Appendix C: ECMA Script Language Binding
This appendix contains the complete ECMA Script binding for the SYMM
Object Model definitions. The definitions are divided into SMIL.
C.1: SMIL Document Object Model
- Object SMILDocument
- SMILDocument has the all the properties and methods of Document ElementSequentialTimeContainer as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object SMILElement
- SMILElement has the all the properties and methods of Element as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILElement object has the following properties:
- id
This property is of type String.
- Object SMILLayoutElement
- SMILLayoutElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILLayoutElement object has the following properties:
- type
This property is of type String.
- resolved
This property is of type boolean.
- Object ElementLayout
- The ElementLayout object has the following properties:
- title
This property is of type String.
- backgroundColor
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type long.
- width
This property is of type long.
- Object SMILTopLayoutElement
- SMILTopLayoutElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILElement ElementLayout as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object SMILRootLayoutElement
- SMILRootLayoutElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILElement ElementLayout as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object SMILRegionElement
- SMILRegionElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILElement ElementLayout as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILRegionElement object has the following properties:
- fit
This property is of type String.
- top
This property is of type String.
- zIndex
This property is of type long.
- Object SMILRegionInterface
- The SMILRegionInterface object has the following properties:
- region
This property is of type SMILRegionElement.
- Class Time
- The Time class has the following constants:
This constant is of type short and its value is 0.
This constant is of type short and its value is 1.
This constant is of type short and its value is 2.
This constant is of type short and its value is 3.
This constant is of type short and its value is 4.
This constant is of type short and its value is 5.
- Object Time
- The Time object has the following properties:
- resolved
This property is of type boolean.
- resolvedOffset
This property is of type double.
- timeType
This property is of type short.
- offset
This property is of type double.
- baseElement
This property is of type Element.
- baseBegin
This property is of type boolean.
- event
This property is of type String.
- marker
This property is of type String.
- Object TimeList
- The TimeList object has the following properties:
- length
This property is of type int.
- The TimeList object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a Time.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- Class ElementTime
- The ElementTime class has the following constants:
This constant is of type short and its value is 0.
This constant is of type short and its value is 1.
This constant is of type short and its value is 2.
- ElementTime.FILL_REMOVE
This constant is of type short and its value is 0.
- ElementTime.FILL_FREEZE
This constant is of type short and its value is 1.
- Object ElementTime
- The ElementTime object has the following properties:
- begin
This property is of type TimeList.
- end
This property is of type TimeList.
- dur
This property is of type float.
- restart
This property is of type short.
- fill
This property is of type short.
- repeatCount
This property is of type float.
- repeatDur
This property is of type float.
- The ElementTime object has the following methods:
- beginElement()
- This method returns a boolean.
- endElement()
- This method returns a boolean.
- pauseElement()
- This method returns a void.
- resumeElement()
- This method returns a void.
- seekElement(seekTo)
- This method returns a void.
The seekTo parameter is of type float.
- Object ElementTimeManipulation
- The ElementTimeManipulation object has the following properties:
- speed
This property is of type float.
- accelerate
This property is of type float.
- decelerate
This property is of type float.
- autoReverse
This property is of type boolean.
- Object ElementTimeContainer
- ElementTimeContainer has the all the properties and methods of ElementTime as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The ElementTimeContainer object has the following properties:
- timeChildren
This property is of type NodeList.
- The ElementTimeContainer object has the following methods:
- getActiveChildrenAt(instant)
- This method returns a NodeList.
The instant parameter is of type float.
- Object ElementSyncBehavior
- The ElementSyncBehavior object has the following properties:
- syncBehavior
This property is of type String.
- syncTolerance
This property is of type float.
- defaultSyncBehavior
This property is of type String.
- defaultSyncTolerance
This property is of type float.
- syncMaster
This property is of type boolean.
- Object ElementParallelTimeContainer
- ElementParallelTimeContainer has the all the properties and methods of ElementTimeContainer as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The ElementParallelTimeContainer object has the following properties:
- endSync
This property is of type String.
- The ElementParallelTimeContainer object has the following methods:
- getImplicitDuration()
- This method returns a float.
