"Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more
           damaging to the individual than the use of the drug itself."

                                         / Ex President Jimmy Carter

                       ______  ______ -sg/jA!
         ________    ._\     )/     /_.       _______            _____________
_ _______\_     /____|___     ________|_______\    _/_______ ____\_          /
)\\      _/    /_\    __/_____\      /       //    \_      /    __/___      /
   \     \     _/    _/    .        /_        \_    /    _/    _/    /     / _
                     |__            __|
 D  E  Z  I  B  E  L   /_____/(_____\   O F  T H E S E  F I N E  G R O U P S :

   _ _______  ____ _______  ____  ____ ______  _____   ________  ____________ _
            //    /      //___  //    /      //___  //   ______//
     Dz/a! /     \/     /      /     \/     /      /     /     / m I M I C !
 _ ________\ ___ /______\ _____\____ /______\ _____\ __________\ __________ _
                   .     .
         (      M  |  M  |  C    /\  N  D    /\  R  C  /\  D  E      )
     _____      _______  _______  _____      _______  _______ _______________ _
   /      \ _ /_      //  _____//      \ _ /_      //  _____//
  /  /     /   /     /    /    /  /     /   /     /   _/    / a R C A D E !
 /_______ /____\_____\ ________\ ______/__________\ ________\ _____________ _

 P R E S E N T S  A  C O L L Y  C A L L E D . .
    _|_\                                                /_|_ _
     |                                      ..............|.........
     |   ____   ______ _____   _____   ____ :     :______ ______   :.
     |  /   /_./  _  /.\ __/_._\__ /_./   /_:     \_    //  _  /.  : ......
     | /      |  ___/ |  \_  |   _   |      :     :    /_   __/ |  : :    :
     | \______|_______|______|_______|______:     :_____/_______|  : :    :
     |                                      :.....:                :.:    :
     |                                            :.......................:
    _|__       L e wW W g A l I zz z eEE  I T !        __|
     | /_______________________________________________\ |  bne


 The summer vacation is going towards it's end, soon i have to go up early
 every morning and take a boring fucking bus to a boring fucking school
 again. Sucks big time.
 Anyway.. It's time for the second Mimic pack to be released. Not many new
 groups make it as long as to the second pack. But i guess that both you and
 i knew that Mimic was not going to be one of those groups that died after
 the first pack. Atleast i did.
 Last friday i rejected both Karma and Remorse in favor of Mimic, so i just
 hope this pack will prove i made the right decision! 8)
 Usually i write pretty long prefaces, but i'm not on a writing mood today,
 so i guess you will have to settle with this. See ya next month.

                                                      / Dezibel of Mimic

  I WOULD LIKE TO..        _____|_       W     E     L     C     O     M     E
     ____|_      ____|_   |     |______    _|______________|_      ____.
    /    |.____ /  __|____|     /    _/_____|       __     |.____ /  __|____
   /     ||    \  _\      \     \    \|     \ Dz/a! |/    \||_   \  _\      \
  /_____ /\_  /____________\    |\__________|_      /______\/   /____________\
       \/ |______\        |     |           '-------'       |______\

  2  M I M I C  -  E V I L  I S  A  P R I V I L E G E ,  N O T  A  R I G H T !


       "and God said behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed
        that is on the surface of the earth and every tree which has 
        fruit yielding seed, it shall be food and medicine for you" 

                               / The Bible (Genesis, Chapt1, Verse 29)

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Aeon Music"                    for Helicon   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: kinda sucky. not original enough to be good..

  .__ /     \  _____ /_  ___________   _________ _________________________|_
  |  / ·     /   ___/___ /   __     //___      //                         |
  | / /     /   _/      /    /     /   /      /    A  E  O  N    M  U  S  I  C
   / /      \___________\ _________\ _/_______\                           |
  /_____________\ _ _____ _______  ___ _______ _____     _______   _____  |
                 \ /     /      //    /      //   _/____ /___   //   __/_____
  |    Dz/a!      /     \/     /     /_     //_         /      /     /      /
  |              /_____ /______\ ___________\ __________\ _____\ ___________\
  |                                                                       .
  |   extend this box and fill with info or something..                   |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Afterlife"                      for Kayozz   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: This along with the 'STZ' logo (further down) is probaly my personal
         favourite this month. The 'R' kinda sucks though.

