no phoney, no bullshit, just a great party

                            A S S E M B L Y  ' 9 7

                Helsinki Fair Center, 8th - 10th of August 1997


  1.    Opening words
  1.1   What's new in this version

  2.    Facts
  2.1   Where and when
  2.2   How to get there
  2.3   Party features

  3.    Competitions
  3.1   Voting information
  3.2   Jury information

  3.3   PC compo general rules
  3.4   PC demo compo
  3.5   Win'95 DirectX demo compo
  3.6   PC 64k intro compo
  3.7   PC 4k intro compo

  3.8   Amiga general rules
  3.9   Amiga demo compo
  3.10  Amiga 64k intro compo

  3.11  Music compo general rules
  3.12  32 channel music compo rules
  3.13  4 channel music compo rules

  3.14  Graphics competion general rules
  3.15  Animation compo rules
  3.16  Graphics compo rules
  3.17  Raytrace compo rules

  3.18  Commodore 64 general rules
  3.19  C64 demo compo
  3.20  C64 graphics compo
  3.21  C64 music compo

  3.22  Java demo compo
  3.23  Wild compo

  4.    Prizes

  5.    Tickets
  5.1   Buying in advance
  5.2   At the party place

  6.    Party network

  7.    Preliminary schedule

  8.    Disclaimer

  9.    Contact information


1. Opening words

  To state the obvious, you are reading the official ASSEMBLY '97 party
  invitation info file. Some facts presented in this information file might
  change prior to the party and the best way of keeping informed is to
  regularly check out web site at

1.1 What's new in this version

  The multichannel music and Win'95 demo compo rules have been changed.

2. Facts

2.1 Where and When

Date & Time
  The party will start at 10.00 (am) on Friday 8th of August and end at
  20.00 on Sunday 10th of August.

  Check out the preliminary schedule for more detailed info.

Helsinki Fair Center (the place)
  For the third consecutive time the party is held in the largest conference
  centrum in Finland - the Helsinki Fair Center. So there will enough room
  for everybody - if you have some special requirements contact us prior to
  the event. We wouldn't like a tent in the girls WC, but we might actually
  feel good about it in the corner of the party area.

  This year the hall is different from the previous years, so the door used for
  loading and unloading during Friday morning and Sunday afternoon is not
  used this year. The new door is located around the corner (about 100
  meters away).

  Some facts about the hall

  - da address: Rautatielaisenkatu 3 in Pasila (the name of the part of the
  - how to get there:
  1. Take any local train from the central Helsinki rail way station (in
     Finnish: "Rautatieasema", in German: "Hauptbahnhof", in swahili... well
     who cares)
  2. Get out at Pasila
  3. Look around until you see a _giant_ red block of buildings. head there.
  4. Join the party.

2.2. Getting there

Getting there by air
  Flying to Helsinki is easy, but it ain't cheap. Finnair (,
  Lufthansa ( and SAS ( fly regularly to Helsinki
  and with luck you might find a plane that takes you to Helsinki early on
  Friday morning.

  If/when you arrive at the Helsinki Airport (Helsinki-Vantaa) there are
  three options to take:
    1. take a cab (fast but expensive) (costs about 100-150 FIM)
    2. take a group taxi (yellow line). a bit more inexpensive (about 60-100
    3. take a bus to the center of Helsinki. The buses leave regularly approx.
       30 minutes apart.

Getting there by sea
  A short cruise from Stockholm to Helsinki always (!) results in definite fun.
  A lot of good looking girls, great weather and luxirious ships guarantee a
  lot of good time. Check out Viking Line and Silja Line (

  When you arrive in the harbour you can either
    1) walk to the central railway station (not advised with a lot of hardware)
    2) take the tram to the central railway station
    3) take a cab to the Helsinki Fair Center (costs about 60-100 FIM)

Getting there by car
  If you are coming by car you should find the trip easy once you get inside
  Finlands borders. Head on to Helsinki, the capital.

  Once you are in Helsinki, do not drive to actual center, but find your way
  to Pasila. Check out the maps for central Helsinki and Pasila more details.

  There is plenty of parking space at the Helsinki Fair Center.

General about Helsinki
  You can find more info about Helsinki City at (maps, tourist
  info etc).

  Local area bus tickets in Finland vary from around $2 to $4 US. The
  taxi is of course more expensive. For example to take a normal taxi
  from the airport to the party place will cost one person around
  $30 - $40 US. But if you take the Airport Taxi, it will be a lot
  cheaper (about half the price).

