Title: busybox removal from system set
Author: Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org>
Posted: 2021-09-24
Revision: 2
News-Item-Format: 2.0
Display-If-Installed: sys-apps/busybox
Display-If-Profile: default/linux/*

The sys-apps/busybox package has been removed from the system
set (@system) in Linux profiles. It was decided that this package is not
necessary for a basic system install.

If you would like to keep this package installed, please ensure it is
present in your Portage world file.

  emerge --select --noreplace sys-apps/busybox

As well, the "static" USE flag has been disabled by default. It may be
re-enabled locally via package.use if so desired.

UPDATE: busybox includes a DHCP client (udhcpc). Some users of netifrc
unknowingly rely on this client. If your networking configuration uses
DHCP, please ensure that you have a DHCP client selected in the Portage
world file.