Appendix E: ECMA Script Language Binding
This appendix contains the complete ECMA Script binding for the Level 2
Document Object Model definitions. The definitions are divided into
Traversal, and
E.1: Document Object Model Core
- Object DOMString
- Object DOMImplementation
- The DOMImplementation object has the following methods:
- hasFeature(feature, version)
- This method returns a boolean.
The feature parameter is of type DOMString.
The version parameter is of type DOMString.
- createDocumentType(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId, internalSubset)
- This method returns a DocumentType.
The qualifiedName parameter is of type DOMString.
The publicId parameter is of type DOMString.
The systemId parameter is of type DOMString.
The internalSubset parameter is of type DOMString.
- createDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype)
- This method returns a Document.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The qualifiedName parameter is of type DOMString.
The doctype parameter is of type DocumentType.
- Object DocumentFragment
- DocumentFragment has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object Document
- Document has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The Document object has the following properties:
- doctype
This property is of type DocumentType.
- implementation
This property is of type DOMImplementation.
- documentElement
This property is of type Element.
- The Document object has the following methods:
- createElement(tagName)
- This method returns a Element.
The tagName parameter is of type DOMString.
- createDocumentFragment()
- This method returns a DocumentFragment.
- createTextNode(data)
- This method returns a Text.
The data parameter is of type DOMString.
- createComment(data)
- This method returns a Comment.
The data parameter is of type DOMString.
- createCDATASection(data)
- This method returns a CDATASection.
The data parameter is of type DOMString.
- createProcessingInstruction(target, data)
- This method returns a ProcessingInstruction.
The target parameter is of type DOMString.
The data parameter is of type DOMString.
- createAttribute(name)
- This method returns a Attr.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- createEntityReference(name)
- This method returns a EntityReference.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- getElementsByTagName(tagname)
- This method returns a NodeList.
The tagname parameter is of type DOMString.
- importNode(importedNode, deep)
- This method returns a Node.
The importedNode parameter is of type Node.
The deep parameter is of type boolean.
- createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
- This method returns a Element.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The qualifiedName parameter is of type DOMString.
- createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName)
- This method returns a Attr.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The qualifiedName parameter is of type DOMString.
- getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This method returns a NodeList.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The localName parameter is of type DOMString.
- getElementById(elementId)
- This method returns a Element.
The elementId parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object Node
- The Node object has the following properties:
- nodeName
This property is of type String.
- nodeValue
This property is of type String.
- nodeType
This property is of type short.
- parentNode
This property is of type Node.
- childNodes
This property is of type NodeList.
- firstChild
This property is of type Node.
- lastChild
This property is of type Node.
- previousSibling
This property is of type Node.
- nextSibling
This property is of type Node.
- attributes
This property is of type NamedNodeMap.
- ownerDocument
This property is of type Document.
- namespaceURI
This property is of type String.
- prefix
This property is of type String.
- localName
This property is of type String.
- The Node object has the following methods:
- insertBefore(newChild, refChild)
- This method returns a Node.
The newChild parameter is of type Node.
The refChild parameter is of type Node.
- replaceChild(newChild, oldChild)
- This method returns a Node.
The newChild parameter is of type Node.
The oldChild parameter is of type Node.
- removeChild(oldChild)
- This method returns a Node.
The oldChild parameter is of type Node.
- appendChild(newChild)
- This method returns a Node.
The newChild parameter is of type Node.
- hasChildNodes()
- This method returns a boolean.
- cloneNode(deep)
- This method returns a Node.
The deep parameter is of type boolean.
- normalize()
- This method returns a void.
- supports(feature, version)
- This method returns a boolean.
The feature parameter is of type DOMString.
The version parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object NodeList
- The NodeList object has the following properties:
- length
This property is of type int.
- The NodeList object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a Node.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- Object NamedNodeMap
- The NamedNodeMap object has the following properties:
- length
This property is of type int.
- The NamedNodeMap object has the following methods:
- getNamedItem(name)
- This method returns a Node.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- setNamedItem(arg)
- This method returns a Node.
The arg parameter is of type Node.
- removeNamedItem(name)
- This method returns a Node.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- item(index)
- This method returns a Node.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This method returns a Node.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The localName parameter is of type DOMString.
- setNamedItemNS(arg)
- This method returns a Node.
The arg parameter is of type Node.
- removeNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This method returns a Node.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The localName parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object CharacterData
- CharacterData has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CharacterData object has the following properties:
- data
This property is of type String.
- length
This property is of type int.
- The CharacterData object has the following methods:
- substringData(offset, count)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The offset parameter is of type unsigned long.
The count parameter is of type unsigned long.
- appendData(arg)
- This method returns a void.
The arg parameter is of type DOMString.
- insertData(offset, arg)
- This method returns a void.
The offset parameter is of type unsigned long.
The arg parameter is of type DOMString.
- deleteData(offset, count)
- This method returns a void.
The offset parameter is of type unsigned long.
The count parameter is of type unsigned long.
- replaceData(offset, count, arg)
- This method returns a void.
The offset parameter is of type unsigned long.
The count parameter is of type unsigned long.
The arg parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object Attr
- Attr has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The Attr object has the following properties:
- name
This property is of type String.
- specified
This property is of type boolean.
- value
This property is of type String.
- ownerElement
This property is of type Element.
