This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL, Java, and ECMA Script bindings for the Level 1 Document Object Model definitions. The definitions are divided into Core and HTML.
The IDL and Java bindings are also available as and
This section contains the OMG IDL definitions for the interfaces in the Core Document Object Model specification, including the extended (XML) interfaces. The HTML OMG IDL definition is in the Level 1 HTML DOM specification .
enum ExceptionCode { UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_ERR, NOT_CHILD_ERR, NO_CHILDREN_ALLOWED_ERR, INDEX_SIZE_ERR, WSTRING_SIZE_ERR, DATA_SIZE_ERR }; exception DOMException { ExceptionCode code; }; interface DOMImplementation { boolean hasFeature(in wstring feature, in wstring version); }; interface DocumentFragment : Node { readonly attribute Document masterDoc; }; interface Document : DocumentFragment { readonly attribute DocumentType doctype; readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation; readonly attribute Element documentElement; Element createElement(in wstring tagName); DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment(); Text createTextNode(in wstring data); Comment createComment(in wstring data); CDATASection createCDATASection(in wstring data); ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(in wstring target, in wstring data); Attribute createAttribute(in wstring name); Entity createEntity(); EntityReference createEntityReference(); NodeList getElementsByTagName(in wstring tagname); }; interface Node { // NodeType const unsigned short DOCUMENT = 1; const unsigned short ELEMENT = 2; const unsigned short ATTRIBUTE = 3; const unsigned short PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 4; const unsigned short COMMENT = 5; const unsigned short TEXT = 6; const unsigned short CDATA_SECTION = 7; const unsigned short DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 8; const unsigned short ENTITY = 9; const unsigned short ENTITY_REFERENCE = 10; const unsigned short DOCUMENT_TYPE = 11; readonly attribute wstring nodeName; attribute wstring nodeValue; readonly attribute unsigned short nodeType; readonly attribute Node parentNode; readonly attribute NodeList childNodes; readonly attribute Node firstChild; readonly attribute Node lastChild; readonly attribute Node previousSibling; readonly attribute Node nextSibling; readonly attribute NamedNodeMap attributes; Node insertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild) raises(DOMException); Node replaceChild(in Node newChild, in Node oldChild) raises(DOMException); Node removeChild(in Node oldChild) raises(DOMException); Node appendChild(in Node newChild); boolean hasChildNodes(); Node cloneNode(in boolean deep); boolean equals(in Node arg, in boolean deep); }; interface NodeList { Node item(in unsigned long index); readonly attribute unsigned long size; }; interface NamedNodeMap { Node getNamedItem(in wstring name); void setNamedItem(in Node arg); Node removeNamedItem(in wstring name); Node item(in unsigned long index); readonly attribute unsigned long size; }; interface Data : Node { attribute wstring data; readonly attribute unsigned long size; wstring substring(in unsigned long start, in unsigned long count) raises(DOMException); void append(in wstring arg); void insert(in unsigned long offset, in wstring arg) raises(DOMException); void delete(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count) raises(DOMException); void replace(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count, in wstring arg) raises(DOMException); }; interface Attribute : Node { wstring getName(); attribute boolean specified; wstring getValue(); }; interface Element : Node { wstring getTagName(); NamedNodeMap getAttributes(); wstring getAttribute(in wstring name); void setAttribute(in string name, in string value); void removeAttribute(in wstring name); Attribute getAttributeNode(in wstring name); void setAttributeNode(in Attribute newAttr); void removeAttributeNode(in Attribute oldAttr); NodeList getElementsByTagName(in wstring tagname); void normalize(); }; interface Text : Data { Text splitText(in unsigned long offset); Text joinText(in Text node1, in Text node2); }; interface Comment : Data { }; interface ProcessingInstruction : Node { attribute wstring target; attribute wstring data; }; interface CDATASection : Text { }; interface DocumentType : Node { attribute wstring name; readonly attribute NamedNodeMap entities; readonly attribute NamedNodeMap notations; }; interface Notation : Node { attribute wstring publicId; attribute wstring systemId; }; interface Entity : Node { attribute wstring publicId; attribute wstring systemId; attribute wstring notationName; }; interface EntityReference : Node { };
public static final int UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_ERR= 1; public static final int NOT_CHILD_ERR= 2; public static final int NO_CHILDREN_ALLOWED_ERR= 3; public static final int INDEX_SIZE_ERR= 4; public static final int WSTRING_SIZE_ERR= 5; public static final int DATA_SIZE_ERR= 6; public class DOMException extends RuntimeException { public static final int UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_ERR= 1; public static final int NOT_CHILD_ERR= 2; public static final int NO_CHILDREN_ALLOWED_ERR= 3; public static final int INDEX_SIZE_ERR= 4; public static final int WSTRING_SIZE_ERR= 5; public static final int DATA_SIZE_ERR= 6; public int code; } public interface DOMImplementation { public boolean hasFeature(String feature, String version); } public interface DocumentFragment extends Node { public Document getMasterDoc(); } public interface Document extends DocumentFragment { public DocumentType getDoctype(); public DOMImplementation getImplementation(); public Element getDocumentElement(); public Element createElement(String tagName); public DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment(); public Text createTextNode(String data); public Comment createComment(String data); public CDATASection createCDATASection(String data); public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(String target, String data); public Attribute createAttribute(String name); public Entity createEntity(); public EntityReference createEntityReference(); public NodeList getElementsByTagName(String tagname); } public interface Node { // NodeType public static final short DOCUMENT = 1; public static final short ELEMENT = 2; public static final short ATTRIBUTE = 3; public static final short PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 4; public static final short COMMENT = 5; public static final short TEXT = 6; public static final short CDATA_SECTION = 7; public static final short DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 8; public static final short ENTITY = 9; public static final short ENTITY_REFERENCE = 10; public static final short DOCUMENT_TYPE = 11; public String getNodeName(); public String getNodeValue(); public void setNodeValue(String arg); public short getNodeType(); public Node getParentNode(); public NodeList getChildNodes(); public Node getFirstChild(); public Node getLastChild(); public Node getPreviousSibling(); public Node getNextSibling(); public NamedNodeMap getAttributes(); public Node insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) throws DOMException; public Node replaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) throws DOMException; public Node removeChild(Node oldChild) throws DOMException; public Node appendChild(Node newChild); public boolean hasChildNodes(); public Node cloneNode(boolean deep); public boolean equals(Node arg, boolean deep); } public interface NodeList { public Node item(int index); public int getSize(); } public interface NamedNodeMap { public Node getNamedItem(String name); public void setNamedItem(Node arg); public Node removeNamedItem(String name); public Node item(int index); public int getSize(); } public interface Data extends Node { public String getData(); public void setData(String arg); public int getSize(); public String substring(int start, int count) throws DOMException; public void append(String arg); public void insert(int offset, String arg) throws DOMException; public void delete(int offset, int count) throws DOMException; public void replace(int offset, int count, String arg) throws DOMException; } public interface Attribute extends Node { public String getName(); public boolean getSpecified(); public void setSpecified(boolean arg); public String getValue(); } public interface Element extends Node { public String getTagName(); public NamedNodeMap getAttributes(); public String getAttribute(String name); public void setAttribute(String name, String value); public void removeAttribute(String name); public Attribute getAttributeNode(String name); public void setAttributeNode(Attribute newAttr); public void removeAttributeNode(Attribute oldAttr); public NodeList getElementsByTagName(String tagname); public void normalize(); } public interface Text extends Data { public Text splitText(int offset); public Text joinText(Text node1, Text node2); } public interface Comment extends Data { } public interface ProcessingInstruction extends Node { public String getTarget(); public void setTarget(String arg); public String getData(); public void setData(String arg); } public interface CDATASection extends Text { } public interface DocumentType extends Node { public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public NamedNodeMap getEntities(); public NamedNodeMap getNotations(); } public interface Notation extends Node { public String getPublicId(); public void setPublicId(String arg); public String getSystemId(); public void setSystemId(String arg); } public interface Entity extends Node { public String getPublicId(); public void setPublicId(String arg); public String getSystemId(); public void setSystemId(String arg); public String getNotationName(); public void setNotationName(String arg); } public interface EntityReference extends Node { }
