Packages changed:
  Mesa (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
  Mesa-drivers (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
  openSUSE-release (20250307 -> 20250308)
  selinux-policy (20250224 -> 20250305)
  vim (9.1.1134 -> 9.1.1176)
  xapian-core (1.4.22 -> 1.4.27)

=== Details ===

==== Mesa ====
Version update (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
Subpackages: Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 libgbm1

- enabled Raytracing (vulkan) support for intel ARC GPUs
- no longer hardcode CXX, but instead make use of %gcc_version,
  which is implicitely set in prjconf, which I wasn't aware of ...
- CXX needs to be set to an existing g++ compiler; otherwise you get ERROR: Unknown compiler(s): [['c++'], ['g++'], ['clang++'], ['nvc++'], ['pgc++'], ['icpc'], ['icpx']]
    The following exception(s) were encountered:
    Running `c++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'c++'"
    Running `g++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'g++'"
    Running `clang++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'clang++'"
    Running `nvc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'nvc++'"
    Running `pgc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pgc++'"
    Running `icpc --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpc'"
    Running `icpx --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpx'"
  Since there is no 'g++' available I take 'g++-14', i.e.
  export CXX=g++-14
  I don't care if gcc gets updated and Mesa fails then. I much more
  often need to update Mesa than we see a gcc update ...
- fixed build for TW
- Build with GCC 13 on Leap/SLES 15 (bsc#1238713)

==== Mesa-drivers ====
Version update (25.0.0 -> 25.0.1)
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva libxatracker2

- enabled Raytracing (vulkan) support for intel ARC GPUs
- no longer hardcode CXX, but instead make use of %gcc_version,
  which is implicitely set in prjconf, which I wasn't aware of ...
- CXX needs to be set to an existing g++ compiler; otherwise you get ERROR: Unknown compiler(s): [['c++'], ['g++'], ['clang++'], ['nvc++'], ['pgc++'], ['icpc'], ['icpx']]
    The following exception(s) were encountered:
    Running `c++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'c++'"
    Running `g++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'g++'"
    Running `clang++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'clang++'"
    Running `nvc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'nvc++'"
    Running `pgc++ --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pgc++'"
    Running `icpc --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpc'"
    Running `icpx --version` gave "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'icpx'"
  Since there is no 'g++' available I take 'g++-14', i.e.
  export CXX=g++-14
  I don't care if gcc gets updated and Mesa fails then. I much more
  often need to update Mesa than we see a gcc update ...
- fixed build for TW
- Build with GCC 13 on Leap/SLES 15 (bsc#1238713)

==== boost-base ====
Subpackages: boost-license1_87_0 libboost_filesystem1_87_0 libboost_filesystem1_87_0-x86-64-v3 libboost_iostreams1_87_0 libboost_iostreams1_87_0-x86-64-v3 libboost_locale1_87_0 libboost_locale1_87_0-x86-64-v3 libboost_program_options1_87_0 libboost_program_options1_87_0-x86-64-v3 libboost_thread1_87_0 libboost_thread1_87_0-x86-64-v3

- package mpi python cmake file once (gh#espressomd/espresso#5050)

==== boost-extra ====
Subpackages: libboost_python-py3-1_87_0 libboost_python-py3-1_87_0-x86-64-v3

- package mpi python cmake file once (gh#espressomd/espresso#5050)

==== grilo ====
Subpackages: grilo-lang libgrilo-0_3-0 libgrlnet-0_3-0 libgrlpls-0_3-0 typelib-1_0-Grl-0_3

- Drop pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires and pass
  enable-test-ui=false to meson setup, do not build
  grilo-test-ui-0.3 binary, avoid depending on gtk3 just for a
  rarely used test tool.