2.3 Party features

Audio and video
  The main hall will once again feature a (too) powerful sound
  system. We will have (wow) stereo output and kicking base at 10
  000 watts of pure sound power. And naturally we will give out
  free earplugs.

  The big screen is over 8 meters wide and and supports the
  640x480 resolution. Definitely the way to see the demos.


  The kick ass network is once again at ASSEMBLY.
  Provided by Telecom Finland we have over 30 megabytes / sec
  ATM cable and a reliable local area network. Voting and party
  information will be done in the party intranet.

  We will also provide extremely good service to people not able to
  come to ASM. Using Telecom Finlands MediaLab technology we
  will able to send streaming audio & video from all competitions (!),
  party events, reports, interviews and gallups.

  In addition to the cool webTV we will also have a four person
  reporter team working on a ASM eZINE published at the
  website. So you can expect very good coverage of all events.

  The party area this year is a little bit bigger hall in the different part
  of the Helsinki Fair Center than in previous years. The hall is the
  B4 hall (if that means anything to anybody =)). We got about
  4500 square meters of party area with 1500 computer places.

  The sleeping hall is situated in a near by computer science institute
  (ATK-instituutti) for perfect sleeping peace. No noise, no hassle.
  Remember to bring your own sleeping bag.

  The main party area doesn't have windows so the video screens
  will look absolutely fabulous at the competitions.

  The party place is the biggest fair centre in Finland. It will feature
  24h food service (yes, we have Coke!), 24h security personnel,
  24h professional electrician, 24h luggage preservation service and
  cleaning personnel. Also 24h help desk with friendly personnel will
  be available to help you out with any problems you might

  Plenty of toilets and some showers will be available. Cool party
  T-shirts will be sold for low price. FREE earplugs!

  We got the biggest parking lot in Helsinki City =). We don't yet
  know the Fair Center's policy towards parking, but we presume
  that parking will be free or cost only 20-40 FIM for the duration
  of the event.

3. Competitions

  The organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the
  competition rules, and to disqualify any entry if it is not suitable to
  attend the competitions for some reason. So don't include any explicit
  sexual, racist or disturbing material.

  Atleast one of the authors of a competiting product has to be present
  at the party place in order to attend the competitions and to
  receive possible prizes. In solo competitions (music, graphics, 4kb)
  the author has to be present. In the Java demo compo, you don't need
  to be present to enter the compo. Read more details the Java demo
  compo rules.

  Only contributions deliverd before the deadline will participate in the

  A jury composed of known scene people (maybe even you!) will select
  an amount of 15 entries in each competition to the finals (to be shown
  on the big screen to the audience). There will be different people in
  the PC and Amiga jurys.

  "Maximum running length" below is only the amount of time we will
  show a particular piece of art on the big screen.

  The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user interaction
  once started (although there can be a setup screen).

  The filenames of the productions have to comply with the ISO-9660
  standard. This means that the only characters allowed in filenames are
  "A-Z" and "0-9". The maximum length of the filename is 8+3 characters
  as in MS DOS standard.

  The productions MUST NOT save any files (for example configuration
  files) on the hard disk or the disk.

  In the music, graphics, raytracing and 4kb intro competitions only one
  of the authors (if there are more than one) can be the official author
  of the competing piece of art. For example, if two coders work on the
  same 4kb intro, only one of them can receive the prize and his name in
  the party results. After all, these three competitions are meant to be
  solo competitions.

  The authors have to have all copyrights to their production. If you are
  dumb enough to rip graphics from Quake we won't be dumb enough to show
  it on the screen.

  All entries will be distributed immediately after ASSEMBLY. If you wish
  to release a bugfixed version, submit that to the info crew before the
  end of the party.

  All entries will be included on the Erave 3 CD-ROM, which will be
  released approximately one month after party.


  We will use the same projector as in ASSEMBLY '96. This means that we
  have to load a special driver before showing anything on the screen. This
  driver enables the video convertor to work correctly.

  Unfortunately it has the side effect of slowing down demos using a specific
  timing routine. To counter this the driver will be available from our web
  site as soon as possible so you can test your demo or intro with that
  driver to see if it affects your code. In ASM '96 only couple of demos
  suffered from the timing problem but it is better to be safe than sorry.

  We don't yet know how the driver will influence Windows Direct X
  demos. But it is safe to assume that if your timing code has problems with
  it in DOS it will most propably continue behaving badly also in Windows.

