PuTTY wish proxy
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summary: Support for proxying of connections
class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
difficulty: tricky: Needs many tuits.
present-in: 0.52
fixed-in: 0.53
Support for proxies. There are several types of proxy to consider:
HTTP CONNECT style proxying (connect to the HTTP port and send
something like "
CONNECT hostname.example.com:22
", then parse the HTTP return headers and go)
Simple by-hand proxy: the kind where you telnet to the firewall and
type "
connect hostname.example.com 22
", and then expect
a connection to begin.
We would also want the ability to define non-proxy zones (probably
give the user the choice of DNS or IP address space).
This has all been implemented in 0.53.
Audit trail for this wish.
If you want to comment on this web site, see the
Feedback page.
(last revision of this bug record was at 2002-10-10 13:08:15 +0000)