Rage '98 alias:

                         S C E n e S T - R a g e ' 9 8

                                  "The EvenT"

      The biggest hungarian sceneparty held so far with 1120 attendants.
      Held in Hungary/Budapest on the 3-5th of July in the year of 1998.

                       B U G F I X E D    R E S U L T S

                     Results generated : 1998-7-5 4:38:54
                     DC-1 has bugfixed : 1998-x-x

 category 1 : demo

 place score #n author                          title

 1     620   7  Mandula                         DIS
 2     577   6  Euthanasia                      Spirit
 3     380   2  Exhumers                        Necrophobia
 4     190   3  United force                    Subception
 5     177   10 Dilemma                         Deep somewhereover
 6     81    8  Astral                          Conduction
 7     70    1  Lame Over                       Xdemo 7
 8     65    5  Rg42                            Initialization
 9     25    4  Firg                            Paraszt 303
 10    14    9  Branch                          Garfield

 category 2 : 64k intro

 place score #n author                          title

 1     508   4  Contract                        Supermarket
 2     376   7  CLS (code & light sorcerers)    LSD
 3     358   6  Mortal Compact                  Last drop
 4     252   5  Breeze                          Aquarium
 5     201   3  Newcomers                       Warning
 6  a  122   8  Reserve                         Ozone
 7     75    1  Capan                         0x43a5
 8     71    2  Firg                            Hinta

 category 3 : 4k intro

 place score #n author                          title

 1     571   3  Chrysalis                       Restriction
 2     475   5  Autopsy                         Oldskull
 3     399   7  Fefe /Breeze                    Arcade Volleyball
 4     128   6  Wiklo /Robur                    Intro
 5     66    2  Bivanbi /ABC^ARC                Szar4k
 6     63    4  Ice /Newcomers                  Engine
 7     58    1  Merlin & Rau /Phantom Image     Chicken gel
 8     16    8  Oak /Black Rainbow              Nostalgia balls

 category 4 : 256 byte intro

 place score #n author                          title

 1     534    6 Picard /Hydrogen                Fireworks
 2     247   11 Fefe /Breeze                    Tunnel
 3     235    9 Remage /Fresh                   Spline
 4     164   15 Nap /Dilemma                    256 byte
 5     147   12 Dangbird /SpARTas               Fractal mirez
 6     118    2 Thomas Carrot /BC-Div           Twisted
 7     102   10 EplP爅 /Breeze                  Unspecific
 8     83     8 Aron /Contract                  Lava
 9     81     7 Morgan /Contract                Flame
 10    53     1 Hager /Profuse                  Desolate
 11    49     4 Han Solo /Mindescape            Phong baby
 12    47     5 KSL /TSS                        Hungecek
 13    29    13 Blala /Byteam^Elvont            Elvont
 14    26    14 Runstop /Restore                Leaf
 15    24    3  Buzz Armpit /BC-Div             Bumpgeci

 category 5 : c=64 demo

 place score #n author                          title

 1     861   1  Replay                          PC-fun
 2     620   2  Singular                        Shudder

 category 6 : wild demo

 place score #n author                          title

 1     393   3  Exhumers                        Pullover 3
 2     358   5  Ukr爊 kurv爇                    Te vagy az 俵etem
 3     204   7  The Doominator                  GALF UPROS 2
 4     146   6  Immortal Rat                    Trombosis
 5     142   4  Dinasty                         Antiq'98 - eg俽 a marson?
 6     90    2  Maczi & Wiktor                  Toll-vaj
 7     56    1  Lippenyi Tam爏                  Rep乴� Show

 category 7 : lamer demo

 place score #n author                          title

 1     695   8  Extasy                          S乴etlens俫 napja
 2     418   5  Immortal Rat /Profuse^B.R.      G倆a 俿 a medve
 3     367   3  Capan                         Who the fun is bill gates 3
 4     221   4  Tafundekli design               Winetoo!
 5     132   2  Fatalyteam                      Dreams
 6     71    1  Punk                            Internet je 3.14 ca
 7     44    7  Lupus /n.a.                     Sz爅zene
 8     32    9  DZS                             Ig俷ytelens俫
 9     20    6  Oak /Black Rainbow              Macrohard

