                .___________ _|_ ______________________________.
                |             |                                |
                :   bOONDOCKS · oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE   |
  . _______ __ _|_ ____             ______           ________  :      _____
 _|_\_    / .   |  .   \_ __  ______\_.   \  ______ _\_.    /__| ___ /  __/__
  |  /   /  |   :  |    /   \|    /   l    \/  .   \   l___/\_ |/   /___    /
  :  \   \______|______/     \   /_________/   |    \________/ /  _/_______/_
 _l______/sc    :    _/    \____/         \__________/  _/     \___)         |
|               .    \_____|                            \______|             |
|                                                              :             |
|       tRiSTAR & rED^SECTOR iNC. /X-iNNOVATiON wORLD diSTRiBUTiON sITE      |
|            -g^sTYLE! & tWISTED wHQ! · pRO aRTS & rOADHOGZ eHQ!             |
|                                                                            |
|                                 mASTERS aRE:                               |
|            -·>s/\L-oNE!·mARIO·sECTORCHARGER·cOLONEL·gAZ P·eCS<·-           |
|                                                                            |
|        rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4ooo wITH a cYBERSTORM o6o/5o mHZ/22 mB!        |
|     2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
|                                                                            |
|   +31-(o)-548-54O-653   +31-(o)-548-521-716/521-848        +tEL-NET        |
|     -·>16k8 dUAL<·-          -·>33k6 dUALS!<·-        23:30-06:00 gMT +1   |
|                                                                            |
l_________._ _                                                  _ _._________|
 ________ |   -·>nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORd!<·-   | ________
|________||                                                        ||________|
          :        uPLOADEd bY ZiuTek           oN nODE #02        :
          .   tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: 06:07:15 , 09-03-1996   .
[SOF] Line oo1.
 \  /

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ___ ._____. ____.___.___________._ _.
.-\__\|_\__ |-\_. |   |   \_. \__ | V |----.
|:| | | | __j:|_| l_ _l_ _|_| | |_|  _j::::|
`-| | | | | |-|\_ || | | ||\_ | | | _ |----'
T!l__ l_l__ | l_| |l_j l_jl_| l__ l_| | V1.0
 iNCLUDES ---> 50! fILE_iD.dIZ's % gRE/\T! |
 \  /
              .                       _ !__
              .                         /\
          _ __!_ _                     // \
             /\                       /o   \                .
            /  \_____________________/_     \_______________¡_ _
           //                          \    /      /   [BoA]\
          /o                           /   /      //        /
          \___        _________       /   /      /         /
            /          \             /_     ____/         /
           /           /  ____      /          //        /
          //          //           /    /     //        /
         /o          /o           /    /     /o        /
         \__________/\___________/____/      \________/
                                      \      /
                                       \    /
                                        \  /
            -*-[/]  OF  [\]-*-         __\/_ _
         __/\_   _/\_    _/\_    _/\_    __      /\  _/\_    _/\__
        / _  /\ / __ \  / __ \  / __ \  / /\/\   \/\/ __ \  / ___/\
        \ \\/ // /\/ /\/ /\/ /\/ /\/ /\/ /_/ /\/\ \/ /\/ /\/ ___/\/
       /\\ \\// __  / / ____/ / ____/ / __  / / /\/ _  _/ /    \\/
       \___/\/_/\/_/ /_/\___\/_/\___\/_/\/_/ /_/ /_/\\ \\/_____/\
        \__\/\_\/\_\/\_\/    \_\/    \_\/\_\/\_\/\_\//_/\\_____\/
 \  /
         _ _ __ .________. ______.______.__________________. __ _ _
          _____ |__\___  | \__.  |      |      \__.  \___  |__ __.
.---------\___ \|  |  ___j-| _|_ l__  __l__  __| _|_ |  |__|  V  |----------.
