B E S T  V I E W E D  I N  C E D  W /  M O ' S O U L . F O N T  O N  /\ M I G A

       .        . .  . _     _.               .    ._        _

                                         . _
P R E P /\ R E  F O R  S O M E  Q U /\ L | | Y . .

   - ---------------------------/- -
      _________     ________      ________      ________      _________
   __(_______ /____(____,  /_____(_______/_____(____,_ /_____(_______ /__
   \__  ___  /   \_     |  .   \_            \_     l/     \_   ___  /   \_
   _/   \.        /_    |  |    /_ mute       /_    /       /_  \.        /_
   \_______________/____l__l_____/_____________/________,    /_____________/
                                                    l_______/          .
                                  - -----------/                       |
    _______     _____.          .____         //-----------------------|-/- -
 __(____, /____(     |__________|   /_                                 |
 \__   \|     \_     |    \_  __|_    \_       ·  aMIGA  oLDSKOOL  ·   |
 _/     l      /_    l     /_ \.l      /_                            . |
 \______________/___________/___________/                            | ·
                _______     _____.      _______     _______     _____|
- -------- - __(   ___/____(     |_____(____, /____(____, /____(     |____
             \_________   \_    __  _____  \|     \_   \|     \_     |    \_
             _/       /    /_    |     /_   l      /_   l      /_    l     /_
 - ------ -  \______________/____l______/___________/___________/___________/

                                       - -\-------------------------------- -

     _                   _
B Y  | O D /\ Y S  H O S | . .

                       ______  ______ -sg/jA!
         ________    ._\     )/     /_.       _______            _____________
_ _______\_     /____|___     ________|_______\    _/_______ ____\_          /
)\\      _/    /_\    __/_____\      /       //    \_      /    __/___      /
   \     \     _/    _/    .        /_        \_    /    _/    _/    /     / _
                     |__            __|              .
                       /_____/(_____\       D  E  Z  |  B  E  L

     _            .
O F  | H E S E  F | N E  G R O U P S . .

                      _ ____________
                   .__\(           /.
                   |                |
                   |              Arl
                .______ _____  _____|      .______   _____   ____/_
             ___|_    /_\_   \/    /___ ___|_    /___\_   \ /   /___
             \   )   /   /   /__  /(   /    )   /     /   /    /(  /
           _/_________\ _\  /  /________\________\ ________\ _______\
           /       .      \___\     :
                   |                |
                   |    A r c a d e |
                   |__/             |
                     /_____________ | _
                                              /\  N  D

                                                ___ _/\ ___.
                                           ___ /__((/  \/  |
                                         ./  \/            |
                                         |                e5!
                     __        ___  ___  |    ___  ____    |
                 ____\  \ ____ \_ /_\  \ ____ \_ /_\  _/___  ____
               /    /   \\ _  /    /   \\    /    /   \    /    /
               \____\____\/ __\____\____\/___\____\__ /____\____\
                                         |  M  I  M  I  C  |

G | V E S  Y O U . .

          . __________/\  ______________________ ______  /\_______ .
      _  _:_\           \/                     //      \/        /_:_
        __|_    _____      _____  ____.      _//__       _____   __|__
       _) _/____\   /___ __\___ \_\  _|___ __\___ \_ ____\    \ /  __/__
       \_____  /.\ _   (.)   _.  (.\ \_  (.)   _.  (.\    \   /.\  \_  (.
         \  /   |  /    |    \|   |   |   |    \|   |    \ \   |   /    |
          |                               //                       |bne
         _|__  s·H·a·B·A·n·G             //                      __|_
          : /_________________/\  ______//________  /\___________\ :
          .                     \/                \/               .

             ____    __/\    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____
         _ __)  /____)   \ __) _/  __)  /____)  /____)  /____) _/
         \\\  _\_  \  _\_/_\    )__\  _\___\  _\_  \   \___\    )___
            \ \____/\ \__   \  _\_  \ \__/  \ \__   \  _\_  \  _\_  \ _
         t0! \___\   \___\  /\_\ ___/\___\   \___\  /\_\ ___/\_\ ___///
                          \/    \/                \/    \/      \/

  When Click died some time ago (R.I.P!), I started looking for a new group to
  join. Someone told me about this new and so far secret one, Mimic. it sound-
  ed cool, so I decided to give it a try. I asked Serialtoon on IRC if I could
  join, and he said yes. Did not even look at the logos i had prepared to send
  him &). I've been told Mimic is supposed to kick every other group's butt by
  far, but I guess it's kinda impossible to tell stuff like that until the 1st
  pack is released, so I ain't gonna give you no "we fucking rock, so fuck you
  asshole"- crap attitude. Not just yet anyways &)
  The name of this small colly is "Shabang". why? I needed a name, and I guess
  Shabang is as good as any other name, so.. Why not!?  I could tell you about
  when I broke my collarbone last week, but I dont think you would care, so Im
  not. Nothing more to say.. See ya next month or something!  / Dezibel^mimic!

