           ________________  _____|\_____        ___________    
           \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/  
               /      \    /      __/     \    /      __/___ _  
      -  - -  /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \ - -  -
    - -- -   /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\  - -- -

   AMiGA 2OOO    - -- [#1 +31-70-320-5418 28k8 V.FC ] -- - -  MyTH     SITE
    68O3O/25      - - [#2 +31-70-320-8453 28k8 V.FC ] - -     rOadhOgz  CHQ
 1.2 GiG ONLINE  - -- [#3 +31-70-327-1427 14k4 DuAL ] -- - -  HoNEY     EHQ
  1152OO LCKED    - - [#4 TElNET xxx.xxx.xx.xx      ] - -     ViSAGE!   DHQ
    /X V4.xx                                                  ACCESSi0N DHQ
                                                          ROYAL CONSOLE DHQ  
                            - - [ rUNNERS: ] - -   
     _____/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ ____________
    _\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
   /       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/
  /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |
 /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|
   -tsar1- /____________\   · T · H · E ·  ·  P · A · Y · O · F · F ·

     .                              ____
_____|   . ______.   ._____________/   /_
\    |   |/  _   |___|     / __  /_   /  \_
 \   .   |   \   |   \    / ____/ /____   /
.-\__|   |_______|____\__/_______/_______/-.
               [shut up!] - [gozz/honey]

 shut up, and sleep with me come on, why don't you sleep with me shut up,
 and sleep with me come on, aha, and sleep with me shut up, and sleep with
           me come on, why don't you sleep with me, shut up.. .

      [if you're one of these guys, you should check out this colly]

                   eerie                           mess
                   energy                        recall
                   xcluziwe                        oden
                   santzia                 the silencer
                   count-zero                  cybergod
                   jmf                           xerxes
                   rickz                      slowrider
                   qwid                            java
                   nightprowler                   zanok
                   -jd & guzzman               aerosoul
                   dartagnan                    distler
                   acid kid               - >> 37 logos.

   [if you're not.. look it through and pick the stuff you want anyway!]

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           sesame street     eerie                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    ___       ______   ___       __     ____ __      ______
  ./  /____ ./__   /_./  /____  / _\__  \__ \\/___ ./__   /_
  l______  \|  /__/  l______  \· /    \./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  \
      /_____l_________\  /____  /______l____\  /___l_________\
         ___         ______  ________  ______    ______      ______
       ./  /_______./_____/_/ ___   /./__   /_ ./__   /____./_____/__ __
       l______   _/:/_______  \  __/ |  /__/  \|  /__/   _/:/_______//_
           /_____\ :____/  l___\_____l_________l_________\ :____/

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           repulse           the silencer           |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    ________  ______    ________    .___    ____     ___       ______
  ./ ___   /./__   /_ ./ _____  \ __|_  \ ./   /___./  /____ ./__   /_
  |  \  __/ |  /__/  \|  \_______\   /   \|  _/    l______  \|  /__/  \
  l___\_____l_________l_____\   l_________l_________\  /_____l_________\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           magic             oden                   |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

  ____ __       __      _____     ___    ____
  \__ \\/___   / _\__ ./  __/__ ./   \ ./    \__
 ./  \ \/ _/_ · /    \| //____ \|     \|  \___\ \     [+XX-X-XXXXXXX]
 l____\  /___\ /______l_________l______l_________\
                             cREW: ·xXXX/xXXXX·xXXX/xXXXX·xXXX/xXXXX·
       aMIGA rULES!                ·xXXX/xXXXX·xXXX/xXXXX·xXXX/xXXXX·

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           xerxes            xerxes                 |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

            ______                         ______
          __\_   /   ______    ________  __\_   /   ______   ___
         _\  /  /_ ./__   /_ ./ ___   / _\  /  /_ ./__   /_./  /____
       ./   _     \|  /__/  \|  \  __/./   _     \|  /__/  l______  \
       l_____\_____l_________l___\____l_____\_____l_________\  /_____\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           underworld        cybergod               |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

