Linux-Mandrake: |
User Guide and |
Reference Manual |
January 2000
In Chapter 4.0 you were shown how to launch a shell. In this chapter we will show you how to put it to work.
The shell's main asset is the number of existing utilities: there are thousands of them, and each one is devoted to a particular task. We will only look at a small number of them here. One of Unix's greatest assets is the ability to combine these utilities, as we shall see later.
File handling here means copying, moving and deleting files. Later, we will look at ways of changing their attributes (owner, permissions).
, touch
: creating empty directories and files (MaKe DIRectory)mkdir
is used for creating directories. Its syntax is simple:
mkdir [options] <directory> [directory ...]
Only one option is worth noting: the option -p
. If this option
is set, mkdir
will create parent directories if these did not
exist before. If this option is not specified and the parent
directories do not exist, mkdir
will display an error.
mkdir foo
: creates a directory foo
in the
current directory;
mkdir -p images/misc docs
: creates a directory
in directory images
by first creating the latter if
it does not exist, together with a directory docs
.Initially, the touch
command is not intended for creating
files but for updating file access and modification times[3]. However, one of its
side-effects is to create the files mentioned if they did not exist
before. The syntax is:
touch [options] file [file...]
So running the command:
touch file1 images/file2
will create a file called file1
in the current directory and a
file file2
in directory images
: deleting files or directories (ReMove)This command replaces the DOS commands del
, and more. Its syntax is as follows:
rm [options] <file|directory> [file|directory...]
Options include:
, or -R
: Delete recursively. This option is
mandatory for deleting a directory, empty or not. However,
there is also the command rmdir
for deleting empty
: Request confirmation before each deletion. It is
recommended to alias the bare rm
word to rm
in your shell, and the same goes for cp
and mv
: The opposite of -i
, forces deletion of the
files or directories, even if the user has no write authorisation on the
files[4].Some examples:
rm -i images/*.jpg file1
: Deletes all files which name
ends with .jpg
in directory images
and file
in the current directory, requesting confirmation for each
file. Answer 'y'
to confirm deletion, 'n'
to cancel.
rm -Rf images/misc/ file*
: Deletes without requesting
confirmation the whole directory misc/
in directory
together with all files in the current directory which
name begins with file
.Warning: a file deleted usingrm
is deleted irrevocaby. There is no way of restoring the files! Don't hesitate to use the-i
: moving or renaming files (MoVe)The syntax of the mv
command is as follows:
mv [options] <file|directory> [file|directory ...] <destination>
Some options:
: Forces file moving -- no warning if an
existing file is overwritten by the operation.
: The opposite -- ask the user for
confirmation before overwriting an existing file.
: Verbose mode, report all changes.Some examples:
mv -i /tmp/pics/*.gif .
: Move all files in directory
which name ends with .gif
to the current
directory (.
), requesting confirmation before overwriting any
mv foo bar
: Rename file foo
as bar
mv -vf file* images/ trash/
: Move, without requesting
confirmation, all files in the current directory which name begins with
together with the entire directory images/
directory trash/
, and show each operation carried out.cp
: copying files and directories (CoPy)cp
replaces the DOS commands copy
and more. Its syntax is as follows:
cp [options] <file|directory> [file|directory ...] <destination>
It has a bunch of options. These are the most common:
: Recursive copy; mandatory for copying a
directory, even empty.
: Request confirmation before overwriting any files
which might be overwritten.
: The opposite of -i
, replace any existing
files without requesting confirmation.
: Verbose mode, records all actions performed by
.Some examples:
cp -i /tmp/images/* images/
: Copies all files from
directory /tmp/images
to directory images/
of the current
directory, requesting confirmation if a file is going to be
cp -vR docs/ /shared/mp3s/* mystuff/
: Copies the whole
directory docs
to the current directory plus all files in
directory /shared/mp3s
to directory mystuff
located in the
current directory.
cp foo bar
: Makes a copy of file foo
under the
name bar
in the current directory.The series of commands shown here is used to change the owner or owner group of a file or its permissions. We looked at the different permissions in chapter 4.0.
, chgrp
: change the owner and group of one or more files (CHange OWNer, CHange GRouP)The syntax of the chown
command is as follows:
chown [options] <user[.group]> <file|directory> [file|directory...]
The options include:
: Recursive; to change the owner of all files and
subdirectories in a given directory.
: Verbose mode; describes all actions performed by
; reports which files have changed owner as a result of
the command and which files have not been changed.
: Like -v
, but only reports which files have
been changed.Some examples:
chown nobody /shared/book.tex
: changes the owner of
file /shared/book.tex
to nobody
chown -Rc *.mid concerts/
: attributes all
files in the current directory ending with .mid
and all files
and subdirectories in directory concerts/
to user john
and to group music
, reporting only files affected by the
command.The chgrp
command lets you change the group ownership of a
file (or files); its syntax is very similar to that of chown
chgrp [options] <group> <file|directory> [file|directory...]
