18 June 2001

Appendix C: ECMA Script Language Binding

This appendix contains the complete ECMA Script [ECMAScript] binding for the Level 3 Document Object Model XPath definitions.

Prototype Object XPathExceptionCode
The XPathExceptionCode class has the following constants:
This constant is of type Number and its value is 1.
Object XPathExceptionCode
Object XPathException
The XPathException object has the following properties:
This property is of type Number.
Object XPathEvaluator
The XPathEvaluator object has the following methods:
evaluateAsBoolean(expression, contextNode, resolver)
This method returns a Boolean.
The expression parameter is of type String.
The contextNode parameter is a Node object.
The resolver parameter is a NamespaceResolver object.
This method can raise a XPathException object.
evaluateAsNumber(expression, contextNode, resolver)
This method returns a double object.
The expression parameter is of type String.
The contextNode parameter is a Node object.
The resolver parameter is a NamespaceResolver object.
This method can raise a XPathException object.
evaluateAsString(expression, contextNode, resolver)
This method returns a String.
The expression parameter is of type String.
The contextNode parameter is a Node object.
The resolver parameter is a NamespaceResolver object.
This method can raise a XPathException object.
evaluateAsNode(expression, contextNode, resolver)
This method returns a Node object.
The expression parameter is of type String.
The contextNode parameter is a Node object.
The resolver parameter is a NamespaceResolver object.
This method can raise a XPathException object.
evaluateAsNodeSet(expression, contextNode, resolver)
This method returns a ActiveNodeSet object.
The expression parameter is of type String.
The contextNode parameter is a Node object.
The resolver parameter is a NamespaceResolver object.
This method can raise a XPathException object.
Object StaticNodeSet
The StaticNodeSet object has the following properties:
This read-only property is of type Number.
The StaticNodeSet object has the following methods:
This method returns a Node object.
The index parameter is of type Number.
Note: This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation (e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer index is equivalent to invoking the item method with that index.
Object ActiveNodeSet
The ActiveNodeSet object has the following methods:
This method returns a Node object.
This method can raise a DOMException object.
This method has no return value.
This method can raise a DOMException object.
This method returns a ActiveNodeSet object.
This method can raise a DOMException object.
This method returns a ActiveNodeSet object.
This method can raise a DOMException object.
This method returns a StaticNodeSet object.
This method can raise a DOMException object.
Object NamespaceResolver
The NamespaceResolver object has the following methods:
This method returns a String.
The prefix parameter is of type String.