            .___    _______     _____    ______    ________
          __|_  \ ./  __  /_. __\__  \ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /
        ./   /   \|    / /  |/ ____\\ \|  /__/  \|  \  __/
      - ---------------------------------------------------
                            ______    ________  ____        _____
                 __ /\ __ ./      \ ./ ___   /./   /___   __\__  \
               ./  /  \_ \|        \|  \  __/ |  _/    \./ ____\\ \
               | _/ /\____l_________l___\_____l_________l__________\
               l___/------------------------------------------------ -

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           delusion          java                   |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    _____    ______    ____        .___   ___       ___    _____    _______
  __\__  \ ./__   /_ ./   /___   __|_  \./  /____ ./   \ ./     \ ./  __  /_.
./ ____\\ \|  /__/  \|  _/    \./   /   l______  \|     \|       \|    / /  |
l__________l_________l_________l_________\  /_____l______l________l___/ ·   |

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           atc_id (atomic)   zanok                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                   __        ______    ____
                  / _\_____./_____/_ _/    \__
                 · /     _/:/______//_  \___\ \------------
                _ /______\ :____/    l_________\ .aTOMIC!.
                           /         pRESENTS:
                         //   - ------------------ -     /
                         /     sOME vERY nICE sTUFF!    //
                                   ( i GUESS ? )       /
                              - ------------------ -

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           traders hell      slowrider              |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

          __ _
      _  /___________________________________________________________ _
   .___\//                                                           \\
   |   \/      t   R   A   D   E   R   s       h   E   L   L          \.
   |   ______    ________  __        _____    ______    ________  ___  |
  _|_./_____/_ _/ ___   / / _\__   __\___ \ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /./  /__|_
   _/:/______//_  \  __/ · /    \./ ____/  \|  /__/  \|  \  __/ l______  \
   | :____/    l___\____  /______l__________l_________l___\_____    /_____\
  _|                   /________\                                      |_
  \|               ___         ______    ____      ____                |/
   \             ./  _\_____ ./__   /_ ./   /___ ./   /___             /
   |·            |  /_____  \|  /__/  \|  _/    \|  _/    \           ·|
  _|___ ___ _    l______\ ___l_________l_________l_________\  _ ___ ___|_
  _.__//__                                                       __\\__._
   |                          +46 - e L I T e                          |

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           switchback        rickz                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

   ___       __ /\ __   ___      ______    ____    .____
 ./  /____ ./  /  \_ \./   \___./_____/_ _/    \__ |   _\______
 l______  \| _/ /\____|      _/:/______//_  \___\ \|   \____  /
 ----/_____l___/------l______\-:____/----l_________l______\  /------------
   .______     __      ____      __ ____
   |  ___/__  / _\__ ./    \__ ./ _\__ /__
   | /____  \· /    \|  \___\ \| /_____   \
   l________  /______l_________l_____\ ____\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           mess              mess                   |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

  ____ __      ______   ___      ___
  \__ \\/___ ./__   /_./  /____./  /____
 ./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  l______  l______  \
 l____\  /___l_________\  /_____\  /_____\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           whale             count-zero             |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                      .____         __      ____      ______
             __ /\ __ |   _\_____  / _\__ ./   /___ ./__   /_
           ./  /  \_ \|   \____  \· /    \|  _/    \|  /__/  \
           | _/ /\____l______\___  /______l_________l_________\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           honey             count-zero             |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                          _\  _   _ __ _____  /_            _ __
     _ ___________________\ \ \__ _  _\\___/ / /________________\  ·_.
     //                    \ ·              · /                 \\// |
    ./      ___         ____\_    _______   _/____   ____ ____   \/  |
    |     ./  _\_____ ./      \ ./  __  /_./__   /_./  _./__ /__     |
    |     |  /_____  \|        \|    / /  |  /__/  l_______/   /     |
    |__ _ l______\ ___l_________l___/_____l_________\   l_____/  _ __|
    .__\\__ _                         __                     _ __//__.
    |____________________________\ __  //____________________________|
                                  \\  //
                                   ·\ ·

