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             .         .         .                             .
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 |   \|   /\_____   /\_____   /   _/    /\   \_/    //  |/  /__    |     |    /
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     /                    /                                             H7/dS!
----. ------------------ .  ----. .-----. -.  .---.---------------------------
   .   ASSEMBLY SUMMER    .-----' |     |  |  '   | 
            2019          |     . |     |  |  ´---|
------------------------- `-----' `-----'  |   ---'  -------------------------

[ Gamedev competition ]
1    1497    GUNSHIP by Tekotuotanto
2    1141    Hanging Man by Ilu/Roimis/Lehtori R.
3    1044    Junkships by Shiptoad
4    1002    Dashbot Ninja by Trio Queue
5    875     Jolly Jumpers by Damones
6    831     Paakari Pinteessä by Viikon Vanha Spagetti
7    754     Korpus: Buried over the Black Soil by Team Horror, KAMK, Kajak Games
8    728     Hope Adrift by RoboDogo
9    629     Pete's Party: Operation toygun by Piece of Cake
10   597     Stellar Leap by Team MYB
11   550     Nettiä Etsimässä by BrushDev
12   537     Class Dismissed by Crimson King
13   496     Skeltal Game by Skeleton Crew
14   489     Toy Thieves by Team Grappling Hook
15   360     Absurdasia Demo by Finity Games

[ Cosplay Photoshoot Competition competition ]
1    1492    Babydoll - Sucker Punch by Photographer: Lord.Madhouse, Model: Dragoneri
2    1488    Eliittijoukkue B (Elite Crew B) - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive by  Kuvaaja: janeemil, malli: pi4ch
3    1461    Ariel - The Little Mermaid by Kuvaaja: Emilia Kokko, malli: Jaana Miettinen
4    1094    Polka - Eternal Sonata by Kuvaaja: Yujin Malli: Minervainen
5    917     AMA, just monika., Kananen by Model: LadyRosyCheek

[ Listening Music competition ]
1    1021    Chipstorm by Chipremacy
2    881     Talbot Horizon Night Drive by Yzi
3    849     Whip and Iron by Aikapallo
4    823     Let the People Drink From the Black Juice of the Brewcophagus  (Oh No I've Run Out of Coffee) by Bamsekarhu
5    781     Late Night Highway by HBR
6    754     Pappan Muovisyntikka by Buzzer/Brainstorm
7    711     Dogfighter by Signal
8    667     Affliction by Ephmerix
9    651     Dark Middleage by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers (ft. Yzi)
10   623     Gunpowder by Jon Tardis
11   589     Fire Rain by Lohis / Tekotuotanto
12   569     Irjala takaisin by Laurikka
13   565     Vector Fields by E621
14   561     Funkmonstrotron by Downgone / 242

[ Graphics competition ]
1    3213    The Birdkeeper by Darkki
2    2713    Disney artist on lunchbreak (2049, Colorized) by JJ
3    2237    Babyfood Express by none
4    2064    Terror from the deep by Partikle
5    1968    The King is Dead by emtastik
6    1719    Sinister Rituals by peippo
7    1688    Roaring Thunder by Neotheta
8    1674    Golden Cable Hunters by maxon / HBC
9    1598    Worshippers of the Great Giant by Plasticbunny
10   1426    Pesky intruders by Surround
11   1216    Troll by Ukkis
12   1029    Karppi 2.0 by aarnis
13   888     McCall System by NinjaBaka

[ Pixeled graphics competition ]
1    2632    Preytracing by Mazor / Fairlight
2    2474    Orientalist cat by Partikle
3    2386    Slovenian Crab Demon by Croaker / Halcyon
4    1822    Gimmeh by Kisu, Void
5    1768    Scobyhunter by Random
6    1233    Ghost by Noora
7    1113    Lunar hope by Felor
8    787     Bobby by maxon / HBC

[ Fast Graphics competition ]
1    2447    Tourist attraction by Darkki
2    2193    Hiukkas grillatut tajunnan laajennus makkarat by Neotheta
3    2174    Meat Is Murder by korpi
4    2124    Juhannusium-247 (247Ju) by sssampo/pistoke
5    1400    Also vegan options by Plasticbunny
6    1197    Nuclear Meal by Felor
7    1084    blastages by Super Metroid believers!
8    1010    Haaaawt hat hat hat by Kisu, Void
9    949     Ready for raiding by Ceirque
10   840     Atomic Sausage Party by maxon / HBC
11   829     Ydinmakkara by Ukkis
12   802     Get Eaten! by diedos
13   697     Viimeinen nakki by Surround
14   519     Radioactive nakki by Q