- Object Element
- Element has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The Element object has the following properties:
- tagName
This property is of type String.
- The Element object has the following methods:
- getAttribute(name)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- setAttribute(name, value)
- This method returns a void.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
The value parameter is of type DOMString.
- removeAttribute(name)
- This method returns a void.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- getAttributeNode(name)
- This method returns a Attr.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- setAttributeNode(newAttr)
- This method returns a Attr.
The newAttr parameter is of type Attr.
- removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)
- This method returns a Attr.
The oldAttr parameter is of type Attr.
- getElementsByTagName(name)
- This method returns a NodeList.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
- getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The localName parameter is of type DOMString.
- setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value)
- This method returns a void.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The qualifiedName parameter is of type DOMString.
The value parameter is of type DOMString.
- removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This method returns a void.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The localName parameter is of type DOMString.
- getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This method returns a Attr.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The localName parameter is of type DOMString.
- setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr)
- This method returns a Attr.
The newAttr parameter is of type Attr.
- getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI, localName)
- This method returns a NodeList.
The namespaceURI parameter is of type DOMString.
The localName parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object Text
- Text has the all the properties and methods of CharacterData as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The Text object has the following methods:
- splitText(offset)
- This method returns a Text.
The offset parameter is of type unsigned long.
- Object Comment
- Comment has the all the properties and methods of CharacterData as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object CDATASection
- CDATASection has the all the properties and methods of Text as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object DocumentType
- DocumentType has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The DocumentType object has the following properties:
- name
This property is of type String.
- entities
This property is of type NamedNodeMap.
- notations
This property is of type NamedNodeMap.
- publicId
This property is of type String.
- systemId
This property is of type String.
- internalSubset
This property is of type String.
- Object Notation
- Notation has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The Notation object has the following properties:
- publicId
This property is of type String.
- systemId
This property is of type String.
- Object Entity
- Entity has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The Entity object has the following properties:
- publicId
This property is of type String.
- systemId
This property is of type String.
- notationName
This property is of type String.
- Object EntityReference
- EntityReference has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object ProcessingInstruction
- ProcessingInstruction has the all the properties and methods of Node as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The ProcessingInstruction object has the following properties:
- target
This property is of type String.
- data
This property is of type String.
E.2: Document Object Model HTML
- Object HTMLDOMImplementation
- HTMLDOMImplementation has the all the properties and methods of DOMImplementation as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDOMImplementation object has the following methods:
- createHTMLDocument(title)
- This method returns a HTMLDocument.
The title parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object HTMLCollection
- The HTMLCollection object has the following properties:
- length
This property is of type int.
- The HTMLCollection object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a Node.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- namedItem(name)
- This method returns a Node.
The name parameter is of type DOMString.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj["foo"]). Dereferencing using a string index is equivalent to
invoking the namedItem method with that index.
- Object HTMLDocument
- HTMLDocument has the all the properties and methods of Document as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDocument object has the following properties:
- title
This property is of type String.
- referrer
This property is of type String.
- domain
This property is of type String.
This property is of type String.
- body
This property is of type HTMLElement.
- images
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- applets
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- links
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- forms
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- anchors
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- cookie
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLDocument object has the following methods:
- open()
- This method returns a void.
- close()
- This method returns a void.
- write(text)
- This method returns a void.
The text parameter is of type DOMString.
- writeln(text)
- This method returns a void.
The text parameter is of type DOMString.
- getElementsByName(elementName)
- This method returns a NodeList.
The elementName parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object HTMLElement
- HTMLElement has the all the properties and methods of Element as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLElement object has the following properties:
- id
This property is of type String.
- title
This property is of type String.
- lang
This property is of type String.
- dir
This property is of type String.
- className
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHtmlElement
- HTMLHtmlElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHtmlElement object has the following properties:
- version
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHeadElement
- HTMLHeadElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHeadElement object has the following properties:
- profile
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLLinkElement
- HTMLLinkElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLinkElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- charset
This property is of type String.
- href
This property is of type String.
- hreflang
This property is of type String.
- media
This property is of type String.
- rel
This property is of type String.
- rev
This property is of type String.
- target
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTitleElement
- HTMLTitleElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTitleElement object has the following properties:
- text
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLMetaElement
- HTMLMetaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLMetaElement object has the following properties:
- content
This property is of type String.
- httpEquiv
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- scheme
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLBaseElement
- HTMLBaseElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBaseElement object has the following properties:
- href
This property is of type String.
- target
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLIsIndexElement
- HTMLIsIndexElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLIsIndexElement object has the following properties:
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- prompt
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLStyleElement
- HTMLStyleElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLStyleElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- media
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLBodyElement
- HTMLBodyElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBodyElement object has the following properties:
- aLink
This property is of type String.
- background
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- link
This property is of type String.
- text
This property is of type String.
- vLink
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFormElement
- HTMLFormElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFormElement object has the following properties:
- elements
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- length
This property is of type long.
- name
This property is of type String.
- acceptCharset
This property is of type String.
- action
This property is of type String.
- enctype
This property is of type String.
- method
This property is of type String.
- target
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLFormElement object has the following methods:
- submit()
- This method returns a void.
- reset()
- This method returns a void.
- Object HTMLSelectElement
- HTMLSelectElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLSelectElement object has the following properties:
- type
This property is of type String.