                 H.RE WE GO!
                                         HERE WE G.!
                                                               HERE WE .O!
                               HE.E WE GO!

           HERE W. GO!                                             HERE .E GO!

           \                                        \    sTZ!/sE
        ____·___  ____ _ ___ _____ ____ __      __ __ __ _____ ____ __
        \  //   \_\__// \\  \\_   \\  //  \_   /  \  \\ \\    \\__//  \
        /  /____/   _    \_   /  _/.      _/  /       \   \   /  /____/
       /______\_____\_____/___\____|______|   \_______/___/  /_______\
                ·                                        /___\
       _                       _              .   _
P /\ R |  O N E .  R E Q U E S | S  /\ N D  G | F | S .

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Arcade"                         for myself   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                      __________. _(        )_ .__________
         __________. _(         | |          | |         )_ .__________
        _(         | |          | |          | |          | |         )_
       _|_ _       | |          | |     .   _| |          | |          |_
      (__  | H E  /\ R C /\ D E  /\ D D | C | C S  /\ R E  B /\ C K ! ___)
        |          | |          | |          | |          | |          |
        ________    _________ ______. Dz/a!  ________    .________ __________
     __/\._    /___/\._     //  _.__l____ __/\._    /___/l__      \   __._   \.
    /  ¯_l/    \\  ¯_l/   _/     l/     //  ¯_l/    \\  ¯¯l/      /   _\l     |
   /    \__     \   \__     \    /_    /     \__     \    /_     /    \_______l
  /\_____l\______\___l\______\ ________\ _____l\______\ _________\\________\  /
 / /     //      /   //      /         /      //      /          //        /_/
 \/_____//______/___//______/_________/______//______/__________//_______ /
                                    .      .           ._      _

        |__________| |__________| |__________| |__________| |__________|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Crosspoint"                   for La Shawn   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

         [ ·    C    R    O    S    S     P    O    I    N    T    · ]
          ____         _________              __________ __________   _
       __/  __/___ __ \____    /____________  \ /______/ \ /______/    |
       \     \ /   \ /  \/_   /__    \ /    _/_\_____ ___ \_____ ___   |
        \     \     /   /_\_    \     /     \        \  /       \  /   |
         \___  \ __/ \ ___\\_____\ ____\ __/ \ _______\/\________\/    |
       .       _\     __________         ____  \   _ _____   ____
       |          ___\____  _  /________\_ ___\_\  _____  \/_   _/_
       |         \     \/   \ /   \ /    _/___\     \ /     / /____/__
       |  Dz/a!   \    /_____/     /     \     \ ____/     /    \     \
       |________   \ ____\    \ ____\ __/ \_____\   /____ /____/_\ ____\

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Dev/null"                      for H Seven   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                                   _ :| _
                                 _ / || \ _
                              :  \/  ||  \/  :
                              | (__) || (__) |
                  _           |  __  ||_ __  |           _
         _. _____ \         : | \_((___ ))_/ | :         / _____ ._
   :_     |______\ \ _______|_  _ /_ || _\ _  _|_______ / /______|     _:
   |_\ _____________\       |   )/   ||   \( . |       /_____________ /_|
    .__\                    | |   _  ||      | |                    /__.
    |       D   E   V   /   | |   \ _|___    | |   N   U   L   L       |
    |                       | |    \ |  /    | |                _____ ____ /_
    |    _____  _______ /___|____ /  : / ______   ______      /     /     /
   _|__ \_   / \ __    /    |   //    / \ _    / \     ./ ___/     /   : /
  \ :   _/   \:/ /____/_\_  |  //   ·/.   /    \ /     |     /    /    |/
   \    \     \   \|     /  |  /   // |  /      \     /|     \   /     |
   /__________|\__________\ · /   // __ /  _____ \  _________ \ /     /|
    .         |            \ /   _/  . /_                /____ \\ ____\|
    | _       :             / ___\   |       | |               _\     _|
  .__ /______________________\       ||       _|_____________________\ __.
 _|_/                       | . _ _  ||___ __. |                       \_|_
  :                         : |/__/__:_  \__\| :  Dz/a!                  :
                              |  __  ||  __  |
                             _|_(  )_||_(  )_|_
                              |  /\  ||  /\  |
                              :  /\  ||  /\  :
                                 _\  ||  /_