  You should note that the picture produced by a video projector is not as
  good as a monitor picture. The video projector does not show pale colors
  well and in some cases can even lose them completely. Also the contrast
  can be different. These are common problems with all video projectors
  and simply can't be corrected. Please try to understand these restrictions.

  If you have any questions about the rules, contact ASSEMBLY Organizing.

3.1 Voting information

  We will use a WWW based voting system. You will receive a badge stating
  your user number and a password. This combination will enable you to
  vote on our Intranet server.

  You can vote for the five best in each categories.

  The production placed in your vote in the first place will receive 5
  points, the second 4 points and so on.

3.2 Jury information

  Before you can give your opinion, a jury composed of known scene people
  will qualify the products to the finals. The members of the jury will give
  points from 1 to 10 for each product and the average of the points will be
  its final score.

  15 best scoring products will qualify to finals. If there is more than
  one product that qualified as 15th the jury will commonly decide which one
  of them will qualify.

3.3 PC compo general rules

  The name of any file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special
  or "SuP3r k3wl" characters are allowed).

  The maximum length of the file name is 8+3 characters. The production must
  NOT save anything on the hard disk / disk.

  If you are having trouble adding Sound Blaster support to your production,
  check out the Midas sound system.

Competition machines

       - Pentium 133 mhz with 16 MB of RAM
       - MS-DOS 7.0
       - The competition machine will be booted up with HIMEM and
         EMM386, so make sure your productions runs with them.
       - 2 MB PCI SVGA graphics card (a S3 964 accelerated card)
       - Gravis UltraSound with 1 MB of on board memory and / or
         Sound Blaster AWE 32 with 1 MB of on board memory
       - 550 kb of free base memory
       - highest allowed screen resolution is 640 x 480

  All productions have to support 256 color mode but can also use
  any high color use ( we will use the best possible mode when
  showing the productions)


       - Pentium 133 mhz with 16 MB of RAM & 20 MB of swap
       - Windows 95
       - Direct X 3.0
       - Matrox Millenium with 4 MB of on board memory

GENERAL RULES (demo, 64k & 4k intro)

  The user has to be able to exit at any time by pressing ESC.

  PC demos and intros have to check for sound card enviroment variables.
  If found they must be used! The formats of the enviromental variables are:

          ULTRASND=220,1,1,11,7 (address, dma, dma, gus irq, sb
          BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T1 (a=address, i=irq, d=dma)

  If the enviromental variables are found, your production has to use them
  and should not show the usual setup screen. This will eliminate a great
  deal of hassle during the competitions and it will also be user friendly

  The DOS4GW.EXE is located in the path, so you don't have to include it
  with your production.

  If you use SVGA modes, be sure that your production uses the standard
  VESA modes. We will use UNIVBE for the VESA compability.


  The user has to be able to exit at any time by pressing ESC.

  You have to use Windows 95 sound interface to actually play the music,
  so no direct fiddling around with the hardware.

  We will run Windows in 640 x 480 x 24 bit mode. The productions will be
  shown in full screen mode but a windowed mode support is a definite

3.4 PC demo compo

  Maximum size in executable form is 6144 kb (6 MB).

  Maximum showing time is 8 minutes, the demo itself can be longer.

  Maximum base memory requirement is 550 kb.

  100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA modes
  up to 640*480 are accepted.

  You are free to use any number of colors but the demo has to work also
  with only 256 colors.

  Pure animation files are not accepted.

  Also executables only including an animation and an animation player will
  not be accepted, this is not an animation competition.

  Gravis Ultrasound (512kb) and SB PRO/SB 16 support required. The
  demo has to have also a "no sound" option.

3.5 Win'95 DirectX demo compo

  Maximum size in executable form is 4096 kb (4 MB).

  Maximum showing time is 5 minutes, the demo itself can be longer.

  The demo has to run on a machine with 16MB of physical memory and
  20MB of swap space, but can use all memory available in larger machines

  The demo must use and comply to Direct X 3.0.

  The music system must support and use either DirectSound or the
  standard Win32 audio functions, direct hardware access it not allowed.
  We will use a well established sound card for sound output (SB Awe 32,
  SB Awe 64 or some other). Make sure that your sound
  routines support also wave table cards with only 512 kb on board

  The maximum screen size of the is 640 x 480. You are free to use up to
  24 bit colors but the demo must work also in 256 color mode. You can
  support other screen modes too, but the production will be run in 640 x
  480 resolution in 24 bit color mode.

