<Mry0y0> mimic3 kicks ass
                      <agrippa_> mimic3 is one of the best
                                 packs ive seen, period.
                        <Mry0y0> agrippa_: hell yeah

                         _|_____             _|_____
                          |    /_             |    /_          Dz/a!
                  ________|     |     ________|     |  _____
            ______\       /     |_____\       /     |__\ __/______
__ ___ __   \       /    /|     \       /    /|     \    \|      /_   __ ___ __
½½ ½½½ ½½   _\    \/_______     |\    \/_______     |\    __________  ½½ ½½½ ½½
½          ________\      |     _______\      |     _______\                  ½
_                         |_    |             |_    |                         _
½   ( MIMIC!ASCII'1998 )   /____|_( DEZIBEL )  /____|_ ( MIMIC!ASCII'1998 )   ½
_                               |                   |                         _
½                                                                             ½
½   Howdy, Dezibel here. This month i have a quite small cluster for Mimic.   ½
½   The reason? Well, i am currently working on THREE collys for Arcade, my   ½
_   amiga oldschool crew, so i just did not have the time for one more. Two   _
½   of those three collys are co-ops (or joint-collys as pecee people would   ½
½   call it), with ACORN (the guy i founded Arcade with) and DAERON,a great   ½
½   artist from the mad Alien Technology crew. Make sure not to miss them!!   ½
_                                                                             _
½_ ___ __ __________ __ _____ _ _______ _______ _ _____ __ __________ __ ___ _½
½½ ½½½ ½½ ½½½½½½½½½½ ½½ ½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½ ½½ ½½½½½½½½½½ ½½ ½½½ ½½

          ____|_  _             _____    ___  _|_
         /_ _ |__/ \ THE STORY / __ _\___\_ \--| \
     - -- | | _ //_/.._______..\ \| / _ \ / /_.|._\ -------------------- -
    - --- |_|_|_\___||_______||___\_\___/_\___|_| ----------------------- -

 Some months ago three guys decided to form a new ascii crew, and so they did.
 Secretly and without anyone knowing the group grew bigger and bigger, and it
 was soon time to break the silence, to step out of the shadows and shock the
 world! MIMIC01.ZIP was released, and the scene will never be the same again!!

 This small cluster is a tribute to those three brave men..

