Booting the Installation Program

Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. Determine the volume name by which OS/400 refers to the CD. This can be found by executing the command wrklnk '/qopt/*' at the OS/400 command line. Unless there is another CD with the same label in another drive, the volume name will be Red_Hat. Note, if the volume name includes a timestamp (as it does when there are name conflicts), ejecting and re-inserting the CD will cause the volume name to change and you must determine what it is again.

If you will be installing to SCSI disks, you must have a copy of the ibmsis driver CD-ROM. If you have multiple CD-ROM drives available to the target LPAR, you must determine which CD-ROM drive will be the first CD-ROM drive (/dev/vcda) for the LPAR. Refer to IBM documentation for information how to determine this. You will place the driver disk into the first CD-ROM drive when instructed by the installation program.

Vary off the NWS.

Edit the NWS description. Set the IPL source option to *STMF.

Set the IPL stream file option to /QOPT/RED_HAT/PPC/ISERIES/VMLINUX (case is not significant), where RED_HAT is the name of the CD volume as it appears under /QOPT.

Set the IPL parameters option to 'dd' (including quotes) if you will be using a driver disk. Otherwise, set the option to *NONE.

Use a telnet client to connect to the virtual console of the LPAR. When prompted, select the partition you want to work with and then enter the OS/400 service tools userid and password.

Vary on the NWS. You should see the boot sequence begin on the virtual console in a few seconds. The installation program will begin automatically.