  We will display all demos in full screen mode. A windowed version is
  definitely a bonus.

  Pure animation files are not accepted

  Also executables only including an animation and an animation player will
  not be accepted, this is not an animation competition

3.6 PC 64k intro compo

  Maximum size in executable form is 64 kb (65536 bytes)

  Maximum showing time is 5 minutes

  Maximum base memory requirement is 550 kb

  100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA modes
  up to 640*480 are accepted

  You are free to use any number of colors but the demo has to work also
  with only 256 colors

  Pure animation files are not accepted

  on the release version Gravis Ultrasound (1024kb) and SB PRO/SB 16
  support required. This version can be over 65536 bytes long. Also a no
  sound option is required.

  on the competition version either Gravis Ultrasound or SB PRO/SB 16
  support required

  In PC 64kb intro competition two versions of the intro can be submitted.
  The competing version which is under 65536 bytes long and supports
  either GUS or SB and the release version which supports both. Release
  version can be over 65536 bytes long. Competing 64kb intro cannot be in
  any case longer than 65536 bytes. Both release and competition version
  has to be submitted to the organizers before the deadline.

3.7 PC 4k intro compo

  Maximum size in executable form is 4096 bytes

  Maximum showing time is 3 minutes

  Maximum base memory requirement is 550 kb

  NO MUSIC or other sound is allowed (this is because this a coders'
  competition, not musicians')

  Only 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes are accepted
  (no SVGA/VESA)

  Only one intro by one coder

  You must submit two versions: a compo version and a release version

  The compo version may not display the name of the author or his group

3.8 Amiga general rules

  As the competition machine we will use:

       2 mb chip memory
       8 mb fast memory
       68030 at 50 mhz

  We are still considering a Blizzard 68060 turbocard for the
  machine and a possibility to use some 24 bit graphics card. If you
  have opinions about this, please send us comments.

  The user has to be able to exit at any time by pressing the left
  mouse button.

  The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard
  (i.e. NO special or "íuP3r® k3wl" characters are allowed).

  The maximum length of the file names is 8+3 characters

  The production must NOT save anything on the hard disk / disk

3.9 Amiga demo compo

  Maximum size in executable form is 6144 kb (6 MB).

  Must be harddisk installable.

  Maximum running length is 8 minutes, the demo itself can be

3.10 Amiga 64k intro compo

  Maximum size in executable form is 64 kb (65536 bytes).

  Maximum showing time is 5 minutes.

3.11 Music compo general rules

  The name of the file(s) have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard = no
  special characters are allowed!

  The maximum length of the file names is 8 + 3 (the MS-DOS standard
  file format).

  We will display the patterns of the tune on the screen while playing it.

  We will not display the name of the author on the screen while playing it.
  Make sure your tune doesn't contain hints about the identity of the author
  or we will forced to display something like "tune 2" as the title.

3.12 Multichannel music compo
  Maximum amount of channels is 32.

  Maximum size of the song is 1024 kb in a playable format (including all
  samples, pattern data, etc.).

  Maximum running length is 3 minutes.

  We will accept:
    - FastTracker 2 modules (.XM) with up to 32 channels
    - Scream Tracker 3 modules (.S3M) with up to 32 channels
    - Basic Protracker modules (.MOD) with 4 channels, also
      extended PT-like formats with up to 32 channels are supported

  All songs will be played with PC compatible player using a 1MB Gravis

  Only one song by one musician

3.13 4 channel music compo

  Maximum size is 880kb (= one Amiga disk) .

  Maximum amount of channels is 4.

  Maximum running length is 3 minutes.

  All songs will be played with the Amiga ProTracker v2.x (MOD).

  Entries must be in MOD-format (no executables, no renamed, no powerpacked).

  Only one song by one musician.

3.14 Graphics competition general rules

  The name of the file(s) have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard = no
  special characters are allowed!

  The maximum length of the file names is 8 + 3 (the MS-DOS standard file

3.15 Animation compo

  The maximum running length is 2 minutes.

  The frame rate of the animation has to be 15 pics/sec.

  Animation format will be AVI (Intel Indeo) with sound track.

  The sound track should be 22 kHz, 8 bit.

  The maximum resolution is 320x200.

  The animation must be delivered on a CD-ROM or an Iomega ZIP drive. No
  hard disks or floppy disks.

