Volcanic Party V - MenTaSm

Volcanic Party 5 Results (15 firsts of each .. sorry)


  1	Past. 			Orange Juice 		(318)
  2	Jump4. 			Digital Murder  	(238)
  3	Mind's evolution.	Popsy Team		(97)         
  4	End of Millenium.	Zalem			(93)
  5	Diamond Quest.		Ukonx			(92)
  6	The Rabbit Warrior.	Rezzoteurs		(69)
  7	Fifth.			Knights			(64)         
  8	Ze Sonde Park.		Kiki Prods		(58)        
  9	The Mp Project		Hcl			(55)
  10	Go To Beach		Fissa			(44)
  11	Troll Story		Pulp Function		(36)
  12	Influence		Calodox			(30)
  13	La Moukat		Bmk			(30)
  14	Max			JFF			(29)
  15	Foam & swell		Fairy Take		(28)


  1	Amigold			Orange Juice		(300)
  2	Super Pocket		Mankind			(276)
  3	N2O			SpaceBalls		(232)
  4	Toeube			Mentasm			(182)

  1	Pure			Made/Bomb		(378)	                
  2	Zboom da bass		Taggy/Debut		(130)
  3	Filoptenone		Hardfire/SpaceBalls	(127)
  4	Anima			Moxica/Dpt22/Hcl/Move	(97)
  5	SaturnePointOrf		Zone/Psk/Arf!Std	(89)
  6	Vrij			Zaac/Ramses		(84)
  7	Sulfureuse		Sicca			(77)
  8	Pills			Bat/Fissa		(74)
  9	Kheops			Lord Abdul/Nimportnawak (61)
  10	Laetitia		Oval/Farenheit		(60)          
  11	Buffy contre les vamp	Art Man			(58)
  12	Vool			Juan/Greuh!		(55)
  13	Gel4			Nytrik/Cocoon		(54)
  14	Pegasus			Kervala/Dark Legend	(53)
  15	Ensorceleuse		Mitch/Zalem		(52)


  1	Rollerball		Alexx			(391)
  2	Funny place		Hellmut			(348)
  3	Le Golem		Fra/Pipo		(230)
  4	Volcanic Rulez		Rarald/Newgen		(116)          
  5	Lion			Yannus Stark/Bmk	(95)         
  6	Unreal Skate		Le Coyotte		(87)
  7	Vanites			Alias/Digital Murder	(82)
  8	Peli le pecheur		Long			(64)
  9	Narval			Ben/Naa			(62)
  10	Mouse Birth		Spad/Pipo		(55)
  11	Different World		Zack			(51)
  12	Reve d'eau		Neway/Graphe Phoenix	(44)
  13	Condor			Starox/Loyik		(38)
  14	Bosanovarf		Flure/Dev-X Software	(16)         
  15	Teeth			Bart			(16)

  1	Le Lapin		FGP/Lucius Magia	(475)            
  2	Elytre			Soopl			(380)
  3	Vodoo			Vodoo Team		(267)
  4	Glou!			Karg Glou & Kalkindo/Tcl(120)
  5	Coyotte						(89)
  6	Another story of penguin  Team Vg@		(64)
  7	We know who shot Kennedy  Antony/Pulse		(41)
  8	Chip-7			Stephan Malherbe	(32)
  9	Volcanic Rulez		Pipo			(25)
  10	The first		Recycled		(19)


  1	Volcanic Rulez		hiscan/bmk		(165)           
  2	Find the light		Lluvia/Bomb		(130)
  3	Traven Pocket		Traven/Syndrome		(116)
  4	End of Millenium	Pulsium/Zalem		(86)
  5	Cotton Blade		Hardfire/SpaceBalls	(83)
  6	Maf Land		Maf/Silicon		(79)
  7	Definitively House	Mr.Young/Silicon	(73)          
  8	Dark Galaxy		Towerx/Astral		(72)
  9	Fat Jenny Groove	Red Ribbon		(72)
  10	Return to Silence	Moloiov/Nosksha		(58)
  11	Fatal Beauty		Mr.T/Move		(56)
  12	Mrs Latina Dancing	Will Be			(54)
  13	Transit			Kalachnikov		(51)
  14	Eklips			Nko/Dim4		(47)
  15	Jff-Rage		Benji/Jff		(43)         
  1	Rax' Attack		Opossum     		(404)
  2	Boucherie		Lucius Magia		(153)
  3	Agence Tous Risques
        Next Generation		3Dstudent		(134)
  4	La vie secrete des chaises	Shagreen	(70)         
  5	Win World War		Recycled		(70)             

  Graph : starfox / abeille
  Graph3d : Flure
  Mod : Hiscan / bmk
  Code : Silex / Vortex
  Web : rez / eclipse