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           skyline           recall                 |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    ___       __ ____    ____ ____
  ./  /____ ./ _\__ /__./  _./__ /__
  l______  \| /_____   l_______/   /
 -----/_____l_____\ ____\---l_____/--------------------------------------
                                 ____      ___    _______   ______
                               ./   /___ ./   \ ./  __  /_./__   /_
                               |  _/    \|     \|    / /  |  /__/  \

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           welcome           slowrider              |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

              ______    ____      ____      ______   ____ __      ______
   __ /\ __ ./__   /_ ./   /___ ./    \__ ./      \  \__ \\/___ ./__   /_
 ./  /  \_ \|  /__/  \|  _/    \|  \___\ \|        \./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  \
 | _/ /\____l_________l_________l_________l_________l____\  /___l_________\
        this board is protected from lamers with a system-password.
              if you don't know it, hang up and ask an elite.

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           prodigy           -jd! & guzzman         |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    ________   ________  ______      _____    ___    _____    ____ ____
  ./ _____  \./ ___   /./      \   __\___ \ ./   \ ./ ___/__./  _./__ /__
  |  \_______|  \  __/ |        \./ ____/  \|     \|  \____ l_______/   /
  l_____\    l___\_____l_________l__________l______l_________\   l_____/

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           hoodlum           nightprowler & co.     |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

   ___         ______    ______       ______ ____        .___   ____ __
 ./  _\_____ ./      \ ./      \   ___\__  ./   /___   __|_  \  \__ \\/___
 |  /_____  \|        \|        \./  ___/  |  _/    \./   /   \./  \ \/ _/_
 l______\ ___l_________l_________l_________l_________l_________l____\  /___\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           aerosoul          aerosoul               |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    __      ______    ________  _____   ___       _____      .___    ____
   / _\__ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /./     \./  /____ ./     \   __|_  \ ./   /__
  · /    \|  /__/  \|  \  __/ |       l______  \|       \./   /   \|  _/   \
 _ /______l_________l___\_____l________\  /_____l________l_________l________\
                 aerosoul! - pete@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _                                                |
       //_.____//_           n   e   w   s   !                        |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

           you can't reach me at nota bene anymore.
           honey has changed world headquarter, and now i'll be
           available at The Slammer.
           a two nodes fast system with some quality ascii-maniacs
           aboard. if you want to be included yourself or request
           ascii, check the add below.

     _ __.____\/________________________________________________.
         |    \/                                                |
   ___   |   ____      __      ___ __      ___ __      ______   |________
 ./  /___| ./   /___  / _\__   \_ \\/___   \_ \\/___ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /
 l______  \|  _/    \· /    \./  \ \/ _/_./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  \|  \  __/
     /_____l________  /______l____\  /___l____\  /___l_________l___\_____
         |                                                      |_
         |__ __ _     honey world headquarter · amiga&fun       |/
         ._//_               a 2 node elite system              /
        _|                                                     ·|
        \|    node#1: +46-8-6230196     - distler -      _ __ __|
         \    node#2: +46-8-6231366  - diz'nee · qen -      _\\_.
          · - ------------------------------------------ -      |
         :       _ _   ·amiga·ascii·olden goldies·   /\         |
         :. · _ /___________________________________//\\________|__ _
             \\//                                   ·  \__ _

