_____   __         _____           __
  _\ __/__ \/_______ _\___ \_  _____  \/
 _\ _\__  \ _\  ____!   _/   \_\___ \_
   \/  /   7    ____!    _____\ _  \  \__
 _ ___/______   \   :---·      \/   \    !
:           `---.___l -pnk! _ ___________:_
:                                        :
: it does not matter..                   :
:                                        :
: a new? colly by rooster of head!       :


                      ...          .: .....    .... ::.
             .   . ...:.:           ..:t0!: ...:  :....
                      :             :     :.:         : .  /\__
   .  /\______  .  /\_:____  .  /\__:___  .  /\_____ _:__\(_  (___
   _\(_  _    \__\(_  _    \__\(_  _    \__\(_  ___/_\__      ___/__
  /      /_____/      /     /      /     /______      /      /  .  /\______
_/_     /    _/_     /    _/_     /    _/_     /    _/_     /   _\(_ __    \_
\/_____/     \/___________\/___________\/___________\/______   /      ______/
                      :            .:               ..:.. (___/_     /     /
                      :            :..              : :.:    \/___. _/\___/__
                      .           ...:              :..           _\(_  _    \_
                                  :.. ....   .....  ..:..        /      /_____/
                      .             :.:  :.. :E^d:..:.: :      _/_     /
                                           :.:      :...:      \/_____/


               t  h  e                               ::           ::
           ·            .______________              ::        :__::__.
     ______:      _______)____________/      ._______::_ ______|  ·.  (___
  .__)     |____________  _________(____ ____)_______  (__    _|  ·      /
  |        ._          /  \            /  __________/   _/    \!   .    /
  |        !/       _____________    _/   \           ._       ________/
  |________/         /        \_______    ___________:_/\________/::
          /_________/                \_______/       ::           :: g¹
                      p  o  s  s  e                  ·:::::::::::::·

  [ g a n g s t a  -  p u n k  -  r o o s t e r ]    .:::::::::::::.
                                                     ::           ::

              T · h · a · t   g · i · v · e · s   y · o · u

              a · n · o · t · h · e · r   c · o · l · l · y

          t · h · i · s   t · i · m · e   c · a · l · l · e · d


        i . t   d . o . e . s   n . o . t   m . a . t . t . e . r





           ______________                        .· ·.
         __)        _____|______   _____________·_   __._________
        |        __)   ___     _|__)              |__)  _____   /__
        |       |      \ /     \__    ___________    ___\ ·./      |
        |       _       /       _       ______|  |         /       |
        |       |______/        |_____     |  rst|_________________|
        |             /_________|    /    .                     ·.
        |                |    .          .                        ·
        |                |      .       .                          ·
        |                |        .    .                      .....·
        |                |         ·..·

                              Hi and Welcome..
          After glancing through this colly I realised that I don't
                        have only one style :I..
            Now when I have joined the head! posse I have talked to
                             a nice friend
                namely AMON of the nice board ACID ATTACK..

             - -- ---   + + 4 6 - 6 0 - 1 7 8 3 8 6   --- -- -

              «- - AMON/MST/TSN - VITAL/TFA/MNC/ILT/IDZ - -»
           «- - GOZER/IDZ - ROOSTER/SSP/H! - WRAITH/LSD^CBS - -»

           He has agreed to become the first and maybe the only
          dist-site for our group..So if you want to request some
      ascii's from the head! posse and/or getting the releases first
                     you should make a call to it..

          This colly contains really old asciis..but as I couldn't
         stand this file on my hd anymore, I just had to release it.
                         I'm sorry of this but..
         What you can find in this little colly is something that
        maybe you have requested or something that i felt like doing..

 / rooster/h!^ssp


                             here comes...

                             house of kicks
                                 ram jam
                                     most wanted
                                    the hell

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: punk                      __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

                                                            ._/     /
                      ______                            ____|      /
       ___________   |      !  ______                  |    |     /
     _|_________  \_ |      |_/      |                 |    |   _/____
               /    ||      |        |.--/\            |     _       / /
   _ _______________|`-\             ||    \__________ |    |/      / /
      |      |          \---l________||   _ \         \`-\--/      / /
      |      |                     rst|    \ \         \ \-/______/-/
      `-\____|   - --- --- -- ------\ `-----\___________\ \  pUNK!