       // THE AFTERLIFE //  T H E  A F T E R L I F E  // THE AFTERLIFE //

    .          :________   ____________ __:  ______:      ___________
             __|_____   \ _\  _       /   |__\  ___|____ _\  _      /
    .       /    ___/    /    /______/   ___   __\      /   _/     /___
    :     _/     |/     /     _\ _/      _/    \|     _/    \         /
    .     \___________ /      |  \_______\____________\______\        \
    :                _/    ___|_        _____   ____________ _\_: _____\
   .:.:.. .  Dz/a!   \___ _\  _/_____  _\ __ \ _\  _       / ___|____
 ...: :                  /    |       /  \/   /    /______/ __\     /
..:.:.:..... ....... . _/     |     _/      _/     _\ _/    \|      \ ... .   .
  : :                  \____________\_______\______|  \______________\
    :                                              :

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Cbs"                            for Woober   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                                     | |
                          \          | |          /
                           \\       |   |       //
                          \   \  _______      /   /   Dz/a!
                    _________   \        /   /  __________
                   \   _       \ /      / _____    _       \
                   /   / ______/_      \        \  / ______/_
                  /_  /_        /      /        /____       /
                    \ _________ \ __.__________/  /_________\
                           __ ---   |   |   --- __
                                    '   '

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Cbs"                            for Woober   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: kinda nice. easy to read..

                     __________   _____          ____  Dz/a!
                    \    __    /_\     /______ /     /______
                  ._/    /______//    _       /\_____       /
                  |/    /_      /     /      /      /      /|
                  /_____________\ ___________\ ____________\|
                  |      .                   .       .      |
                  |    _\|/_   C /\ N N /\ B | S   _\|/_    |
                  |     ¯'¯   ---- \ ---- \ -----   ¯`¯     |
                  |  p/\UL sHaEfFeR aNd tHa cbS oRcH3stRa!  |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Circe"                  for Arlequin & co.   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: the C sucks, but the rest looks quite good if you ask me..

                ________ /_      _                           Dz/a!
       _:____ /  __     /     _  /     ______     ______    ______  __:_
      _\|   // / /_______\ _ _\ /_  _\ __    /_ \__     /_\__     //  |/_
      / |  //  \__\        / _ \  /_  _/    / _  /____ /.  /____ //_  | \
     /__|__\\ _______________\ ____\ _\ ______\ _\|_____| _\ _ ___||__|__\
        :                                                   \/        :

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Click"      for Everyone that was in Click   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

     ________ __       ___ ________ _ ______ _______ ______  _     _  Dz/a!
     ½½½½½½½½_½/_______½½½_½½½½½½½½_½ ½½½½½½ | _____)|_____)(______|_     _
     ½ )½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½ )½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ` \     `-          -'`------'
     ½ _______½ ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½ _______½ ½½½½½½ _____ _____  IN _____   _____
     ½ ½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½ ½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ |____)|____)_____|| /  _|____)
     ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ '     `-    `----'`----'`-
     ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ )½½½½½ ___    _       .___    _
     ½_)½½½½½ ½_)½½½½½ ½½½ ½_)½½½½½ ½½½½½½½( | /   _|      _|| /   _|____/_
     ½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½ ½½½ ½½½½½½½½ ½ )½½½½½ `-----'`------'l`-----'`     /

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Death Road"                for Liquidwarez   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                            _ /_____
             _______ _____   /     _\______ _____
  Dz/a!   _ /_     //  __/__/_    /__     //    /_____
         /   /    /   _/   / /     /     /     /     /
-|----  /_________\__________\    /____\_\ ____\_____\  ---------------------|-
 |       ________ _______/_             \    _______                         |
 |    _ /_      //  _   / /              \_ /_     /  PHONE +972-2-5660989   |
 |   /   /     /    /    /  D E /\ T H   /   /    /                          |
-|- /____\_____\ ________\  R  O  A  D  /__\______\  ------------------------|-
                     /______________________\ _

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Death Road"                for Liquidwarez   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: s u c k y !