 category 8 : gfx

 place score #n author                          title

 1     359   21 Warpig /Exceed                  Under Sea
 2     240   11 X-tro /Rhyme                    Dreamdust
 3     228   8  Orome /Talent                   Trapped
 4     182   1  Enok                            Vaxine
 5     172   33 Blackhand /Hooligans Crew       The Griff
 6     128   28 Kvazar /Euthanasia              Alien
 7     84    19 Unreal /Faculty                 Tattoo
 8     78    35 Azure /Dilemma                  All about Eve
 9     71    12 Narn /Enlightenment             Troll
 10    61    6  Lazur /Pulse                    Rreporter
 11    54    32 Blala /Byteam^Elvont            Why should those little dark flowers eat my girlfriend?
 12    53    31 Inferno /Astral^CLS             The mirror of my soul
 13    47    30 Edo /Astral                     Command
 14    40    3  Cyclops /Fuel^Quad              Katie
 15    39    16 Sidha /Dinasty                  Waiting for
 16    36    10 Immortal Rat /Profuse^B.R.      Interactivity
 16    36    5  Kirk /Fuel                      Warlord
 18    33    27 Tresh /Euthanasia               Ariel
 19    18    37 zsir!                           Az 爎tatlan es igaz ember
 20    17    23 SE                              Cybress
 21    14    4  Deone                           Zenith
 22    13    2  FcR /Hypnosis                   SCEneST vs. Rage '98
 23    11    15 Griffin /303                    Inferno
 24    10    38 Blaise /Savage                  Tribal
 25    9     20 Nyunya & Gabriel /United Force  Evil goblin
 25    9     7  Necro Fuel                      Wild
 27    8     26 Szhisz                        Renewal
 27    8     24 T攌i teve                       Future
 29    6     34 z_the_xtz                       Winfos
 29    6     29 Kyle /Autopsy                   Viper
 29    6     25 Pubi teve                       no#1
 29    6     17 Oak /Black Rainbow              Honor
 33    5     18 Misha /Tatanka^Defect           Just
 34    3     36 Valami linuxos                  Sceneheads
 34    3     22 Stynger/PeOn                    Don't bother me cause..
 34    3     14 Grass & dark /CDI               Women's lie
 34    3     9  tmk /INF^Dolphin                Ramen no yume
 38    2     13 Jarlaxle /HT Corp.              Take me to the sea

 category 9 : trace

 place score #n author                          title

 1     586   24 Myrel /Contract^Rhyme           Cave
 2     259   11 Zoom                            Lego 07
 3     150   15 Triton /Triphase                Galery
 4     130   2  Flyer /CyberPeas                Luftwaffe
 5     102   14 Molinari /4k                    Recycled Bin
 5     102   13 Florez /N0P                     Weeping Woods
 7     101   17 Leo                             Creation
 8     95    16 Dan /Breeze                     Starwars
 9     72    23 Solo                            Submarine
 10    60    1  Narn /Enlightenment             Ship
 11    47    18 Wad /CLS                        Orion
 12    35    8  Strawi /TSS                     Dark Passion
 13    31    4  Gere D爊iel                     K攝俻kori Utcak俻
 14    29    7  Bali /ProPeller                 Temple Of Darkness
 14    29    6  Bivanbi /Abc^Arc                Vasalo Strikes Back
 16    26    9  Mokia /Rg42                     Hellfire
 17    25    27 Laza /Branch                    H爐t俽
 18    21    3  Oak /Black Rainbow              Base
 19    17    10 Vapro /4k                       A Falra Hirdetest Ragasztani tilos
 20    16    12 Walter /Voxel Team              Partytime
 21    10    26 The Doominator .Mnemonic^MX     Darts
 22    8     21 Laa-Yosh                        X-Wing
 22    8     19 Z_The_Xtz                       Lokd Ide A Sort
 22    8     5  Lolka /Abc                      Fire In The Sky
 25    6     20 Beb /廣H                        P攖ty攕ke
 26    4     25 Varg Ferenc Szil爎d             Raw Truck
 27    3     22 H乿ely Bal爖s /Huvi team        Huvi'98