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-common grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi grub2-x86_64-efi-bls grub2-x86_64-xen

- Pass through PAES cipher as AES on s390x-emu (jsc#PED-10950)
  * 0001-s390x-emu-Pass-through-PAES-cipher-as-AES.patch
- Fix not found message when booting on legacy BIOS (bsc#1237865)
  * 0001-autofs-Ignore-zfs-not-found.patch

==== lvm2 ====
Subpackages: liblvm2cmd2_03

- Fixes the lvm2-testsuite case (bsc#1238857)
  * Update SUSE special patch
    + fate-31841-03_tests-new-test-suite-of-fsadm-for-btrfs.patch

==== lvm2-device-mapper ====
Subpackages: device-mapper libdevmapper-event1_03 libdevmapper1_03

- Fixes the lvm2-testsuite case (bsc#1238857)
  * Update SUSE special patch
    + fate-31841-03_tests-new-test-suite-of-fsadm-for-btrfs.patch

==== netpbm ====
Subpackages: libnetpbm11

- added patches
  fix build with gcc15
  + netpbm-gcc15.patch

==== openSUSE-release ====
Version update (20250307 -> 20250308)
Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== openssl-3 ====
Subpackages: libopenssl3 libopenssl3-32bit libopenssl3-x86-64-v3

- Introduce --without lto. When %{optflags} contains -flto=*, tests cases are
  also built using -flto=* which significantly increases build times, this
  option disables lto which improve iteration times when developing.

==== patterns-server ====
Subpackages: patterns-server-dhcp_dns_server patterns-server-directory_server patterns-server-file_server patterns-server-kvm_server patterns-server-kvm_tools patterns-server-lamp_server patterns-server-mail_server patterns-server-printing patterns-server-xen_server

- Drop uninstallable xen-server/xen-tools patterns from Leap

==== selinux-policy ====
Version update (20250224 -> 20250305)
Subpackages: selinux-policy-targeted

- Update to version 20250305:
  * Label /var/log/php-fpm.log httpd_log_t (bsc#1238403)
  * Allow systemd-networkd to rw memfd objects in tmpfs (bsc#1237515)
  * Add a gitlab-ci build test
  * allow ssh-keygen to connect to the ssh daemon via vsockets (bsc#1238191)
  * Add context for plymouth debug log files (bsc#1237440)
- Update to version 20250303:
  * dist/targeted/modules.conf: Enable kmscon module (bsc#1238137)
  * label apache2 binaries correctly (bsc#1237596)
- Improve selinux-policy packaging
  * Remove bashisms to support UNIX SH syntax in scriptlets (bsc#1237517)
  * Fix non-existing $package variable in "%post minimum" scriptlet
  * Improve selinux-policy.rpmlintrc file
  * Remove duplicates with fdupes

==== spirv-tools ====

- Build with GCC 13 on Leap/SLES 15 in the hope to fix Mesa build

==== vim ====
Version update (9.1.1134 -> 9.1.1176)
Subpackages: vim-data vim-data-common xxd