                 __________                       ___       ____
      Dz/a!   ___/__      / ____ /_       ______ /   /_ ___ /   /_____
            /     /      //   __/ __  ____\_    /   __/    /   __     /
    -|---- /     /      /    _/     /    _     /    /     /    /     / ---|-
     |    /_____________\ __________\ _________\ _________\ __/______\    |
     |                                                                    |
     | OPERATED BY LiQUiDWAREZ & WARRiOR / OPEN 24 HOURS/DAY              |
     | 0-1 DAY WAREZ! / CALL NOW! +972-2-5660989 / NO NEW USER PASSWORD!  |
     |            __________                                 _______      |
     |         __ /__       /__________    _\ ______  _______\      /     |
     |       /     /       /    __     /_____\_     /     __       /      |
     |      /     /       /     /     /     _      /      /       /       |
    -|---- /______\_______\ __________\ ___________\ _____________\ ------|-

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Eldorado"                for Solidcompo #1   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: a joint with brane

                                        _______ |_
                      ________.        _\       :
                     _\       |        |        |         ________:_
       _  __         |        |        |        |        _\       |
            |        |        |        :        |        :        |
            |        |        :         ________ /_      |        |  Dz&bne
            :    ____|_    .---------|-_\_      /    _____        :
            |  ./    | ____|___   0  /   /     /_____\__  \ ________
     ________  |     |_\ _     \    /____\______/   ___/  /_\ _     \
    /    _  /__|     /   /     /-----' .       /_   /    /    /     /-----|-
 <- \_  /__/   \    /_________/ -------|-------- \______//_________/   o  | ->
      \_________\----'        |       _|        .                |        |
            .        :       _|_______\         |        |       `--------'
            |        |        :                 |       _|        |__
            :       _|                         _|_______\
           _|_______\    e L d 0 r A d 0 . .    :

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Goomba Land"                   for Kindmon   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: for some strange reason i like this logo alot! You probably don't..

                 · | _ .
              __,_\|_/_|_\___       ____.
            \        |     __/_  _  \   |____
      _________      | o  \    \ /__/_   _   /   g 0 o M b a  l a N d ?
      \   __  /   O  |    /    \/    /   /   \ ______
 -|-- /   /   \      |   /_____||    \ _______\ __   / ---------------------|-
  |  /_______  \ ----|-----     |     \     /   _\   \                      |
  |        /____\        ________      \   /____|     \        sounds like  |
  | Dz/a!      ________ \  ___  / ______\       |______\                    |
  |     ______\   _    //   /   \    .___                   some n64        |
  |    \      /  __\   /__ /    _\ __|   /                                  |
  |    /     /____|     \ / ____\ \ _    \           title or sumthin..     |
 -|-- / _______\- | _____\ ---- /   \     \  -------------------------------|-
                               /__________ \

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Grill"      for Everyone that was in Grill   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: looks quite good if you ask me.

                                 __       ____ /____ /_
             ________    ________\   _  /     /     /
          ___\_      \ __\_      \\  / /     /     /           ....:.
        ./    /      /    /      / \/ \.    /     /  ..  ........:.:...
        |_____      / ____\______\ ____|   /     /               : :
            /_______\               /______\ ____\                 :
                       :                                           .
          Dz/a!                 gRill aSkee. rEst iN pEace.        :
                      .:....                                       .
                    ...:.::.. . ...  .......   .  ..   .

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Karma"               for Everyone in Karma   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: bad logo, great group.