                                                         __  _________½½__
                                                         ½½  ½½½½½½½½½½½½½
                                                         ____½½       ½½
  ______                                                 ½½½½½½       ½½
  \    /.____.    (  DEZIBEL // "FOUR" // MIMIC  )       ½½           ½½
 /    /_|    |_   ___________________________________________________________|_
/________    _/                                          __           __     |
        |____|                                           ½½           ½½     |
   |              (  B L A C K  J A C K  )               ½½   ( 1 )   ½½     |
   |                                                     ½½           ½½    _|
   |                                                     __           __
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
 ___|_                                                   ½½           ½½
 \  |    __|_     _|____ ___|_     _ /___                ½½           ½½
 .\ |____\ |_______|_  /_\ _|_______/   / __________|_   ½½           ½½
 |  _      |       _       |/      /   /__.         |    ½½           ½½
 |___    ___    ___|   _____     __\      |  Dz/a!  |    ½½           ½½
   _|_____\|_____\ |___\   |______\ \ ____|              ½½           ½½
    |                     _|__   ____\/___|_     _ /___  ½½           ½½
                       ____| /___\_  \_\ _|_______/   /  ½½           ½½
    |   BLACK JACK!   _\   |     _       |/      /   /__. ½           ½½
   _|_______________  /    ______|   _____     __\      |             ½½
    |                /_____|_   _|___\  _|______\ \ ____|_            ½½
                           |     |       |         \/   | _           ½½
                                                         _½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
  ______                                                 ½½           ½½
  \    /.____.    (  DEZIBEL // "FOUR" // MIMIC  )       ½½           ½½
 /    /_|    |_   ___________________________________________________________|_
/________    _/                                          __           __     |
        |____|                                           ½½           ½½     |
   |              (  K O N A M I  )                      ½½   ( 2 )   ½½     |
   |                                                     ½½           ½½    _|
   |                                                     __           __
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
   _ /___ ______|_ ______   _|____ ___|_    ___|_        ½½           ½½
.___/   /.\  _  |__\_   (____|_  /_\  | ___(___|_  _________|_        ½½
|_ /   /_|   |      |       _        \_/        /_          |         ½½
 /_\      ____    __|     __|    _____|    ___   \   Dz/a!  |         ½½
    \ ____| _|_____\|______\|____\   _|_____\|____\         |         ½½
  |  \/      |                        |                     |         ½½
  |                                                         |         ½½
  |  konami//mimic                                          |         ½½
 _|_________________________________________________________|         ½½
  |                                                      __           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
  ______                                                 ½½           ½½
  \    /.____.    (  DEZIBEL // "FOUR" // MIMIC  )       ½½           ½½
 /    /_|    |_   ___________________________________________________________|_
/________    _/                                          __           __     |
        |____|                                           ½½           ½½     |
   |              (  S E R I A L  T O O N  )             ½½   ( 3 )   ½½     |
   |                                                     ½½           ½½    _|
   |                                                     __           __
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
 ___|_  ____|_  _____ ____|_  _|____ __|_                ½½           ½½
.\  |___\  _|___\_   \\___|____|_  /_\ |____  ________|_ ½½           ½½
|_\_      _\     /   /         _       |   /_         |  ½½           ½½
 /__    ___    __\     __   ___|   _____    \  Dz/a!  |  ½½           ½½
   |_____\|_____\ \ ___||____\ |___\   |_____\        |  ½½           ½½
                   \/        __|_   ______ _____|_ _____ ½½           ½½
   |                        _\ |_ __\  _ (_\  _ |__\_  (_ ½           ½½
   |  SERIAL TOON // MIMIC  |_ _/      |      |     |   /_            ½½
  _|_______________________  /__    ____   ____   __|    \            ½½
   |                          _|_____\ |____\ |____\|_____\           ½½
                               |                         __           ½½
                                                         ½½           ½½
                                                         ½½       ____½½
                                                         ½½       ½½½½½½
                    __ ____ ______ ________ __________ __½½_______½½  __
[ END OF LOGOS! ]   ½½ ½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½  ½½
    <nahal> remorse is like those old                    ½½
            people that should be dead but               ½½
            theyre on respirators and                    ½½
            all that other junk                          ½½
                                    <afrocreep> if remorse is dead, join mimic!
                                          <tum> afro, ah i think i'd
                                                never do that just for the
  <Dezibel> remorse is in a coma.               sake of competition.
            at the moment it doesnt       <tum> and also because they'd
            look like they are going            probably not let me in
            to wake up from it.                          __
            we might aswell pull the                     ½½
            plug on them.
                                          <tum> afro, you know i think
                                                nmancer died
                                          <tum> i think remorse is dead
      _             _       _    _  ___ ______ __________½½__
      ½             ½       ½    ½  ½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½
        (  All artwork, design & layout © Dezibel  )     ½½

                                      (  Email adress:  )
       (  IRC: #ascii @ EFnet & IRCnet  )                ½½

                           (  Contact me via ICQ. Uin: 6036536  )

 (  Respects to  KARMA & REMORSE  )

                       (  Rahzel/Megaman and Volatile/Mystify: FUCK YOU!  )

               ______                                      _____|_
          ___ /     /_______ _________ _____|_____ ________\    |
         |   /_    /_   _   \\___     \\    |    //   _    |    |
   Dz/a! |    |      \  _    |  /     /.   \_/   .    _    |____| karma!aske
 = =====_|____|_______\ |____|__\      |____|____|    |____|____\ ========== =
         |         |____|        \_____|         |____|

 Congrats KARMA for the really KICKASS pack! I LOVED IT! Me, as the amiga old-
 schooler i am, does not really like newschool that much, but what i saw in
 karma#5 was fucking amazing! Mankind's stuff was exellent. Mydknights pic was
 really cool too (it should have been released with MIMIC though ;). Oldskool-
 wise it was a bit weak though. Speedfreak and Roman are both really fucking
 kickass, but that is not enough. Sure, they got Afrocreep too, who just gets
 better and better, but they still need more people. Or maybe not, cause they
 got Arlequin too, and he is PHAAAT, but he did not release any oldschool in
 this pack. Unfortunately. Bah, this sound like some bloddy review or sumthing,
 that was not what i had in mind. Anyway, i sure hope the shit between Karma
 and Mimic have been sorted out, because MK and 5F are two really cool guys,
 so are BJ and S2N. Do you see my dilemma here? Anyway, MUCH RESPECT 2 KARMA!!

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  __. ______ ___ __. ______ ___ _________
./ _l/     //__// _l/     //__//  __    /_.
|   \/    /    |   \/    /    |   /____/  |
l___l    /l____l___l    /l____l___l    /  |
-- /_____\ ------ /_____\ ------ /_____\ --
|                                         |
|                                         |
|    // DEZIBEL // "FOUR!" // MIMIC //    |
|                                         |
|                                         |
--[ MIMIC'98 ]---[ DZ/A! ]---[ 98/10/16 ]--