Editor's Note:  Minutes received 8/8

Reported by Bob Stewart/Xyplex

Minutes of the Chassis MIB Working Group (CHASSIS)

The purpose of this meeting was to try to get the Chassis MIB Working
Group started/restarted.

All sorts of events have conspired to detract from efforts to get it
started.  A major contributor from Cabletron got reassigned.  Another
major contributor and one of the co-Chairs has been tied up with other
standardization efforts such as (SMP). The other co-Chair has been ill
for nearly a month but we are pleased to hear he is better.  Finally,
the members of the non-Working Group seem to think that the mailing list
is a read-only object.

The Group spent time reassessing the interest in and commitment to this
work with the intention of pulling the plug if appropriate (though
everyone hoped it would not be necessary).  In addition attempts were
made to put together a new time-action-plan for the work.

This was a short meeting.  There was nothing to be read or said.

The Charter was reviewed as well as the work done, noting that there
were only thirteen messages on the mailing list since our first meeting.

   o The Group was supposed to have Chassis MIB submissions and
     synthesize a proposal.  Nothing had been done, and it still needs

   o The Group was supposed to get power supply submissions.  It got 1
     or 2.  More needs to be done.

   o Nothing was done on the Aggregate MIB.

Time was spent reassessing interest, and the following conclusions were

   o Interest remains, though perhaps at slightly lessened level.  The
     meeting well attended.
   o The Cabletron implementation has moved in the direction of Keith &
     Donna's proposal.

The following plans were made.

   o For Chassis MIB: authors are to post original documents, or a new
     one within a few weeks.  Cabletron proposal could be updated.


     Originals are in archive.

   o For Power Supply MIB: MIBs are to be submitted in a week, and about
     ten are expected.

   o The Aggregate MIB has been placed on the back burner.


Andy Bierman             bierman@davidsys.com
Natan Borshansky         natanb@turisc.timeplex.com
Steve Bostock            steveb@novell.com
Lida Carrier             lida@apple.com
Jeffrey Case             case@cs.utk.edu
Chris Chiotasso          chris@artel.com
Dave Cullerot            cullerot@ctron.com
Cathy Cunningham         cmc@microcom.com
Michael Davison          davison@cs.utk.edu
David Engel              david@ods.com
Fred Engel               engel@concord.com
Bill Fardy               fardy@ctron.com
Shawn Gallagher          gallagher@quiver.enet.dec.com
Pria Graves              priag@nsd.3com.com
Ronald Jacoby            rj@sgi.com
Mark Kepke               mak@cnd.hp.com
Zbigniew Kielczewski     zbig@eicon.qc.ca
Deidre Kostick           dck2@sabre.bellcore.com
Cheryl Krupczak          cheryl@cc.gatech.edu
David Lindemulder        dcl@mtung.att.com
Kim Mayton               mayton@wg.com
Keith McCloghrie         kzm@hls.com
Donna McMaster           mcmaster@synoptics.com
Edwin Mier               mier@tigger.jvnc.net
David Minnich            dwm@fibercom.com
Lynn Monsanto            monsanto@sun.com
Paul Moran               Paul_Moran@3com.com
Patrick Mullaney         mullaney@ctron.com
Rina Nathaniel           rina!rnd!rndi@uunet.uu.net
John Payne               jop@wang.com
David Perkins            dperkins@synoptics.com
Ed Reeder                EREEDER@ralvm12.vnet.ibm.com
Sam Roberts              sroberts@farallon.com
Guenter Roeck            roeck@conware.de
Dan Romascanu            dan@lannet.com
Michael Sapich           sapich@conware.de
Jim Scott                scott@kali.enet.dec.com
Bob Stewart              rlstewart@eng.xyplex.com
Bruce Taber              taber@interlan.com
Mark Therieau            markt@python.eng.microcom.com
Chuck Townsend           townsend@ctron.com
Stephen Tsun             snt@nsd.3com.com
David Waitzman           djw@bbn.com


Kiho Yum                 kxy@nsd.3com.com
Joseph Zur               zur@fibhaifa.com