- Introduce patch to fix bsc#1235751 (regression).
  * vim-9.1.1134-revert-putty-terminal-colors.patch
- Update to 9.1.1176.
  * 9.1.1176: wrong indent when expanding multiple lines
    test(runtime/syntax): improve syntax tests
    editorconfig: set indent config for *.vim files
    runtime(doc): mention alternative check for vim9script
  * 9.1.1175: inconsistent behaviour with exclusive selection and motion commands
    runtime(man): don't add jumps when loading a manpage
    runtime(vim): recognize <...> strings (and keys) for 'keywordprg'
  * 9.1.1174: tests: Test_complete_cmdline() may fail
    runtime(doc): mention bzip3 in gzip plugin documentation
  * 9.1.1173: filetype: ABNF files are not detected
  * 9.1.1172: [security]: overflow with 'nostartofline' and Ex command in tag file
  * 9.1.1171: tests: wrong arguments passed to assert_equal()
  * 9.1.1170: wildmenu highlighting in popup can be improved
    runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v179
    runtime(doc): fix typo "bet" in :h 'completeopt'
  * 9.1.1169: using global variable for get_insert()/get_lambda_name()
  * 9.1.1168: wrong flags passed down to nextwild()
  * 9.1.1167: mark '] wrong after copying text object
    runtime(doc): update how to get Vim
  * 9.1.1166: command-line auto-completion hard with wildmenu
    runtime(tar): use readblob() instead of shelling out to file(1)
  * 9.1.1165: diff: regression with multi-file diff blocks
  * 9.1.1164: [security]: code execution with tar.vim and special crafted tar files
    translation(it): Update Italian translation
    runtime(tar): fix syntax error in tar.vim
  * 9.1.1163: $MYVIMDIR is set too late
    runtime(syntax-tests): Apply stronger synchronisation between buffers
  * 9.1.1162: completion popup not cleared in cmdline
  * 9.1.1161: preinsert requires bot "menu" and "menuone" to be set
    runtime(misc): add support for bzip3 to tar, vimball and gzip plugins
  * 9.1.1160: Ctrl-Y does not work well with "preinsert" when completing items
  * 9.1.1159: $MYVIMDIR may not always be set
  * 9.1.1158: :verbose set has wrong file name with :compiler!
    runtime(netrw): correctly handle shellslash variable
  * 9.1.1157: command completion wrong for input()
    runtime(doc): fix confusing docs for 'completeitemalign'
  * 9.1.1156: tests: No test for what patch 9.1.1152 fixes
  * 9.1.1155: Mode message not cleared after :silent message
    runtime(lua): Improve 'include' and make '*expr' functions script-local
    runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match Vim9 function calls after "|"
  * 9.1.1154: Vim9: not able to use autoload class accross scripts
    runtime(compiler): improve svelte-check
  * 9.1.1153: build error on Haiku
  * 9.1.1152: Patch v9.1.1151 causes problems
    runtime(new-tutor): update examples from Neovim to Vim
    nsis: add Portuguese Brazilian translation to nsis installer
  * 9.1.1151: too many strlen() calls in getchar.c
    runtime(vim): make VimKeywordPrg even smarter for regexes
  * 9.1.1150: :hi completion may complete to wrong value
  * 9.1.1149: Unix Makefile does not support Brazilian lang for the installer
  * 9.1.1148: Vim9: finding imported scripts can be further improved
    runtime(lua): Update lua ftplugin and documentation
  * 9.1.1147: preview-window does not scroll correctly
    nsis: added support for pt-BR to installer and update README.txt
    translation(tr): Update Turkish translations
  * 9.1.1146: Vim9: wrong context being used when evaluating class member
  * 9.1.1145: multi-line completion has wrong indentation for last line
    runtime(netrw): runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v178
  * 9.1.1144: no way to create raw strings from a blob
  * 9.1.1143: illegal memory access when putting a register
  * 9.1.1142: tests: test_startup fails if $HOME/$XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined
    runtime(vim): improve &keywordprg in ftplugin
    runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, match :CompilerSet and :SynMenu commands
  * 9.1.1141: Misplaced comment in readfile()
  * 9.1.1140: filetype: m17ndb files are not detected
  * 9.1.1139: [fifo] is not displayed when editing a fifo
  * 9.1.1138: cmdline completion for :hi is too simplistic
  * 9.1.1137: ins_str() is inefficient by calling STRLEN()
    CI: Install netbeans on windows to make sure to run test_netbeans.vim
    runtime(dockerfile): set comments in filetype plugin
    runtime(compiler): include svelte-check compiler
    runtime(doc): get rid of the titlestring hack for terminal-api
  * 9.1.1136: Match highlighting marks a buffer region as changed
  * 9.1.1135: 'suffixesadd' doesn't work with multiple items
    runtime(filetype): move filetype detection into filetypedetect augroup
    CI: add Makefile target to verify default highlighting groups are present

==== virt-manager ====
Subpackages: virt-install virt-manager-common

- bsc#1239013 - Unable to install an SEV-SNP guest with virt-install

==== xapian-core ====
Version update (1.4.22 -> 1.4.27)