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Dezibel Of Arcade"              for Myself   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

      _____  _____ /_   ___  ___  ___ /_  _____   ___ /_
     _(_    \( ___/_____(_  \(__/_(  /____( ___/__(  /____ _______________\_
    /  /    / __/   / ______/_   /  _    / __/   /  /    /        .        \/
   /_ /    /_ /    /_ /     _/  /_  /   /_ /    /_ /_   /_  D E Z | B E L  /_
    (_______(_______(_______(____(_______(/     _(_______( ____________  ___(
     ________________  ______  _______   /_     /______   _____  _____ /_
     (              /_ ( __  /_( __    \ _     /_( __  /____    \( ___/____
    /  /\ R C A D E   / __    /  )/    / /______/ __    /  /    / __/      /
   /________________ /__/    /_ /   __/_ /     /__/    /_ /    /_ /_      /_
                       /      (_\______(________(/      (_______(__________(
    ( Dz/a! )         /_                        /_

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Fatal"                           for Fatal   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                  _______   _______ ___       _______ ___
                _ (  _  /_ _\  _  ) ( /____  _\  _  ) ( / Dz/a!
                \ /  /___/_\___\  \ / .___/__\___\  \ /_|______
                 \   _.____\  _.   \  |\   _/   _.   \ \|    _/
              <-/____\l--/____\l__/___l____\ ___\l__/___l____\-->

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Phunk"                        for Arlequin   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                   _ ____ _|_ ______
                 _( \\.. )\|/( .... )_
                 | .:\\:.. | ..::::. |  P  H  U  N  K  !  A  S  K  E
                 | :::\::: | ::::: _______
              .__________ __. _____\    ./__   __________ ___. ______
             _l __     ./  _l/_    /    |   \./  _.__   ./  _l/_    /
           ./  _l/     |   \._    /   _/l    |    |/    |   \._   _/
           |   \______/l____l    /___________l____l    /l____l    \_
           l____l  ......  /_____\ .   Dz/a!     /_____\    /______/
                 | ::::::: | ......: |
                 | ::::::: | ::\:::: |        .           .
                 | ::::::: | ::\\::: |  VoL/\t|Le, /\rLeQu|n, Br/\Ne
                 |_ ::::  _|_  :\\: _|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Pungas"                       for Arlequin   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                                                 _ ____ _|_ ______
                                               _( \\.. )\|/( .... )_
            P     U     N     G     A     S    | .:\\:.. | ..::::. |
                       _______                 | :::\: _______ ::: |
          ._________ __\.    /  __________ ________. __\._   / _____ Dz/a!
         _l __     ./   |    \./  _.__   ./  _.__  l/  _l/   \/   _/______
       ./  _l/     |    l\_   |    |/    |    l/_   /  \__   .\___._     /
       |   \______/l___________\___l    /l______/  /____l\___l____l/    /
       l____l                     /_____\    /_____\ ... . ....  /______\
                                                 ....::: | :::::..
                .                              | ::::::: | ::\:::: |
         /\rLeQu|n, sLuDGe..                   | ::::::: | ::\\::: |
                                               |_ ::::  _|_  :\\: _|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Reflex"                    for Serial Toon   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

         .___   __.   __. _.    __. .__. _.
.______ .|._ \./ _|_./ _|/.|__./ _|_|_ |/ | __________________________________.
|       | |/ _| _._|| _.__||  | _._|:/ _  |                                   |
| Dz/a! |_\  \:_\|  | \||_ |_ |_\|  |__\ /.    extend /                       |
|          \__| \___|__|  \___| \___|/____|          / shrink                 |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Reflex"                    for Serial Toon   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                            ___|_ _( .. | .. )_ _|___
                   ____|_ _( . |  | .:: | ::. |  | . )_ _|____
               ___( .. |  | .: |  | ::: | ::: |  | :. |  | .. )___
             _( ....:: |  | :: |  | ::: | ::: |  | :: |  | ::.... )_
             | .:::::: |  | :: |  | ::: | ::: |  | :: |  | ::::::. |
             | ::::::: |  | :: |  | ::: | ::: |  | :: |  | ::::::: |
             | ::::::: |  | :: |  | ::: | ::: |  | :: |  | ::::::: |
   _ _|____  | ::::::: |  | :: |  | ::: | ::: |  | :: |  | ::::::: |  ____|_ _
      |      ________  _____ : | ______ | ____   |  _____  :: ____ ___    |
      |     (  __    \(  __/____(   __/__(   /_____(  __/____(   /    \   |
      |   _/  _/   __/  _/    _/  ______/  _/    _/  _/    _/  _    __/   |
      |   \___\_____\___\_____\____\ . \___\_____\___\_____\___\_____\    |
   _ _|____  . ....... .  . .. .  . .:: . ... .  . .. .  . ....... .  ____|_ _
      |      | :::::: _|  | : _|  | :: _|_ :: |  |_ : |  |_ :::::: |      |
        Dz  _|________)  _|___)  _|____)|(____|_  (___|_  (________|_  a!
             |            |       |     |     |       |            |
               (    R       E       F   :   L       E       X    )

