CU-SeeMe Plug-In SDK README file 1-16-95 On the usual ftp server (, is a new folder for a Software Developer's Kit (SDK) for development of Mac CU-SeeMe Plug-In's (or "Function Modules"). At present, we have not supplied the actual SDK, but only this README and Aaron's documentation of the API. A belated realization that we may need a new form of copyright and permission notices is causing a few days delay. Aaron Giles, recently at CUMC, now at new employment in California, built the SDK just before heading west. We have had time for only modest testing here in Ithaca. Basically, the SDK consists of CodeWarrior projects and sample code plus Aaron's document describing the Function Module Interface (FMI). In one project (choose 68k or PPc flavor) you have all of CU-SeeMe as an object-code library and the FMI expects to have your plug-in source in the project and connects it into CU-SeeMe so you can use the debugger on your code. In the other project, you simply create the standalone plug-in which is to be placed in the CU-SeeMe folder and will be loaded at launch time. Also, the source, etc. for the Talk Plug-in is provided. A complete set of two projects, one for debug, one for generating the standalone executable is provided. The library containing all of CU-SeeMe was built with 80b1. The Stream data callbacks described in the API are not yet implemented.