The DOMImplementation object has the following methods:
- hasFeature(feature, version)
- This method returns a boolean. The feature parameter is expected to be of type wstring.. The version parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
DocumentFragment has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The DocumentFragment object has the following properties:
- masterDoc
- This property is expected to be a Document
Document has the all the properties and methods of DocumentFragment as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The Document object has the following properties:
- doctype
- This property is expected to be a DocumentType
- implementation
- This property is expected to be a DOMImplementation
- documentElement
- This property is expected to be a Element
- createDocumentFragment
- This property is expected to be a DocumentFragment
- createEntity
- This property is expected to be a Entity
- createEntityReference
- This property is expected to be a EntityReference
The Document object has the following methods:
- createElement(tagName)
- This method returns a Element. The tagName parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- createTextNode(data)
- This method returns a Text. The data parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- createComment(data)
- This method returns a Comment. The data parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- createCDATASection(data)
- This method returns a CDATASection. The data parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- createProcessingInstruction(target, data)
- This method returns a ProcessingInstruction. The target parameter is expected to be of type wstring.. The data parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- createAttribute(name)
- This method returns a Attribute. The name parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- getElementsByTagName(tagname)
- This method returns a NodeList. The tagname parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
The Node object has the following properties:
- nodeName
- This property is expected to be a String
- nodeValue
- This property is expected to be a String
- nodeType
- This property is expected to be a short
- parentNode
- This property is expected to be a Node
- childNodes
- This property is expected to be a NodeList
- firstChild
- This property is expected to be a Node
- lastChild
- This property is expected to be a Node
- previousSibling
- This property is expected to be a Node
- nextSibling
- This property is expected to be a Node
- attributes
- This property is expected to be a NamedNodeMap
- hasChildNodes
- This property is expected to be a boolean
The Node object has the following methods:
- insertBefore(newChild, refChild)
- This method returns a Node. The newChild parameter is expected to be of type Node.. The refChild parameter is expected to be of type Node..
- replaceChild(newChild, oldChild)
- This method returns a Node. The newChild parameter is expected to be of type Node.. The oldChild parameter is expected to be of type Node..
- removeChild(oldChild)
- This method returns a Node. The oldChild parameter is expected to be of type Node..
- appendChild(newChild)
- This method returns a Node. The newChild parameter is expected to be of type Node..
- cloneNode(deep)
- This method returns a Node. The deep parameter is expected to be of type boolean..
- equals(arg, deep)
- This method returns a boolean. The arg parameter is expected to be of type Node.. The deep parameter is expected to be of type boolean..
The NodeList object has the following properties:
- size
- This property is expected to be a int
The NodeList object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a Node. The index parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long..
The NamedNodeMap object has the following properties:
- size
- This property is expected to be a int
The NamedNodeMap object has the following methods:
- getNamedItem(name)
- This method returns a Node. The name parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- setNamedItem(arg)
- This method returns a void. The arg parameter is expected to be of type Node..
- removeNamedItem(name)
- This method returns a Node. The name parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- item(index)
- This method returns a Node. The index parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long..
Data has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The Data object has the following properties:
- data
- This property is expected to be a String
- size
- This property is expected to be a int
The Data object has the following methods:
- substring(start, count)
- This method returns a wstring. The start parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long.. The count parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long..
- append(arg)
- This method returns a void. The arg parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- insert(offset, arg)
- This method returns a void. The offset parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long.. The arg parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- delete(offset, count)
- This method returns a void. The offset parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long.. The count parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long..
- replace(offset, count, arg)
- This method returns a void. The offset parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long.. The count parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long.. The arg parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
Attribute has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The Attribute object has the following properties:
- specified
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- name
- This property is expected to be a wstring
- value
- This property is expected to be a wstring
Element has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The Element object has the following properties:
- tagName
- This property is expected to be a wstring
- attributes
- This property is expected to be a NamedNodeMap
- normalize
- This property is expected to be a void
The Element object has the following methods:
- getAttribute(name)
- This method returns a wstring. The name parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- setAttribute(name, value)
- This method returns a void. The name parameter is expected to be of type string.. The value parameter is expected to be of type string..
- removeAttribute(name)
- This method returns a void. The name parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- getAttributeNode(name)
- This method returns a Attribute. The name parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- setAttributeNode(newAttr)
- This method returns a void. The newAttr parameter is expected to be of type Attribute..
- removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)
- This method returns a void. The oldAttr parameter is expected to be of type Attribute..
- getElementsByTagName(tagname)
- This method returns a NodeList. The tagname parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
Text has the all the properties and methods of Data as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The Text object has the following methods:
- splitText(offset)
- This method returns a Text. The offset parameter is expected to be of type unsigned long..