- selectedIndex
This property is of type long.
- value
This property is of type String.
- length
This property is of type long.
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- options
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- multiple
This property is of type boolean.
- name
This property is of type String.
- size
This property is of type long.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- The HTMLSelectElement object has the following methods:
- add(element, before)
- This method returns a void.
The element parameter is of type HTMLElement.
The before parameter is of type HTMLElement.
- remove(index)
- This method returns a void.
The index parameter is of type long.
- blur()
- This method returns a void.
- focus()
- This method returns a void.
- Object HTMLOptGroupElement
- HTMLOptGroupElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLOptGroupElement object has the following properties:
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- label
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLOptionElement
- HTMLOptionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLOptionElement object has the following properties:
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- defaultSelected
This property is of type boolean.
- text
This property is of type String.
- index
This property is of type long.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- label
This property is of type String.
- selected
This property is of type boolean.
- value
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLInputElement
- HTMLInputElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLInputElement object has the following properties:
- defaultValue
This property is of type String.
- defaultChecked
This property is of type boolean.
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accept
This property is of type String.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- checked
This property is of type boolean.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- maxLength
This property is of type long.
- name
This property is of type String.
- readOnly
This property is of type boolean.
- size
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- useMap
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLInputElement object has the following methods:
- blur()
- This method returns a void.
- focus()
- This method returns a void.
- select()
- This method returns a void.
- click()
- This method returns a void.
- Object HTMLTextAreaElement
- HTMLTextAreaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTextAreaElement object has the following properties:
- defaultValue
This property is of type String.
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- cols
This property is of type long.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- name
This property is of type String.
- readOnly
This property is of type boolean.
- rows
This property is of type long.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLTextAreaElement object has the following methods:
- blur()
- This method returns a void.
- focus()
- This method returns a void.
- select()
- This method returns a void.
- Object HTMLButtonElement
- HTMLButtonElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLButtonElement object has the following properties:
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- name
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLLabelElement
- HTMLLabelElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLabelElement object has the following properties:
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- htmlFor
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFieldSetElement
- HTMLFieldSetElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFieldSetElement object has the following properties:
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- Object HTMLLegendElement
- HTMLLegendElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLegendElement object has the following properties:
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLUListElement
- HTMLUListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLUListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLOListElement
- HTMLOListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLOListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- start
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLDListElement
- HTMLDListElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDListElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- Object HTMLDirectoryElement
- HTMLDirectoryElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDirectoryElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- Object HTMLMenuElement
- HTMLMenuElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLMenuElement object has the following properties:
- compact
This property is of type boolean.
- Object HTMLLIElement
- HTMLLIElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLLIElement object has the following properties:
- type
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type long.
- Object HTMLDivElement
- HTMLDivElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLDivElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLParagraphElement
- HTMLParagraphElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLParagraphElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHeadingElement
- HTMLHeadingElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHeadingElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLQuoteElement
- HTMLQuoteElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLQuoteElement object has the following properties:
- cite
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLPreElement
- HTMLPreElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLPreElement object has the following properties:
- width
This property is of type long.
- Object HTMLBRElement
- HTMLBRElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBRElement object has the following properties:
- clear
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLBaseFontElement
- HTMLBaseFontElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLBaseFontElement object has the following properties:
- color
This property is of type String.
- face
This property is of type String.
- size
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFontElement
- HTMLFontElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFontElement object has the following properties:
- color
This property is of type String.
- face
This property is of type String.
- size
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLHRElement
- HTMLHRElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLHRElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- noShade
This property is of type boolean.
- size
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLModElement
- HTMLModElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLModElement object has the following properties:
- cite
This property is of type String.
- dateTime
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLAnchorElement
- HTMLAnchorElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLAnchorElement object has the following properties:
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- charset
This property is of type String.
- coords
This property is of type String.
- href
This property is of type String.
- hreflang
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- rel
This property is of type String.
- rev
This property is of type String.
- shape
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- target
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLAnchorElement object has the following methods:
- blur()
- This method returns a void.
- focus()
- This method returns a void.
- Object HTMLImageElement
- HTMLImageElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLImageElement object has the following properties:
- lowSrc
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- border
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- hspace
This property is of type String.
- isMap
This property is of type boolean.
- longDesc
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- useMap
This property is of type String.
- vspace
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLObjectElement
- HTMLObjectElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLObjectElement object has the following properties:
- form
This property is of type HTMLFormElement.
- code
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- archive
This property is of type String.
- border
This property is of type String.
- codeBase
This property is of type String.
- codeType
This property is of type String.
- data
This property is of type String.
- declare
This property is of type boolean.
- height
This property is of type String.
- hspace
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- standby
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- type
This property is of type String.
- useMap
This property is of type String.
- vspace
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLParamElement
- HTMLParamElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLParamElement object has the following properties:
- name
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- value
This property is of type String.
- valueType
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLAppletElement
- HTMLAppletElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLAppletElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- archive
This property is of type String.
- code
This property is of type String.
- codeBase
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- hspace
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- object
This property is of type String.
- vspace
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLMapElement
- HTMLMapElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLMapElement object has the following properties:
- areas
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- name
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLAreaElement
- HTMLAreaElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLAreaElement object has the following properties:
- accessKey
This property is of type String.
