25 - 28 / 11 - 04

		[  F I N A L    R E S U L T S  ]
		  (v1.00 2004/Nov/30 21:09:00)

	Edited by jolt of d4rkn3ss.

	If you want to contact the scenecrew at Dreamhack winter 2004;
	please contact us via email: info-dhscene at d4rkn3ss dot net

 [ Combined Demo ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            122       shi niju                       hack.se
2            114       Hallucinations                 Dope
3             44       Halvdemo                       p0rrit/kakmonsterklubben
4             34       Oj!                            introx
5             29       Nusqua                         goofben
6             24       Nostalgica                     Outpost Crew
7             22       DVDemo                         gange
8             13       dataskumm 2                    the speedfisters art posse
9             11       A 3d demo                      Marcus "Xtreme" Carlsson
10            11       Immotus                        Sidvind

 [ Combined 64k ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            169       zink different                 zink
2             93       Oldskol                        The Gang
3             50       Megapr0n                       Speedfisters
4             44       micropr0n                      The Fistpersisters

 [ Combined 4k ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            141       overdoseti                     digital devotion
2            132       4k by lft                      LFT ^ Kryo

 [ Oldskool / Alternative Platform Demo ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            227       KmK democomputer               Mullemeck/
2            187       Trackmo                        Nightbeat
3            154       White                          The Gang

 [ Hand Drawn Graphics ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            106       M-One                          Teppic/Molik
2             89       Mage                           Joolet
3             58       Dragon                         Viktor Marin
4             50       Mother Earth                   bM[tfgx]
5             38       Keeper of the forest           Primal_r
                                                      (Oskar Holmstrand)
6             35       pink dots                      Yorii
7             24       Cornered                       Raddox
8             19       Jelly                          cogo t.f.g.x
9             18       Foobar                         eXt/Sidvind
10            15       Gorill                         G.e.c.k
11            12       Angelic                        Craven
12            12       Ayumi                          Stedden
13            11       Sparkle                        cgmonkey / berserk
14            10       Sinnesfrid                     Nisse/The Gang
15            10       IMG                            TheCheat - TheGang
16             9       sura brudar                    buzzie/digital devotion
17             7       Wanted-love                    ortner-incestfest

 [ 3D Generated Graphics ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            130       Hunter                         uRkAs/rope
2             64       Plasmacore V2.0                treetrallen
3             56       Zero_Plant                     Xorious
4             45       KarateBot                      Mustela
5             42       Birdmixer                      mucl0r
6             39       X-Box                          JoXter
7             32       The trumpet                    Mullemeck(KmK)
8             18       Stinky Pete                    Jon Noorlander
9             14       source of life                 Tony Pettersson
10            11       Lonely Christmas               Raddox
11            10       Tomte i trollskogen            Nightbeat
12             9       Tree on Acid                   Kustaa/Fairlight
13             9       Mad Machine                    Thomas Skareteg

 [ Oldskool Graphics ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            181       Out of time                    Nisse/The Gang
2            104       flower                         Gorbiz
3            102       En skönt natt på stan          TheCheat - The Gang
4             99       Protoss Wedding                Viktor Marin
5             52       The Orb                        Legogris
6             46       Lönnlov och vas                zavage
7             21       Dictator                       Ortner-incestfest
8             13       Är det en katt?                Fred / The Gang

 [ Freestyle Music ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1             92       Alla man borde ringt (chipmix) Dubmood /
2             54       Endeavour                      Jay feat. Tiff
3             48       To Far (Never Come Back) Extd. DJ Vladimir
4             46       E4 to Elmia                    Raddox
5             45       Advanced Technology            Jens Lönnberg
6             43       6000 lights in the dark(DHW04) Peter Brunni
7             42       A Fairytale Lullaby            Saarde
8             36       Legacy Of A Hero               Craven
9             26       Rimfrost runt Manövern         TheCheat - TheGang
10            19       Någon Låt (Dreamhack Edit)     MDM
11            18       Below the sun                  Anna Olsson
12            18       pr0n                           NoName/nurd.se&iNKA
13            14       Dreamscape                     Chris S

 [ Tracked Multichannel Music ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1             29       Hubbe lagar julgröt            fegolhuzz/
2             22       No Touch Knock-Out             Kapten Floede av
3             19       Project                        ManJIT/Dope
4             16       Snow mecha take off!           Zabutom / Fyllecell
5             15       Fralla                         lemmis
6             13       Dreamstone                     Nightbeat
7             10       the cybermouse                 mouse and cyborg
8              9       dunz0r-revisited               dunz0r
9              8       Night Owl                      Jonas
10             7       Plask                          Ogge
11             6       Escaping Reality               Peter Brunni
12             6       Lunginflammation               TheCheat&Gouafhg/The Gang

 [ Oldskool Music ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            132       Tribute to Kootiee             Dubmood /
2            115       Grillchip                      Disease
3             61       Glöm inte väskan               TheCheat - The Gang
4             60       Coop2                          Qdor/Digital Devotion &
5             56       wiggles adventure              fegolhuzz/
6             51       zchip30                        Zabutom / Fyllecell
7             48       Trött som en panda i           Sc00by
                       Jönköpings stad
8             39       memories                       lemmis
9             33       No fuss, no muss!              Peter Brunni
10            26       Karl Kellogs resa genom tiden  Jejje/Barbie
11            21       Lemm                           Ogge & Zinger
12            20       Kom så går vi                  Chipfactory
13            13       Orange glazed ham              Opad of iNKA

 [ Movie / Animation ]

Place     Points       Title                          By
1            180       Datorns Historia               Armada Network
2            139       En liten tomtegubbe            Raddox
3            124       SCS 04                         Armada Network
4            112       Kortal Mombat                  Jeremia Nyman, Johannes
                                                      ryding & Linus Engvall /
5             97       Sound of DreamHack             Ultimejt Diskho Kro
6             31       jedi?                          ash and cyborg
7             20       antipiracy                     ungen

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org