MNG-0.95c, Draft 66, 19990615 Global bKGD and sBIT This proposal is with respect to MNG 0.95a (Draft 64). MNG-0.95c Draft 66 19990615 is created by making the following changes to MNG-0.95a Draft 64 19990527: Section 4.2.5, BASI, is modified to add the words shown in square brackets: Top-level gAMA, sRGB, cHRM, iCCP, [bKGD, sBIT,] and sPLT chunks are inherited by a BASI datastream in the same manner as by a PNG datastream. Section 4.4.1. SAVE Save information, is modified to add the words shown in square brackets: Known chunks in this category include DEFI, FRAM, BACK, PLTE, cHRM, tRNS, fPRI, gAMA, iCCP, pHYs, [bKGD, sBIT,] and sRGB. Section 4.5.5, Ancillary PNG chunks, is modified to add the words shown in square brackets: The following PNG chunks are also defined at the MNG top level. They provide default values to be used in case they are not provided in subsequent PNG [or JNG] datastreams. Any of these chunks can be nullified by the appearance of a subsequent empty chunk with the same chunk name. Such empty chunks are not legal PNG or JNG chunks and must only appear in the MNG top level. * cHRM, gAMA, iCCP, sRGB[, bKGD, sBIT] [In the MNG top level, all of these chunks are written as though for 16-bit RGBA PNG datastreams. Decoders are responsible for reformatting the chunk data to suit the actual bit depth and color type of the datastream that inherits them.] A MNG editor that writes PNG or JNG datastreams is expected to include the top-level cHRM, gAMA, iCCP, and sRGB chunks in the generated PNG or JNG datastreams, if the embedded image does not contain its own chunks that define the color space. When it writes the sRGB chunk, it should write the gAMA chunk (and perhaps the cHRM chunk), in accordance with the PNG specification, even though no gAMA or cHRM chunk is present in the MNG datastream. [It is also expected to write the reformatted top-level bKGD chunk in the generated PNG or JNG datastreams, and the reformatted sBIT chunk only in generated PNG datastreams, when the datastream does not have its own bKGD or sBIT chunks.] Add paragraph 6.1.16 [Other ancillary PNG chunks] [Any other ancillary PNG chunks that the decoder recognizes when processing a PNG datastream should also be recognized and handled when processing a delta-PNG datastream. Any chunks that it does not recognize should be processed as instructed by the ORDR, DROP, and DBYK chunks. MNG viewers are free to ignore any ancillary chunks, while MNG editors must handle them in accordance with the copying rules.]