- joinText(node1, node2)
- This method returns a Text. The node1 parameter is expected to be of type Text.. The node2 parameter is expected to be of type Text..
Comment has the all the properties and methods of Data as well as the properties and methods defined below.
ProcessingInstruction has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The ProcessingInstruction object has the following properties:
- target
- This property is expected to be a String
- data
- This property is expected to be a String
CDATASection has the all the properties and methods of Text as well as the properties and methods defined below.
DocumentType has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The DocumentType object has the following properties:
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- entities
- This property is expected to be a NamedNodeMap
- notations
- This property is expected to be a NamedNodeMap
Notation has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The Notation object has the following properties:
- publicId
- This property is expected to be a String
- systemId
- This property is expected to be a String
Entity has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The Entity object has the following properties:
- publicId
- This property is expected to be a String
- systemId
- This property is expected to be a String
- notationName
- This property is expected to be a String
EntityReference has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
interface HTMLCollection { readonly attribute long length; Node item(in long index); Node namedItem(in wstring name); }; interface HTMLDocument : Document { attribute wstring title; readonly attribute wstring referrer; readonly attribute wstring fileSize; readonly attribute wstring fileCreatedDate; readonly attribute wstring fileModifiedDate; readonly attribute wstring fileUpdatedDate; readonly attribute wstring domain; readonly attribute wstring URL; attribute HTMLElement body; readonly attribute HTMLCollection images; readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets; readonly attribute HTMLCollection links; readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms; readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors; attribute wstring cookie; void open(); void close(); void write(in wstring text); void writeln(in wstring text); Element getElementById(in wstring elementId); NodeList getElementsByName(in wstring elementName); }; interface HTMLElement : Element { attribute wstring id; attribute wstring title; attribute wstring lang; attribute wstring dir; attribute wstring className; }; interface HTMLHtmlElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring version; }; interface HTMLHeadElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring profile; }; interface HTMLLinkElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean disabled; attribute wstring charset; attribute wstring href; attribute wstring hreflang; attribute wstring media; attribute wstring rel; attribute wstring rev; attribute wstring target; attribute wstring type; }; interface HTMLTitleElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring text; }; interface HTMLMetaElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring content; attribute wstring httpEquiv; attribute wstring name; attribute wstring scheme; }; interface HTMLBaseElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring href; attribute wstring target; }; interface HTMLIsIndexElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute wstring prompt; }; interface HTMLStyleElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean disabled; attribute wstring media; attribute wstring type; }; interface HTMLBodyElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring aLink; attribute wstring background; attribute wstring bgColor; attribute wstring link; attribute wstring text; attribute wstring vLink; }; interface HTMLFormElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLCollection elements; readonly attribute long length; attribute wstring name; attribute wstring acceptCharset; attribute wstring action; attribute wstring enctype; attribute wstring method; attribute wstring target; }; interface HTMLSelectElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute wstring type; attribute long selectedIndex; attribute wstring value; attribute long length; readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute HTMLCollection options; attribute boolean disabled; attribute boolean multiple; attribute wstring name; attribute long size; attribute long tabIndex; void add(in HTMLElement element, in HTMLElement before); void remove(in long index); void blur(); void focus(); }; interface HTMLOptGroupElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean disabled; attribute wstring label; }; interface HTMLOptionElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute boolean defaultSelected; readonly attribute wstring text; attribute long index; attribute boolean disabled; attribute wstring label; readonly attribute boolean selected; attribute wstring value; }; interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring defaultValue; attribute boolean defaultChecked; readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute wstring accept; attribute wstring accessKey; attribute wstring align; attribute wstring alt; attribute boolean checked; attribute boolean disabled; attribute long maxLength; attribute wstring name; attribute boolean readOnly; attribute wstring size; attribute wstring src; attribute long tabIndex; readonly attribute wstring type; attribute wstring useMap; attribute wstring value; void blur(); void focus(); void select(); void click(); }; interface HTMLTextAreaElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring defaultValue; readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute wstring accessKey; attribute long cols; attribute boolean disabled; attribute wstring name; attribute boolean readOnly; attribute long rows; attribute long tabIndex; readonly attribute wstring type; void blur(); void focus(); void select(); }; interface HTMLButtonElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute wstring accessKey; attribute boolean disabled; attribute wstring name; attribute long tabIndex; readonly attribute wstring type; attribute wstring value; }; interface HTMLLabelElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute wstring accessKey; attribute wstring htmlFor; }; interface HTMLFieldSetElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; }; interface HTMLLegendElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute wstring accessKey; attribute wstring align; }; interface HTMLUListElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean compact; attribute wstring type; }; interface HTMLOListElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean compact; attribute long start; attribute wstring type; }; interface HTMLDListElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean compact; }; interface HTMLDirectoryElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean compact; }; interface HTMLMenuElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean compact; }; interface HTMLLIElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring type; attribute long value; }; interface HTMLBlockquoteElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring cite; }; interface HTMLDivElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; }; interface HTMLParagraphElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; }; interface HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; }; interface HTMLQuoteElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring cite; }; interface HTMLPreElement : HTMLElement { attribute long width; }; interface HTMLBRElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring clear; }; interface HTMLBaseFontElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring color; attribute wstring face; attribute wstring size; }; interface HTMLFontElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring color; attribute wstring face; attribute wstring size; }; interface HTMLHRElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute boolean noShade; attribute wstring size; attribute wstring width; }; interface HTMLInsElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring cite; attribute wstring dateTime; }; interface HTMLDelElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring cite; attribute wstring dateTime; }; interface HTMLModElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring cite; attribute wstring dateTime; }; interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring accessKey; attribute wstring charset; attribute wstring coords; attribute wstring href; attribute wstring hreflang; attribute wstring name; attribute wstring rel; attribute wstring rev; attribute wstring shape; attribute long tabIndex; attribute wstring target; attribute wstring type; void blur(); void focus(); }; interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring lowSrc; attribute wstring name; attribute wstring align; attribute wstring alt; attribute wstring border; attribute wstring height; attribute wstring hspace; attribute boolean isMap; attribute wstring longDesc; attribute wstring src; attribute wstring useMap; attribute wstring vspace; attribute wstring width; }; interface HTMLObjectElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form; attribute wstring code; attribute wstring align; attribute wstring archive; attribute wstring border; attribute wstring codeBase; attribute wstring codeType; attribute wstring data; attribute boolean declare; attribute wstring height; attribute wstring hspace; attribute wstring name; attribute wstring standby; attribute long tabIndex; attribute wstring type; attribute wstring useMap; attribute wstring vspace; attribute wstring width; }; interface HTMLParamElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring name; attribute wstring type; attribute wstring value; attribute wstring valueType; }; interface HTMLAppletElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute wstring alt; attribute wstring archive; attribute wstring code; attribute wstring codeBase; attribute wstring height; attribute wstring hspace; attribute wstring name; attribute wstring object; attribute wstring vspace; attribute wstring width; }; interface HTMLMapElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLCollection areas; attribute wstring name; }; interface HTMLAreaElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring accessKey; attribute wstring alt; attribute wstring coords; attribute wstring href; attribute boolean noHref; attribute wstring shape; attribute long tabIndex; attribute wstring target; }; interface HTMLScriptElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring text; attribute wstring htmlFor; attribute wstring event; attribute wstring charset; attribute boolean defer; attribute wstring src; attribute wstring type; }; interface HTMLTableElement : HTMLElement { attribute HTMLTableCaptionElement caption; attribute HTMLTableSectionElement tHead; attribute HTMLTableSectionElement tFoot; readonly attribute HTMLCollection rows; attribute HTMLCollection tBodies; attribute wstring align; attribute wstring bgColor; attribute wstring border; attribute wstring cellPadding; attribute wstring cellSpacing; attribute wstring frame; attribute wstring rules; attribute wstring summary; attribute wstring width; HTMLElement createTHead(); void deleteTHead(); HTMLElement createTFoot(); void deleteTFoot(); HTMLElement createCaption(); void deleteCaption(); HTMLElement insertRow(in long index); void deleteRow(in long index); }; interface HTMLTableCaptionElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; }; interface HTMLTableColElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute wstring ch; attribute wstring chOff; attribute long span; attribute wstring vAlign; attribute wstring width; }; interface HTMLTheadElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute wstring ch; attribute wstring chOff; attribute wstring vAlign; }; interface HTMLTbodyElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute wstring ch; attribute wstring chOff; attribute wstring vAlign; }; interface HTMLTfootElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute wstring ch; attribute wstring chOff; attribute wstring vAlign; }; interface HTMLTableSectionElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute wstring vAlign; attribute HTMLCollection rows; HTMLElement insertRow(in long index); void deleteRow(in long index); }; interface HTMLTableRowElement : HTMLElement { attribute long rowIndex; attribute long sectionRowIndex; attribute HTMLCollection cells; attribute wstring align; attribute wstring bgColor; attribute wstring ch; attribute wstring chOff; attribute wstring vAlign; HTMLElement insertCell(in long index); void deleteCell(in long index); }; interface HTMLTableCellElement : HTMLElement { attribute long cellIndex; attribute wstring abbr; attribute wstring align; attribute wstring axis; attribute wstring bgColor; attribute wstring ch; attribute wstring chOff; attribute long colSpan; attribute wstring headers; attribute wstring height; attribute boolean noWrap; attribute long rowSpan; attribute wstring scope; attribute wstring vAlign; attribute wstring width; }; interface HTMLFrameSetElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring cols; attribute wstring rows; }; interface HTMLFrameElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring frameBorder; attribute wstring longDesc; attribute wstring marginHeight; attribute wstring marginWidth; attribute wstring name; attribute boolean noResize; attribute wstring scrolling; attribute wstring src; }; interface HTMLIFrameElement : HTMLElement { attribute wstring align; attribute wstring frameBorder; attribute wstring height; attribute wstring longDesc; attribute wstring marginHeight; attribute wstring marginWidth; attribute wstring name; attribute wstring scrolling; attribute wstring src; attribute wstring width; };
public interface HTMLCollection { public long getLength(); public Node item(long index); public Node namedItem(String name); } public interface HTMLDocument extends Document { public String getTitle(); public void setTitle(String arg); public String getReferrer(); public String getFileSize(); public String getFileCreatedDate(); public String getFileModifiedDate(); public String getFileUpdatedDate(); public String getDomain(); public String getURL(); public HTMLElement getBody(); public void setBody(HTMLElement arg); public HTMLCollection getImages(); public HTMLCollection getApplets(); public HTMLCollection getLinks(); public HTMLCollection getForms(); public HTMLCollection getAnchors(); public String getCookie(); public void setCookie(String arg); public void open(); public void close(); public void write(String text); public void writeln(String text); public Element getElementById(String elementId); public NodeList getElementsByName(String elementName); } public interface HTMLElement extends Element { public String getId(); public void setId(String arg); public String getTitle(); public void setTitle(String arg); public String getLang(); public void setLang(String arg); public String getDir(); public void setDir(String arg); public String getClassName(); public void setClassName(String arg); } public interface HTMLHtmlElement extends HTMLElement { public String getVersion(); public void setVersion(String arg); } public interface HTMLHeadElement extends HTMLElement { public String getProfile(); public void setProfile(String arg); } public interface HTMLLinkElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public String getCharset(); public void setCharset(String arg); public String getHref(); public void setHref(String arg); public String getHreflang(); public void setHreflang(String arg); public String getMedia(); public void setMedia(String arg); public String getRel(); public void setRel(String arg); public String getRev(); public void setRev(String arg); public String getTarget(); public void setTarget(String arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); } public interface HTMLTitleElement extends HTMLElement { public String getText(); public void setText(String arg); } public interface HTMLMetaElement extends HTMLElement { public String getContent(); public void setContent(String arg); public String getHttpEquiv(); public void setHttpEquiv(String arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getScheme(); public void setScheme(String arg); } public interface HTMLBaseElement extends HTMLElement { public String getHref(); public void setHref(String arg); public String getTarget(); public void setTarget(String arg); } public interface HTMLIsIndexElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public String getPrompt(); public void setPrompt(String arg); } public interface HTMLStyleElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public String getMedia(); public void setMedia(String arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); } public interface HTMLBodyElement extends HTMLElement { public String getALink(); public void setALink(String arg); public String getBackground(); public void setBackground(String arg); public String getBgColor(); public void setBgColor(String arg); public String getLink(); public void setLink(String arg); public String getText(); public void setText(String arg); public String getVLink(); public void setVLink(String arg); } public interface HTMLFormElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLCollection getElements(); public long getLength(); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getAcceptCharset(); public void setAcceptCharset(String arg); public String getAction(); public void setAction(String arg); public String getEnctype(); public void setEnctype(String arg); public String getMethod(); public void setMethod(String arg); public String getTarget(); public void setTarget(String arg); } public interface HTMLSelectElement extends HTMLElement { public String getType(); public long getSelectedIndex(); public void setSelectedIndex(long arg); public String getValue(); public void setValue(String arg); public long getLength(); public void setLength(long arg); public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public HTMLCollection getOptions(); public void setOptions(HTMLCollection arg); public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public boolean getMultiple(); public void setMultiple(boolean arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public long getSize(); public void setSize(long arg); public long getTabIndex(); public void setTabIndex(long arg); public void add(HTMLElement element, HTMLElement before); public void