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Reflex"                    for Serial Toon   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

            /                               _
         _ /_____  _____ \ ____________ ___ /   ______    _____\ _    Dz/a!
.____.  \\/      //    /__\_   __     /    /____\   _/____\     \_____   .____.
| .__|_ / _/    /_   _\     /  _\_____\   /     /  _\     /\_   /\    / _|__. |
|_| _| / _\       \ __      \   __\ /___ /_    /____      \_____\_     \ |_ |_|
  |        \ ______\ \ ______\   \      \______\   \______ \     \ ____ \   |
  |                   \/    /____ \ _                             \/        |
  |                                \                                        |
  |                                         extend / shrink                 |
._| ___.                                                               .___ |_.
| |____|_______________________________________________________________|____| |
|______|                                                               |______|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Remorse1981"             for The Rmrs Crew   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                      _|______   |           | _______
               _|____  |        ||           ||        | ____
          _|__  |     ||        ||           ||        ||     | __
       _|_ |   ||     ||   R   E|| M   O   R ||S   E   ||     ||   | _
  ______| ||   ||     ||        ||           ||        ||     ||   || |  Dz/a!
./  _   \ |____|_  __|__  _____ |_____  ____ |·______  _|__  __|__  __|_ ____
|   |\   \/ _    \/  |  \/  _  \/ _   \/   /__/ _    \ \_  \/  _  \/  _  \_  \.
|  /   ___  /____   \_/     |     l\  __        /____/ .|   .___      _   |   |
|__\    \_\.____\\___|_:_________.\___\/______|_____\  ||___| .|____._________|
    \___./ |    |     .|        .|           .|        |      ||   .| .
        |_||   ||     ||        ||           ||        ||     ||   ||_|_
           | __||     ||   1    || 9       8 ||    1   ||     || __|_ |
                | ____||        ||           ||        || ____|_   |
                       | _______||           || _______|_     |
                                 | __________|_        |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "South Central"                for La Shawn   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[ X ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   __.   ____. _.__. _.    _. Dz/a! __.   __.  .___   _.   .___  .___   _.
 ./ _l_./_._ |/ |  |/ l._./_l__.  ./._l ./__l_.l_._\./ l._.l._ \.l__ \./ |__.
 |\_._ | \|  |  |  | _.l | \._ |  | l ._| _._l|  |/ | _.l | l/ _l .__ |  |  |
 l_ l/ l_ l\ l_ l_ l_\l  l__|/ |  l_ \l l_\l  l__|  l_\l  l_\  \: l/ _l_ l_ |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "StrICQ"                           for Doug   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                                  _\       /_
                . ...    ______|_ |         | _|______
                    :  _\      |  | STR!ICQ |  |      /_ .. ..
                    : .| ...   |  | .. .    |  |       | .   : .
              ___ /_    ____   |  _____:__  ___  _____ | : ________
            _/   /_____(   /_____(  __ .  \(___\(  __/____(  __    \
            \__      _/   _/   _/  _/   __/   _/   \    _/   / _   /
           _ /_______\____\____\___\ ____\____\____/____\______\ _/
            /          .            \/         .         .      \/
                       |______ |  |    : .. | .| ______| :.  .
               Dz/a!              |_________| :              :
                                              :......  . .   .

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "StrICQ"                           for Doug   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

  __ /_   ___     ______  __  ____    _____
_/  /____(  /____( __   \(__\( __/___( __  \
\__    _/  _/  _/ _/  __/  _/  \   _/  /   /
-/_____\___\___\__\ ___\___\___/___\_____ /-
                   \/                   \/

 shrink/expand this area if needed..

