PuTTY bug win-plink-stdin-handle-invalid
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summary: Plink: "Unable to read from standard input: The handle is invalid."
class: bug: This is clearly an actual problem we want fixed.
absent-in: 0.58
present-in: 0.59 0.60 2007-06-29
The "Unable to read from standard input" message is still with us;
the reports we're getting from versions including the diagnostics
added while investigating
win-plink-stdin-eof say
"The handle is invalid".
All reports so far occur when Plink is run by some other program,
and cannot be reproduced when the same command is run from the
Windows command-line or Cygwin.
- 4685675C.7030305@kavemalna.hu
(rsync under Cygwin; different error with 0.58, "Unable to write to
standard output"; works in Cygwin pipe)
- 4da424620707191404i2efbff0che659f39e97f8cd84@mail.gmail.com
(rsync under Cygwin)
- 46AA3477.1030701@bellsouth.net
(BAT file, so not Cygwin? Regression since 0.58)
- 66E3124EE70FB04A96C81EF18C6C18B306086FE3@ex1.globus
(works from Windows command shell, fails from SQL Server script)
This blog posting
suggests an understanding of the problem with Cygwin rsync at least.
Audit trail for this bug.
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(last revision of this bug record was at 2009-02-22 11:47:06 +0000)