                    _ /____ ______   ______   __________   ______
           Dz/a! ____/    /_\_    \__\_    \__\_   _    \__\_    \
                / __/  __/   /    / __/  __/   /   /    /   /    /
               /  \    \/  __    /  \    \/   /   /    /  __    /
          <-- /___/____/___/____/___/____/___/___/____/___/____/ --->

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Monkey Business"         for cant remember   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: cool but messy.

            .             ..   .    .   . .......  .. .......:.:.....
                                                               : :
                                             ___ /_    Dz/a!   :
             ____ /\__      ______     __  /    /  _____   ____.____
          __\    )    \ ___\_   _ /___ \  /_   /_ /__    /_   /:    /
           \    \/    /_ __  )__//    /___ /    /  (______/  /_    /
           _\    \ _____)\)   //_______\  /______\ ___//_____  ____\
          (  _____\  /________\                            /____\
                   ·                                           .
     m    o    n    k    e    y       b    u    s    i    n    e    s    s


            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Music Support"                for Arlequin   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

           /\                  \ __
      ___\/_ \   ___    /__    _\ /    /\__
         \ /  \/    /__/   /__/_ /  \ / ___/ __
     /    /____\   /    \__     \ ___\   \ /   \  m U S i C
    /______\ /____/_\____\ /_____\  / ____/_____\  s  U  P  P  O  R  t
  <-------- \ ------ \ --Dz/a!---------- / --------------------------------->

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Remorse"           for Everyone in Remorse   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                                    _\ | /_
                      ...           |     |           ...
                      :.: ......... | ... | ......... :.:
                        ..:         |     |         :..
      ._____            :           |     |           :            _____.
      |_____\ _________ | _________ | ___ | _________ : _________ /_____|
       .______\         |           |     |           :         /______.
       |         R      E      M    |  0  |    R      S      E         |
    _________ _______ _____ _______ _____ |    _________ _____    ___________
  __\_      /  __    \   _ /      / ___  \   __\_      //   _/____\    __    \
./   /     /    \     \   \/     /  \|    \ /   /     / \______    \    \     \
|    __     \   ______/   /     /    |\    \    __     \     \|     \   ______/
|____l\______\______\ __ /______\ _________/____l\______\ _________ /_______\
       |_______  1      |      9    |     |    8      :      1  _______|
      .______ /________ : _________ | ___ | _________ | ________\ ______.
      |_____/           :           |     |           |           \_____|
                        :..         |     |         ..:     Dz/a!
                      ... :........ | ... | ........: ...
                      :.:           |_   _|           :.:

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Remorse"           for Everyone in Remorse   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: did i really do this? uh.. guess so.. bah.. next!

        ________ ________ ____  ____ _________________ ________ ________
        ½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½ ½½½(__)½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½_½½½½½½½½
        ½ )½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ )½½½½( ½ ½ __)½½½ ½ )½½½½½ ½ )½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½
        ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½_______ ½½½½½½ ½
        ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½
        ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½(___½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½_______ ½ ½½½(___½
        ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½½½
        ½ )½½½½½ ½ _______½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½ )½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½ ½ ______
        ½½½½½½½(_½_)½½½½½½½ ½½½½½½ ½_½_½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½(_½½½½½( ½ ½_)½½½½½
        ½ )½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½ ½½½½½½ ½½½½½½½½½½ ½ )½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ ½½½Dz/a!

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Slt"                for Everone in Shelter   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: I really like dis diz. It's for an Amiga cracking group btw.

                    ____________   |   ___|_____   Dz/a!
                    \    ______/___|__ \  |    /_________
                 ____\_________      /  \      _________/____
                 \         _ /     ./    \      \ _         /
                 |\        \/      |      \      \/        /|
                 | \________      /|______|\      ________/ |
                 |        /_______\        /_______\        |
                 |                                          |
                 | SHELTER - PERFECTION OF DESIRE           |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Small Setback"                  for Kayozz   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: the logo is quite cool, i could have worked more on the bg though.