[ Themed Photo competition ]
1    2186    Real-time raytracing III by biini / damones
2    1966    RTX On by Marvel / FC
3    1784    In the midst of the shadows by Wode / Doomsday
4    1740    mikkää ei mee kohtuuella by piimae / findori
5    1586    Pinky by .You
6    1448    Wait for me! I have a photo by Tethys
7    1388    Evening snack by AK^
8    1375    mf orbeez on a plane! by jmagic/complex
9    1307    A New Hope by malomaz
10   1248    Shape Of You by Terkkui äidille
11   995     Dystopian Dawn by Exca / Wide Load
12   827     Behind the curtain by poro/Wide Load

[ Real Wild competition ]
1    3416    Edeskäypä by Vanha Mediakunta
2    3239    Hacklab.fi mainos by Hackers Media Industries® & Ville Jaakkola & Hacklab Helsinki
3    2880    KeyScreen by Code: Shiera & fractalpixel, Music: Shiera
4    2615    Attempt7 by KoomaDot
5    1729    It's More Fun To Consume by Dekadence

[ Short Film competition ]
1    3211    God's Sake by SBA
2    2984    HBC-00018: A Bus Ride by HBC
3    2219    Neon Heartburn - Värinärästys by tAAt 2019
4    2011    Ten Years by Pistoke
5    1793    Rocketman by Mentally Deranged
6    1333    Tachyon by DatafoxStudios / Melodïcore
7    1149    Kapina by Ihmisroboidit
8    1094    The Heist by Mergente & The Meemihopot
9    1065    Seitto by Keuhkovammaistenliitto
10   1013    The Frame by Fixxelious
11   755     Leaps by NinjaBaka
12   556     Last Assembly I Asked You by PuudiPai

[ Dance Music competition ]
1    962     Florida Man by Florida Man
2    947     The Way That Leads to You by HBR & Mari
3    779     12 year old (expired) Gabbajuice!!! by Jumankeissi
4    752     The Corporation by noby
5    593     Plan B! by Buzzer/Brainstorm
6    580     Delight '08 by Avenum
7    574     Soul Sorrow by DJ Joge /Brainstorm
8    563     Shore Thing by Roz
9    555     Speedrunner's Purgatory by rawArgon
10   542     Mirage by Ephmerix
11   516     Love and Laserbeams by Signal
12   514     Boston Satanics by Laurikka
13   398     RGB by Jon Tardis

[ 1k-intro competition ]
1    3659    Searching for the silver lining by Seven
2    2951    Tech power ride by Digimind
3    2759    Fluid Dynamics 101 by Bercon/HBC
4    2479    OUTER_M2 by p01/RIBBON
5    1706    pumpun korjaus by knl, Ishy
6    1532    Morning after and the mexican food is trying to find the exit by Nesci
7    1512    Emoji is ❤️ by FruitieX & Pingviinituutti
8    1448    Moetkoe by qma
9    954     decompose by rawArgon
10   907     Attack of the Mutant Boxes für Elise by Fiture Crew Lamer Section
11   891     Back to square one by poro/Wide Load
12   827     Grid Filler by Exca / Wide Load
13   796     United Colors Of Coders by oo
14   580     Shimmering Madness by The Neverstoppers

[ 4k-intro competition ]
1    4803    Stormriders by Unknown Artists & XZM
2    4193    terrarium by eos
3    2816    The End of Iceland by lucid
4    2307    Región de Magallanes by Faemiyah
5    1658    Black Xor White by oo
6    1527    Bicycle Trip by Fiture Crew Lamer Section

[ Oldskool competition ]
1    3259    PYO PYO by Rustbloom
2    3140    IN THE 90's by ADAPT feat. TRACTION
3    2716    Assum. by Extream
4    1970    wobbly celebration by pasi toska
5    1695    Catro by Void
6    947     Jatkopistorasiat by RBBS / KBOL

[ Demo competition ]
1    3759    Chroma Space by adapt
2    3551    Hibernate by Pyrotech
3    2283    BREAKEVEN by JUGZ
4    2129    Journey to Breadzembly II: Life Saving Cheese Bagel by u+1f35e
5    1806    Skrolli Party 2019 invitation by Mikkosoft Productions
6    1709    The Next Level by Ate Bit
7    1257    Ego Trip 8 by code & gfx: dm/eastgate, music: PeazeMind
8    1057    Gambler by Peetu Nuottajärvi
9    1053    Filler from the 90s by Wide Load
10   1026    AK-03: Hypertension by AateKorjaamo
11   980     Ozymandias by FCCCF ft. Bass cadet
12   963     Meet mr internet by Humane
13   759     Kuvakasetti by RBBS
14   539     100% Recycled by The Crux

