I am pleased to announce the release of Dragora 2.2 (codename: rafaela).

Dragora is a powerful and reliable GNU/Linux distribution created from
scratch with the intention of providing a stable, multiplatform and
multipurpose operating system. Built with 100% Free Software.

The homepage is at http://www.dragora.org

After a long period, the development was focused in the stability,
correction of bugs (most of the past), upgrades and security
updates. The improvements have occurred in the system installer,
the package system, and in Runit's scheme, our init system.

This version is available for the architectures of 32 and 64 bits,
along with a second CD called "plus" which contains: Emacs 23.4,
Gnash 0.8.10, Gtk-Gnutella 0.97, and wxWidgets-2.9.1 with their
corresponding sources.

System requirements (minimum):

Processor:    Intel 486 or compatible.
RAM:          64MB.
Media:        4x CD-ROM.
Video:        VGA card or compatible.
Disk space:   1GB.


  * GNU Linux-Libre 3.2.15.

  * GCC 4.5.3, built with special care.

  * Glibc 2.13+ (version of git).

  * Chinese Input support through fcitx-3.6.3 and wqy-zenhei-0.8.38.

  * xorg-server 1.11.4.

  * Xfce 4.8+, IceWM 1.3.7, and ScrotWM 0.10.0.

  * Support for the new XCB API.

  * The Nouveau video driver was included.

  * GNU IceCat 10, IcedTea6.

  * HAL (version of git) with support for hibernation and suspension.

  * Polkit, Consolekit, Udisks, and Upower have been added.

  * Added support for Cgroups and HugeTLB filesystems.

  * Support of "/run" for Udev 175.

  * All the components have been upgraded.

  * 43 new packages have been added,
    with a total of 722 packages.

  * Many bug fixes and further improvements.

Changes in the installer image:

  * The kernel images have been optimized for the size
    rather than for the speed.

  * BusyBox has been updated to version 1.19.4.

  * ISOLINUX has been updated to version 4.05.

  * sfdisk was removed in favor of parted.

  * lunzip has been replaced by clzip. Required by "pkg remove".

  * udev is now included.

  * The installer is now capable of mounting non-root partitions.

  * Enhanced installer dialogues.
    Thanks to leo_rockway, and Pablo Rivero.

  * Various fixes.

Changes in the init scheme:

  * Save the system time before to stop the services (Stage 3).

  * The hardware clock is now set from the Stage 2.

  * The package name has been changed to "runitscheme".

  * The PATH is now exported for the runit init scripts.

  * Use the correct order in the syntax of hwclock(8),
    invoked by /etc/rc.d/rc.clock.

  * Delete the serverauth file between reboots.

  * Don't invoke agetty(8) with the option '-8'.

  - /etc/runit/1:

    * Don't try to use a swap partition or a swap file before fsck(8).

    * Minor changes.

    * Do not override the terminal settings using setterm(1).

    * Try to mount FUSE from here, instead of /etc/runit/2.

    * Mount /dev/shm from here, rather than /etc/fstab.

    * Udev is now executed from here (Stage 1).

    * Removed the line to start /etc/rc.d/rc.clock. See below.

    * Added more directories to remove, section "Seek & destroy".

    * The part to initialize the random number generator
      has been improved.

    * Code clean up.

    * Try to mount the Cgroups filesystem after of fsck (not before).

    * Added support for the Control Groups filesystem.

    * Solved the bug #0000001. Now, /etc/runit/1 does not delete
      the file /var/run/utmp in a clean up. Letting us see the
      logged users in the system.
      (Reported by clasclin).

  - /etc/runit/2:

    * Added console-kit-daemon.

    * Added more lines for the proctitle log of runsvdir(8).

    * /etc/runit/2, has been reorganized.

    * Make sure to mount FUSE.

    * Don't re-populate /sys using `udevadm trigger --action=add'.
      I think this is no longer necessary with the latest versions of udev.

    * Don't exec runsvdir(8) from a function.

    * We make sure that the /tmp directory has the correct
      permissions (1777).

    * Set terminal settings and keyboard map from here (Stage 2).

    * Code clean up.

    * Reverted the line to start the script /etc/rc.d/rc.hald.
      (previously removed).

  - /etc/runit/3:

    * The part to save the random number generator has been improved.

    * Code clean up.

Changes on the package system:

  - add:

    * Added sanity check to see if the filesystem is in read-only mode.

    * Show description files even in a clear environment.

    * Solved the UTF-8 conversion for description files (if $LANG
      is in UTF-8).

    * Minor cleanup.

    * Use options '--strip-components=1' and '--show-stored-names'
      on `tar' to avoid the (unnecessary) usage of sed(1).

  - remove:

    * Handle those packages that do not have a post-install script,
      this is on the pre-removal routine.

    * The cat_except() function has been simplified.

    * Minor changes.

    * Added sanity check to see if the filesystem is in read-only mode.

    * Compress (using lzip) the removed description files.

    * Removed trailing slash when checking for an empty directory
      from the database.

    * The function empty_dir() has been changed, adapting to
      the changes of "add".

  - upgrade:

    * pkg_name(): Use "here strings" for packages with
      four or more segments.

    * date(1) has been replaced with the printf built-in.

    * Move the scripts of pre and post installation for easy removal.

    * Added sanity check to see if the filesystem is in read-only mode.

    * The usage of sed(1) has been removed from the pkg_name() function.

    * upgrade now removes descriptions of old packages.

    * Minor cleanup.

  - makepkg:

    * Check if the destination is a valid directory.

    * Added more verbosity to lzip(1) output.

For full details about the development,
see the ChangeLog and check the sources.

Personal notes:

A lot of good and bad things have happened on these 5 years of development,
but I'm afraid I won't be able to continue without your help.
We live on a monetary system and I can't cover all my basic needs
or my family's (wife and daughter). I'd like to produce better
versions of Dragora, *give you a piece of the universe*, but without
your support I can't commit myself full-time to the Project. I'm certain,
though, that this version will be maintained with security updates.

Thank you for using Dragora.

Best regards,
Matias A. Fonzo, Dragora author and maintainer.