Reaper v.1.0.0 Documentation
26 May 1996
Copyright 1996 digital innovations limited
All rights reserved

-- What is Reaper?
Reaper is a simple BeBox application that allows you to quit or kill
a thread team.

-- What is a BeBox
BeBox is a cool new dual processor PowerPC machine. If you wish to
know more about it, check out

-- Installing Reaper.
To install Reaper, copy the Reaper100.tar.gz archive to your BeBox.
Open a terminal window and go to the location where you copied the
archive to. Type in the following:

gzip -dvc Reaper100.tar.gz > Reaper100.tar
tar xfv Reaper100.tar
setfile Reaper

-- Using Reaper.
When you launch Reaper, you get a list of your currently running
teams in a window. There are three buttons in the window. They are:

The Update button clears the teams list and scans the running teams
again. Reaper does not poll the Roster for running teams. If you feel
that the list displayed is out of synch with what is actually going on,
hit this button.

The Quit button stays dimmed until something is selected in the
teams list. Selecting a team and clicking this button will post
a B_QUIT_REQUESTED message to the team's main thread. Use this as
a first attempt at getting rid of a running team.

The Kill button also stays dimmed if nothing is selected in the
teams list. Clicking this button tells the kernel to kill the team
and the Roster to update itself. (See Disclaimer below)

-- Disclaimer
I could not find any documentation on what is the proper way to kill
a team. Reaper's kill mechanism was built using the age old trial and
error method.

-- Costs and Legal Stuff
Reaper is my first Be application. It was written in a few hours
primarily to get to know how to do things on the BeBox. Reaper is
freeware. This means it can be freely distributed so long as:

1) The end user does not have to pay for it.
2) This documentation is included with the archive.
3) Reaper and this documentation is not modified in any way.

The Reaper application and this documentation are written by
Narayan Sainaney and fall under the copyrights of digital innovations
limited. Be and the BeBox are trademarks of Be Inc.

-- Contacting digital innovations limited
You can reach me at with your comments or bug reports.

digital innovations limited
903-950 Cambie Street
Vancouver BC
V6B 5X5