Borgnet custom built RPM packages for Mandrake 10.2

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2006 - 10.0 - 10.1 RPM's.

URPMI Setup's :

urpmi.addmedia borgnet with
urpmi.addmedia borgnet with
urpmi.addmedia borgnet with

Active Mirrors :

Name Type Location Access
planetmirror primary Australia http
ftp rsync Planet Mirror


Current RPM's I have are 10.0 - 10.1 - 2006
If you know of a program I should convert into a RPM just email me with the link for it and why it should be added here.


Curious? Want to unpack my src rpm's and look at how they work with a spec file?
First, all my src rpm's can be found under the VERSION/SRPMS/ directory. Go look there !
Then do this after you have downloaded what you want to --> $ rpm2cpio PACKAGE-NAME.src.rpm | cpio -di
Or you can download my Acme-unpack that will unpack virtually ANY compressed file.
This will unpack the srpm in the same directory your in so becarefull! Might want to make a temp directory to play in...
For more information about Mandrake RPM's visit RpmHowTo

Keys :

All Borgnet packages are signed with my key.
In order to have urpmi automatically check the packages during installation, you have to configure your system first.

Procedure for Mandrake 10.2

You have to import the key into the rpm database. Setting up the urpmi medium should do this automatically for you,
including restricting the use of my key to the Borgnet media. Anyway, here is the manual procedure:

$ lynx -source > pubkey.asc && rpm --import pubkey.asc && rm -f pubkey.asc

Borgnet Mirror :

New mirrors are always welcome. Just send a mail to sgrayban at borgnet dot us with the following information:

You can be either a primary or a secondary mirror. Primary
mirrors can sync directly from the Borgnet internal archive, but they have
to provide a public rsync access. Secondary mirrors don't have such
restriction, but they have to sync from a primary mirror.

RSYNC from Borgnet is limited to authorized mirrors. No public access is allowed.
Primary mirrors to sync use the following command in a script:

Mailing list :

You can also subscribe to Borgnet RPM repository mailing list and be notified when changes are made.
List archive is here
List info is here
Enter your email address:
Bugzilla reporting is here.

This file last modified Sat. 11 Mar 2006 04:02:47 +0100 CET