[ Tracked music competition ]
1    763     Parking Lot In Space by Serpent/Brainstorm + Rapture
2    762     Fluctuations by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers
3    746     Metalstorm by Paokala
4    646     Matka osoiteavaruuteen by la_mettrie
5    619     Bullet Time by Dascon & Bonefish
6    571     Left Behind by Buzzer/Brainstorm
7    547     One Last Time by Deetail / Zenon
8    520     Escape from Desert Planet by Chipremacy
9    518     Dr. Fily's Funky Fireplanet Escape by rawArgon
10   436     Kilopolis by Laurikka

[ 64k intro competition ]
1    2551    1989 by Graphics & Direction : Metoikos / Music : Keen / Toolcode : BoyC & Gargaj
2    2393    Devolutionary Design by Iskiäinen
3    1681    LA1984 by cbob/regression ventures

[ One scene competition ]
1    1256    NSYNC by supa & noby
2    1220    efx by epoch
3    1139    60 Seconds To Go by Alcatraz
4    930     The Known Unknown by branch^IvoryLabs
5    818     Donkey Island by tAAt
6    723     Space Signals by GroovyOtter
7    716     Elements and balls by JjyKs
8    715     Future Architecture by Bad Felix
9    605     Mellow Mountain Spirits by Irah
10   580     Almost Everything, but not Quite Anything by papumaja
11   538     Space Cat by FCCCF
12   465     Morning coffee by Adellan
13   436     Facepalm by Noirek
14   402     Murrr by vaDOD
15   380     Very, Very Frightening by Siils
16   368     AlienNight by Shiera
17   342     Nosto-kurki by BJAKKE
18   335     Hypnosis by Akinna
19   321     TÅ¡ernobylin kuutio by TucE
20   296     pain by nh3
21   277     MAYHEM by mmmirushka
22   257     Your great entry by Depili
23   244     WtjXRz by narven
24   234     Abc by Kaisa
25   232     ensimmaeinen by nisual
26   218     Iloinen by moziz
27   159     256 bytes of flashing stuff by BJAKKE
28   144     Shameless Advertising  by BrushDev Advertising

[ Tuplain competition ]
1    651     Compo intro by Plokk / Hedelmae
2    539     Ui Juma by Randy/OSi
3    445     Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies by Hervannan Demoscene-Akatemia Dropouts
4    410     stargazer by rööperin palikat by sammuttaja & ohvi
5    383     Lumberjack MC's by Exca / Wide Load
6    359     The Walking Elephants by iguchi / hedelmae
7    347     Jäätismiehen humppa by Plokk / Hedelmae
8    340     Ziphead (State of the Art Video Remix) by mayday/hedelmae
9    316     Pulp Hermanni by iguchi / hedelmae
10   302     People dancing to music by Dysposin
11   299     T-minus kuohari by Jupp3
12   298     Tieto-tukihenkilö by Hervannan Demoscene-Akatemia
13   266     tribuTETotAAt by vARTsan
14   249     Huugi Guugi by Q
15   247     Space Debris by mayday/hedelmae
16   237     timeless by priceless
17   232     dub dub in the space sub by sooda
18   231     Hedelmae x Orange <3 by Plokk / Hedelmae
19   202     Would you believe, if we'd say that the ship has sailed? by Jumalauta
20   188     Golden Night Drive by Tethys
20   188     Mäkikotka Force by eimink/Vanha Mediakunta
22   178     Ultra Vatiolence!!! by b
23   166     Second Rallity by Terzi & Julberg
24   165     Finest Bay by Hooded Capitalist Swine
25   154     Xontrol by sndels

[ Fast Music competition ]
1    884     Rainbow Route to Unicorn Dragonland by Lohis / Tekotuotanto
2    849     Thunderdomekarukoski by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers
3    692     Cherry Cotton Candy Megablaster by rawArgon
4    654     Happy Dayz by Ephmerix
5    638     taantuma os-tos-reissulla by tArzAn
6    595     24 euroshopper energydrinks?! by Dj Jumankeissi
7    583     alert by mayday/hedelmae
8    581     OwO Whats this by Old Moubit
9    573     Fake Start by Carrox
10   550     Tein tosi nopeesti tämmösen by Chipremacy
11   545     Love You Too by Jarsk1e
12   542     Happy happy JumpAround by Dj Rakofobia
13   534     FUTURE EDMCORE by Yzi
15   506     lets b 8bit happy by Raztaman
16   454     I don't even by ihanalammas
17   443     Membah  by Tha dayzes
18   424     Punchdrunk by shinmai/McBurrobit
19   324     Happy Flutter by Shiera
20   266     grandalf by -?-
21   248     Gas Station by Todella Järkyttävän Saksalainen Mies