|:::::::::|  |  |  |  |  |:| \_  |:|  |:::|  |:| \_  |  |  |   __j::::::::::|
`---------|  |  l__l___  |-l__|  |-l__j---l__j-l__|  l___  |  _  |----------'
        T!l___  |     `--'    `--'                `--'  `--l__|  |
hi folks, welcome to diz attack v1.0. haha. yeah.another one of those diz   |
collections again. jepp. hope ya guys gonna use some of these logos. if you |
ever see the light. yeah. that would make me pleased. very pleased. but now |
it's enuff intro text. btw: you can mail me on some board if you want logos |
.. no i have to write some more stuff here, so that i looks like alot of    |
cool stuff.. yeah. this is just v1.0 though. so in v2.0 it will be alot more|
diz's and some fatter logos and so. bigger than these. :) it is 50 logos in |
this colly. and each logo is max 44. columns wide, which is the file_id.diz |
standard, i guess. well. now i gotta finish the design of this collection,  |
so byebye then. catch ya in some other collection. signed. taxi/sapphire'96 |
 \  /
             ______\__.  \___  |      | __  \___  |      |_____.
.------------\___  |  |  |  |  l__  __| \___|  |  l__  __\___  |------------.
|::::::::::::|  |__|  |  |  |  |:|  |:|  |  |  |  |:|  |:|  l__j::::::::::::|
`------------|  |  l___  l__|  |-l__j-l___  l__|  |-l__j-l___  |------------'
           T!l___  |  `--'  `--'         `--'  `--'      l___  |
         Entry No. o1: Absolute                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o2: Abstract                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o3: Abyss                        For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o4: Access                       For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o5: Alcatraz                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o6: Aminet                       For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o7: Anthrox                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o8: Arcadia                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. o9: Arclite                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 1o: Arte                         For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 11: Azkiness                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 12: Balance                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 13: Bandidos                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 14: Black Death                  For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 15: Capcom                       For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 16: Classic                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 17: Complex                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 18: Corrupt                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 19: Craze                        For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 2o: Cream                        For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 21: Crux                         For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 22: Crystal                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 23: Data Division                For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 24: Decision                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 25: Delirium                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 26: Devious Dezigns              For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 27: Dezign                       For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 28: Element                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 29: Essence                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 3o: Flood                        For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 31: Hellfire                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 32: Honey                        For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 33: Hoodlum                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 34: Hydra                        For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 35: Insane                       For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 36: Intensity                    For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 37: Lenchmob                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 38: Mo'Soul                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 39: Motion                       For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 4o: Mystic                       For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 41: Oldskool                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 42: Prestige                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 43: Psx Pheens                   For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 44: RNSC                         For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 45: Royal                        For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 46: Sapphire                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 47: Save Our Souls               For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 48: Scoopex                      For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 49: Skid Row                     For ALL Membaz!         |
         Entry No. 5o: Total Refill                 For ALL Membaz!         |
 \  /
.............................:   ________________._. ._ _.___.___.          :
:                            : .-\_. \___\__ \_. | |-| U |   |__ |--------. :
: DIZ IS: "ABSOLUTE"         : |:|_| |_l/| l_| | | |_| | l_ _|\__j::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ |\_ l__ | | | | | | || || | |--------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ l__ l__ l__ l__ |l_jl__ |pRESENTS: :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-----`-'--------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ____________._______________.___.          :.............................
: .-\_. \___\__ |   \__ \_. \__ |   |--------. :                            :
: |:|_| |_l/| l_l_ _|_|_|_| | |_l_ _j::::::::| : DIZ IS: "ABSTRACT"         :
: `-|\_ |\_ l__ || ||\_\|\_ | | || |---------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| l__ l__ |l_jl_| l_| l__ |l_j PRESENTS  :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'-`-'------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ________._ _________.                      :
:                            : .-\_. \___| Y \__ \__ |--------------------. :
: DIZ IS: "ABYSS"            : |:|_| |_l/| | | l_| l_j::::::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ |\_ l_ _l__ l__ |--------------------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ |l_jl__ l__ |   rELEASED tODAY:    :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'--------------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ____________.___________.                  :.............................