-[ DZ/A!/MC ]----[ STRICQ ]----[ 98/07/16 ]-

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Whodini"                       for Whodini   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                           _                   .______.
                   .______ /                  _|_     |
         .. .      |      /       ______|    /__      |     _|______
            :      |     /_      _(     |      |      |      |      |
            |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |    Dz/a!
          _______    ______      |      |     ______ ____ _________ ____
          \   __/____\    /_____ ________ ____\_   //___/_\ __    //___/
          /   \     //   /_    /   __   /    __/  /    //   /    /    /
         /    /\    \   ___   /    /   //    /   /    /    /    /    /
        /_____/\_____\__ /   //________\_________\ ___\ __/    /_____\
                        /____\   .                       /_____\
            |      |            _|      |      |      |             |
            |_     |      |_____\:      |      |      |__    |      :
            |/_____|                    |     _|      _ /____|      ... .
            /      |   Whodini..        |     \|      \/
           /_                           |______\

              \                                       \  ______
         ____ _\_  ____ _ ___ _____ ____ __   ___ ___  __\    /___ __
         \  //   \_\__// \\  \\_   \\  //  \_ \_ \\  \_\  \   \\  \  \
         /  /____/   _    \_   /  _/.      _/  |     _/   /\   \      \
        /______\_____\_____/___\____|______|   |_____|__//_____/______/
                  \                                        ·
        sTZ!/sE    \________________________________________\
        _  _          .   .
 P /\ R |  | W O .  M | M | C - L O G O S .  U S E  T H E M !

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Mimic"         for All My Mimic Teammates!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                   - | --------------------------------- | -
                     |   M I M I C . .                   |
                     |                                   |
                     |  _______           /\________     |
                /\_____\__    _/________ /       __ / ___     Dz/a!
     _________ /        \ /---\         \ /      \ /     /______________
    \         \ /        /     \        \/        / ----\   __          /
     \        \/        / \     \       /_________\\     \   \ _________\__
      \       /_________\  \    /_________\         \     \  _\           /
      /_________\          / ______\                 \    /_______________\
                     |                               /______ \
                     |                   . . A S K E E   |
                   - | --------------------------------- | -

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Mimic"         for All My Mimic Teammates!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

           ____________________  ___ ___  ___  ___ ___  ___   ______
          (                   /_(   /  /_(__/_(   /  /_(__/__(_    /_
         /   M  I  M  I  C     /  /_/   /    /  /_/   /    /  /_____/
        /_     A  S  K  E  E  /___/    /_   /___/    /_   /_  /   __/
         (______________________(/______(_____(/______(____(______/  Dz/a!

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Mimic"         for All My Mimic Teammates!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                         ___   __    __ ___
               ------   / _ /_\_-\ _\-_\  _/___-   --------- -
           |   Dz/a!   /___\/  /__\ _ /_\_\l  /   M  I  M  I  C    |
           ` ----   -     /___/  /___\/  /___/  -     ---  --------'

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Mimic"         for All My Mimic Teammates!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                           ___  _______
      ___  _______       /   _\/_     /\      ____________
    /   _\/_     /\_____/     \/     /__\___/    _       /\   Dz/a!
   /     \/     //_\__ /\     /     //____ /\    / _____/  \
  /      /     /    \ /__\___/______\     /\    /_      /\  \ ----------------.
 /______/______\     /\   \  \    /  \  //____\_________\ \ /  M  I  M  I  C  |
 \      \    / _\__/_\ \  /   \  /____\/_\    /          \ \  --------------- |
  \      \   \   \/   \ \/_____\_\ ___ \  \  /            \/                  |
   \______\___\___\    \/         \        \/______________\                  |
      .        \________\          \________\                                 |
      |                                                                       |

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Mimic"         for All My Mimic Teammates!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

     ___  _______ ______ ___  _______ ______ ____________         Dz/a!
   /   _\/_     / _ ___/   _\/_     / _ ___/    _       /_____________________
  /     \/     /      /     \/     /      /     / _____//                    /
 /      /     /      /      /     /      /     /_      /  MIMIC!ASKEE 1998  /
/______/______\ _____\ ____/______\ _____\ ____________\ ___________________\

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Mimic"         for All My Mimic Teammates!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[ X ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

                             ... . .
                   ____|     :     .
                 _\    |     |           M   I   M   I   C
                 |           |     .
                ___. ______ ____ ___. ______ ____ __._______
              ./  _l/     //___//  _l/     //___//  l__    /
              |    \/    /     |    \/    /     |    /____/
              l____l    /l_____l____l    /l_____l____l    /
            <---- /_____\ -------- /_____\ -------- /_____\ ->
                Dz/a!  |_____|     :   . . .        .          .

                    END O. LOGOS!                               END OF LOG.S!

  END OF LO.OS!                               EN. OF LOGOS!

                                E.D OF LOGOS!

          END .F LOGOS!
                                                              END OF L.GOS!
                                   END OF .OGOS!

