README for SourceMage i386/ppc 0.9.3 Install CD

Please report bugs in bugzilla (,
describing your hardware and symptoms.

1) What's new in this release?

* Using a kernel 
* NPTL has been removed
* Native support of udev and static /dev
* Installs a bootable system 
* Works better:
    - yaboot/lilo/grub have been tested with or without a separate /boot
* All software have been compiled using stable sorcery/grimoire, with few 

2) Software on the ISO

bash 2.05b
bzip2 1.0.2
console-data 1999.08.29
console-tools 0.2.3
coreutils 5.2.1
cpio 2.5
devfsd v1.3.25
device-mapper 1.00.19
dhcpcd 1.3.22-pl4
dialog 1.0-20040721
diffutils 2.8.1
e2fsprogs 1.35
elvis 2.2_0
file 4.10
findutils 4.1.20
gawk 3.1.4
gdbm 1.8.3
gettext 0.14.1
glibc 2.3.2
grep 2.5.1
gzip 1.2.4b
hdparm 5.7
hotplug 2004_04_01
init.d 2.1.4
jed 0.99-17
jfsutils 1.1.6
less 382
libpcap 0.8.3
lvm 2.00.24
make 3.80
module-init-tools 3.1-pre5
nano 1.3.4
ncurses 5.4
netconf 1.5
netkit-base 0.17
netkit-ping 0.17
net-tools 1.60
nfs-utils 1.0.6
openssh 3.9p1
openssl 0.9.7d
parted 1.6.14
patch 2.5.4
pciutils 2.1.11
pcmcia-cs 3.2.8
popt 1.7
portmap 4
ppp 2.4.2
procinfo 18
procps 3.2.3
raidtools 1.00.3
readline 5.0
reiserfsprogs 3.6.18
rpmunpack 0
rp-pppoe 3.5
sed 4.1.2
simpleinit-msb 1.2
slang 1.4.9
sysfsutils 1.2.0
tar 1.14
tcp_wrappers 7.6
tdb 1.0.6
texinfo 4.7
udev 032
unzip 5.51
util-linux 2.12d
wget 1.9.1
which 2.16
wireless_tools 26
xfsprogs 2.6.3
xinetd 2.3.13
zlib 1.2.1

  ppc  specific: 

hfsutils 3.2.6
mac-fdisk 0.1.orig
mktemp 1.5
yaboot 1.3.12

3) Software installed by the ISO (some of then are optionals)

autoconf 2.59
bash 2.05b
binutils 2.15
bison 1.875b
bzip2 1.0.2
ccache 2.4
console-data 1999.08.29
console-tools 0.2.3
coreutils 5.2.1
cpio 2.5
cvs 1.12.9
device-mapper 1.00.19
dhcpcd 1.3.22-pl4
dialog 1.0-20040721
diffutils 2.8.1
distcc 2.14
e2fsprogs 1.35
elvis 2.2_0
EthStatus 0.3.0
file 4.10
findutils 4.1.20
flex 2.5.27
gawk 3.1.4
gcc 3.3.3
gdbm 1.8.3
gettext 0.14.1
glib 1.2.10
glibc 2.3.2
glibc 2.3.2
grep 2.5.1
groff 1.19.1
gzip 1.2.4b
hdparm 5.7
hfsutils 3.2.6
hotplug 2004_04_01
init.d 2.1.4
installwatch 0.6.3
irssi 0.8.9
jed 0.99-17
jfsutils 1.1.6
less 382
libol 0.3.13
libpcap 0.8.3
links 0.98
lvm 2.00.24
m4 1.4.2
mac-fdisk 0.1.orig
make 3.80
man 1.5o
man-pages 1.67
man-pages 1.67
metalog 0.7
minicom 2.1
mktemp 1.5
module-init-tools 3.1-pre5
mutt 1.4.2i
nano 1.3.4
nasm 0.98.38
ncurses 5.4
netconf 1.5
netkit-base 0.17
netkit-ping 0.17
net-tools 1.60
nfs-utils 1.0.6
nmap 3.70
openssh 3.9p1
openssl 0.9.7d
patch 2.5.4
pciutils 2.1.11
pcre 4.5
perl 5.8.5
pkgconfig 0.15.0
popt 1.7
portmap 4
ppp 2.4.2
procinfo 18
procps 3.2.3
raidtools 1.00.3
readline 5.0
reiserfsprogs 3.6.18
rpmunpack 0
rp-pppoe 3.5
screen 4.0.2
sed 4.1.2
simpleinit-msb 1.2
slang 1.4.9
sysfsutils 1.2.0
sysklogd 1.4.1
syslog-ng 1.6.2
tar 1.14
tcp_wrappers 7.6
texinfo 4.7
udev 032
unzip 5.51
uptimed 0.3.1
util-linux 2.12d
vim 6.3
wget 1.9.1
which 2.16
wireless_tools 26
xfsprogs 2.6.3
xinetd 2.3.13
yaboot 1.3.12
zlib 1.2.1

  i386 specific:

bin86 0.16.16
grub 0.93
lilo 22.6

  ppc  specific:

hfsutils 3.2.6
mac-fdisk 0.1.orig
mktemp 1.5
yaboot 1.3.12
4) Hardware Issues

* The ppc version should boot on New World machine exclusively (due to
  the use of yaboot only). Press 'c' when your computer starts to boot from
  the CD-ROM.

* On the ppc CD, everything has been compiled for 740 cpus (i.e. G3,
  G4 and G5 apple models), so don't bother trying if you have an
  earlier model.

* on the i386 CD, everything has been compiled for i386 cpu, so it should
  on all newer cpus.

5) Known problems
* on ppc, don't use the sorcery combreloc option. It is not supported by gcc.
* on ppc, don't use the sorcery strip option when compiling linux, the 
  compilation will fail near the end.
* on ppc, the french keyboard is not well supported.
* the RAID menu is not working at all.

6) References:

- SourceMage GNU/Linux download site:

- SourceMage GNU/Linux wiki:

- SourceMage GNU/Linux irc channel (english):

- SourceMage GNU/Linux irc channel (french):

7) Credits

* Thanks to Javier 'de_Moya' Lopez Baeza
<> for previous ppc ISO and Kevin 'Unet'
Dahan for the 0.8.1-ppc iso.

October 26, 2004