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           ascii & adds      distler                |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                   __     ___       ____      ___    ___
                  / _\__./  /____ ./    \__ ./   \ ./   \
                 · /    l______  \|  \___\ \|     \|     \
   .........    _ /______\  /_____l_________l______l______\      .........
   ::::: .---- /________\ ---------------------------- -  ____ - --. :::::
   ..... ¦_____________   a n d   .___           .___   ./ __/_____¦ .....
.----- __/_ __________ \  ________|___\  ________|___\ _l______    \ ------.
|    _ ___//____      \ \/  _________/ \/  _________/ \       /     \      |
`------/________\      \_\______________\______________\ ____________\-----'
   ..... .       \_ _                                              . .....
   ..... :                                                         : .....
   ::::: `---- -> .. ascii, advertisment and commercial! .. <- ----' :::::
   :::::                                                             :::::
   :::::.... .          to request ascii, try 'order'          . ....:::::

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           atomic            zanok                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

          __        ______     ______   ____ __      ___    ____
         / _\_____./_____/__ _/      \  \__ \\/___ ./   \ ./    \__
        · /     _/:/_______//_        \./  \ \/ _/_|     \|  \___\ \
       _ /______\ :____/     l_________l____\  /___l______l_________\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           g-force           dartagnan              |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                                ./  __/__
    _.________ _           <--  | //____ \   -->            _ ________._
    \|                          l_________\                           |/
     \/       _______  ______    ________  ____      ______           /
     |      ./_ ____/_/      \ ./ ___   /./    \__ ./__   /_         ·|
     ¦      | //______        \|  \  __/ |  \___\ \|  /__/  \         |
 - --+------l____\---l_________l___\_____l_________l_________\--------+-- -

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           inhumans          zanok                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

___    _______   ___           .___   ____ __       __      _______   ___
   \ ./  __  /_./  _\_____   __|_  \  \__ \\/___   / _\__ ./  __  /_./  /____
    \|    / /  |  /_____  \./   /   \./  \ \/ _/_ · /    \|    / /  l______
_____l___/_____l______\ ___l_________l____\  /___\ /______l___/_____|   /____
------------------------------------------ \/ - /________\ ------------------

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           myth              zanok                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

               ____ __     ____ ____    ______    ___
               \__ \\/___./  _./__ /__./_____/_ _/  _\_____
              ./  \ \/ _/l_______/  _/:/______//_  /_____  \
              l____\  /___\   l____/  :____/    l______\ ___\
          --------- \/ ------------------------------------------

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           rats & dogs       zanok                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

       ________  __        ______    ___
     ./ ___   / / _\_____./_____/_ _/  /____
     |  \  __/ · /     _/:/______//_______  \         a n d
     l___\____  /______\ :____/        /_____\
    ---------/________\------- - _____    ______    _____    ___  - ---
                               __\___ \ ./      \ ./  __/__./  /____
                             ./ ____// \|        \| //____ l______  \

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           warning           forgot!                |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                 __      ________  _______   ___    _______   _____
      __ /\ __  / _\__ ./ ___   /./  __  /_./   \ ./  __  /_./  __/__
    ./  /  \_ \· /    \|  \  __/ |    / /  |     \|    / /  |  /____ \
    | _/ /\___  /______l___\_____l___/_____l______l___/_____l_________\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           skyline           recall                 |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    ___       __ ____    ____ ____   ____      ___    _______   ______
  ./  /____ ./ _\__ /__./  _./__ /_./   /___ ./   \ ./  __  /_./__   /_
  l______  \| /_____   l_______/   |  _/    \|     \|    / /  |  /__/  \
      /_____l_____\ ____\   l_____/l_________l______l___/_____l_________\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           amiga             qwid                   |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

    .______________________________________________________ ___ __ _
    |   __     ____ __      ___    _____     __           /   /  / /
    ¦  / _\__  \__ \\/___ ./   \ ./  __/__  / _\__       /   /  ·
    : · /    \./  \ \/ _/_|     \| //____ \· /    \     ·       _ __ ___._
    ·_ /______l____\  /___l______l________  /______\                    |/
 ---/________\------\/-------------------/________\----- -              /
    .                                                                  ·|
    |                      a M I G a   w A R E z                        |

