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2.5 Getting Documentation

Getting Documentation

Red Hat Linux is a powerful, full-featured operating system. Unless you're a Linux wizard, you're going to need documentation to make the most of your Red Hat Linux system. Everyone should review Chapter 7 for more information on available Linux documentation. While many people find the resources described in chapter 7 to be very helpful, people who are just starting to use Linux will likely need additional information. The information that will be most helpful to you depends on your level of Linux expertise:

New To Linux -- If this is your first time using Linux (or any Linux-like operating system, for that matter), you'll need solid introductory information on basic Unix concepts. For example, O'Reilly and Associates
( produce a wide variety of Linux and Unix-related books. Give their more general titles a try.

Some Linux Experience -- If you've used other Linux distributions (or a Linux-like operating system), you'll probably find what you're looking for in some of the more in-depth reference material available. Red Hat Software's Doctor Linux and Linux Man are great for overall documentation, while O'Reilly's more specialized titles are valuable when you need a lot of information on a particular subject.

Old Timer -- If you're a long-time Red Hat Linux user, you probably don't need us telling you what documentation to read. Thanks for reading this far!

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