: .-\_. \__ \__ |__ \__ \__ |----------------. :                            :
: |:|_| | |_| |_|\__| l_| l_j::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "ACCESS"           :
: `-|\_ | | | | | | l__ l__ |----------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| l__ l__ l__ l__ l__ |  aCCESS'96 aD    :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'----------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ____._. ________._______________.          :
:                            : .-\_. | |-\__ \_. |   \__ \_. \__ |--------. :
: DIZ IS: "ALCATRAZ"         : |:|_| | |_| |_|_| l_ _|_|_|_| | __j::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ | | | | |\_ || ||\_\|\_ | | |--------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ l__ l_| |l_jl_| l_| l__ |pRESENTS: :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'-`-'--------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ______ _._____.___.___.                    :.............................
: .-\_. \ V |_\__ |__ |   |------------------. :                            :
: |:|_| |\ /| | | |\__l_ _j::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "AMINET"           :
: `-|\_ | V | | | | | || |-------------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| l_| l_l_| l__ |l_j cRAP fROM tHE nET!  :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'---`-'-`-'----------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ________.___._ _________._ _.              :
:                            : .-\_. \__ |   | Y \__ \_. | V |------------. :
: DIZ IS: "ANTHROX"          : |:|_| | | l_ _|_| |_|_| | l_ _j::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ | | || ||\_ |\_\| | | _ |------------' :
.                            : T!l_| l_| |l_jl_| l_| l__ l_| | gIVES y/\!   :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:             _______________ ._.              :.............................
:         ____\__ \__ \_. \__\|_|___.          :                            :
: .-------\_. |_|_| |_|_| | | | \_. |--------. : DIZ IS: "ARCADIA"          :
: |:::::::|_| |\_\| | |\_ | | | |_| |::::::::| : D SIZE: 1o Lines x 44 Col. :
: `-------|\_ l_| l__ l_| l__ l_|\_ |--------' :                            .
:       T!l_| | `-' `-' `-' `-' l_| |          :
: «---------`-'-------------------`-'--------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ____________._. ._.___.___.                :
:                            : .-\_. \__ \__ | |-|_|   |__ |--------------. :
: DIZ IS: "ARCLITE"          : |:|_| |_|_| |_| |_| l_ _|\__j::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ |\_\| | | | | || || | |--------------' :
.                            : T!l_| l_| l__ l__ l_jl_jl__ |P R E S E N T S :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-------`-'--------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________.___.___.                          :.............................
: .-\_. \__ |   |__ |------------------------. :                            :
: |:|_| |_|_l_ _|\__j::::::::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "ARTE"             :
: `-|\_ |\_\ | || | |------------------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| l_| |l_jl__ |   P R E S E N T S :      :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-----`-'------------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ________._ _._____.___________.            :
:                            : .-\_. \__ | V |_\__ |__ \__ \__ |----------. :
: DIZ IS: "AZKINESS"         : |:|_| | __|  _| | | |\__| l_| l_j::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ | | | _ | | | | | l__ l__ |----------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ l_| l_l_| l__ l__ l__ | pRESENTS:  :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'----------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________._. ____________.___.              :.............................
: .-\___\_. | |-\_. \__ \__ |__ |------------. :                            :
: |:|_l/|_| | |_|_| | | | |_|\__j::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "BALANCE"          :
: `-|\_ |\_ | | |\_ | | | | | | |------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l_| l__ l_| l_| l__ l__ |  pRESENTS:   :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   _______________ .____ ________.            :
:                            : .-\___\_. \__ \__\|_\__\\_. \__ |----------. :
: DIZ IS: "BANDIDOS"         : |:|_l/|_| | | | | | | | | | | l_j::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ |\_ | | | | | | | | | l__ |----------' :
.                            : T!l__ l_| l_| l__ l_l__ l__ l__ | PRESENTS:  :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'---`-'-`-'-`-'----------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:  ____._. ________._ _.___ ._______.___._ _.  :.............................