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: amiga                     __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

       |                           ____                             |
       |                              _|                            |
    _____________    _____ _______  ____      ____________  ___________
  _|________     | _/     Y       |     \_  _/           /_|________   \_
           /     ||     \___/     |.      ||    ________/_         /     |
  ________       ||       |       ||      ||    \         |_______       |
   |      |      ||       |       ||      ||     \__      ||      |      |
   `-\____|      |`-\_____|       |`-\____|`---\__________|`-\____|      |
       |  `------'        `-\_____|rst                            `------'
       |                                                            |
       |                                                            |

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: house of kick             __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

.______.          ________   .______.            __________    __________.
|     _|______.._/        \_.|      !  _____. ._/ ________/ ._/  ________|
|    /        ||     ___    ||      |_/     |.|______   \__.|     ___|____.
|    ____     ||     \ /    ||      |       ||       |     ||    |        |
|      |/     ||      /     |`-\            ||       |     ||    |        |
`-\____/      |`-\__________|   \---l_______|`-\_____      |`-\_____      |
      /_______|                                      |_____|        |_____|
                          ________      ____________.
                       ._/        \_.._/            |
                       |     ___    ||    __________|
                       |     \ /    ||      _____|
                       |      /     ||        |
            ______  _ __                           ______
         ._/     /    __|                       ._/     /
      ___|      /   ____      __________     ___|      /      ___________
   ._/   |     /   .    \_.._/         /  ._/   |     /    ._/ _________/
   |     |   _/____|      ||          /__.|     |   _/____.|______   \__.
   |      _       /|      ||    |____/   ||      _       /|       |     |
   |     |/      / |      ||    |        ||     |/      / |       |     |
   `-\---/      /  `-\____|`-\___________|`-\---/      /  `-\_____      |
        /______/                               /______/        rst|_____|

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: dominion                  __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

                                _ ___
_________      ______     ___ _____.___ __________........____ __________
         \  ._/      \_._/   Y     |   \_.        :   _/ :    \_.        \
________  \_|    ___   |   \___/   |     |_____   :\_|   :___   |_____    \_.
 |     /    |    \ /   |     |     |     |     |  :  |   :\ /   |     |     |
 |    /     |     /    |     |     |     |     |  :  |   : /    |     |     |
 `-\________|-\________|-\___|     |-\___|-\___|__:__|___:______|-\___|_____|
                             |     |rst           ········

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: ram jam                   __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

                  ___________.     ____________.     ____________.
             .___/           |.___/  ______    |.___/            |
             |               ||      \         ||       \____/   |
      .......|      \________||_______\________||_________/      |......
     :       |       \  _______________________________  /       |      :
     :       |________\ \                             / /________|      :
     :        ___________\                           /____________      :
     :                                                                  :
     :                                                                  :
     :                                                                  :
     :        ____________                           _____________      :
     :                   /___________________________\                  :
     :                   ___.     ____________.     ____________.       :
     :               .__/   |.___/  ______    |.___/            |       :
     :       ._______|      ||      \         ||       \____/   |       :
     ·.......|       \      ||_______\________||_________/      |.......·
             |        ______|                        rst/       |
             |________\                                /________|

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: react                     __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

_____________        ___________._____________.  ____________   ____
\            \     _/    _______|________     |_/           / _/   /_____
 \_________   \_  |     ___|____.       /     |    ________/_|      ____/___
   |    __/  __/_ |    |        |______       |    \         |     |        |
   |    \        \|    |        |      |      |     \        |     |        |
   `-\___\        \-\____       |-\____|      |---\__________|-\_____       |
       rst\        \     `------'      `------'                      `------'

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: monk                      __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

              :                                                 ___:__
              :                                              ._/     /
              :___ ______.   _________.____________       ___|      /
           ._/    Y      |._/         |\           \   ._/   |     /
           |    \___/    ||    ___    | \______     \_.|     |   _/____
           |      |      ||    \ /    |  |     |      ||      _       /
           |      |      ||     /     |  |     |      ||     |/      /
           `-\____|      |`-\_________|  `-\___|      |`-\---/      /
              :   |      |                     `------'  rst/______/
              :   `------'                                         :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :
              :                                                    :

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: boo ya                    __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

       ¡                                       ________
 .     |                                      |       /
 |_____|_____     __________   __________     |      /____   ____________
             \_  _\   ___   | _\   ___   |    |     /     | _\_________  |
__________     ||     \ /   ||     \ /   |    |    /|     ||          /  |
 |        |    ||      /    ||      /    |    `-\___      ||   ______/   |
 `-\____       |`-\_________|`-\_________|          |_____|`-\___________|

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: opium                     __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

      ___________. __________   ______    _______          ______ ______
   .__)          ||_______   \_       \_ |       |  _____ |      Y      |
   |      ___    \        \    ||       ||       |_/     ||    \___/    |
   |      \ /    |\____________||       ||       |       ||      /      |
   |       /     ||       |     |       |`-\_____        ||     /       |
   `-\___________|`-\_____|     `-\_____|     rst|_______|`-\__/        |
___)                                                                    (___

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: gozz                      __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

                 :                                        :
   ________________        __________________________   _____________
 __)              /      __)   ___                  (__|            (__
|      __________/______|      \ /     ___________    /|__________    /
|     _)                        /       |/    _______/___/     ______/_____
`--/_________          /|_______________|______            ____           /
            /_________/                    rst/___________/   /__________/
_                :                                                         _
\\               :                                        :               //
_\\/\            :                                        :            /\//_
                 .                                        .
                 :                                        :

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: zeus                      __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

_______________        _____________   _______             ___________________
              (__    __)              |       | ______   __)
___________     /   |     ____________|       |/      | |     _________________
  /    ________/____|   _______/_____ |       /       | |_________       |
 /_____            /|_____           |`-\____/        | _____            |
      /___________/      /___________|   rst/_________|     /____________|


