Using the Installation Disks in Rescue Mode

You can use the installation disks in rescue mode, in case your LPAR will not boot. Rescue mode gives you access to the disk partitions on your LPAR so you can make any changes necessary to rescue your installation.

To boot in rescue mode, follow the instructions for booting the installation program, with this change: In the NWS Description, set the IPL parameters option to 'rescue' (including the quotes), or to 'dd rescue' if you need to load the SCSI driver.

After the Language Selection screen (see the Section called Language Selection), the installation program will attempt to mount the disk partitions on your LPAR. It will then present you with a shell prompt where you can make the changes you need. These changes may include storing the kernel and command line into the IPL source, as described in the Installation Complete section (see the Section called Installation Complete).

When your changes are complete, you can exit the shell using exit 0. This will cause a reboot from the C side. To reboot from the A or B side or from *NWSSTG, you should vary off the LPAR instead of exiting the shell.