PuTTY bug vt100-line-drawing-oprs

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summary: VT100 vertically offset horizontal line characters mis-displayed on Windows
class: bug: This is clearly an actual problem we want fixed.
difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them.
priority: high: This should be fixed in the next release.
present-in: 0.61
fixed-in: r9221 0.62 (0.63) (0.64)

The VT100 line drawing character set contains four characters (encoded as o,p,r,s) which are vertically offset versions of the normal box-drawing horizontal line character (q). On Windows, PuTTY displays these by displaying the ordinary horizontal line with a vertical offset, since some fonts do not include the offset versions.

A bug in PuTTY's Windows text display code was causing other VT100 characters immediately to the right of one of those to be displayed using the same horizontal offset.

Audit trail for this bug.

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(last revision of this bug record was at 2011-11-27 10:59:59 +0000)