First off, ignore the following file apache-mod_ssl-1.3.12-2.6.5-0.6.0.html! I messed it up bad, it's 4AM, whaddya' expect? Well, I missed a "pre" tag here and there, and I misquoted my "mailto:" so the page is effectively looking real bad! I just hope I don't forget to check the page before uploading.
Primarily the change is a new version of mod_ssl. The new version is 2.6.5-1.3.12. In the apache-mod_ssl- package, suexec was installed, I read in one of the docs for Apache that suexec should really be disabled unless you know absolutely know what you're doing with it, so I removed it from this package. I really don't think it's necessary but if you feel the need to change it then do the following (on redhat 6.x):
# rpm -ihv apache-mod_ssl- apache-mod_ssl ################################################## # cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS # vi apache-mod_ssl.spec
(while you're at it, you should probably change "make certificate TYPE=dummy" to "make certificate TYPE=custom")
Edit the spec file and uncomment the lines mentioning suexec. Specifically line #189, 208, and 215. Also add to line 34: Obsoletes: "apache-suexec" -- add the apache-suexec into the line.
I'm fairly sure this should work. If it doesn't, email me at carls2000 (at) home (dot) com. Beware the evil spammer.
I hope it all works out for you.