Basic prerequisites for runtime:
popt, ,slang, guile-1.6, imlib1, db >=1/1.85, glib-1.2.10, gtk-1.2.10, zlib
audiofile, esound(esd), gnu-gs-fonts

openssl, curl -for gtkhtml

Build tools: all the above runtimes, plus what's below.
binutils, make, gcc, ,g++, kernel-headers, autoconf, automake,
texinfo, gettext-tools, indent, flex, bison, m4, libtool, perl,
readline, pkgconfig
	-note:some source package configuration scripts may
	automatically think you have gtk+-2.0 installed if
	pkgconfig is present.

install slib2d6 or slib3a1 'noarch' package from the Amigo sources.
See the README in the slib folder for information.

Below is an example for compiling packages in order to get GnuCash working.

Compile Order:		Dependencies:
orbit --includes libIDL
gconf 			--oaf, orbit, libxml
gnome-libs 		--orbit(libIDL)
gdk-pixbuf 		--gnome-libs
gnome-print 		--gnu-gs fonts, gdk-pixbuf, gnome-libs
bonobo 			--gnome-print, gdk-pixbuf, gnome-libs
Note: A LOT of software only needs what is above here!

scrollkeeper 		-libxml
libglade 		--bonobo

These are optional, but if wanted they should be compiled here:
* glade
* libole2 		--needed for abiword and gnumeric
* gnumeric 		--libole2, gal, gdk(gnome-pixbuf_canvas)

guppi 			--libglade, bonobo, gnumeric(extras)
gnome-vfs 		--gnome-mime-data, gconf, oaf

control-center 		--xscreensaver, gnome-vfs, gnome-libs, orbit

Getting the above compiled will now let you compile g-wrap
and then gnucash.

1. Note that gconf, libglade, glade and gnumeric can all be built
without any gnome components. Compiling them AFTER gnome-libs may
enable more features.
2. gconf might better be compiled after
gnome-libs if you are trying to achieve a full GNOME desktop.
3. Some packages will build without guppi (gnucash for example), but
may be very large as a result. If gnumeric is present when guppi
is compiled, extra features are compiled into guppi.
4. libole2 may only be required for abiword and gnumeric
5. scrollkeeper and gnome-mime-data are only needed at compile-time
or if compiling for full GNOME desktop.
6. the orbit(includes libidl) and gdk-pixbuf packages available with 
slackware will not work for compiling what's here. If you have them
installed on your system, uninstall before compiling and installing
from these sources.
7. The sources I provide have been gathered from various places and 
cleaned up slightly.  'Cleaned up' means:
Some and files have been updated to use 
later versions of autoconf.
Missing blank newlines at the end of all .c and .h files have been
added where necessary. 
One file in gnome-libs had to have backslashes added to some multi-line
comments for conformity with GCC>=3.x. This code was mostly written and
configured to use gcc-2.95 and autotools-1.4.
Some of the sources were taken from HPUX (UNIX) source trees as they
provide more separation of bundled packages, and also because they were
configured for use with autotools-1.7 and so are easier to make work(less
deprecated aclocal rules to fix). Binary and library paths usually have
to be re-adjusted for these sources since HPUX installs nearly everything
under individual directories in the folder /opt.