                                         _|____         .____|____
                         ______      ____.|    \   ____ |    |    |
                         \    /____ /    ||     \ /    \|    |    |
      _|________________  \_       \     ||      /      |    |    |  __.
       |                   /________\____\/     /________\   |_   |_   |
       |     Dz/a!           ___|_ ____   |________\    |_____/____/   |
      ______      _________ /  _|_/   /______ ___\ _ ____         _______
      \    /____ /  _     //    __    _     //    \ / __/____.___/      /
       \_       \   /____/_     |     /    /       /  \|     | _/     _/
        /________\ ________    _|__________\      /_\________|_\      \
                        /_______|         /__________\          \______\
       |                                                               |
    S  _  M     A     L     L         S     E     T     B     A     C  _  K

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Stz"                        for Stezotehic   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: YEAH! this one rocks! :)

             S  T E Z O T E H I  C  _\     |
              ________ ______ ____ _|      |_ ____ ______ ________|_
             |       //     //___//__      __\\___\\     \\       |
             | Dz  ___\______       /      \       ______/___  a! |
             |     \_     _ /      /|      |\      \ _     _/     |
            _|_____ /_____\/_______\|      |/_______\/_____\ _____|
             |                      |     _|
                                   _|_____\   S  T E Z O T E H I  C

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Trick"               for Everyone in Trick   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: the design (bg) sucks, the logo doesnt look that very good either..

                             |                     |
                             | .                 . |
                        .    | :                 : |    .
                        :    | :.               .: |    :
                        :  : | ::...         ...:: | :  :
                        :: : | ::::::::...:::::::: | : ::
                       |:::: | ::::::::::::::::::: | ::::|
                     _______  _______  ____  ______     ______
              Dz   /_      //_      //__  // _____/___ /     /  a!
          - | ----- /     /  /     /     /   /    /   /     / ---- | -
          - | ---- /______\ _\_____\ ____\ _______\ __\_____\ ---- | -
                       |:::: |  T   R   |   C   K  | ::::|
                     ..|:::: :.....................: ::::|..
                       |                                 |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "The Product"               for Waxcompo #2   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

Comment: not that bad.. a bit too messy bg though..

                            ___. _\  | | |  /_ .___
                      ___. _\  | |   | | |   | |  /_ .___
                ___. _\  | |   | |   | | |   | |   | |  /_ .___  Dz/a!
          ___. _\  | |   | |   | |   | | |   | |   | |   | |  /_ .___
         _\  | |   | |   | |   | |   | | |   | |   | |   | |   | |  /_
       __|____ _____     _____   |   | | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
     /__ |   //    /__ /   ___/_ ________________________________________
      /  :  /   __    /   _/   //                                        /
     /______\ ___\____\ _______\ ________________________________________\
        _________  _______  ________   _______  __ _____  ______  ________
      ____      //_      //  _     /_/__     //   /    //  ____//_       /
      /  /   __/  /     /    /    /    /    /    /_   /    /    //   :  /
     /________\___\_____\ ________\ ________\ ________\ ________\ ___|__\
         .                                                           |
         |__ " I Got The Product To Keep Yer Ass Ssssssssmokin.. " __|
    _|___  / | .   . .   . .   . .   . . .   . .   . .   . .   . | \  ___|_
     |__/ /__| |___| |___| |___| |___|_|_|___| |___| |___| |___| |__\ \__|


Q. What is marijuana?

   A. "Marijuana" refers to dried flowers and leaves of some strains of the
   cannabis hemp plant, which contains various quantities of the non-narcotic
   chemical THC in various quantities. When smoked or eaten, It produces the
   feeling of being "high", which lasts a few hours. Different strains of this
   herb produce their own sensual effects, ranging from sedative to stimulant.

Q. Who Uses Marijuana?

   A. There is no simple profile of a typical marijuana user. Its been used for
   thousands of years for medical, social and religious reasons as well as
   relaxation. Several of our Presidents farmed hemp and some are believed
   to have smoked it. One out of every five Americans in all walks of life say
   they have tried it,  and it is still very popular.