                                         ___          __.
                 ____    __/\    ____    \ /_____  ___\ |____
             _ __)  /____)   \ __) _/  ___\   \ /__\_  __  _/__
             \\\   \___\  _\_/_\    )__\   \   \   \|  \____   \
                \  _\_  \ \__   \  _\_  \  _\_  \   \   |/ _\_  \ _
             t0! \_\ ___/\___\  /\_\ ___/\_\ ___/\  /   /__\ ___///
                    \/        \/    \/      \/    \/|___|   \/

  All logos except those listed below is Copyright 1998 Mimic Interactive Ltd.
  They may be used by anyone as long as the "Dz/a!" tag is not removed and the
  logo is not altered in any other way either. If you want any changes made to
  a specific logo, please contact me and i'll help you with it.  If you want a
  logo colored, then color it yourself or contact me and i will do it for you.

  Preface,  Credits,  Greetings,  Respects,  Music,  Reach Me © Tommy of Style
  Part One, Part Two, Part Three © Stezotehic of Style - Amiga Oldskool © Mute
  Dezibel © ShockG of Jedi Arts - Arcade © Arlequin of Circe - Shabang © Brane
  of Phunk!Ascii -  Cool Ascii Dj Dude © Mortimer Twang - Mimic © Erick Sermon

         ____    __/\    ____    ____  ___\ |_   ____    ____    ____
     _ __) _/____)   \ __) _/  __) _/  \_  __ \__)  /____) _/____) _/__
     \\\   \   \  _\_/_\    )__\    )___|  \   \   \   \   \   \____   \
        \  _\_  \ \__   \  _\_  \  _\_  \   \   \   \   \  _\_  \/ _\_  \ _
     t0! \_\ ___/\___\  /\_\ ___/\_\ ___/   |\  /\___\  /\_\ ___/__\ ___///
            \/        \/    \/      \/  |___| \/      \/    \/      \/

  Absent Spinsister   -   Acorn    -   Afrocreep  -   Alcatraz    -   Arlequin
  Asphynx  -  Avenger  -  Brane  -  C4nnabis  -  Case  -  Daeron  - Dataflower
  Discofunk 1974    -   Dizzy    -   Domino   -   Dopie    -   Drax   -   Dust
  Eclipse  -  Erick Sermon   -  Esc  -  Ets   -  Excel  -   Fairydust  -   Ice
  Ironnuke   -    kane    -   kayozz    -   konami    -   Mankind   -    Martz
  Meanace    -    Merlin   -    Mjolnir   -   Morph    -   Newt    -   Palmore
  Progenitor  -  Reas  -  Rumish  -  Shine  -  Star  -  Storm  -  Stormwarrior
  Tango     -    Tim Drake     -    Volatile    -     Warpstah     -    Woober
                                                                       .   .
  A  n  d   o  f  c  o  u  r  s  e   e  v  e  r  y  o  n  e   i  n   M | M | C

           __/\    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____  ___\ |____
       _ __)   \ __) _/  __) _/____)  /____) _/  __)  /__\_  __  _/__
       \\\  _\_/_\    )__\____   \  _\_  \    )__\   \___\|  \____   \
          \ \__   \  _\_  \/ _\_  \ \____/\  _\_  \  _\_  \   |/ _\_  \ _
       t0! \___\  /\_\ ___/__\ ___/\___\   \_\ ___/\_\ ___/   /__\ ___///
                \/    \/      \/              \/      \/  |___|   \/

  Axeblade    -     Boo Ya     -    Chrombacher    -   Crusader    -    Daeron
  Danzig   -    Desoto   -    Exocet    -   Gozz    -   Gravedancer    -   H2o
  Hiro Protagonist    -   Mogue    -   Mortimer Twang    -    Nup    -   Ramon
  Red Demon  -   Shapechanger  -  Ranx   -  Shock G   -  Stezotehic   -  Tango
  Taxi   -  Threaz   -  Trivial   -   Uman   -  Venturus  -   Vouck   -   Zeus

  Arclite     -    Alien Technology    -     Epsilon Design     -    Jedi Arts
  Low Profile  -  Mo'Soul   -  Pro Arts   -  Style   -   Twisted   -  Twilight

                     ________     ___    ____ ___    ____
                 _ __) ____ /_____\ /____) _/_\ /____)  /__
                 \\\   \   \   \   \   \____   \   \   \___\
                    \   \   \   \  _\_  \/ _\_  \   \  _\_  \ _
                 t0! \___\___\  /\_\ ___/__\ ___/\  /\_\ ___///
                              \/    \/      \/    \/    \/

