File: wator_0.4.2s.tar.gz Author: Peter Mogensen <> Release: 0.4.2s (Aug. 16th, 1997) Compatibility: DR9 Location: /contrib/gfx/screen_savers Notes: This is saver version of the WaTor simulation. It simulates the cruel life in a small ocean. Actual the ocean is cyclic (a Water Torus) which has given name to this classic problem. The ocean is populated by fish(blue) and sharks(red). Sharks prey on fish and fish just live. Both fish and sharks breed at regular intervals, but sharks die if they can't find food (fish). That's the name of the game ...enjoy. Known Bugs: none..... Version history: 0.4.2s: A quick port to DR9 for Duncans "Blanket". 0.4.1s: Removed the annoying warning which reported an error which didn't happen. (Last DR8 version)