- alt
This property is of type String.
- coords
This property is of type String.
- href
This property is of type String.
- noHref
This property is of type boolean.
- shape
This property is of type String.
- tabIndex
This property is of type long.
- target
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLScriptElement
- HTMLScriptElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLScriptElement object has the following properties:
- text
This property is of type String.
- htmlFor
This property is of type String.
- event
This property is of type String.
- charset
This property is of type String.
- defer
This property is of type boolean.
- src
This property is of type String.
- type
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTableElement
- HTMLTableElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableElement object has the following properties:
- caption
This property is of type HTMLTableCaptionElement.
- tHead
This property is of type HTMLTableSectionElement.
- tFoot
This property is of type HTMLTableSectionElement.
- rows
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- tBodies
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- align
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- border
This property is of type String.
- cellPadding
This property is of type String.
- cellSpacing
This property is of type String.
- frame
This property is of type String.
- rules
This property is of type String.
- summary
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLTableElement object has the following methods:
- createTHead()
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
- deleteTHead()
- This method returns a void.
- createTFoot()
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
- deleteTFoot()
- This method returns a void.
- createCaption()
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
- deleteCaption()
- This method returns a void.
- insertRow(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
The index parameter is of type long.
- deleteRow(index)
- This method returns a void.
The index parameter is of type long.
- Object HTMLTableCaptionElement
- HTMLTableCaptionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableCaptionElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTableColElement
- HTMLTableColElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableColElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- span
This property is of type long.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLTableSectionElement
- HTMLTableSectionElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableSectionElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- rows
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- The HTMLTableSectionElement object has the following methods:
- insertRow(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
The index parameter is of type long.
- deleteRow(index)
- This method returns a void.
The index parameter is of type long.
- Object HTMLTableRowElement
- HTMLTableRowElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableRowElement object has the following properties:
- rowIndex
This property is of type long.
- sectionRowIndex
This property is of type long.
- cells
This property is of type HTMLCollection.
- align
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- The HTMLTableRowElement object has the following methods:
- insertCell(index)
- This method returns a HTMLElement.
The index parameter is of type long.
- deleteCell(index)
- This method returns a void.
The index parameter is of type long.
- Object HTMLTableCellElement
- HTMLTableCellElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLTableCellElement object has the following properties:
- cellIndex
This property is of type long.
- abbr
This property is of type String.
- align
This property is of type String.
- axis
This property is of type String.
- bgColor
This property is of type String.
- ch
This property is of type String.
- chOff
This property is of type String.
- colSpan
This property is of type long.
- headers
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- noWrap
This property is of type boolean.
- rowSpan
This property is of type long.
- scope
This property is of type String.
- vAlign
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFrameSetElement
- HTMLFrameSetElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFrameSetElement object has the following properties:
- cols
This property is of type String.
- rows
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLFrameElement
- HTMLFrameElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLFrameElement object has the following properties:
- frameBorder
This property is of type String.
- longDesc
This property is of type String.
- marginHeight
This property is of type String.
- marginWidth
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- noResize
This property is of type boolean.
- scrolling
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- Object HTMLIFrameElement
- HTMLIFrameElement has the all the properties and methods of HTMLElement as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The HTMLIFrameElement object has the following properties:
- align
This property is of type String.
- frameBorder
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- longDesc
This property is of type String.
- marginHeight
This property is of type String.
- marginWidth
This property is of type String.
- name
This property is of type String.
- scrolling
This property is of type String.
- src
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
E.3: Document Object Model Views
- Object AbstractView
- The AbstractView object has the following properties:
- document
This property is of type DocumentView.
- Object DocumentView
- The DocumentView object has the following properties:
- defaultView
This property is of type AbstractView.
E.4: Document Object Model Stylesheets
- Object StyleSheet
- The StyleSheet object has the following properties:
- type
This property is of type String.
- disabled
This property is of type boolean.
- ownerNode
This property is of type Node.
- parentStyleSheet
This property is of type StyleSheet.
- href
This property is of type String.
- title
This property is of type String.
- media
This property is of type MediaList.
- Object StyleSheetList
- The StyleSheetList object has the following properties:
- length
This property is of type int.
- The StyleSheetList object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a StyleSheet.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- Object MediaList
- The MediaList object has the following properties:
- mediaText
This property is of type String.
- length
This property is of type int.
- The MediaList object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- delete(oldMedium)
- This method returns a void.
The oldMedium parameter is of type DOMString.
- append(newMedium)
- This method returns a void.
The newMedium parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object LinkStyle
- The LinkStyle object has the following properties:
- sheet
This property is of type StyleSheet.
- Object DocumentStyle
- The DocumentStyle object has the following properties:
- styleSheets
This property is of type StyleSheetList.
E.5: Document Object Model CSS
- Object CSSStyleSheet
- CSSStyleSheet has the all the properties and methods of StyleSheet as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSStyleSheet object has the following properties:
- ownerRule
This property is of type CSSRule.
- cssRules
This property is of type CSSRuleList.
- The CSSStyleSheet object has the following methods:
- insertRule(rule, index)
- This method returns a unsigned long.
The rule parameter is of type DOMString.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
- deleteRule(index)
- This method returns a void.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
- Object CSSRuleList
- The CSSRuleList object has the following properties:
- length
This property is of type int.