3.16 Graphics compo

  The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480.

  The maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen colors is 24 bit .

  The palette is the standard 24 bit true color palette.

  Pictures drawn with Amiga will be shown with Amiga Brilliance (no

  Pictures drawn with PC will be shown with CSHOW (or some other good picture
  viewer) .

  PC pictures will have to be in standard TGA, LBM or IFF format.

  Scanned, ripped and raytraced pictures will be disqualified.

  We will have jury of established graphicians disqualifing copied pictures.
  Do NOT copy original work of art.

  You must submit at least three versions of the unfinished picture that show
  the process of creating the picture.

  In addition, you must submit a version of the final picture which doesn't
  have your signature on it (which will be shown on the big screen).

  Only one picture by one graphics artist.

3.17 Raytrace compo

  The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480.

  The maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen colors is 24bit.

  The palette is the standard 24 bit true color palette.

  Pictures will be shown on PC with true color card (no executables!) .

  Pictures have to be in JPG or TARGA format.

  We will have jury of established graphicians disqualifing copied pictures.
  Do NOT copy original work of art.

  You must submit atleast three versions of the unfinished picture that show
  that the process of creating the picture.

  In addition, you must submit a version of the final picture which doesn't
  have your signature on it (which will be shown on the big screen).

  Only one picture by one graphics artist.

3.18 Commore 64 general rules

  As the competition machine we will use:

       - a standard C64
       - original 1541 floppy drive
        -Action Replay MK6 cartridge

  Please note that this is preliminary info on the compo machine.

  Only one contribution from each group/artist is accepted for
  each competition series.

  Contributions must be 100% finished before the deadline, because we will
  copy and spread all of them at the party. This is just to avoid final
  versions being released months or possibly even years after the party.

  The deadlines aren't too flexible so please deliver your contributions
  in time (Read: Early enough) to avoid hassle.

  Your contribution disks won't be returned (Doing so would cause an enormous
  hassle, just use your imagination and guess why!).

3.19 C64 demo compo

  Each demo will be shown for a maximum of 15 minutes

  Coding your demos in such a manner that pressing space is not required is
  highly recommended. If, however, your demo should require any user
  interaction, we want a person from the contributing group to run the demo.
  After all, there's no way we could possibly know which effects the coder
  would like to be shown a bit longer than the others...

  At least one person must be present from the contributing group (If it's not
  a group-release (Which is extremely unlikely), then the coder must be
  present him/herself).

3.20 C64 graphics compo

  The picture must be an executable file.

  ALL graphic formats are accepted.

  Only the picture must be seen on the screen; no scrollers or other moving
  things are allowed. Background music's acceptable (Not recommended, though),
  but during the competition no-one will hear it, as the audio equipment will
  be turned off.

  Please try to give your picture some (sensible) name to avoid too many
  "un-named" pictures competing.

  The artist must be present at the party

3.21 C64 music compo

  The tune must be an executable file.

  Only your imagination's the limit; samples are of course accepted.

  Each tune will be played for max. 3 minutes (This doesn't mean you'd have
  to cut the tune at 3:00 sharp, though! Even if your tune won't be played
  for more than three minutes at the party, people will play it longer at home).

  Please try to give your tune some (sensible) name to avoid too many
  "un-named" tunes competing.

  The artist must be present at the party.

3.22 Java demo compo

 The maximum size of the production (including all graphics, sound
  files, class files, html files) is 100 kb (unpacked).

  Maximum showing time is 5 minutes (the demo itself can be longer).

  The demo has to be an applet.

  Maximum applet size is 320 x 200 pixels.

  The applet will be run inside Netscape Navigator (exact version will
  be announced later).

  You must supply a HTML page and the necessary files in which
  to run the applet.

  The HTML pages maximum width is 600 pixels, max height is 400
  pixels and it must use only legal Netscape palette colors.

  You may not open any network connections from the applet (the
  compo machine won't be connected to Internet).

  You may not open new browser / applet windows. The applet has to
  run on the HTML page you supply.

  The java code has to comply to the API versio 1.0.2 (official release).

  You may not use JAR / ZIP archives.

  There can be only one actual applet (= you can have only one applet
  tag in your HTML code), but it can use several class files.

  The max. sampling frequency of sound samples is 11 kHz.

  You don't need to be present at the party place to take part in the
  Java demo competition. The competition will be international.