 category 10 : c=64 gfx

 place score #n author                          title

 1     631   3  AMN /Anarchy                    T-800
 2     559   1  Poison /Singular                Road runner
 3     187   4  Gerync /Different               Robot
 4     114   2  TGM /Singular                   Manga rewlz

 category 11 : multichannel music

 place score #n author                          title

 1     202   4  Trajic /Rhyme                   Passport To Heaven
 2     193   6  Carlos /Breeze                  A Vesztes
 3     187   11 Imode /Exceed                   Flashtique
 4     181   3  Sly Spy & Fisher /United Force  Germ Warfare
 5     128   5  Illegal /Contract               Pain
 6     94    1  Thomas                          Am Besten
 7     85    8  HP /Future sound of Hajd攕z.  Miskolc005
 8     75    2  Mr.Suxx /Waterfall              Creatures In Da Lake
 9     54    9  Fodor M爎iusz /Rhyme            Razor
 10    42    7  Styx /Underwear                 Downtown Dream
 11    33    12 Johnko /Mist                    Picinko N5 Is Alive!
 12    31    10 Witchcraft /LD                  What Iz That...?

 category 12 : 4ch music

 place score #n author                          title

 1     207   1  Sly Spy /United Force           Plunge
 2     197   4  Carlos /Breeze                  Majus Elseje
 3     190   8  Deansdale /Exceed               Planetarium
 4     189   2  Trajic /Rhyme                   Ballbouncing
 5     119   6  AP /TSS                         Dark Impressions
 6     111   3  Mr.Suxx /Waterfall              Fjazz
 7     95    7  Dreamer /Inquisition            Waking Up
 8     79    5  Tower X /Astral                 Vertigo
 9     33    10 Nagz                            Infected Bootsector
 10    24    12 Therion /TSS                    Quakeworld
 11    12    13 Johnko /Mist                    Karkulka
 12    8     9  Ob-Scene                        Professional Musician
 13    0     11 Dangbird /Spartas               Blues of suxx

 category 13 : 8k music

 place score #n author                          title

 1     269   6  Generic /Exact                  Sonic Virii
 2     155   1  Brain Rain                      8k brain
 3     150   4  Trajic /Rhyme                   Mosaic 2
 4     148   9  Paco /Dinasty                   Baroque Lullaby
 5     144   3  Sly Spy /United Force           恉es 爈mok
 6     143   7  Imode /Exceed                   8000 years ago
 7     130   2  Beatmaster /CLS^BRS             re C64
 8     115   5  Abaddon /INRI                   tanc
 9     97    8  Vuk /Breeze                     303 in 8k

 category 14 : c=64 music

 place score #n author                          title

 1     268   3  CreamD                          Gonna make you sweep
 2     243   4  Carlos /Breeze                  I got rhytm
 3     191   5  Lunatic                         Front side
 4     153   6  Cargo                           Heat
 5     111   1  Flash                           H-Trance
 6     100   2  Da Blondie                      Weedrunner
 7      99   7  Greatrix                        Zevraj Dobra

 category 15 : fun compo

 place score    group

 1     8        pina
 2     6        hc & mc
 3     4        halhatatlan cserebogarak

 category 16 : Winner group of party

 place score   group

 1     11      Exhumers
 2     10      Contract
 2     10      Replay
 2     10      Mandula
 3      9      Singular
 4      7      Euthanasia
 4      7      Breeze
 5      6      Extasy

 category 17 : Free for all - Quake I.

 place score    name/group

 1     191      gab /rc
 2     172      victory /core
 3     149      The Doominator /Maxeline & pjl
 3     149      James Bond /pjl
 4     129      Ex Moris /YNGB
 5     128      Nicke /SB
 6     123      Tiss /Danube
 6     123      Balagee /Sect

 category 18 : Face to face - Quake I.

 place name/group

 1     Gabr /core
 2     Keaton /core