- The CSSRuleList object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a CSSRule.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- Object CSSRule
- The CSSRule object has the following properties:
- type
This property is of type short.
- cssText
This property is of type String.
- parentStyleSheet
This property is of type CSSStyleSheet.
- parentRule
This property is of type CSSRule.
- Object CSSStyleRule
- CSSStyleRule has the all the properties and methods of CSSRule as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSStyleRule object has the following properties:
- selectorText
This property is of type String.
- style
This property is of type CSSStyleDeclaration.
- Object CSSMediaRule
- CSSMediaRule has the all the properties and methods of CSSRule as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSMediaRule object has the following properties:
- media
This property is of type MediaList.
- cssRules
This property is of type CSSRuleList.
- The CSSMediaRule object has the following methods:
- insertRule(rule, index)
- This method returns a unsigned long.
The rule parameter is of type DOMString.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
- deleteRule(index)
- This method returns a void.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
- Object CSSFontFaceRule
- CSSFontFaceRule has the all the properties and methods of CSSRule as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSFontFaceRule object has the following properties:
- style
This property is of type CSSStyleDeclaration.
- Object CSSPageRule
- CSSPageRule has the all the properties and methods of CSSRule as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSPageRule object has the following properties:
- selectorText
This property is of type String.
- style
This property is of type CSSStyleDeclaration.
- Object CSSImportRule
- CSSImportRule has the all the properties and methods of CSSRule as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSImportRule object has the following properties:
- href
This property is of type String.
- media
This property is of type MediaList.
- styleSheet
This property is of type CSSStyleSheet.
- Object CSSCharsetRule
- CSSCharsetRule has the all the properties and methods of CSSRule as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSCharsetRule object has the following properties:
- encoding
This property is of type String.
- Object CSSUnknownRule
- CSSUnknownRule has the all the properties and methods of CSSRule as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- Object CSSStyleDeclaration
- The CSSStyleDeclaration object has the following properties:
- cssText
This property is of type String.
- length
This property is of type int.
- parentRule
This property is of type CSSRule.
- The CSSStyleDeclaration object has the following methods:
- getPropertyValue(propertyName)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The propertyName parameter is of type DOMString.
- getPropertyCSSValue(propertyName)
- This method returns a CSSValue.
The propertyName parameter is of type DOMString.
- removeProperty(propertyName)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The propertyName parameter is of type DOMString.
- getPropertyPriority(propertyName)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The propertyName parameter is of type DOMString.
- setProperty(propertyName, value, priority)
- This method returns a void.
The propertyName parameter is of type DOMString.
The value parameter is of type DOMString.
The priority parameter is of type DOMString.
- item(index)
- This method returns a DOMString.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- Object CSSValue
- The CSSValue object has the following properties:
- cssText
This property is of type String.
- valueType
This property is of type short.
- Object CSSPrimitiveValue
- CSSPrimitiveValue has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSPrimitiveValue object has the following properties:
- primitiveType
This property is of type short.
- The CSSPrimitiveValue object has the following methods:
- setFloatValue(unitType, floatValue)
- This method returns a void.
The unitType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The floatValue parameter is of type float.
- getFloatValue(unitType)
- This method returns a float.
The unitType parameter is of type unsigned short.
- setStringValue(stringType, stringValue)
- This method returns a void.
The stringType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The stringValue parameter is of type DOMString.
- getStringValue()
- This method returns a DOMString.
- getCounterValue()
- This method returns a Counter.
- getRectValue()
- This method returns a Rect.
- getRGBColorValue()
- This method returns a RGBColor.
- Object CSSValueList
- CSSValueList has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSSValueList object has the following properties:
- length
This property is of type int.
- The CSSValueList object has the following methods:
- item(index)
- This method returns a CSSValue.
The index parameter is of type unsigned long.
This object can also be dereferenced using square bracket notation
(e.g. obj[1]). Dereferencing with an integer
is equivalent to
invoking the item method with that index.
- Object RGBColor
- The RGBColor object has the following properties:
- red
This property is of type CSSPrimitiveValue.
- green
This property is of type CSSPrimitiveValue.
- blue
This property is of type CSSPrimitiveValue.
- Object Rect
- The Rect object has the following properties:
- top
This property is of type CSSPrimitiveValue.
- right
This property is of type CSSPrimitiveValue.
- bottom
This property is of type CSSPrimitiveValue.
- left
This property is of type CSSPrimitiveValue.
- Object Counter
- The Counter object has the following properties:
- identifier
This property is of type String.
- listStyle
This property is of type String.
- separator
This property is of type String.
- Object ViewCSS
- ViewCSS has the all the properties and methods of AbstractView as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The ViewCSS object has the following methods:
- getComputedStyle(elt, pseudoElt)
- This method returns a CSSStyleDeclaration.
The elt parameter is of type Element.
The pseudoElt parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object DocumentCSS
- DocumentCSS has the all the properties and methods of DocumentStyle as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The DocumentCSS object has the following methods:
- getOverrideStyle(elt, pseudoElt)
- This method returns a CSSStyleDeclaration.
The elt parameter is of type Element.
The pseudoElt parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object DOMImplementationCSS
- DOMImplementationCSS has the all the properties and methods of DOMImplementation as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The DOMImplementationCSS object has the following methods:
- createCSSStyleSheet(title, media)
- This method returns a CSSStyleSheet.