remove(long index); public void blur(); public void focus(); } public interface HTMLOptGroupElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public String getLabel(); public void setLabel(String arg); } public interface HTMLOptionElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public boolean getDefaultSelected(); public void setDefaultSelected(boolean arg); public String getText(); public long getIndex(); public void setIndex(long arg); public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public String getLabel(); public void setLabel(String arg); public boolean getSelected(); public String getValue(); public void setValue(String arg); } public interface HTMLInputElement extends HTMLElement { public String getDefaultValue(); public void setDefaultValue(String arg); public boolean getDefaultChecked(); public void setDefaultChecked(boolean arg); public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public String getAccept(); public void setAccept(String arg); public String getAccessKey(); public void setAccessKey(String arg); public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getAlt(); public void setAlt(String arg); public boolean getChecked(); public void setChecked(boolean arg); public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public long getMaxLength(); public void setMaxLength(long arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public boolean getReadOnly(); public void setReadOnly(boolean arg); public String getSize(); public void setSize(String arg); public String getSrc(); public void setSrc(String arg); public long getTabIndex(); public void setTabIndex(long arg); public String getType(); public String getUseMap(); public void setUseMap(String arg); public String getValue(); public void setValue(String arg); public void blur(); public void focus(); public void select(); public void click(); } public interface HTMLTextAreaElement extends HTMLElement { public String getDefaultValue(); public void setDefaultValue(String arg); public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public String getAccessKey(); public void setAccessKey(String arg); public long getCols(); public void setCols(long arg); public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public boolean getReadOnly(); public void setReadOnly(boolean arg); public long getRows(); public void setRows(long arg); public long getTabIndex(); public void setTabIndex(long arg); public String getType(); public void blur(); public void focus(); public void select(); } public interface HTMLButtonElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public String getAccessKey(); public void setAccessKey(String arg); public boolean getDisabled(); public void setDisabled(boolean arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public long getTabIndex(); public void setTabIndex(long arg); public String getType(); public String getValue(); public void setValue(String arg); } public interface HTMLLabelElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public String getAccessKey(); public void setAccessKey(String arg); public String getHtmlFor(); public void setHtmlFor(String arg); } public interface HTMLFieldSetElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLFormElement getForm(); } public interface HTMLLegendElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public String getAccessKey(); public void setAccessKey(String arg); public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLUListElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getCompact(); public void setCompact(boolean arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); } public interface HTMLOListElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getCompact(); public void setCompact(boolean arg); public long getStart(); public void setStart(long arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); } public interface HTMLDListElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getCompact(); public void setCompact(boolean arg); } public interface HTMLDirectoryElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getCompact(); public void setCompact(boolean arg); } public interface HTMLMenuElement extends HTMLElement { public boolean getCompact(); public void setCompact(boolean arg); } public interface HTMLLIElement extends HTMLElement { public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); public long getValue(); public void setValue(long arg); } public interface HTMLBlockquoteElement extends HTMLElement { public String getCite(); public void setCite(String arg); } public interface HTMLDivElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLParagraphElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLHeadingElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLQuoteElement extends HTMLElement { public String getCite(); public void setCite(String arg); } public interface HTMLPreElement extends HTMLElement { public long getWidth(); public void setWidth(long arg); } public interface HTMLBRElement extends HTMLElement { public String getClear(); public void setClear(String arg); } public interface HTMLBaseFontElement extends HTMLElement { public String getColor(); public void setColor(String arg); public String getFace(); public void setFace(String arg); public String getSize(); public void setSize(String arg); } public interface HTMLFontElement extends HTMLElement { public String getColor(); public void setColor(String arg); public String getFace(); public void setFace(String arg); public String getSize(); public void setSize(String arg); } public interface HTMLHRElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public boolean getNoShade(); public void setNoShade(boolean arg); public String getSize(); public void setSize(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); } public interface HTMLInsElement extends HTMLElement { public String getCite(); public void setCite(String arg); public String getDateTime(); public void setDateTime(String arg); } public interface HTMLDelElement extends HTMLElement { public String getCite(); public void setCite(String arg); public String getDateTime(); public void setDateTime(String arg); } public interface HTMLModElement extends HTMLElement { public String getCite(); public void setCite(String arg); public String getDateTime(); public void setDateTime(String arg); } public interface HTMLAnchorElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAccessKey(); public void setAccessKey(String arg); public String getCharset(); public void setCharset(String arg); public String getCoords(); public void setCoords(String arg); public String getHref(); public void setHref(String arg); public String getHreflang(); public void setHreflang(String arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getRel(); public void setRel(String arg); public String getRev(); public void setRev(String arg); public String getShape(); public void setShape(String arg); public long getTabIndex(); public void setTabIndex(long arg); public String getTarget(); public void setTarget(String arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); public void blur(); public void focus(); } public interface HTMLImageElement extends HTMLElement { public String getLowSrc(); public void setLowSrc(String arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getAlt(); public void setAlt(String arg); public String getBorder(); public void setBorder(String arg); public String getHeight(); public void setHeight(String arg); public String getHspace(); public void setHspace(String arg); public boolean getIsMap(); public void setIsMap(boolean arg); public String getLongDesc(); public void setLongDesc(String arg); public String getSrc(); public void setSrc(String arg); public String getUseMap(); public void setUseMap(String arg); public String getVspace(); public void setVspace(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); } public interface HTMLObjectElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLFormElement getForm(); public String getCode(); public void setCode(String arg); public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getArchive(); public void setArchive(String arg); public String getBorder(); public void setBorder(String arg); public String getCodeBase(); public void setCodeBase(String arg); public String getCodeType(); public void setCodeType(String arg); public String getData(); public void setData(String arg); public boolean getDeclare(); public void setDeclare(boolean arg); public String getHeight(); public void setHeight(String arg); public String getHspace(); public void setHspace(String arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getStandby(); public void setStandby(String arg); public long getTabIndex(); public void setTabIndex(long arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); public String getUseMap(); public void setUseMap(String arg); public String getVspace(); public void setVspace(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); } public interface HTMLParamElement extends HTMLElement { public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); public String getValue(); public void setValue(String arg); public String getValueType(); public void setValueType(String arg); } public interface HTMLAppletElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getAlt(); public void setAlt(String arg); public String getArchive(); public void setArchive(String