: .\___| | \_. \__ | V |\__\|__ \_. | T!| Y |. :                            :
: ||_l/| |_|_| | |_|  _j| | |\__|_| l_ _|_| || : DIZ IS: "BLACK DEATH"      :
: `|\_ | | |\_ | | | _ || | | | |\_ || ||\_ |' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
:  l__ l__ l_| l__ l_| |l__ l__ l_| |l_jl_| |  :                            .
: «--`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'--`-'-`-'-`-'-----`-'+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ______________________ __                  :
:                            : .-\__ \_. \___\__ \_. \ V /----------------. :
: DIZ IS: "CAPCOM"           : |:| |_|_| | l/| |_| | |\ /|::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | |\_ | __| | | | | V |----------------' :
.                            : T!l__ l_| l_j l__ l__ l_| |[-room-for-text-] :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'-`-'----------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ____._. ____________._____.                :.............................
: .-\__ | |-\_. \__ \__ |_\__ |--------------. :                            :
: |:| |_| |_|_| | l_| l_| | |_j::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "CLASSIC"          :
: `-| | | | |\_ l__ l__ | | | |--------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l__ l_| l__ l__ l_l__ |[-room-4-text-] :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'---`-'--------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   __________ _____._. .___._ _.              :
:                            : .-\__ \_. \ V \___| |-|__ | V |------------. :
: DIZ IS: "COMPLEX"          : |:| |_| | |\ /| l/| |_|\__l_ _j::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | | | | V | __| | | | | _ |------------' :
.                            : T!l__ l__ l_| l_j l__ l__ l_| |[room-4-text] :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'-`-'------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________________._ _____.___.              :.............................
: .-\__ \_. \__ \__ | U \___|   |------------. :                            :
: |:| |_| | |_|_|_|_| | | l/l_ _j::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "CORRUPT"          :
: `-| | | | |\_\|\_\| | | __j| |-------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l__ l_| l_| l__ l_j  l_j nOW pRESENTS  :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'--------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ________________.___.                      :
:                            : .-\__ \__ \_. \__ |__ |--------------------. :
: DIZ IS: "CRAZE"            : |:| |_|_|_|_| | __|\__j::::::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | |\_\|\_ | | | | |--------------------' :
.                            : T!l__ l_| l_| l__ l__ |  P R E S E N T S :   :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'--------------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________._________ __                      :.............................
: .-\__ \__ |__ \_. \ V /--------------------. :                            :
: |:| |_|_|_|\__|_| |\ /|::::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "CREAM"            :
: `-| | |\_\| | |\_ | V |--------------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l_| l__ l_| l_| | [-big-room-4-text-]  :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'--------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ________._ _._ _.                          :
:                            : .-\__ \__ | U | V |------------------------. :
: DIZ IS: "CRUX"             : |:| |_|_|_| | l_ _j::::::::::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | |\_\| | | _ |------------------------' :
.                            : T!l__ l_| l__ l_| | [-largest-room-4-text-]  :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________._ _____._______._.                :.............................
: .-\__ \__ | Y \__ |   \_. | |--------------. :                            :
: |:| |_|_|_| | | l_l_ _|_| | |_:::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "CRYSTAL"          :
: `-| | |\_\l_ _l__ || ||\_ | | |------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l_| |l_jl__ |l_jl_| l__ |CRACKED FOR U :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-----`-'-----`-'-`-'------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................: ___ ____._______.___ ._._ _._____._________. :
:                            : \__\\_. |   \_. |\__\|_| V |_\__ |_\_. \__ | :
: DIZ IS: "DATA DIVISION"    : | | |_| l_ _|_| || | | | | | | l_| | | | | | :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : | | |\_ || ||\_ || | | j | | l__ | | | | | | :
.                            : l__ l_| |l_jl_| |l__ l_\___l_l__ l_l__ l_| | :
                             : «-`-'-`-'-----`-'--`-'---------`-'---`-'-`-+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ___ ._______._____._________.              :.............................
