From: "Peter Haworth" <>
Subject: [PATCH] New pg_bool_tf attribute for DBD::Pg
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 18:47:40 +0000

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Here's a patch against CVS to add a pg_bool_tf database handle attribute to
DBD::Pg, and a new test for it. This flag defaults to false, but when set to
true, booleans are returned as 't' and 'f', rather than '1' and '0'.

	Peter Haworth
"OK, see, the sad thing is that I really have no idea whether
 you're joking or not.  That's how wiggy this thread has gotten."
		-- Michael Lazzaro
Content-Type: text/plain; name="pg.diff"
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diff -u -N -r DBD-Pg-1.20/dbdimp.c DBD-Pg-1.20-bool_tf/dbdimp.c
--- DBD-Pg-1.20/dbdimp.c	2002-11-27 02:02:39.000000000 +0000
+++ DBD-Pg-1.20-bool_tf/dbdimp.c	2002-12-31 18:03:35.000000000 +0000
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
     imp_dbh->init_commit = 1;			/* initialize AutoCommit */
     imp_dbh->pg_auto_escape = 1;		/* initialize pg_auto_escape */
+    imp_dbh->pg_bool_tf = 0;                    /* initialize pg_bool_tf */
     DBIc_IMPSET_on(imp_dbh);			/* imp_dbh set up now */
     DBIc_ACTIVE_on(imp_dbh);			/* call disconnect before freeing */
@@ -461,6 +462,8 @@
         return 1;
     } else if (kl==14 && strEQ(key, "pg_auto_escape")) {
         imp_dbh->pg_auto_escape = newval;
+    } else if (kl==10 && strEQ(key, "pg_bool_tf")) {
+	imp_dbh->pg_bool_tf = newval;
     } else {
         return 0;
@@ -483,6 +486,8 @@
         retsv = boolSV(DBIc_has(imp_dbh, DBIcf_AutoCommit));
     } else if (kl==14 && strEQ(key, "pg_auto_escape")) {
         retsv = newSViv((IV)imp_dbh->pg_auto_escape);
+    } else if (kl==10 && strEQ(key, "pg_bool_tf")) {
+	retsv = newSViv((IV)imp_dbh->pg_bool_tf);
     } else if (kl==11 && strEQ(key, "pg_INV_READ")) {
         retsv = newSViv((IV)INV_READ);
     } else if (kl==12 && strEQ(key, "pg_INV_WRITE")) {
@@ -1326,6 +1331,7 @@
     SV *sth;
     imp_sth_t *imp_sth;
+    D_imp_dbh_from_sth;
     int num_fields;
     int i;
     AV *av;
@@ -1357,7 +1363,7 @@
             char *val   = (char*)PQgetvalue(imp_sth->result, imp_sth->cur_tuple, i);
             int val_len = strlen(val);
             int  type   = PQftype(imp_sth->result, i); /* hopefully these hard coded values will not change */
-            if (16 == type) {
+            if (16 == type && ! imp_dbh->pg_bool_tf) {
                *val = (*val == 'f') ? '0' : '1'; /* bool: translate postgres into perl */
             if (17 == type) {  /* decode \001 -> chr(1), etc, in-place */
diff -u -N -r DBD-Pg-1.20/dbdimp.h DBD-Pg-1.20-bool_tf/dbdimp.h
--- DBD-Pg-1.20/dbdimp.h	2002-11-27 10:21:46.000000000 +0000
+++ DBD-Pg-1.20-bool_tf/dbdimp.h	2002-12-31 17:57:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     PGconn    * conn;		/* connection structure */
     int         init_commit;	/* initialize AutoCommit */
     int         pg_auto_escape;	/* initialize AutoEscape */
+    int         pg_bool_tf;     /* do bools return 't'/'f' */
 /* Define sth implementor data structure */
diff -u -N -r DBD-Pg-1.20/t/16pgbooltf.t DBD-Pg-1.20-bool_tf/t/16pgbooltf.t
--- DBD-Pg-1.20/t/16pgbooltf.t	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ DBD-Pg-1.20-bool_tf/t/16pgbooltf.t	2002-12-31 18:30:32.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use Test::More;
+if (defined $ENV{DBI_DSN}) {
+  plan tests => 10;
+} else {
+  plan skip_all => 'cannot test without DB info';
+my $dbh = DBI->connect($ENV{DBI_DSN}, $ENV{DBI_USER}, $ENV{DBI_PASS},
+                       {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0}
+                      );
+ok(defined $dbh,
+   'connect with transaction'
+  );
+ok(get('select 1=1') eq 1,'default true is 1');
+ok(get('select 1=0') eq 0,'default false is 0');
+ok(!defined get('select 1=null'),'null');
+ok(get('select 1=1') eq 1,'default true is 1');
+ok(get('select 1=0') eq 0,'default false is 0');
+ok(!defined get('select 1=null'),'null');
+ok(get('select 1=1') eq 't','tf true is t');
+ok(get('select 1=0') eq 'f','tf false is f');
+ok(!defined get('select 1=null'),'null');
+sub get{
+  my($sql)=@_;
+  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);
+  $sth->execute;
+  my($ret)=$sth->fetchrow_array;
+  $sth->finish;
+  $ret;

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use strict;
use DBI;
use Test::More;

if (defined $ENV{DBI_DSN}) {
  plan tests => 10;
} else {
  plan skip_all => 'cannot test without DB info';

my $dbh = DBI->connect($ENV{DBI_DSN}, $ENV{DBI_USER}, $ENV{DBI_PASS},
                       {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0}
ok(defined $dbh,
   'connect with transaction'

ok(get('select 1=1') eq 1,'default true is 1');
ok(get('select 1=0') eq 0,'default false is 0');
ok(!defined get('select 1=null'),'null');


ok(get('select 1=1') eq 1,'default true is 1');
ok(get('select 1=0') eq 0,'default false is 0');
ok(!defined get('select 1=null'),'null');


ok(get('select 1=1') eq 't','tf true is t');
ok(get('select 1=0') eq 'f','tf false is f');
ok(!defined get('select 1=null'),'null');

sub get{

  my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql);