arg); public String getCode(); public void setCode(String arg); public String getCodeBase(); public void setCodeBase(String arg); public String getHeight(); public void setHeight(String arg); public String getHspace(); public void setHspace(String arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getObject(); public void setObject(String arg); public String getVspace(); public void setVspace(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); } public interface HTMLMapElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLCollection getAreas(); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); } public interface HTMLAreaElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAccessKey(); public void setAccessKey(String arg); public String getAlt(); public void setAlt(String arg); public String getCoords(); public void setCoords(String arg); public String getHref(); public void setHref(String arg); public boolean getNoHref(); public void setNoHref(boolean arg); public String getShape(); public void setShape(String arg); public long getTabIndex(); public void setTabIndex(long arg); public String getTarget(); public void setTarget(String arg); } public interface HTMLScriptElement extends HTMLElement { public String getText(); public void setText(String arg); public String getHtmlFor(); public void setHtmlFor(String arg); public String getEvent(); public void setEvent(String arg); public String getCharset(); public void setCharset(String arg); public boolean getDefer(); public void setDefer(boolean arg); public String getSrc(); public void setSrc(String arg); public String getType(); public void setType(String arg); } public interface HTMLTableElement extends HTMLElement { public HTMLTableCaptionElement getCaption(); public void setCaption(HTMLTableCaptionElement arg); public HTMLTableSectionElement getTHead(); public void setTHead(HTMLTableSectionElement arg); public HTMLTableSectionElement getTFoot(); public void setTFoot(HTMLTableSectionElement arg); public HTMLCollection getRows(); public HTMLCollection getTBodies(); public void setTBodies(HTMLCollection arg); public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getBgColor(); public void setBgColor(String arg); public String getBorder(); public void setBorder(String arg); public String getCellPadding(); public void setCellPadding(String arg); public String getCellSpacing(); public void setCellSpacing(String arg); public String getFrame(); public void setFrame(String arg); public String getRules(); public void setRules(String arg); public String getSummary(); public void setSummary(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); public HTMLElement createTHead(); public void deleteTHead(); public HTMLElement createTFoot(); public void deleteTFoot(); public HTMLElement createCaption(); public void deleteCaption(); public HTMLElement insertRow(long index); public void deleteRow(long index); } public interface HTMLTableCaptionElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLTableColElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getCh(); public void setCh(String arg); public String getChOff(); public void setChOff(String arg); public long getSpan(); public void setSpan(long arg); public String getVAlign(); public void setVAlign(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); } public interface HTMLTheadElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getCh(); public void setCh(String arg); public String getChOff(); public void setChOff(String arg); public String getVAlign(); public void setVAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLTbodyElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getCh(); public void setCh(String arg); public String getChOff(); public void setChOff(String arg); public String getVAlign(); public void setVAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLTfootElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getCh(); public void setCh(String arg); public String getChOff(); public void setChOff(String arg); public String getVAlign(); public void setVAlign(String arg); } public interface HTMLTableSectionElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getVAlign(); public void setVAlign(String arg); public HTMLCollection getRows(); public void setRows(HTMLCollection arg); public HTMLElement insertRow(long index); public void deleteRow(long index); } public interface HTMLTableRowElement extends HTMLElement { public long getRowIndex(); public void setRowIndex(long arg); public long getSectionRowIndex(); public void setSectionRowIndex(long arg); public HTMLCollection getCells(); public void setCells(HTMLCollection arg); public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getBgColor(); public void setBgColor(String arg); public String getCh(); public void setCh(String arg); public String getChOff(); public void setChOff(String arg); public String getVAlign(); public void setVAlign(String arg); public HTMLElement insertCell(long index); public void deleteCell(long index); } public interface HTMLTableCellElement extends HTMLElement { public long getCellIndex(); public void setCellIndex(long arg); public String getAbbr(); public void setAbbr(String arg); public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getAxis(); public void setAxis(String arg); public String getBgColor(); public void setBgColor(String arg); public String getCh(); public void setCh(String arg); public String getChOff(); public void setChOff(String arg); public long getColSpan(); public void setColSpan(long arg); public String getHeaders(); public void setHeaders(String arg); public String getHeight(); public void setHeight(String arg); public boolean getNoWrap(); public void setNoWrap(boolean arg); public long getRowSpan(); public void setRowSpan(long arg); public String getScope(); public void setScope(String arg); public String getVAlign(); public void setVAlign(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); } public interface HTMLFrameSetElement extends HTMLElement { public String getCols(); public void setCols(String arg); public String getRows(); public void setRows(String arg); } public interface HTMLFrameElement extends HTMLElement { public String getFrameBorder(); public void setFrameBorder(String arg); public String getLongDesc(); public void setLongDesc(String arg); public String getMarginHeight(); public void setMarginHeight(String arg); public String getMarginWidth(); public void setMarginWidth(String arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public boolean getNoResize(); public void setNoResize(boolean arg); public String getScrolling(); public void setScrolling(String arg); public String getSrc(); public void setSrc(String arg); } public interface HTMLIFrameElement extends HTMLElement { public String getAlign(); public void setAlign(String arg); public String getFrameBorder(); public void setFrameBorder(String arg); public String getHeight(); public void setHeight(String arg); public String getLongDesc(); public void setLongDesc(String arg); public String getMarginHeight(); public void setMarginHeight(String arg); public String getMarginWidth(); public void setMarginWidth(String arg); public String getName(); public void setName(String arg); public String getScrolling(); public void setScrolling(String arg); public String getSrc(); public void setSrc(String arg); public String getWidth(); public void setWidth(String arg); }
The HTMLCollection object has the following properties:
- length
- This property is expected to be a long
The HTMLCollection object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a Node. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
- namedItem(name)
- This method returns a Node. The name parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
HTMLDocument has the all the properties and methods of Document as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLDocument object has the following properties:
- title
- This property is expected to be a String
- referrer
- This property is expected to be a String
- fileSize
- This property is expected to be a String
- fileCreatedDate
- This property is expected to be a String
- fileModifiedDate
- This property is expected to be a String
- fileUpdatedDate
- This property is expected to be a String
- domain
- This property is expected to be a String
- This property is expected to be a String
- body
- This property is expected to be a HTMLElement
- images
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- applets
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- links
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- forms
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- anchors
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- cookie
- This property is expected to be a String
- open
- This property is expected to be a void
- close
- This property is expected to be a void
The HTMLDocument object has the following methods:
- write(text)
- This method returns a void. The text parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- writeln(text)
- This method returns a void. The text parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- getElementById(elementId)
- This method returns a Element. The elementId parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
- getElementsByName(elementName)
- This method returns a NodeList. The elementName parameter is expected to be of type wstring..