: .-\__\|__ \__ |_\__ |_\_. \__ |------------. :                            :
: |:| | |\__| |_| | l_| | | | | |::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "DECISION"         :
: `-| | | | | | | l__ | | | | | |------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l__ l__ l_l__ l_l__ l_| |  pRESENTS:   :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'---`-'---`-'-`-'------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ___ .___._. ._____._._ ___ __              :
:                            : .-\__\|__ | |-|_\__ |_| U \ V /------------. :
: DIZ IS: "DELIRIUM"         : |:| | |\__| |_| |_|_| | | |\ /|::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | | | | | | |\_\| | | | V |------------' :
.                            : T!l__ l__ l__ l_l_| l_l__ l_| |  pRESENTS    :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'---`-'---`-'-`-'------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ___ .___._ _._____._ _____.                :.............................
: .-\__\|__ | V |_\_. | U \__ |--------------. :                            :
: |:| | |\__| | | | | | | | l_j:: DEZIGNS! ::| : DIZ IS: "DEVIOUS DEZIGNS"  :
: `-| | | | j | | | | | | l__ |--------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l__ \___l_l__ l__ l__ |P R E S E N T S :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-------`-'-`-'-`-'--------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ___ ._______._________.                    :
:                            : .-\__\|__ \__ |_\__ \__ |------------------. :
: DIZ IS: "DEZIGN"           : |:| | |\__| __| |_|_| | |::::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | | | | | | |\_ | | |------------------' :
.                            : T!l__ l__ l__ l_l__ l_| | P R E S E N T S :  :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'---`-'-`-'------------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   .___._. ._____ _._______.___.              :.............................
: .-|__ | |-|__ \ V |__ \__ |   |------------. :                            :
: |:|\__| |_|\__|\ /|\__| | l_ _j::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "ELEMENT"          :
: `-| | | | | | | V | | | | || |-------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l__ l__ l_| l__ l_| |l_j  pRESENTS:    :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'----------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   .___________.___________.___.              :
:                            : .-|__ \__ \__ |__ \__ \__ |__ |------------. :
: DIZ IS: "ESSENCE"          : |:|\__| l_| l_|\__| | | |_|\__j::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | l__ l__ | | | | | | | | |------------' :
.                            : T!l__ l__ l__ l__ l_| l__ l__ |  pRESENTS:   :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   .___._. ___________                        :.............................
: .-|   | |-\_. \_. \__\---------------------. :                            :
: |:| __| |_| | | | | | |::::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "FLOOD"            :
: `-| _j| | | | | | | | |--------------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_j l__ l__ l__ l__ | tHE mIGHTY fLOODERS  :                            .
: «-------`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'--------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «[DD-MMM-YY]--------------------------[NNN]+ :

.............................:   ._ _.___._. ._. .___._____.___.            :
:                            : .-| Y |__ | |-| |-|   |_\__ |__ |----------. :
: DIZ IS: "HELLFIRE"         : |:|_| |\__| |_| |_| __| |_|_|\__j::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ | | | | | | | _j| |\_\| | |----------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ l__ l__ l_j l_l_| l__ | POSSE'96   :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-------`-'-`-'----------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ._ _________.___._ _.                      :.............................
: .-| Y \_. \__ |__ | Y |--------------------. :                            :
: |:|_| | | | | |\__| | |::::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "HONEY"            :
: `-|\_ | | | | | | l_ _j--------------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| l__ l_| l__ |l_j  P R E S E N T S !    :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ._ ____________ ._. ._ ___ __              :
:                            : .-| Y \_. \_. \__\| |-| U \ V /------------. :
: DIZ IS: "HOODLUM"          : |:|_| | | | | | | | |_| | |\ /|::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_ | | | | | | | | | | | V |------------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ l__ l__ l__ l__ l_| |  Cracked:    :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ._ _._ ____ ________.                      :.............................