The title parameter is of type DOMString.
The media parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object ElementCSSInlineStyle
- The ElementCSSInlineStyle object has the following properties:
- style
This property is of type CSSStyleDeclaration.
- Object CSS2Azimuth
- CSS2Azimuth has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2Azimuth object has the following properties:
- azimuthType
This property is of type short.
- identifier
This property is of type String.
- behind
This property is of type boolean.
- The CSS2Azimuth object has the following methods:
- setAngleValue(uType, fValue)
- This method returns a void.
The uType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The fValue parameter is of type float.
- getAngleValue(uType)
- This method returns a float.
The uType parameter is of type unsigned short.
- setIdentifier(ident, b)
- This method returns a void.
The ident parameter is of type DOMString.
The b parameter is of type boolean.
- Object CSS2BackgroundPosition
- CSS2BackgroundPosition has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2BackgroundPosition object has the following properties:
- horizontalType
This property is of type short.
- verticalType
This property is of type short.
- horizontalIdentifier
This property is of type String.
- verticalIdentifier
This property is of type String.
- The CSS2BackgroundPosition object has the following methods:
- getHorizontalPosition(hType)
- This method returns a float.
The hType parameter is of type float.
- getVerticalPosition(vType)
- This method returns a float.
The vType parameter is of type float.
- setHorizontalPosition(hType, value)
- This method returns a void.
The hType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The value parameter is of type float.
- setVerticalPosition(vType, value)
- This method returns a void.
The vType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The value parameter is of type float.
- setPositionIdentifier(hIdentifier, vIdentifier)
- This method returns a void.
The hIdentifier parameter is of type DOMString.
The vIdentifier parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object CSS2BorderSpacing
- CSS2BorderSpacing has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2BorderSpacing object has the following properties:
- horizontalType
This property is of type short.
- verticalType
This property is of type short.
- The CSS2BorderSpacing object has the following methods:
- getHorizontalSpacing(hType)
- This method returns a float.
The hType parameter is of type float.
- getVerticalSpacing(vType)
- This method returns a float.
The vType parameter is of type float.
- setHorizontalSpacing(hType, value)
- This method returns a void.
The hType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The value parameter is of type float.
- setVerticalSpacing(vType, value)
- This method returns a void.
The vType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The value parameter is of type float.
- Object CSS2CounterReset
- CSS2CounterReset has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2CounterReset object has the following properties:
- identifier
This property is of type String.
- reset
This property is of type short.
- Object CSS2CounterIncrement
- CSS2CounterIncrement has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2CounterIncrement object has the following properties:
- identifier
This property is of type String.
- increment
This property is of type short.
- Object CSS2Cursor
- CSS2Cursor has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2Cursor object has the following properties:
- uris
This property is of type CSSValueList.
- predefinedCursor
This property is of type String.
- Object CSS2PlayDuring
- CSS2PlayDuring has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2PlayDuring object has the following properties:
- playDuringType
This property is of type short.
- playDuringIdentifier
This property is of type String.
- uri
This property is of type String.
- mix
This property is of type boolean.
- repeat
This property is of type boolean.
- Object CSS2TextShadow
- The CSS2TextShadow object has the following properties:
- color
This property is of type CSSValue.
- horizontal
This property is of type CSSValue.
- vertical
This property is of type CSSValue.
- blur
This property is of type CSSValue.
- Object CSS2FontFaceSrc
- The CSS2FontFaceSrc object has the following properties:
- uri
This property is of type String.
- format
This property is of type CSSValueList.
- fontFaceName
This property is of type String.
- Object CSS2FontFaceWidths
- The CSS2FontFaceWidths object has the following properties:
- urange
This property is of type String.
- numbers
This property is of type CSSValueList.
- Object CSS2PageSize
- CSS2PageSize has the all the properties and methods of CSSValue as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The CSS2PageSize object has the following properties:
- widthType
This property is of type short.
- heightType
This property is of type short.
- identifier
This property is of type String.
- The CSS2PageSize object has the following methods:
- getWidth(wType)
- This method returns a float.
The wType parameter is of type float.
- getHeightSize(hType)
- This method returns a float.
The hType parameter is of type float.
- setWidthSize(wType, value)
- This method returns a void.
The wType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The value parameter is of type float.
- setHeightSize(hType, value)
- This method returns a void.
The hType parameter is of type unsigned short.
The value parameter is of type float.
- setIdentifier(ident)
- This method returns a void.
The ident parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object CSS2Properties
- The CSS2Properties object has the following properties:
- azimuth
This property is of type String.
- background
This property is of type String.
- backgroundAttachment
This property is of type String.
- backgroundColor
This property is of type String.
- backgroundImage
This property is of type String.
- backgroundPosition
This property is of type String.
- backgroundRepeat
This property is of type String.
- border
This property is of type String.
- borderCollapse
This property is of type String.
- borderColor
This property is of type String.
- borderSpacing
This property is of type String.
- borderStyle
This property is of type String.
- borderTop
This property is of type String.
- borderRight
This property is of type String.
- borderBottom
This property is of type String.
- borderLeft
This property is of type String.
- borderTopColor
This property is of type String.
- borderRightColor
This property is of type String.
- borderBottomColor
This property is of type String.