HTMLElement has the all the properties and methods of Element as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLElement object has the following properties:
- id
- This property is expected to be a String
- title
- This property is expected to be a String
- lang
- This property is expected to be a String
- dir
- This property is expected to be a String
- className
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLHtmlElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLHtmlElement object has the following properties:
- version
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLHeadElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLHeadElement object has the following properties:
- profile
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLLinkElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLLinkElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- charset
- This property is expected to be a String
- href
- This property is expected to be a String
- hreflang
- This property is expected to be a String
- media
- This property is expected to be a String
- rel
- This property is expected to be a String
- rev
- This property is expected to be a String
- target
- This property is expected to be a String
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLTitleElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTitleElement object has the following properties:
- text
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLMetaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLMetaElement object has the following properties:
- content
- This property is expected to be a String
- httpEquiv
- This property is expected to be a String
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- scheme
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLBaseElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLBaseElement object has the following properties:
- href
- This property is expected to be a String
- target
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLIsIndexElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLIsIndexElement object has the following properties:
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- prompt
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLStyleElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLStyleElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- media
- This property is expected to be a String
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLBodyElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLBodyElement object has the following properties:
- aLink
- This property is expected to be a String
- background
- This property is expected to be a String
- bgColor
- This property is expected to be a String
- link
- This property is expected to be a String
- text
- This property is expected to be a String
- vLink
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLFormElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLFormElement object has the following properties:
- elements
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- length
- This property is expected to be a long
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- acceptCharset
- This property is expected to be a String
- action
- This property is expected to be a String
- enctype
- This property is expected to be a String
- method
- This property is expected to be a String
- target
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLSelectElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLSelectElement object has the following properties:
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- selectedIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- value
- This property is expected to be a String
- length
- This property is expected to be a long
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- options
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- multiple
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- size
- This property is expected to be a long
- tabIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- blur
- This property is expected to be a void
- focus
- This property is expected to be a void
The HTMLSelectElement object has the following methods:
- add(element, before)
- This method returns a void. The element parameter is expected to be of type HTMLElement.. The before parameter is expected to be of type HTMLElement..
- remove(index)
- This method returns a void. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
HTMLOptGroupElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLOptGroupElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- label
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLOptionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLOptionElement object has the following properties:
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- defaultSelected
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- text
- This property is expected to be a String
- index
- This property is expected to be a long
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- label
- This property is expected to be a String
- selected
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- value
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLInputElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLInputElement object has the following properties:
- defaultValue
- This property is expected to be a String
- defaultChecked
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- accept
- This property is expected to be a String
- accessKey
- This property is expected to be a String
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- alt
- This property is expected to be a String
- checked
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- maxLength
- This property is expected to be a long
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- readOnly
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- size
- This property is expected to be a String
- src
- This property is expected to be a String
- tabIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- useMap
- This property is expected to be a String
- value
- This property is expected to be a String
- blur
- This property is expected to be a void
- focus
- This property is expected to be a void
- select
- This property is expected to be a void
- click
- This property is expected to be a void
HTMLTextAreaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTextAreaElement object has the following properties:
- defaultValue
- This property is expected to be a String
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- accessKey
- This property is expected to be a String
- cols
- This property is expected to be a long
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- readOnly
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- rows
- This property is expected to be a long
- tabIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- blur
- This property is expected to be a void
- focus
- This property is expected to be a void
- select
- This property is expected to be a void
HTMLButtonElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLButtonElement object has the following properties:
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- accessKey
- This property is expected to be a String
- disabled
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- tabIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- value
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLLabelElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLLabelElement object has the following properties:
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- accessKey
- This property is expected to be a String
- htmlFor
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLFieldSetElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLFieldSetElement object has the following properties:
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
HTMLLegendElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLLegendElement object has the following properties:
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- accessKey
- This property is expected to be a String
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLUListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLUListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLOListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLOListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- start
- This property is expected to be a long
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLDListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLDListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
- This property is expected to be a boolean
HTMLDirectoryElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLDirectoryElement object has the following properties:
- compact
- This property is expected to be a boolean
HTMLMenuElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLMenuElement object has the following properties:
- compact
- This property is expected to be a boolean
HTMLLIElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLLIElement object has the following properties:
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- value
- This property is expected to be a long
HTMLBlockquoteElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLBlockquoteElement object has the following properties:
- cite
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLDivElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLDivElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLParagraphElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLParagraphElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLHeadingElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLHeadingElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLQuoteElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLQuoteElement object has the following properties:
- cite
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLPreElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLPreElement object has the following properties:
- width
- This property is expected to be a long
HTMLBRElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLBRElement object has the following properties:
- clear
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLBaseFontElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLBaseFontElement object has the following properties:
- color
- This property is expected to be a String
- face
- This property is expected to be a String
- size
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLFontElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLFontElement object has the following properties:
- color
- This property is expected to be a String
- face
- This property is expected to be a String
- size
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLHRElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLHRElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- noShade
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- size
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLInsElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLInsElement object has the following properties:
- cite
- This property is expected to be a String
- dateTime