: .-| Y | Y \__\\__ \_. |--------------------. :                            :
: |:|_| | | | | |_|_|_| |::::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "HYDRA"            :
: `-|\_ l_ _| | |\_\|\_ |--------------------' : D SIZE: 11 Lines x 44 Col. :
: T!l_| |l_jl__ l_| l_| | M A G A Z I N E !    :                            .
: «---`-'-----`-'-`-'-`-'--------------------+ :
:   Issue  : XX         Released : DD-MMM-YY | :
:   Format : CODE       OCS/ECS/AGA/512 Chip | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ._________________.___.                    :
:                            : .-|_\__ \__ \_. \__ |__ |------------------. :
: DIZ IS: "INSANE"           : |:| | | | l_|_| | | |\__j::::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | | l__ |\_ | | | | |------------------' :
.                            : T!l_l_| l__ l_| l_| l__ | P R E S E N T S    :
                             : «-----`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ._____.___.___________._.___._ _.          :.............................
: .-|_\__ |   |__ \__ \__ |_|   | Y |--------. :                            :
: |:| | | l_ _|\__| | | l_| l_ _| | |::::::::| : DIZ IS: "INTENSITY"        :
: `-| | | || || | | | l__ | || |l_ _j--------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!| l_| || |l__ l_| l__ | || | | | PRESENTS  :                            .
: «-`-'-`-'`-'--`-'-`-'-`-`-'`-'-`-'---------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ._. .___________._ ___ _________.          :
:                            : .-| |-|__ \__ \__ | Y \ V \_. \___|--------. :
: DIZ IS: "LENCHMOB"         : |:| |_|\__| | | |_|_| |\ /| | |_l/j::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| | | | | | | | |\_ | V | | |\_ |--------' :
.                            : T!l__ l__ l_| l__ l_| l_| l__ l__ |PRESENTS: :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'--------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   __ _____.__________._ _._.                 :.............................
: .-\ V \_. |\(\__ \_. | U | |---------------. :                            :
: |:|\ /| | |::| l_| | | | | |_::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "MO'SOUL"          :
: `-| V | | |--l__ | | | | | | |-------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| l__ |  l__ l__ l__ l__ | PRESENTERER:  :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'----`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   __ _____.___._________.                    :
:                            : .-\ V \_. |   |_\_. \__ |------------------. :
: DIZ IS: "MOTION"           : |:|\ /| | l_ _| | | | | |::::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| V | | || || | | | | |------------------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ |l_jl_l__ l_| | gIVES yA iN 1996:  :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-------`-'-`-'------------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   __ _._ _____.___._____.                    :.............................
: .-\ V | Y \__ |   |_\__ |------------------. :                            :
: |:|\ /| | | l_l_ _| | |_j::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "MYSTIC"           :
: `-| V l_ _l__ || || | | |------------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| |l_jl__ |l_jl_l__ | [-room-for-text-]  :                            .
: «---`-'-----`-'-------`-'------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:          ._. ___ ____._ _________.           :
:                            :      ____| | \__\\__ | V \_. \_. |_. '1996   :
: DIZ IS: "OLDSKOOL"         : .----\_. | |-| | | l_|  _| | | | | |-------. :
: D SIZE: 1o Lines x 44 Col. : |::::| | | | | | l__ | _ | | | | | |-::::::| :
.                            : `----| | l__ l__ l__ l_| l__ l__ | | |-----' :
                             :    T!l__ | `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-l__ |       :
                             : «------`-'-------------------------`-'-----+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________._______.___._____.___.            :.............................
: .-\___\__ |__ \__ |   |_\__ |__ |----------. :                            :
: |:| l/|_|_|\__| l_l_ _| |_|_|\__j::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "PRESTIGE"         :
: `-| __|\_\| | l__ || || |\_ | | |----------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_j l_| l__ l__ |l_jl_l__ l__ | pRESENTS:  :                            .