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           friends           xcluziwe               |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

      _______  ________  ___    ______    _______      ______ ___
    ./_ ____/_/ ___   /./   \ ./__   /_ ./  __  /__ ___\__  ./  /____
    | //______  \  __/ |     \|  /__/  \|    / /  ./  ___/  l______  \
    l____\   l___\_____l______l_________l___/_____l_________|   /_____\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           santzia           santzia                |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

      ___       __      _______     ______         ___   ___    __
    ./  /____  / _\__ ./  __  /___./_____/_ _______\  \./   \  / _\__
    l______  \· /    \|    / /  _/:/______//_   _______|     \· /    \
        /____  /______l___/_____| :____/    l_____\    l_____  /______\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           new order         nightprowler           |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

       ÷(-- aMIGA . c64 . cONSOLE . /x dOORS . h/P/a . rEQUESTS --)÷

      _______   ______    __ /\ __
    ./  __  /_./__   /_ ./  /  \_ \    ÷(-  hoOdLum ruSsian hq  -)÷
    |    / /  |  /__/  \| _/ /\____\
    l___/_____l_________l___/ -----------------------------------------
                        ______    ________    ______ ______    ________
    fIdonet,amIganet, ./      \ ./ ___   / ___\__  ./__   /_ ./ ___   /
          cLuenet     |        \|  \  __/./  ___/  |  /__/  \|  \  __/
    ----------------- l_________l___\____l_________l_________l___\_____

           ÷(-- nIGHTPROWLER/hLM · nIKE/pRODIGY · dISASTER --)÷
              ÷(-- pOWER: a1200, 'nUFF hD, uSR 21k6 dUAL --)÷

                      [ email: norder@norder.spb.su ]

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           hack, p, a,       qwid                   |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                  ___         __      ____      __ ____
       _ _____  ./  _\_____  / _\__ ./    \__ ./ _\__ /__    _____ _
       //       |  /_____  \· /    \|  \___\ \| /_____   \        \\
      ./        l______\ __  /______l_________l_____\ ____\        \.
      |         ----------/________\-----------------------         |
       ________   ___         ________  ______    __      __ ____   |
     ./ _____  \./  _\_____ ./ ___   /./__   /_  / _\__ ./ _\__ /__
     |  \_______|  /_____  \|  \  __/ |  /__/  \· /    \| /_____   \
     l_____\    l______\ ___l___\_____l________  /______l_____\ ____\
     __      _______    __      ________  ____      ___        ____ ____
    / _\__ ./  __  /_. / _\__ ./ ___   /./    \__ ./  _\_____./  _./__ /__
   · /    \|    / /  |· /    \|  \  __/ |  \___\ \|  /_____  l_______/   /
  _ /______l___/_____| /______l___\_____l_________l______\ ___\   l_____/
      .                                                             .

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           rickz             rickz                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

              ________  ___    ____      __ ____          ___
      .---- ./ ___   /./   \ ./    \__ ./ _\__ /__   _____\  \ -----.
      |     |  \  __/ |     \|  \___\ \| /_____   \./  _______\     |
      `---- l___\_____l______l_________l_____\ ____l_____\ ---------'

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           staff             rickz                  |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

              ___         ______     __      _______  _______
    .______ ./  /_______./_____/_ _ / _\__ ./_ ____/_/_ ____/__ ______.
    |       l______   _/:/______//_· /    \| //______ //______/       |
    |   /\      /_____\ :____/    _ /______l____\   l____\            |
    |__//\\_____________________ /________\ __________________________|
       ·  \__ _

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           cyberia           energy                 |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

      ____     ____ ____ .______     ______    ________  ___    __
    ./    \__./  _./__ /_|  ___/__ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /./   \  / _\__
    |  \___\ l_______/   | /____  \|  /__/  \|  \  __/ |     \· /    \
    l_________\   l_____/l_________l_________l___\_____l_____  /______\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           day dream         jmf                    |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