Q. How Long Have People Been Using Marijuana?

    A. Since Biblical times. This practice was widely accepted in America, as
    well, until the orchestrated campaign of the 1930's led to disinformation,
    public hysteria and the first American laws against using it.

Q. Is Marijuana Addictive?

    A. No, it is not. Most users are moderate consumers who only  Smoke it
    socially or occasionally to relax. We now know that 10% of our population
    have " addictive personalities", and they are no more nor less likely to
    abuse cannabis than anything else. On a relative scale, marijuana is less
    habitforming than either sugar or chocolate. Sociologists report a general
    pattern of marijuana usage that peaks in the early adult years, followed by
    a period of levelling off, and gradual reduction in use.

Q. Has Anyone Ever Died From Smoking Marijuana?

    A. No, not even once. Judge Francis Young studied all the evidence in 1988,
    and ruled that "Marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume"
    The federal agency NIDA says that autopsies show 75 people per year are
    high on marijuana when they die, but this does not mean that this is a
    factor in any of their deaths. This chart shows the number of deaths from
    selected substances in a typical year:

           Alcohol(excluding crime/accidents)................125,000+
           Drug overdose(prescription)..................14,000-27,000
           Drug overdose(illegal).........................3,800-5,200
           Marijuana ...............................................0

    source: U.S. government Bureau of Mortality Statistics. 1987.

Q. Does It Lead To Hard Drugs?

    A. No. Although people who abuse drugs often smoke marijuana also, the
    National Academy of Science reports that  "Legal Drugs for adults, such as
    alcohol and tobacco, ...precede the use of all illicit drugs." Tobacco is
    known as "the gateway drug."

Q. Does It Cause Violence?

    A. No, just the opposite. The only crime marijuana users commit is using
    marijuana. The U.S. Shafer Commission report was the most comprehensive
    study ever undertaken on the subject. It found that marijuana smokers "tend
    to be under represented" in violence and in crime, "especially when
    compared to users of alcohol, amphetamines and barbituates." The simple
    fact is that marijuana does not change your basic personality. The federal
    government reports that 70 million Americans have smoked it...probably
    some of the nicest people you know.

Q. How Does Marijuana Affect Your Health?

    A. A Harvard University medical team in 1987 found that "dangerous physical
    reactions to marijuana are almost unknown." All smoke is unhealthy, but
    marijuana is safer than tobacco, and people tend to smoke less of it. That
    risk can be eliminated by eating the plant instead of smoking it or it can
    be reduced by using smaller amounts of more potent marijuana. Moreover,
    cannabis is a proven herb with hundreds of therapeutic uses in treating
    ailments from stress to arthritis to glaucoma to asthma to cancer therapy,
    to AIDS, and more.

Q. What About All Those Scary Stories and Reports?

    A. Most sensational claims of health risks cite no studies or sources at
    all. Others play on inconclusive or flawed reports. After 20 years study,
    the California Attorney General's panel concluded in 1989 that,
    "An objective consideration shows that marijuana is responsible for less
    damage to the individual and society than alcohol and cigarettes."

Q. What Should We Do?

    A. American taxpayers have funded many studies on this very point, and
    every independent government panel on marijuana has opposed the jailing
    of marijuana smokers. Most have urged the lawmakers to re-legalize and
    tax use of this herb by responsible adults, with age limits and regulations
    like those on alcohol and tobacco. Tell your elected leaders to free up our
    police and resources to combat violent crime and to honor our national
    pledge and commitment to "Liberty and justice for all" by ending marijuana

    This information was taken from a leaflet produced by
    Family Council on Drugs Awareness
    Box 71093, LA, CA 90071-0093