- borderLeftColor
This property is of type String.
- borderTopStyle
This property is of type String.
- borderRightStyle
This property is of type String.
- borderBottomStyle
This property is of type String.
- borderLeftStyle
This property is of type String.
- borderTopWidth
This property is of type String.
- borderRightWidth
This property is of type String.
- borderBottomWidth
This property is of type String.
- borderLeftWidth
This property is of type String.
- borderWidth
This property is of type String.
- bottom
This property is of type String.
- captionSide
This property is of type String.
- clear
This property is of type String.
- clip
This property is of type String.
- color
This property is of type String.
- content
This property is of type String.
- counterIncrement
This property is of type String.
- counterReset
This property is of type String.
- cue
This property is of type String.
- cueAfter
This property is of type String.
- cueBefore
This property is of type String.
- cursor
This property is of type String.
- direction
This property is of type String.
- display
This property is of type String.
- elevation
This property is of type String.
- emptyCells
This property is of type String.
- cssFloat
This property is of type String.
- font
This property is of type String.
- fontFamily
This property is of type String.
- fontSize
This property is of type String.
- fontSizeAdjust
This property is of type String.
- fontStretch
This property is of type String.
- fontStyle
This property is of type String.
- fontVariant
This property is of type String.
- fontWeight
This property is of type String.
- height
This property is of type String.
- left
This property is of type String.
- letterSpacing
This property is of type String.
- lineHeight
This property is of type String.
- listStyle
This property is of type String.
- listStyleImage
This property is of type String.
- listStylePosition
This property is of type String.
- listStyleType
This property is of type String.
- margin
This property is of type String.
- marginTop
This property is of type String.
- marginRight
This property is of type String.
- marginBottom
This property is of type String.
- marginLeft
This property is of type String.
- markerOffset
This property is of type String.
- marks
This property is of type String.
- maxHeight
This property is of type String.
- maxWidth
This property is of type String.
- minHeight
This property is of type String.
- minWidth
This property is of type String.
- orphans
This property is of type String.
- outline
This property is of type String.
- outlineColor
This property is of type String.
- outlineStyle
This property is of type String.
- outlineWidth
This property is of type String.
- overflow
This property is of type String.
- padding
This property is of type String.
- paddingTop
This property is of type String.
- paddingRight
This property is of type String.
- paddingBottom
This property is of type String.
- paddingLeft
This property is of type String.
- page
This property is of type String.
- pageBreakAfter
This property is of type String.
- pageBreakBefore
This property is of type String.
- pageBreakInside
This property is of type String.
- pause
This property is of type String.
- pauseAfter
This property is of type String.
- pauseBefore
This property is of type String.
- pitch
This property is of type String.
- pitchRange
This property is of type String.
- playDuring
This property is of type String.
- position
This property is of type String.
- quotes
This property is of type String.
- richness
This property is of type String.
- right
This property is of type String.
- size
This property is of type String.
- speak
This property is of type String.
- speakHeader
This property is of type String.
- speakNumeral
This property is of type String.
- speakPunctuation
This property is of type String.
- speechRate
This property is of type String.
- stress
This property is of type String.
- tableLayout
This property is of type String.
- textAlign
This property is of type String.
- textDecoration
This property is of type String.
- textIndent
This property is of type String.
- textShadow
This property is of type String.
- textTransform
This property is of type String.
- top
This property is of type String.
- unicodeBidi
This property is of type String.
- verticalAlign
This property is of type String.
- visibility
This property is of type String.
- voiceFamily
This property is of type String.
- volume
This property is of type String.
- whiteSpace
This property is of type String.
- widows
This property is of type String.
- width
This property is of type String.
- wordSpacing
This property is of type String.
- zIndex
This property is of type String.
E.6: Document Object Model Events
- Object EventTarget
- The EventTarget object has the following methods:
- addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture)
- This method returns a void.
The type parameter is of type DOMString.
The listener parameter is of type EventListener.
The useCapture parameter is of type boolean.
- removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture)
- This method returns a void.
The type parameter is of type DOMString.
The listener parameter is of type EventListener.
The useCapture parameter is of type boolean.
- dispatchEvent(evt)
- This method returns a boolean.
The evt parameter is of type Event.
- Object EventListener
- This is an ECMAScript function reference. This method returns a
void. The parameter is of type Event.
- Object Event
- The Event object has the following properties:
- type
This property is of type String.
- target
This property is of type EventTarget.
- currentNode
This property is of type Node.
- eventPhase
This property is of type short.
- bubbles
This property is of type boolean.
- cancelable
This property is of type boolean.
- The Event object has the following methods:
- stopPropagation()
- This method returns a void.
- preventDefault()
- This method returns a void.
- initEvent(eventTypeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg)
- This method returns a void.
The eventTypeArg parameter is of type DOMString.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type boolean.
- Object DocumentEvent
- The DocumentEvent object has the following methods:
- createEvent(eventType)
- This method returns a Event.
The eventType parameter is of type DOMString.
- Object UIEvent
- UIEvent has the all the properties and methods of Event as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The UIEvent object has the following properties:
- view
This property is of type AbstractView.
- detail
This property is of type long.
- The UIEvent object has the following methods:
- initUIEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg)
- This method returns a void.
The typeArg parameter is of type DOMString.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type boolean.