      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: style                     __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

            |        ___
    ________________/  /______   __________     _____        _________ ____ _
 __)                   ______/___)        /   __)    |     __)
|      ______________  \      |          /___|      _|____|__    _________ _
|____________      |    \     |         /    |     /         |   _____|____
________           |_____     |________      |______         |___          |
       /___________| rst/________|    /_________|  /_________|  /__________|


      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: most wanted               __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

             ____ ______   ___________   _________   __/  /______
          ___)   Y      |__)  ____   /___)       /___)    ______/__
         |     \_ _/     _____\  /          ____________  \        |
         |       ¡              /      __________     |    \       |
         |       :       ___________________    /     |_____       |
         `-\_____.      |                  /__________|    /_______|
                 .      |
       ________                               ___
 ______\_      |   _________    _________  __/  /____  ____________________
|       /      |___)  __    |___) ___    |_)    ____/__)  _______         (__
|      /_\             /          \ /         __)         ____|__\______     |
|     /   \           /            /                                    |    |
|__     _  \   ______/       _____/       ___          __        __     |    |
   )___/ \_____|    /_______|    /_______|  /_________| /_______| /____      |
                                                                   rst/______|                                                                     |_____|

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: baffle                    __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

 ¡      |
_|______|_____    _________    __________   __________   ___         _________
              \___)   __   |___)        (___)        (___)  |     ___)       (
____________           /         _______      ________   ___|____|      ______
 |        _/          /         ______|      ______|    /             ____|__
 `-\____        |____/     _____    | |_____     | |____         _____       |
       /________|   /______|   /    !      /     !     /_________|rst/_______|
                                    .            .

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: head!                     __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

    ___________          __________                           :       :
       _____   /_______/  ____________   _____________________:_      :
    ___)   _|_____________)          (___)   __   __           (__    :
   |      /                  ________         /    /________      |   :
   |     _____         __     ___|___|       /              |     |   :
   |________|/        | /____        |______/      ________       |   :
            /_________|  rst/________|     /________|     /_______|···
                                                               :      :

      _______ _ _    ________  _ _   ________           _: ____ _  __:
  ___)                                                                (___
 :                         iT doeS noT matteR                             :
 ¡_________                    name!: the hell                  __________¡
          /_____________________________________________________\    :
                                                      ...:....       :
                                                      :  :...:.......:
                                                      :      :

       ___           ____            ____________      .··········.
    __/  /_______  __)  _|________ __)   _________    · .········. ·
  __)     ______/_|_   /          |_     _____|__    · · .······. · ·
 |       |         /   _____       /    /        |   : : :      : : :
 |________         _______|/      _______        |   · . ·......· . ·
         /________|       /_______|     /________|    · ·.........· .

                 ____            _____________ _____          ______
               __)  _|________ __)  _________/_)    |       __)     |
              |    /          |_     ___|___|_    __|______|_     __|_______
              |    _____       /    /        /   /          /    /          |
              |_______|/      _______       _______          _____          |
                      /_______|    /________|     /__________|rst/__________|

                                 GUEST ARTISTS!:


                                     \  /



                                     / _\

 ____ __      ______   ___      ___       __      _____     ______   ___
 \__ \\/___ ./__   /_./  /____./  /____  / _\__ ./  __/__ ./__   /_./  /____
./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  l______  l______  \· /    \| //____ \|  /__/  l______  \
l____\  /___l_________\  /_____\  /____  /______l_________l_________\  /_____\
      \/                              /________\

		 java       - Make up your mind about something atleast..
                            - Jag hatar när du säger "kanske"...
                            - auf wiedersehn......sigh (du på telefon =)
		 amon       - jo..får väl ta o hälsa på nån gång!
		 zeus       - looking forward to your colly!
		 wraith     - ser fram emot att träffa dig på remedy..tror jag
		 xender     - let's swap! :)
		 punk       - hi dude!
		 jamsam     - where is your ascii's then?
		 speeddevil - finally a letter :)
		 qen        - har du fått ihop pengar till en walker eller? :)
		 mr.coke    - keep on the nice coding!
		 slurry     - det var ett bra tag sen...du skulle ju vojsa! :)
                            - vad har hänt?
		 opium      - varför körde du inte irc samtidigt med mig?
		 payday     - strunta i bruden en dag o skicka ett brev! :)
		 baffle     - is it you who have connected?...yes...goodie! :)
                 shade      - mff..am I alone with my problem at everyware? :)
                 billy      - telnet rules!
                 exon       - got any telnet soon?
                 ghandy     - nice to see you on irc too!
                 fashion    - ^^^
                 decoy      - has the school throwed you out bcoz of too
                              much internet abuse? :)
                              Hope to see you there again soon!
                 gangsta    - when is the next colly coming?

         greets to my very best scene friends..
                                                you know who you are..

                    "Some people tell me that I need help,
                    some people can fuck off and go to hell"

                       "God damn, why they critisise me?"

                                                          / beastie boys