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                             OUTLINE 2015 RESULTS

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 


01 178 Trip Around Outline by dojoe
02 149 Outline 2015 by LiSU/Tristesse
03 148 Poo-Brain Krawalll Cam by Poo-brain
04 142 TranseKake bvy ZeroKiloByte
05 109 I'd name it Marla Singer by Tiva
06  97 Wildbeaming by Nodepond /Hello

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 


01 182 Cloudy with a chance of metaballs by Reboot
02 164 Planet 5200 by DESiRE
03 155 System: Zoetrope by Mandarine
04 146 Awesomespace Invite by Stitch
05 143 DRM by Deathy/Brainstorm
06  73 Fishy by Kuemmel

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01 212 Deus faber by Baudsurfer/Red Sector Inc.
02 211 Sun road by Baudsurfer/Red Sector Inc.
03 205 Hypnoteye by HellMood/DESiRe
04 166 toverdrank by HellMood/DESiRe
05 131 shebadob by gasman / hooy-program
06 118 VGA55 by Warner
07 116 Burning Ship by Harekiet
08 114 nostromo disco by sensenstahl
08 114 Water drops by goblinish
10 107 bias by goblinish
11 106 colorbepp 2 by utz ^ irrlicht project
12  95 Blox by goblinish
13  88 greenmile by goblinish

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 


01 124 Rare Grooves by Knoeki / DSS /Poo-Brain
02 117 static by 505 & Xerxes
03 112 Happy Gold Rush by Wiklund / Fairlight ^ Satanic Kids Enterprise
04 111 Progressively Backwards (Compo Cut) by Saga Musix / Nuance
05 104 My time with Mim by Wiklund / Fairlight ^ Satanic Kids Enterprise
06  96 nouveau cheese by xyce
07  90 Chip Spring Tune 3 (Amaze Me!) by LiSU
08  88 nervous dread by dipswitch / up rough!
09  85 64KB Computer by OrganicDreams
10  71 Walkman by Nodepond / Hello
11  57 Mode 13h by Warner

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01 121 Spacedisko by 505 & xyce
02 112 Okkie's Moustache by Wiklund / Fairlight ^ Satanic Kids Enterprise
03 107 wbfdfbgkg by RoccoW / Poo-Brain
04 101 bass power by xyce
05  78 A SKy Full of Fanta by Triace / DESiRE
06  77 Solitude - Ambient Mix by Rob Hubbard & Anthony Caulfield & Max Hall
07  71 132 (my scnd lsdj) by Tiva

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 


01 182 Wie ein Schluck Wasser in der Kurve by moqui/HS DSS TTN
01 182 Splash by dojoe
03 178 Bell lights by Oni / Poo-Brain
04 169 Choo Choo by OhLi / Digital Demolition Krew
05 167 Come in and enjoy by Luisa / Poo-Brain & Rabenauge
06 162 Gravity by Sabryas
06 162 Central Station by Sabryas
08 156 Demolish Obfect by T$
09 151 Pure Analog Magic by Tiva
10 147 Generic Desktop Wallpaper with Hexagonal Bokeh by Saga Musix / Nuance
11 142 Knoeki aan het werk by Cookie
11 142 Peekaboo! by Alpha C / TRBL ^ DSS
13 136 Black mamba by Flashlight^Poo-brain
14 121 Pounds off with Kewlers by Medo
15  87 Hemp Demo in Cologne by Nodepond / Hello

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 


01 252 Redneck Rampage by Oi / Poo-Brain
02 223 Untouchable by SnC/Red Sector Inc.
03 188 Dawn of the Guardians by Smilodon & Parsec
04 167 InstaHorse by Ixion^Poobrain

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01 163 nein mann - ich mag fratzengeballer nicht sehn by titus / rabenauge
02 158 Lips by OhLi / Digital Demolition Krew
03 132 Come to Nordlicht by The Nordlicht Organizers
04 129 Scrollorama by Troll of Sceneduck
05 111 Atari by Cookie

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01 192 Sommarhack 2015 Invitation by Checkpoint & Dead Hackers Society
02 162 1 euro by TiNKer/The PHF/KÜA software productions
03 125 BITS#0062 "Seq" by BITS

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01 260 pb-05: Ziphorse by Poo-brain
02 209 spelunking by homecoded / DESiRE
03 190 Descent by Metoikos/Vaahtera, kb/farbrausch
04 150 STOEREBOIS by Poo-Brain

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