The viewArg parameter is of type views::AbstractView.
The detailArg parameter is of type long.
- Object MouseEvent
- MouseEvent has the all the properties and methods of UIEvent as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The MouseEvent object has the following properties:
- screenX
This property is of type long.
- screenY
This property is of type long.
- clientX
This property is of type long.
- clientY
This property is of type long.
- ctrlKey
This property is of type boolean.
- shiftKey
This property is of type boolean.
- altKey
This property is of type boolean.
- metaKey
This property is of type boolean.
- button
This property is of type short.
- relatedNode
This property is of type Node.
- The MouseEvent object has the following methods:
- initMouseEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg, screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg, clientYArg, ctrlKeyArg, altKeyArg, shiftKeyArg, metaKeyArg, buttonArg, relatedNodeArg)
- This method returns a void.
The typeArg parameter is of type DOMString.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type boolean.
The viewArg parameter is of type views::AbstractView.
The detailArg parameter is of type unsigned short.
The screenXArg parameter is of type long.
The screenYArg parameter is of type long.
The clientXArg parameter is of type long.
The clientYArg parameter is of type long.
The ctrlKeyArg parameter is of type boolean.
The altKeyArg parameter is of type boolean.
The shiftKeyArg parameter is of type boolean.
The metaKeyArg parameter is of type boolean.
The buttonArg parameter is of type unsigned short.
The relatedNodeArg parameter is of type Node.
- Object MutationEvent
- MutationEvent has the all the properties and methods of Event as well as the properties and methods defined below.
- The MutationEvent object has the following properties:
- relatedNode
This property is of type Node.
- prevValue
This property is of type String.
- newValue
This property is of type String.
- attrName
This property is of type String.
- The MutationEvent object has the following methods:
- initMutationEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, relatedNodeArg, prevValueArg, newValueArg, attrNameArg)
- This method returns a void.
The typeArg parameter is of type DOMString.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type boolean.
The relatedNodeArg parameter is of type Node.
The prevValueArg parameter is of type DOMString.
The newValueArg parameter is of type DOMString.
The attrNameArg parameter is of type DOMString.
E.7: Document Object Model Traversal
- Object NodeIterator
- The NodeIterator object has the following properties:
- whatToShow
This property is of type long.
- filter
This property is of type NodeFilter.
- expandEntityReferences
This property is of type boolean.
- The NodeIterator object has the following methods:
- nextNode()
- This method returns a Node.
- previousNode()
- This method returns a Node.
- detach()
- This method returns a void.
- Object NodeFilter
- This is an ECMAScript function reference. This method returns a
short. The parameter is of type Node.
- Object TreeWalker
- The TreeWalker object has the following properties:
- whatToShow
This property is of type long.
- filter
This property is of type NodeFilter.
- expandEntityReferences
This property is of type boolean.
- currentNode
This property is of type Node.
- The TreeWalker object has the following methods:
- parentNode()
- This method returns a Node.
- firstChild()
- This method returns a Node.
- lastChild()
- This method returns a Node.
- previousSibling()
- This method returns a Node.
- nextSibling()
- This method returns a Node.
- previousNode()
- This method returns a Node.
- nextNode()
- This method returns a Node.
- Object DocumentTraversal
- The DocumentTraversal object has the following methods:
- createNodeIterator(root, whatToShow, filter, entityReferenceExpansion)
- This method returns a NodeIterator.
The root parameter is of type Node.
The whatToShow parameter is of type long.
The filter parameter is of type NodeFilter.
The entityReferenceExpansion parameter is of type boolean.
- createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, filter, entityReferenceExpansion)
- This method returns a TreeWalker.
The root parameter is of type Node.
The whatToShow parameter is of type long.
The filter parameter is of type NodeFilter.
The entityReferenceExpansion parameter is of type boolean.
E.8: Document Object Model Range
- Object Range
- The Range object has the following properties:
- startContainer
This property is of type Node.
- startOffset
This property is of type long.
- endContainer
This property is of type Node.
- endOffset
This property is of type long.
- isCollapsed
This property is of type boolean.
- commonAncestorContainer
This property is of type Node.
- The Range object has the following methods:
- setStart(refNode, offset)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
The offset parameter is of type long.
- setEnd(refNode, offset)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
The offset parameter is of type long.
- setStartBefore(refNode)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
- setStartAfter(refNode)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
- setEndBefore(refNode)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
- setEndAfter(refNode)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
- collapse(toStart)
- This method returns a void.
The toStart parameter is of type boolean.
- selectNode(refNode)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
- selectNodeContents(refNode)
- This method returns a void.
The refNode parameter is of type Node.
- compareBoundaryPoints(how, sourceRange)
- This method returns a short.
The how parameter is of type CompareHow.
The sourceRange parameter is of type Range.
- deleteContents()
- This method returns a void.
- extractContents()
- This method returns a DocumentFragment.
- cloneContents()
- This method returns a DocumentFragment.
- insertNode(newNode)
- This method returns a void.
The newNode parameter is of type Node.
- surroundContents(newParent)
- This method returns a void.
The newParent parameter is of type Node.
- cloneRange()
- This method returns a Range.
- toString()
- This method returns a DOMString.
- detach()
- This method returns a void.
- Object DocumentRange
- The DocumentRange object has the following methods:
- createRange()
- This method returns a Range.