- Object ElementSequentialTimeContainer
- ElementSequentialTimeContainer has the all the properties and methods of ElementTimeContainer as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object ElementExclusiveTimeContainer
- ElementExclusiveTimeContainer has the all the properties and methods of ElementTimeContainer as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The ElementExclusiveTimeContainer object has the following properties:
- endSync
This property is of type String.
- The ElementExclusiveTimeContainer object has the following methods:
- getPausedElements()
- This method returns a NodeList.
- Object TimeEvent
- TimeEvent has the all the properties and methods of Event as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The TimeEvent object has the following properties:
- view
This property is of type AbstractView.
- detail
This property is of type long.
- The TimeEvent object has the following methods:
- initTimeEvent(typeArg, viewArg, detailArg)
- This method returns a void.
The typeArg parameter is of type DOMString.
The viewArg parameter is of type views::AbstractView.
The detailArg parameter is of type long.
- Object SMILMediaElement
- SMILMediaElement has the all the properties and methods of ElementTime SMILElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILMediaElement object has the following properties:
- abstractAttr
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- author
This property is of type String.
- clipBegin
This property is of type String.
- clipEnd
This property is of type String.
- copyright
This property is of type String.
- longdesc
This property is of type String.
- port
This property is of type String.
- readIndex
This property is of type String.
- rtpformat
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- stripRepeat
This property is of type String.
- title
This property is of type String.
- transport
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object SMILRefElement
- SMILRefElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILMediaElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object ElementTimeControl
- The ElementTimeControl object has the following methods:
- beginElement()
- This method returns a boolean.
- beginElementAt(offset)
- This method returns a boolean.
The offset parameter is of type float.
- endElement()
- This method returns a boolean.
- endElementAt(offset)
- This method returns a boolean.
The offset parameter is of type float.
- Class SMILAnimation
- The SMILAnimation class has the following constants:
This constant is of type short and its value is 0.
This constant is of type short and its value is 1.
This constant is of type short and its value is 0.
This constant is of type short and its value is 1.
This constant is of type short and its value is 0.
This constant is of type short and its value is 1.
This constant is of type short and its value is 2.
This constant is of type short and its value is 3.
- Object SMILAnimation
- SMILAnimation has the all the properties and methods of SMILElement ElementTargetAttributes ElementTime ElementTimeControl as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILAnimation object has the following properties:
- additive
This property is of type short.
- accumulate
This property is of type short.
- calcMode
This property is of type short.
- keySplines
This property is of type String.
- keyTimes
This property is of type TimeList.
- values
This property is of type String.
- from
This property is of type String.
- to
This property is of type String.
- by
This property is of type String.
- Class ElementTargetAttributes
- The ElementTargetAttributes class has the following constants:
- ElementTargetAttributes.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_AUTO
This constant is of type short and its value is 0.
- ElementTargetAttributes.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CSS
This constant is of type short and its value is 1.
- ElementTargetAttributes.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_XML
This constant is of type short and its value is 2.
- Object ElementTargetAttributes
- The ElementTargetAttributes object has the following properties:
- attributeName
This property is of type String.
- attributeType
This property is of type short.
- Object SMILAnimateElement
- SMILAnimateElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILAnimation as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object SMILSetElement
- SMILSetElement has the all the properties and methods of ElementTimeControl ElementTime ElementTargetAttributes SMILElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILSetElement object has the following properties:
- to
This property is of type String.
- Object SMILAnimateMotionElement
- SMILAnimateMotionElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILAnimateElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILAnimateMotionElement object has the following properties:
- path
This property is of type String.
- origin
This property is of type String.
- Object SMILAnimateColorElement
- SMILAnimateColorElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILAnimation as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object SMILSwitchElement
- SMILSwitchElement has the all the properties and methods of SMILElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The SMILSwitchElement object has the following methods:
- getSelectedElement()
- This method returns a Element.
- Object ElementTest
- The ElementTest object has the following properties:
- systemBitrate
This property is of type long.
- systemCaptions
This property is of type boolean.
- systemLanguage
This property is of type String.
- systemRequired
This property is of type boolean.
- systemScreenSize
This property is of type boolean.
- systemScreenDepth
This property is of type boolean.
- systemOverdubOrSubtitle
This property is of type String.
- systemAudioDesc
This property is of type boolean.