This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMGIDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Model XPath definitions.
The IDL files are also available as:
// File: xpath.idl #ifndef _XPATH_IDL_ #define _XPATH_IDL_ #include "dom.idl" #pragma prefix "" module xpath { typedef dom::DOMString DOMString; typedef dom::Node Node; typedef dom::Element Element; interface XPathNSResolver; interface XPathResult; interface XPathExpression; interface XPathSetIterator; interface XPathSetSnapshot; exception XPathException { unsigned short code; }; // XPathExceptionCode const unsigned short INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR = 1; const unsigned short TYPE_ERR = 2; interface XPathEvaluator { XPathExpression createExpression(in DOMString expression, in XPathNSResolver resolver) raises(XPathException, dom::DOMException); XPathResult createResult(); XPathNSResolver createNSResolver(in Node nodeResolver); XPathResult evaluate(in DOMString expression, in Node contextNode, in XPathNSResolver resolver, in unsigned short type, in XPathResult result) raises(XPathException, dom::DOMException); }; interface XPathExpression { XPathResult evaluate(in Node contextNode, in unsigned short type, in XPathResult result) raises(XPathException, dom::DOMException); }; interface XPathNSResolver { DOMString lookupNamespaceURI(in DOMString prefix); }; interface XPathResult { // XPathResultType const unsigned short ANY_TYPE = 0; const unsigned short NUMBER_TYPE = 1; const unsigned short STRING_TYPE = 2; const unsigned short BOOLEAN_TYPE = 3; const unsigned short NODE_SET_TYPE = 4; const unsigned short SINGLE_NODE_TYPE = 5; readonly attribute unsigned short resultType; readonly attribute double numberValue; // raises(XPathException) on retrieval readonly attribute DOMString stringValue; // raises(XPathException) on retrieval readonly attribute boolean booleanValue; // raises(XPathException) on retrieval readonly attribute Node singleNodeValue; // raises(XPathException) on retrieval XPathSetIterator getSetIterator(in boolean ordered) raises(XPathException, dom::DOMException); XPathSetSnapshot getSetSnapshot(in boolean ordered) raises(XPathException, dom::DOMException); }; interface XPathSetIterator { Node nextNode() raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface XPathSetSnapshot { Node item(in unsigned long index); readonly attribute unsigned long length; }; interface XPathNamespace : Node { // XPathNodeType const unsigned short XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE = 13; readonly attribute Element ownerElement; }; }; #endif // _XPATH_IDL_