and re-run lilo
append = "ether=0,0,eth1"
If you have three interfaces on your bridge, use this line instead:
append = "ether=0,0,eth1 ether=0,0,eth2"
More interfaces can be found by adding more ether statements.
By default a stock Linux kernel probes for a single ethercard,
and once one is found the probe ceases.
The above append statement tells the kernel to keep probing
for more ethernet devices after the first one is found.
Alternatively, the boot parameter can be used instead:
linux ether=0,0,eth1
Or, with 3 interfaces, use:
linux ether=0,0,eth1 ether=0,0,eth2
(for a RedHat system)
and copy ifcfg-lo0
to ifcfg-eth0
In these 2 eth files, change the line containing
'' to ``DEVICE=eth0
and ``DEVICE=eth1
Other distributions may deviate from this, do what you need to do!
If there are more than 2 interfaces to this bridge,
be sure to make the corresponding configurations to those, as well.
ifconfig eth0 promisc ; ifconfig eth1 promisc
All interfaces which are connected to network segments to be bridged
are to be put into promiscuous mode.
brcfg -ena
tcpdump -i eth0 (in one window)
tcpdump -i eth1 (in another window)
on another machine
to verify the bridge is separating the segment correctly.