  Ac/dc    -     Alkaholiks     -    Aretha Franklin    -    Armand Van Helden
  Beastie Boys  -  Blondie  -  Cloud 9  -  Epmd  -  Fatboy Slim  -  Gang Starr
  House Of Pain      -    Jimi Hendrix       -    Josh Wink      -     Krs One
  Loop Troop     -     Misfits     -    Niggers With Attitudes     -   Prodigy
  Pus & The Mob   -   Redman    -   Sex Pistols    -   Sublime   -   The Doors

         __/\    ____    ____    ____     ___        ________    ____
     _ __)   \ __) _/  __)  /____)  /_____\ /__    __) ____ /____) _/
     \\\  _\_/_\    )__\  _\_  \   \___\  _\_  \   \   \   \   \    )___
        \ \__   \  _\_  \ \__   \  _\_  \ \__   \   \   \   \   \  _\_  \ _
     t0! \___\  /\_\ ___/\___\  /\_\ ___/\___\  /    \___\___\  /\_\ ___///
              \/    \/        \/    \/        \/              \/    \/

  If you need an ascii logo, just want to talk some bull or want to contact me
  for some other reason (or if u dont have any reason at all), try these ways:

  E-Mail: rWeed@hempseed.com // ICQ UIN: 6036536 // IRC: #ascii (EFnet/IRCnet)

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ  __. ______ ___ __. ______ ___ _________
./ _l/     //__// _l/     //__//  __    /_.
|   \/    /    |   \/    /    |   /____/  |
l___l    /l____l___l    /l____l___l    /  |
-- /_____\ ------ /_____\ ------ /_____\ --
|                                         |
|  S  H  A  B  A  N  G                    |
|                    D  E  Z  I  B  E  L  |
|                                         |
--[ DZ/A!/MC ]--[ MIMIC98 ]--[ 98/07/16 ]--

-- [ LINE 1000 ] --- [    T    H    E     E    N    D    ] --- [ LINE 1000 ] --

     «-,_   _.----.)/__
         )_//`----'\\_ l_,-    T  h  e   E  n  d  .  .  ?  !
         _\\       _//_
      -=(  ( ______ )  )=-        Well.. Actually that was only the end for
         \__((°\ /))__/            all lamers using lousy editors/viewers
       _ ___`\__._/___ ___ _     capable of shoving a maximum of 1000 lines.
       \))           ((__///
         \___,      ___/          For the rest of you fellas i have a COMPLETE
           \ \     ( /  ©Mt         SET of collydesign logos waiting. Totally
            \ \     \\__.              FREE!! (And, unlike most porn sites that
     ___ ¡---\_\__   \_----._ . _._ _    claims they are free, this really is!)
- -+-' `-'   (   ,)-\-|      ||¡
         _.---\___\._ `------'`'     I simply HATE when there are like 20 logos
        //   (__) --.\_ \         or so by the same artist in one pack. Bundle
       / \__________/(_) \      them together, add some design, write a short
      /___________________\          intro about whatever is on your mind, and
      `\                 /'   *TADAAA* you have a colly! Much more fun to watch
       /\_______________/\      and much more personal! Want me to give you an
      `-------------------'    example? Well, in Noname13 there's 9 logos by
                                 Kayozz. The logos are cool, but in my opinion
  it would have been much better if he would have made a colly like Biogenesis
    for example. So PLEASE all oldskoolers reading this (if any), put down just
  a little extra time every month on your ascii'ing and make collys/clusters
      instead! Make your voice heard by typing down your opinions and views on
  things in the Preface/Intro, add design that makes the whole collection a
   work of art. Be innovative and original and remember to draw because it is
  P H U N  , not because you have tons of requests laying around, or because
     it's your crew's deadline tomorrow or any other reason, cause it will not
   only result in that you will grow tired of ascii'ing and the asii scene, you
    have to put your heart in what you do and that is impossible if you're not
      inspirated enough. If you dont feel enough inspirated to draw for a whole
  month, take the month off. If the leader of whatever group you are into says
   you have to submit or he'll kick you out, then LEAVE! There is a life out-
  side the radiationfield of your monitor too you know..

_______________________________     _______________________________
\                              \    \                              \  sTZ!/sE
 ____ ___ ____ _ ___ _____ ____ __  ____ __  ____    __ _____ ____ __ ____ __
 \  //   \\__// \\  \\_   \\  //  \_\_  \\ \_\  _|___\ \\_   \\__//  \\__//  \
 /  /____/  _    \_   /  _/.      _/ |     _/   \    \   /  _/. /____/  /____/
/__·___\____\_____/___\____|______|· |_\___|____/____/___\____|_____\__\____\
    \                               \   \                               ·
     \_______________________________\   \_______________________________\
        _  _                            _                           .
 P /\ R_|  | H R E E .  /\  C O M P L E | E ( ? )  C O L L Y  D E S | G N .
 J U S |  F O R  Y O U !