- update to 1.4.27:
  * Fix testcase unsupportedcheck1 for --disable-backend-remote.  Reported by
    Matthieu Gautier in #832.
  * Merge testcases unsupportedcheck1 and stubdb9 which are essentially the same
  build system:
  * Fix build with --disable-backend-chert.  Patch from Matthieu Gautier in #832.
  * Add missing include of <cerrno> to fix build failure on macOS 15.
- update to 1.4.26:
  * Weight: Document that Weight statistics DOC_LENGTH_MIN, DOC_LENGTH_MAX and
    WDF_MAX are for the shard rather than the whole database.  Usually this is
    what we want as with a sharded database it gives tighter bounds and so better
    match optimisation, but it does make them unsuitable for uses such as
    calculating a suitable offset to add to every get_sumextra() to allow
    implementing a weighting formula which can give a negative term independent
    weight contribution.  This case will be addressed in the next release series
    which also provides bounds such as DB_DOC_LENGTH_MIN which are for the whole
  * LMWeight: This class was meant to implement the "Language Model" Weighting
    scheme, but we've discovered the implementation was incorrect and fixing it
    requires ABI-incompatible changes.  For 1.4.x we need to leave it in place so
    as not to break existing code, but it's now deprecated and we recommend
    avoiding using it.  It will be removed in the next release series and
    replaced with new separate classes implementing Language Model weighting with
    each smoothing.  Thanks to Sourav Saha for reporting this problem.
  * PL2PlusWeight: Fix bug in implementation of formula.  Our variable mean is
    1/lambda_t from the PL2+ paper, so we need to check mean>1 for lambda_t<1 but
    we were actually checking mean<1 instead.  The result of this is that PL2+
    actually returned a zero weight unless the term occurred frequently enough in
    the collection.
  * TradWeight::get_maxpart() no longer forces the wdf_max value to be at least
    one.  We used to do this so that a non-existent term in the query would cause
    it not to achieve 100%, but now we calculate percentages based on the number
    of matching subqueries, and it is more natural for a non-existent term to get
    zero weight (ditto for a term which always has wdf 0).  This was already
    addressed for BM25Weight in 1.2.1 back in 2010.
  * Enquire::set_expansion_scheme(): Add "prob" as new preferred name for
    probabilistic query expansion, with the previous "trad" still being accepted
    for now.
  * QueryParser::set_prefix() and set_boolean_prefix(): Allow an optional
    trailing `:` on the field name.  This makes the API here more consistent with
    ranges, where you need to include the `:` if you want one.  See #720.
  * Catch and report if a testcase causes signal SIGPIPE.
  * Suppress valgrind errors about calling memmove() with overlapping source and
    destination (which is valid, valgrind is just confused when memcpy() and
    memmove() share an implementation).
  * Add more testing of weighting schemes.
  * Mark checkstatsweight3 with a sharded database as XFAIL (expected to fail).
    This testcase was previous not run for sharded databases, with a FIXME
    comment noting this.  Investigating shows it's due to a bug where we use the
    shard's termfreqs rather than those for the whole database for an expanded
    wildcard, but this seems complex to fix.
  * Fix minor wildcard weighting bug spotted while reading the code.  We were
    returning too high a value from the first call to get_maxpart() in some
    cases.  Mostly this just means the matcher continue working when it could
    have stopped, but it will also cause MSet::get_termweight() to return a
    higher value than the actual known upper bound.
  glass backend:
  * Simplify file descriptor handling for lock files on Unix-like platforms
    which don't support OFD locks.  This eliminates corner cases where we
    could end up with file descriptors without close-on-exec set in the main
  remote backend:
  * xapian-tcpsrv: Use _exit() instead of exit() to end child processes which
    avoids the risk of duplicated output from stdio buffers getting copied by
    fork() then flushed in both processes.
  * Simplify file descriptor handling when launching prog remote.
  inmemory backend:
  * Fix bug adding posting entries.
  build system:
  * Improve probe for -Bsymbolic-functions.  MSVC doesn't support this flag, but
    it only emits a warning when it is used and that warning didn't match any of
    the patterns we already check for so we were detecting it as supported.
  * Report result of probe to determine compiler support for -Werror or
  * Improve MSVC build instructions.  Thanks to Baran Demir for feedback.
  * Improve formatting of stat_flags API documentation.
  * sorting.rst: Replace custom weighting scheme documentation with a link to the
    more complete equivalent in "Getting Started with Xapian".
  * remote.rst: Update to reflect that user metadata is fully supported (since
  * Fix to compile as C++20 and C++23.
  * Resolve SIGPIPE issues on NetBSD, which were causing testcase keepalive1 to
    fail.  These seem to be due to SO_NOSIGPIPE not working correctly there so
    we now use MSG_NOSIGNAL instead for NetBSD.
  * Include <errno.h> for sys_errlist.  We already do this for the configure
    check but were failing to when actually using sys_errlist, which probably
    affects at least NetBSD.
  * configure: Fix clang detection which wasn't working when configure determined
    a -std=X option was needed to get C++11 support.  The obvious symptom was
    that --enable-werror wouldn't add -Werror.
  * configure: NetBSD automatically pulls in library dependencies, so set
    ... changelog too long, skipping 277 lines ...
    reported by ttyS3.