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLDelElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLDelElement object has the following properties:
- cite
- This property is expected to be a String
- dateTime
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLModElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLModElement object has the following properties:
- cite
- This property is expected to be a String
- dateTime
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLAnchorElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLAnchorElement object has the following properties:
- accessKey
- This property is expected to be a String
- charset
- This property is expected to be a String
- coords
- This property is expected to be a String
- href
- This property is expected to be a String
- hreflang
- This property is expected to be a String
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- rel
- This property is expected to be a String
- rev
- This property is expected to be a String
- shape
- This property is expected to be a String
- tabIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- target
- This property is expected to be a String
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- blur
- This property is expected to be a void
- focus
- This property is expected to be a void
HTMLImageElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLImageElement object has the following properties:
- lowSrc
- This property is expected to be a String
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- alt
- This property is expected to be a String
- border
- This property is expected to be a String
- height
- This property is expected to be a String
- hspace
- This property is expected to be a String
- isMap
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- longDesc
- This property is expected to be a String
- src
- This property is expected to be a String
- useMap
- This property is expected to be a String
- vspace
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLObjectElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLObjectElement object has the following properties:
- form
- This property is expected to be a HTMLFormElement
- code
- This property is expected to be a String
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- archive
- This property is expected to be a String
- border
- This property is expected to be a String
- codeBase
- This property is expected to be a String
- codeType
- This property is expected to be a String
- data
- This property is expected to be a String
- declare
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- height
- This property is expected to be a String
- hspace
- This property is expected to be a String
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- standby
- This property is expected to be a String
- tabIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- useMap
- This property is expected to be a String
- vspace
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLParamElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLParamElement object has the following properties:
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
- value
- This property is expected to be a String
- valueType
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLAppletElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLAppletElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- alt
- This property is expected to be a String
- archive
- This property is expected to be a String
- code
- This property is expected to be a String
- codeBase
- This property is expected to be a String
- height
- This property is expected to be a String
- hspace
- This property is expected to be a String
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- object
- This property is expected to be a String
- vspace
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLMapElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLMapElement object has the following properties:
- areas
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLAreaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLAreaElement object has the following properties:
- accessKey
- This property is expected to be a String
- alt
- This property is expected to be a String
- coords
- This property is expected to be a String
- href
- This property is expected to be a String
- noHref
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- shape
- This property is expected to be a String
- tabIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- target
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLScriptElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLScriptElement object has the following properties:
- text
- This property is expected to be a String
- htmlFor
- This property is expected to be a String
- event
- This property is expected to be a String
- charset
- This property is expected to be a String
- defer
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- src
- This property is expected to be a String
- type
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLTableElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTableElement object has the following properties:
- caption
- This property is expected to be a HTMLTableCaptionElement
- tHead
- This property is expected to be a HTMLTableSectionElement
- tFoot
- This property is expected to be a HTMLTableSectionElement
- rows
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- tBodies
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- bgColor
- This property is expected to be a String
- border
- This property is expected to be a String
- cellPadding
- This property is expected to be a String
- cellSpacing
- This property is expected to be a String
- frame
- This property is expected to be a String
- rules
- This property is expected to be a String
- summary
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String
- createTHead
- This property is expected to be a HTMLElement
- deleteTHead
- This property is expected to be a void
- createTFoot
- This property is expected to be a HTMLElement
- deleteTFoot
- This property is expected to be a void
- createCaption
- This property is expected to be a HTMLElement
- deleteCaption
- This property is expected to be a void
The HTMLTableElement object has the following methods:
- insertRow(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
- deleteRow(index)
- This method returns a void. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
HTMLTableCaptionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTableCaptionElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLTableColElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTableColElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- ch
- This property is expected to be a String
- chOff
- This property is expected to be a String
- span
- This property is expected to be a long
- vAlign
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLTheadElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTheadElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- ch
- This property is expected to be a String
- chOff
- This property is expected to be a String
- vAlign
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLTbodyElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTbodyElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- ch
- This property is expected to be a String
- chOff
- This property is expected to be a String
- vAlign
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLTfootElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTfootElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- ch
- This property is expected to be a String
- chOff
- This property is expected to be a String
- vAlign
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLTableSectionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTableSectionElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- vAlign
- This property is expected to be a String
- rows
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
The HTMLTableSectionElement object has the following methods:
- insertRow(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
- deleteRow(index)
- This method returns a void. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
HTMLTableRowElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTableRowElement object has the following properties:
- rowIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- sectionRowIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- cells
- This property is expected to be a HTMLCollection
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- bgColor
- This property is expected to be a String
- ch
- This property is expected to be a String
- chOff
- This property is expected to be a String
- vAlign
- This property is expected to be a String
The HTMLTableRowElement object has the following methods:
- insertCell(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
- deleteCell(index)
- This method returns a void. The index parameter is expected to be of type long..
HTMLTableCellElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLTableCellElement object has the following properties:
- cellIndex
- This property is expected to be a long
- abbr
- This property is expected to be a String
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- axis
- This property is expected to be a String
- bgColor
- This property is expected to be a String
- ch
- This property is expected to be a String
- chOff
- This property is expected to be a String
- colSpan
- This property is expected to be a long
- headers
- This property is expected to be a String
- height
- This property is expected to be a String
- noWrap
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- rowSpan
- This property is expected to be a long
- scope
- This property is expected to be a String
- vAlign
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLFrameSetElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLFrameSetElement object has the following properties:
- cols
- This property is expected to be a String
- rows
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLFrameElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLFrameElement object has the following properties:
- frameBorder
- This property is expected to be a String
- longDesc
- This property is expected to be a String
- marginHeight
- This property is expected to be a String
- marginWidth
- This property is expected to be a String
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- noResize
- This property is expected to be a boolean
- scrolling
- This property is expected to be a String
- src
- This property is expected to be a String
HTMLIFrameElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The HTMLIFrameElement object has the following properties:
- align
- This property is expected to be a String
- frameBorder
- This property is expected to be a String
- height
- This property is expected to be a String
- longDesc
- This property is expected to be a String
- marginHeight
- This property is expected to be a String
- marginWidth
- This property is expected to be a String
- name
- This property is expected to be a String
- scrolling
- This property is expected to be a String
- src
- This property is expected to be a String
- width
- This property is expected to be a String