: «-------`-'-`-'-`-'-------`-'-`-'----------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ________._ _. ____._ _.___.___________.    :
:                            : .-\___\__ | V |-\___| Y |__ |__ \__ \__ |--. :
: DIZ IS: "PSX PHEENS"       : |:| l/| l_l_ _j:| l/|_| |\__|\__| | | l_j::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-| __l__ | _ |-| __|\_ | | | | | | l__ |--' :
.                            : T!l_j l__ l_| | l_j l_| l__ l__ l_| l__ |    :
                             : «-------`-'-`-'-------`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'--+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________________.                          :.............................
: .-\__ \__ \__ \__ |------------------------. :                            :
: |:|_|_| | | l_| |_j::::::::::::::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "RNSC"             :
: `-|\_\| | l__ | | |------------------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l_| l_| l__ l__ | [-teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeext-]  :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'------------------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ________._ _____._.                        :
:                            : .-\__ \_. | Y \_. | |----------------------. :
: DIZ IS: "ROYAL"            : |:|_|_| | | | |_| | |_:::::::::::::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-|\_\| | l_ _|\_ | | |--------------------' :
.                            : T!l_| l__ |l_jl_| l__ |  P R E S E N T S :   :
                             : «---`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'--------------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ________________._ _._____.___.            :.............................
: .-\__ \_. \___\___| Y |_\__ |__ |----------. :                            :
: |:| l_|_| | l/| l/|_| | |_|_|\__j::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "SAPPHIRE"         :
: `-l__ |\_ | __| __|\_ | |\_\| | |----------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l_| l_j l_j l_| l_l_| l__ | KICKIN'96  :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'---------`-'---`-'-`-'----------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:  ________._ _.___.   ________._ _._. ____.   :
:                            : .\__ \_. | V |__ |---\__ \_. | U | |-\__ |-. :
: DIZ IS: "SAVE OUR SOULS"   : || l_|_| | | |\__jOUR| l_| | | | | |_| l_j:| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `l__ |\_ j | | | |---l__ | | | | | | l__ |-' :
.                            :  l__ l_| \___l__ |   l__ l__ l__ l__ l__ |T! :
                             : «--`-'-`-'-----`-'-----`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

:   ____________________.___._ _.              :.............................
: .-\__ \__ \_. \_. \___|__ | V |------------. :                            :
: |:| l_| |_| | | | | l/|\__l_ _j::::::::::::| : DIZ IS: "SCOOPEX"          :
: `-l__ | | | | | | | __| | | _ |------------' : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: T!l__ l__ l__ l__ l_j l__ l_| |  PRESENTS:   :                            .
: «---`-'-`-'-`-'-`-'-----`-'-`-'------------+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :

.............................:   ____._ _.____  ________._ _ _.             :
:                            : .-\__ | V |_\__\.\__ \_. | V V |-----------. :
: DIZ IS: "SKID ROW"         : |:| l_|  _| | | ||_|_| | | | | |:::::::::::| :
: D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  : `-l__ | _ | | | ||\_\| | | | | |-----------' :
.                            : T!l__ l_| l_l__ |l_| l__ l_____j PRESENTS:   :
                             : «---`-'-`-'---`-'--`-'-`-'-----------------+ :
                             :                                            | :
                             :                                            | :
                             : «------------------------------------------+ :

: ._______._______._.  ____.___.___._._. ._.   :.............................
: |   \_. |   \_. | |T!\__ |__ |   |_| | | |   :                            :
: l_ _| | l_ _|_| | |_.|_|_|\__| __| | |_| |_. : DIZ IS: "TOTAL REFILL"     :
: .| || | || ||\_ | | ||\_\| | | _j| | | | | | : D SIZE: 9 Lines x 44 Col.  :
: |l_jl__ |l_jl_| l__ |l_| l__ l_j l_l__ l__ | :                            .