  All productions that are submitted in before hand have to be
  uploaded to a ASSEMBLY Organizings ftp site (announced later)

  Last date for uploading a production will be 4.8.1997 at 00:00 am

  More details will be published later at

3.23 Wild compo

  The productions can be anything from computer generated animations, demos
  on ancient or exotic computers to plain video art. The only requirement is
  that the productions are cool.

  Maximum showing time is 5 minutes, the production itself can be longer
  (thank you guys from the last years wild compo =)).

  The production has to be delivered on a SVHS or VHS cassette (European PAL
  format). The cassette will not be returned.

  No copyrighted material or material that violates Finnish or international
  laws is allowed in the production.

4. Prizes

  The total value of all the prizes in US dollars will be over US $ 23 000 (not
  including software). The actual prizes may be software, hardware or pure
  cash.This depends on our sponsors. The following list includes only the
  pre-liminary list of the prizes (the final lists will be published at the party
  place). Also keep in mind that the money exchange rates also affect this list
  (at the time of the writing of this text file one US dollar was 5.1 Finnish

  All damages to the Fair centre, other surroundings and other damages
  caused by party visitors will be REDUCED from the prizes before any
  prizes are paid. This is because of previous trouble with people breaking
  up places, furniture and spraying the walls and thus causing damage of
  many thousand dollars.

  All prizes will be paid at the party place.

  We will try to give cash prizes in the PC and Amiga demo competitions.
  The prizes in the other competitions may be more or less various hardware
  and software. All the cash prizes will be paid in Finnish currency.

  PC competition prize values (in US dollars)

      demo      win'95      64k intro     4k intro
  1.  2750      1000        1000          500
  2.  1250       500         500          250
  3.   750       250         250          150
  4.   500
  5.   250

  Amiga competition prize values (in US dollars)

      demo      64k intro
  1.  1750      1000
  2.   750       500
  3.   500       250

  Music competition prize values (in US dollars)

      multich   4 ch
  1.   500       500
  2.   250       250
  3.   150       150

  Graphics competition prize values (in US dollars)

      Animation   Graphics    Raytrace
  1.   1000       500         500
  2.    500       250         250
  3.    250       150         150

  C64 competition prize values (in US dollars)

      demo      graphics      music
  1.   400       200           200
  2.   150       100           100
  3.    50        50            50

  Java & wild compo  prize values (in US dollars)

      Java demo  Wild
  1.   500       500
  2.   250       250
  3.   150       150

5. Tickets

  We have lowered the ticket prize! This year there is only one ticket (NO
  computer place reservation fee), and the prize is

        2 2 0  fim  (apprx. 45 USD)

  The computer place reservations can only be made by buying tickets in
  advance from ASSEMBLY Organizing.

  We will not have any "one-day" tickets.

  The sale of reservation tickets will end at 4th of August.

5.1 Buying in advance

  You can buy your advance ticket from ASSEMBLY Organizing. Groups that
  want to get the group discount and computerplace reservations have to
  be bought in advance from ASSEMBLY Organizing. If your group buys 10 or
  more tickets at the same time you will receive the 10% group discount
  from the ticket prizes.

  To order a ticket you have to pay directly to the account of ASSEMBLY
  Organizing (see contact info). Make sure, when you pay directly to the
  account that ASSEMBLY Organizing doesn't get any additional costs and
  the amount of money covers the costs of the ordered ticket. Also make
  sure that we get the information who has sent the money and where
  we can send the tickets. After making the payment, please make an
  official order at our WWW-site (

  Groups in Finland can order their tickets directly from our WWW-site The tickets will be shipped as COD
  ("postiennakko"). Please allow 20 FIM for postage costs.

  If you buy your ticket in advance you have the possibility to use
  group discount of 10%. You have the possibility for group discount
  if you buy more than 10 tickets at a time. Also the table reservation
  is possible only by buying reservation ticket. You don't have to
  reserve table for yourself, but the best places near the videoprojector
  screen go to the reservers. The earlier you reserve your place the
  better place you get.

  We will organize special door in the first day of ASSEMBLY '97 where you
  can get your computer in most conviniently.

5.2 At the partyplace

  Tickets will be sold at the party place for the same fee of 220 FIM. All
  computer place reservations tickets have to be bought in advance. There is
  no group discount when you buy tickets from the door.

6. Party network

  All participants will be offered a chance to join the party network. The
  purpose of this network is to allow the users to surf the web, use the IRC,
  telnet (ssh), MediaNet and the NetRadio. The official informationsite
  during the event will be, which will tell you what
  services are available and what software and which drivers are required.