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Preface"                          for YOU!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   _        ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  ______
 _ /______ ( __  /_( __   \( ____/_( __  /_( __  /_(_    /_( ____/_ __________
| /      //  /    /  )/   / __/   /  /_ __/ __    / /_____/ __/   //          /
|/ Dz/a! /_  ____/_ /   _/_ /    /_ __/  /__/    /_ /    /_ /    /_ PREF/\CE /|
/_________(____\  (_\_____(_______(__\   _ /______(_______(_______(________ /_|
                                          /                                /_

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Contents"                         for YOU!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   _     ______  ______  ______  __      _____   ______  __      ___
 _ /___ (_    /_( __  /_( __  /_( /_ ___( ___/__( __  /_( /_ ___( _/____ _____
| /   // /_____/  /    /  /    / __/   / __/   /  /    / __/   \___    //     /
|/ Dz /_ /    /_ /    /__/    /_ /    /_ /    /__/    /_ /    /_ /    /_  a! /|
/______(_______(_______(/______(_______(_______(/______(_______(_______( ___/_|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Credits"                          for YOU!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   _        ______  ______  _____    _____  ___  __      ___
 _ /______ (_    /_( __   \( ___/___(_    \(___\( /_ ___( _/____ ______________
| /      // /_____/  )/   / __/   /  /    /    / __/   \___    //      ._     /
|/ Dz/a! /_ /    /_ /   _/_ /    /_ /    /_   /_ /    /_ /    /_   CRED||S!  /|
/_________(_______(_\_____(_______(_______(____(_______(_______(___________ /_|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Contact"                          for YOU!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   _        ______  ______  ______  __      ______  ______  __
 _ /______ (_    /_( __  /_( __  /_( /_ ___( __  /_(_    /_( /_ ___ ___________
| /      // /_____/  /    /  /    / __/   / __    / /_____/ __/   //   _   _  /
|/ Dz/a! /_ /    /_ /    /__/    /_ /    /__/    /_ /    /_ /    /_ C·N|/\C| /
/_________(_______(_______(/______(_______(/______(_______(_______(________ /_|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Respect"                          for YOU!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   _        ______  _____   ___     ______  _____   ______  __
 _ /______ ( __   \( ___/__( _/____( __  /_( ___/__(_    /_( /_ ___ ___________
| /      //  )/   / __/   \___    /  /    / __/   / /_____/ __/   //      _   /
|/ Dz/a! /_ /   _/_ /    /_ /    /_  ____/_ /    /_ /    /_ /    /_ RESPEC|! /|
/_________(_\_____(_______(_______(____\  (_______(_______(_______(________ /_|

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Greets"                           for YOU!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   _        _______  _______  ______   ______   ___      ___
 _ /______ (  __  /_(  __   \(  ___/__(  ___/__(  /_ ___( _/_____ _____________
| /      //   /    /   )/   /  __/   /  __/   /  __/   \____    //    _.      /
|/ Dz/a! /____    /_  /   _/_  /    /_  /    /_  /    /_  /    /_ GREE||NGS! /
/__________(/______(__\_____(________(________(________(________(__________ /_|
           /                                                               /_

            _____           ._________________________________________________.
  Dz/a!  ./     / _______   |                                                 |
 .  _____|   /____\  _    \_    " D e z i b e l / A r c a d e / M i m i c "   |
 |/     / _____|__   /_____/                                                  |
 |   /____\    |    /_    __.                                                 |
/_____ |__________________\ |   "Music"                            for YOU!   |
       |                    |                                                 |
[   ]  R  e  q  u  e  s  t  |                                                 |
[   ]  G     i     f     t  |_________________________________________________|

   _        ___ ____  ____ ___  ___       ____   _______
 _ /______ (   /   /_(   /    \( _/______(___/__(__    /_ _____________________
| /      //  /_/    /   /     \____     /     /  /______//     .        _     /
|/ Dz/a! /___/     /_  /_    /_  /     /_    /_  /     /_   MUS|C SUPP·R|!   /|
/__________(/_______(_________(_________(_____(_________(__________________ /_|

-- [ LINE 1242 ] --- [ T H E  E N D (FOR REAL THIS TIME) ] --- [ LINE 1242 ] --