: +-----`-'-----`-'-`-'--`-'-`-'-------`-'-`-+ :
:                                            | :
:                                            | :
: «------------------------------------------+ :
 \  /
              ___ __| __  \___  \___  \__.  \___  | __  |_____.
.-------------\_ V _| \___|  l__|  l__| _|_ | _|__| \___\___  |-------------.
|:::::::::::::| \ / |  |  l___  l___  | \_  | \_  |  |  |  l__j:::::::::::::|
`-------------|  V  l___  l___  l___  l__|  l___  l___  l___  |-------------'
            T!l__|  |  `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'  `--l___  |
Terrox/Session: Hva synes du om file_id.diz'en jeg har laget til deg.       |
Cool TJ: Ahh. Nå har jeg laget masse rart for Sapphire. Humm. Lykke til med |
         Evolution'96 da. :) Jeg skal lage modul til compoen iaffall. Med   |
         litt hjelp fra Espen kanskje.. Hehe. Og du skal lage Gfx, rite?    |
Acid Phreak: Jepps. Lykke til med Evolution'96 til deg oxo da. Humm. :)     |
Boa Constrictor: Jeg gir deg herved credz for taxi og sapphire logosene dine|
                 siden jeg ikke gadd å fumle inn credits i kolleksjonen. :) |
All ascii artists: I need some logos; Taxi,Sapphire,ToonTown,DarkSide .. :) |
And the rest: ******* USE MY LOGOS ******* (Please...)                      |
 \  /
    ___/  \          ___  __  ___          ______          ________
   /       \________/   \/  \/   \___  ___/     /_________/        \_______
  /    /    \       \   /   /    /   \/   \    /\         \______   \      \
 /    /     /  /    /  /   /    /         /   /  \  /     /         /  /    \
/          /  /    /           /         /        \/     /         /  /     /
\_________/       /\__________/         /\________/     /\________/        /
 .      \________/          \____/\____/     \_________/ [BoA]  \_________/
 |      sap-giga.txt - 84178 - [Giga]
 |      t!-blah!.txt - 19379 - [Blah!]
 |      sap-an01.lha - 93975 - [Taxi's Ansi Animations  Part #01]
 |      sap-popr.txt - 52621 - [Poprush]
 |      sap-medi.txt - 67997 - [Mr.Mediocre]
 +--------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- -- -
 \  /

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  ___ ._____. ____.___.___________._ _.
.-\__\|_\__ |-\_. |   |   \_. \__ | V |----.
|:| | | | __j:|_| l_ _l_ _|_| | |_|  _j::::|
`-| | | | | |-|\_ || | | ||\_ | | | _ |----'
T!l__ l_l__ | l_| |l_j l_jl_| l__ l_| | V1.0
 iNCLUDES ---> 50! fILE_iD.dIZ's % gRE/\T! |
 \  /
[EOF] Line 868.

            -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
 __/  __ __/   _ __/   _ __/   _ __/ ___ __/   _ __/   ____/   / __/   ____/
 \_   _  \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   _  \_____  \_
  /   / ¯¯/  _/   /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /  _/   /  _/   /   / ¯¯/  _/   /
 /___     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \__     \__     \__/    \__     \
 sAl1      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \/______\/      \
   /        \      /________\      /        \      /________\      /
  /          \                    /          \                    /
          [·-g^sTYLE!·&·tWISTED wHQ!·] [·pRO ARTS·&·rOADHOGZ eHQ!·]

         rUNNING oN aN aMIGA 4OOO wITH a cYBERSTORM O6O/5O mHZ/22 mB
                  --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«--
          ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«---

 +31-(O)-548-54O-653   +31-(O)-548-521-716/521-848          +tEL-NET
   -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-           -[ 33k6 dUALS ]-       -[ 23:30-06:00 gMT +1 ]-

         [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: ZiuTek           ]]-]--[-[[ nODE: 02 ]]-]
     [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]---[[ 06:07:15, 09-03-1996 ]]-]