                                       .________ ___________ ___
           _____                       |        .\         /.  /__.  _____
.______   /  __/     _________        _____  .__|___       _|___  | /  __/ df
|     (___\ _)_____ _\  _     \  _____\    \ |     (_  ____\_   \ __\ _)_____
|      /\   \     / /   /     |_/     \\   /.|      /_/        _/.\   \     /
\_____/_/--,,_____\/________  |\________\---l\_____/ \___________l/--,,_____\
     /                    //__|        .     .. |___________|_    ._________
                                       |__  //  -legalize   / \   |       //
                                       , /_//____________  /   \ _|      /
                                                         _/     \ |     /
                                                         |_______\|____/  it

                .                                 :
         _\_____:_   _._____/_ ____/_    ____/_  _|__ ©hP!   __
          _\    | | | |    /_ _\ _/___. _\ _/___. |  _____/_ )______/_
    ·   _ |     | | | :-÷---'-| _)    | | _)    | | |    /_ . |    /_ _   ·
   _:__\\ `-÷---|_|-l ·       l_|     |-l_|     |-l_|     |-l_|     | //__:_
    :            _l     SK:OD   :---÷-'   :---÷-'   :---÷-'   :---÷-'     :
    .                           ·         ·         ·         ·           .
  absent spinsister    -    acorn   -   alcatraz   -   arlequin    -   asphynx
  astrocreep   -   avenger   -   barn   -   blackjack  -   brane   -  c4nnabis
  daeron  -   dataflower   -   discofunk'74   -   dizzy  -   domino   -   drax
  dust   -  dwarf   -  eclipse   -  erick sermon   -  esc   -   ets   -  excel
  fairydust   -  ice  -  ironnuke  -  kane   -  kayozz   -  mankind   -  martz
  meanace  -  merlin  -  mjolnir  -  morph  -  newt  -  palmore  -  progenitor
  reas2    -   rumish    -   serial toon    -   shine    -   star    -   storm
  stormwarrior -  tim drake  -  tripulogic -  volatile  -  warpstah  -  woober

                            ___ ________ ________
                         ___\ /_\ _  _  \\   __ /________
                        _\  \/  |\/  /  /    _/         /
        - | ----------- |_          /  /     \         / ----------- | -
          |            _ /_________/    .    |\_______/              |
          |            \/     [fL]/_____|____|[sE]                   |
          |  Credits..                                               |
          |                                                          |
          |     Main artwork,                      Dezibel of Mimic  |
          |     desing and layout                                    |
          |     Dezibel logo                   Shock-G of Jedi Arts  |
          |     Legalize it logo                    Brane of Arcade  |
          |     Legalize it logo               Dataflower of Noname  |
          |     Info logo                            Folar of Style  |
          |     Greets logo                      Hiro P. of Remorse  |
          |                                                          |
          |                                                          |
          |  Contact..                                               |
          |                                                          |
          |     E-Mail                           rweed@hempseed.com  |
          |     ICQ UIN                                     6036536  |
          |     IRC                            #ascii (EFnet/IRCnet) |
          |                                                          |
        - | -------------------------------------------------------- | -

          Respects to..

                       Low Profile, Jedi Arts, Mo'Soul, Style, Arclite
                Alien Tech, Epsilon Design, ProArts, Twisted, Twilight

                                                   Karma, Remorse 1981

                          _|_____           _|_____
                  ___|___  |    /_  ___|___  |    /_  ___|_
               _____ | ____|     |____ | ____|     |_____| _____
              /    /___\    \   /    /___\    \   /    /___\    \
              \______|______/   \______|______/   \______|______/
                     |     |_____|_    |     |_____|_    |
                                 |                 |

      BlackJack // Konami // Serial2n // Anarkzz // Afrocreep // Deadsoul
      Dezibel // Erick Sermon // Genick // Hitek // Mydknight // Psylock!


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ Dz/a!                               _
._ _ ___  _ : _  ___ _ __.      _____/______
|_\//___//_)|(_\\___\\//_|____ /    \|    _/
       . .  |      .   .      \/____ |    |
DEZ / M|M|C | LEGAL|ZE |T _____\ _  \_____|
__..___ ____|_____ __..__ |   _ \/      /  .
\_||__((____|_____))_||_/ |____\  /____/  _|
            :                   \/