Michael Devore wrote: > Uploaded to ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads are HIMEM.ZIP (compressed > HIMEM.EXE file only), and EMM386.ZIP ( the full FreeDOS file set of > HIMEM and EMM386 for those few individuals interested in all base files > and those updated by this interim release). > > This version of HIMEM contains revisions made by Aitor SantamarÃa > Merino. Specifically, HIMEM command line feedback has been updated with > recent features; the TESTMEM option has been improved, the standard > Microsoft HIMEM option HMAMIN is now supported (although I'm not sure if > anything can really use it); and HIMEM now recognizes the suffixes M for > megabytes, G for gigabytes, and K for kilobytes in its option values. > Note that 'K' was always the default for option amounts, so effectively > 'K' doesn't do anything new. Also note that 'M' and 'G' are true > programmer-style multipliers of 1024, and not lamer hard disk > manufacturing multipliers of 1000. > > In addition, using the EMM386R3.ZIP latest beta file set as the gold > standard, I updated HIMEM source, the EMM386 LSM file based on Tom > Ehlert's latest version, and a few doc updates. This task, incidentally > was the work of well over two hours spent mostly on documentation and > admin changes and synchronization, to reference my earlier comments on > the list about the actual time needed for those type of tasks. > > At some point, the new HIMEM help and history is going to have to be > merged and added to the standard EMM386Rx file set and everything > cleaned up, but I didn't have time. Doing everything correctly and well > will be the work of many hours -- again, not minutes -- I currently > don't have available. November, perhaps. > > In the HIMEM changes, I slightly updated and corrected to typical > technical English several of the original modifications, but that's it > for my input on this HIMEM revision. I have not strongly tested the > changes beyond the feedback and booting into the new revision, but it > looks good. Any problems, let me know. > > All hail Aitor SantamarÃa Merino for his improvements in HIMEM usability. > > >