mac purposes.
SHIFT 7 to move the line cursor up a line
SHIFT 6 to move the line cursor down a line
SHIFT 5 to move the line edit cursor left a character/command
SHIFT 8 to move the line edit cursor right a character/command

To edit the line with the error, use SHIFT 1 to bring it down to the typing
Shift 5/8 only work when you have pulled a line down to the typing line.

To use joystick
Pull it down from the filemenu, or press APPLE-J
You must press this again to deactivate the joystick and reactivate the
The joystick is KEMPSTON mode.

Flash does not feature on MacSpeccy v1.0, but does on v1.1.
The command does not work when used in a program if the function has no been
activated in the filemenu SPECTRUM section.
Alternatively, use APPLE-F to toggle ON/OFF

APPLE-R resets the program. I like this. It is totally authentic.
I had a SPECTRUM+ the auithenticity makes you want to cry!

In time-old Spectrum fashion, MACSPECCY crashes. Or in my case, although
when I press nothing, the keys seem to get stuck, and the last letter gets
repeated endlessly.
To combat this when writing programs, I just SAVE the program as quickly as
possible, and come back to it after a quick reset or FORCE-QUIT.

FORCE-QUIT I use c/o BOMB extension. Then I reload from the FINDER.

Are we waiting for the WONDERFUL delights of Spectrum sound?
I guess not.
Thanks to Danny Keogan for trying to include beeps and machine code sound
ability, but I for one just leave the BEEP commands out of the programs. I
tried to program BEEPs form the "+" user guide but it crashed, so I left it
at that. What happens with the machine code sounds I have no idea.

What's missing
* A GRAPH key (so use shift-9 instead)
* Sound
* The ability for the system to overheat and thus change the output to TV
frequency, making the picture go fuzzy, requiring you to retune the TV!

This README is my contribution to SPECTRUM lovers for old-time's sake. I
had a Spectrum + which I cannot get to set properly, although the flashing
squares come up when I turn it on, it stays like that, and no matter how
much wiggling of the leads I do it never sets up fully.
So I culled the program off of:
ftp.nvg.unit.no /pub/sinclair/utils/others/  to get v1.0 and 1.1

Try also ftp.ijs.si /pub/zx

I have uploaded this README to ftp.nvg.unit.no
Apparently, VERONICA search tells me that Lisbon University has a Sinclair
directory, but I canot be sure that this still exists.
If somebody can scan a photocopy of the keyboard and upload the .gif/.jpeg
file to the FTP sites then it would be much appreciated.
I just sit there at present with my Spectrum 48K+ in front of me!
In return:
This document is for my brother Rob, and other users' benefit.
It is free of course, but I would like to have some e-mail or preferably
postcards sent in return.

I have a few Hewsons Helpline snips from some very old Sinclair User mags,
but would like to have people send me machine code routines, or upload them
to the FTP sites. All help is much appreaciated, and I would like to know
if anyone does upload anything. Please mail me direct in this case.

Michael Ruttenberg,    INTERNET: LAWU3007@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK (until June '95)
5 Hampstead Heights,
East Finchley,
N2 0PX
(valid indefinately)

                ___ | @   @ | ___
| Michael Ruttenberg                            |
| Internet: LAWU3007@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK            |
| Radio Amateur (pending)                       |
| Faculty of Law, University of Liverpool, UK   |