      _____. __     ____ ____
   ___\__  |/ _\__./  _./__ /__
 ./  ___/  · /    l_______/   /
 l________  /______\   l_____/
 --------/________\-------- ______ ________  ______    __     ____ __
                         ___\__  ./ ___   /./__   /_  / _\__  \__ \\/___
                       ./  ___/  |  \  __/ |  /__/  \· /    \./  \ \/ _/_
                       l_________l___\_____l________  /______l____\  /___\

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           sos               xcluziwe               |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

                         ___       ______   ___
                  .--- ./  /____ ./      \./  /____ -----.
                  |    l______  \|        l______  \     |

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           save our souls    xcluziwe               |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

      ___       __   ________ ·_____ ___________    _____________
    ./  /____  / _\__\      //__   /_       _ __\  /__ _         \.
    l______  \· /    \·    //  /__/  \         _\\//_             |
        /____  /______\   ·/l_________\   ______ \/   .___    ________
    --------/________\-·  /-------------./      \   __|_  \ ./ ___   /
     |                  \/              |        \./   /   \|  \  __/
     |                                  l_________l_________l___\_____
     |___       ______      .___    ____     ___                  .
    ./  /____ ./      \   __|_  \ ./   /___./  /____              |
    l______  \|        \./   /   \|  _/    l______  \             |
     |                                                            |
     |            [ but be sure to save your own first! ]         |

                                                           _ _
              _ __   _ _ ___ __ _                    _ _  /_________ ___ _
-------- -._______\\_ _ \\______________________________\//         \\_ - --
          |                                             \/           \.
       _ _|_____ ___ _       logo:             for:                   |
       //_.____//_           acid kid          acid kid               |
- --------|__________________________________________________ _   _ __|--- -

       __      ____      ___       _____.
      / _\__ ./    \__ ./   \   ___\__  | _ ________ ______ _ ___ _ ___
     · /    \|  \___\ \|     \./  ___/  |_//_______//_____   /     /
    _ /______l_________l______l_________|  __ ____     ___       _____.
   /________\----------------------------./ _\__ /__ ./   \   ___\__  |
                 aCID kID / wL! & sHT    | /_____   \|     \./  ___/  |
   --------------------------------------l_____\ ____l______l_________|


                                    a world without tags.

                     please use the ascii you request.
                      respects to all my requesters.

        [ a lot of ascii's in this pack is updated from the ones ]
          [ you got from the slammer.  please change the logo. ]

    . _____.    _______    _____    _____
    :/ ____|__ /   __  \ __\___ \ __\___ \. ·  if you want to contact me,
    ¦  \__    Y    /    Y   _____Y_.  ____|_:  call the slammer, honey whq.
    |   _\     \  /     |   _\     | _\     ¦      node #1:  +46-8-6230196
.cRb¦___________\_______|__________|________|e^D.  node #2:  +46-8-6231366

     ______ .____        ______
 __./_____/_|   _\_____./__   /_      #1 +31-7o-32o-5418 [28.8 VFC]
 _/:/________   \____  |  /__/  \     #2 +31-7o-32o-8453 [28.8 VFC]
   :____/   l______\  /l_________\    #3 +31-7o-327-1427 [14.4 USR]
- ------------/______/--------------- #4 TELNET xxx.xxx.xx.xxx --------------

       cREW:  DiABLO/mTH&&RYL&rDZ&vSG&aCS&hNY!·DELiTE/mTH&eDG·=zEn=/rDZ&kLS·

                  ________    __     ____ ___   ______    _______  _______
 t H E          ./ _____  \  / _\__./  _./__ \./      \ ./_ ____/_/_ ____/__
    p A Y O F F |  \_______\· /    l_______/  |        \| //______ //______/
                l_____\    _ /______\   l_____l_________l____\   l____\
--------------------------/________\--------------------------------------- -

                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]