  The NetInfo will be open 24h/day at the event to help you in case you run
  into problems.

  What you will need:
     Ethernet Adapter Card with either a Twisted Pair or Coaxial
     Cable (about 5-10m) - either twisted pair or coaxial.
          For twisted pair (10BaseT, UTP) you will need RJ-45
          For coaxial cable (10Base2, thinnet) you will need
          BNC-connectors and a T-connector.
          The supported protocols are TCP/IP and IPX
          Drivers: TCP/IP Stack, Ethernet adapter drivers(can be
          found at the sites listed below.)

          Drivers for Ethernet Adapter Cards:Allied Telesyn, 3COM,
          D-Link, Metropoli files

  How to connect to the network
  Having found your place at the party place you will need to connect to the

  If the cabletype you are using is Twisted Pair, plug one end of the cable in
  the adapter card and the other in the hub that you will find at your table. It
  is strongly recommended to use twisted pair, since it causes less problems
  than coaxial cable.

  If you are using coaxial cable, start by making sure there are one or two
  cables connected to your T-connector. In case of only one, you will need
  to attach a terminator to the unused end of the T-connector. Then plug the
  T-connector in the adapter card and the BNC-connectors (or one BNC-connector
  and one terminator) to your T-connector. The coaxial cable should be a 50
  ohm cable - RG58C/U is a good cable type.

  If possible, do not use homemade cables since they often cause problems.
  Cables will be sold at the event.

  The IP-adresses will be distributed using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
  Protocol). When you come up on the network for the first time you will need
  to issue a broadcast that will seek the DCHP server, which when found will
  respond by giving you an IP-address and other information needed (subnet
  mask, DNS-server, default gateway etc). If your machine supports DHCP it
  will automatically do this for you, otherwise you can get your IP-address
  etc at the NetInfo during the event. Operating systems that support DHCP
  directly are Windows95 and Windows NT!

  It is forbidden to use the network for distributing material that is under
  copyright or is illegal in any way.

  If you wish to maintain a server of your own, please contact the NetCrew at in advance.

7. Preliminary schedule
FRIDAY, 8th of August

     10.00  ASSEMBLY doors open - the party may begin!
     13.00  Sign-up for out door compos begins (not yet confirmed)
     15.00  Outdoor compos (not yet confirmed)
     19.00  C64 competition deadline - all C64 contributions must be entered
     22.00  Deadline for all competitions
     23.00  C64 competitions start

SATURDAY, 9th of August

     12.00  4 channel music competition
     13.00  Graphics competition
     13.30  32 channel music competition
     15.00  PC 4k intro competition
     16.00  Amiga 64k intro competition
     17.30  PC 64k intro competition
     20.00  Java demo competition
     21.30  Win'95 demo competition
     23.30  Wild competition

SUNDAY, 10th of August

     09.00  Amiga demo competition
     11.30  Animation competition
     12.30  PC demo competition
     15.00  Vote counting
     16.00  Announcement of winners and prize ceremony
     20.00  Doors close - ASM'97 is over!

8. Disclaimer

  We don't take any responsibility on the safety of the equipment
  people bring to the party place. We suggest you take an insurance for
  your equipment from some insurance company. And remember, you can
  store your equipment by using the luggage preservation service which
  will be available at the party place.

  If you have ANY suggestions or ideas about anything written in this
  text file, don't hesitate to contact us!

  While you are visiting Finland you have to follow Finnish laws. If you
  break laws at the Fair Centre we will call the police to take care
  of you. You will also have to answer for anything you break at the
  party place.

     All damages to the fair centre, other surroundings and other damages
             will be reduced from the total prize money.


9. Contact info

You can reach us by many means according to the following list:

   Voice:      ASSEMBLY Org.   +358-9-4780 8460

   Fax:        ASSEMBLY Org.   +358-9-4780 8478



   iRC:         #asm97

   Normal mail:                ASSEMBLY Organizing c/o Oy Eworks Finland Ab
                               Malminkaari 9 C
                               00700 Helsinki
                               FINLAND, Europe

  Bank account for international money transfers:

                                Oy Eworks Finland Ab
                                Handelsbanken 313130-1018415

                                Swift code: HANDFIHH

  Please include your address with the payment, where you want the
  tickets to be sent. Also make sure that there are no additional expenses
  for the receiver of the payment.