The options for this command are the same as for chown
, and it
is used in a very similar way. Thus, the command:
chgrp disk /dev/hd*
attributes to the group disk
all files in directory /dev/
which name begins with hd
: changing permissions on files and directories (CHange MODe)The chmod
command has a very distinct syntax. The general
syntax is:
chmod [options] <change mode> <file|directory> [file|directory...]
but what distinguishes it is the different forms that the mode change can take. It can be specified in two ways:
, where <x>
corresponds to the
permission assigned: 4 for read permission, 2 for write permission and 1
for execution permission; similarly, the owner group permissions take
the form <x>0
and permissions for "others" the form
. Then all you need to do is add together the assigned
permissions to get the right figure. Thus, the permissions
correspond to 400+200+100 (owner permissions,
) +40+10 (group permissions, r-x
) +4 (others'
permissions, r--
) = 754; in this way, the permissions are
expressed in absolute terms: previous permissions are unconditionally
. The category may be one or more
(User, permissions for owner),
(Group, permissions for owner group) or
(Others, permissions for
"others"). If no category is specified the changes apply to all
categories. A +
sets a permission, a -
removes the
permission. Finally, the permission is one or more of r
(Read), w
(Write) or
(eXecute).The main options are quite similar to those of chown
: Change permissions recursively.
: Verbose mode, describes actions carried out for each
: Like -v
but only shows files for which
there has been a change of permissions.Examples:
chmod -R o-w /shared/docs
: Recursively removes write
permission for "others" on all files and subdirectories of
chmod -R og-w,o-x private/
: Recursively removes write
permission for the group and others for the whole directory
, and removes the execution permission for others.
chmod -c 644 miscellaneous/file*
: changes permissions
of all files in directory miscellaneous/
with names beginning
with file
to rw-r--r--
(i.e. read permission for
everyone and write permission only for the owner), and reports only
files where a change has been made.You probably already use globbing characters without knowing it.
When you write a file in a Windows or when you look for a file,
you use *
to match a random string. For example,
matches all files which name end with .txt
. We
also used it heavily in the last section. But there is more to globbing
than *
When you type a command like ls *.txt
and press Return
the task of finding which files match the pattern *.txt
is not
done by the ls
command, but by the shell itself. This requires
a little explanation about how a command line is interpreted by the
shell. When you type:
$ ls *.txt readme.txt recipes.txt
the command line is first split into words (ls
in this example) . When it sees a *
in a word,
it will interpret the whole word as a globbing pattern and will replace
it with the names of all matching files. Therefore, the line just before
the shell executes it has become ls readme.txt recipe.txt
which gives the expected result. Other characters make the shell react
this way:
: matches one and only one character, whatever that
: matches any character found into the brackets;
characters can be referred to either as a range of characters (e.g,
) or discrete values, or even both. Example:
will match all characters a
, a B
, a E
, a 5
, a 6
or a 7
: matches any character not found in the
brackets. [!a-z]
, for example, will match any character which
is not a lowercase letter;
: matches c1
, where c1
and c2
are also globbing
patterns.Here are some patterns and their meaning:
: All files in /etc
which name end
with conf
. It can match /etc/inetd.conf
, but it can also
match /etc/conf.linuxconf
, and also /etc/conf
if such a
file exists. Remember that *
can match an empty string.
: All filenames ending
with .jpg
in directory image/cars
, image/space0
... , image/space9
, if such directories exist.
: All files named README
in all
immediate subdirectories of /usr/doc
. This will make
match for example, but not
: All files which names do not end with a
lowercase letter in the current directory.To understand the principle of redirections and pipes, we need to explain a notion about processes which has not yet been introduced. Each Unix process (this also includes graphical applications) opens a minimum of three file descriptors: standard input, standard output and standard error. Their respective numbers are 0, 1 and 2. In general, these three descriptors are associated with the terminal from which the process was started, the input being the keyboard. The aim of redirections and pipes is to redirect these descriptors. The examples in this section will help you understand better.
Imagine, for example, that you wanted a list of files ending with
[5] in directory images
. This
list is very long, so you want to store it in a file to look at it at
leisure subsequently. You can enter the following command:
$ ls images/*.gif 1>file_list
This means that the standard output of this command (1
) is
redirected (>
) to the file named file_list
. The
operator >
is the output redirection operator. If the
redirection file does not exist, it is created, but if it exists its
previous contents are overwritten. However, the default descriptor
redirected by this operator is the standard output and does not need to
be specified on the command line. So you can write more simply:
$ ls images/*.gif >file_list
and the result will be exactly the same. Next, you can look at the file
using a text file viewer such as less
Now imagine that you want to know how many of these files there are.
Instead of counting them by hand, you can use the utility called
(Word Count) with the option
, which writes on the standard output the number of lines in
the file. One solution is as follows:
wc -l 0<file_list
and this gives the desired result. The operator <
is the input
redirection operator, and similarly the default redirected descriptor is
the standard input one, i.e. 0
, and you simply need to write
the line:
wc -l <file_list
Now suppose that you want to look at this, remove all the file
"extensions" and put the result in another file. One tool for
doing this is sed
, i.e. Stream EDitor.
You simply redirect the standard input of sed
to the file
and redirect its output to the result file, e.g.
sed -e 's/.gif$//g' <file_list >the_list
and there is your list created, ready for consultation at leisure with a viewer.
It can also be useful to redirect standard errors. For example, you want
to know which directories in /shared
you cannot access: one
solution is to list this directory recursively and to redirect the
errors to a file, while not displaying the standard output:
ls -R /shared >/dev/null 2>errors
which means that the standard output will be redirected (>
) to
, a special file in which everything you write is lost
(i.e. as a side effect the standard output is not displayed) and the
standard error channel (2
) is redirected (>
) to the
file errors
Pipes are in some way a combination of input and output redirections.
The principle is that of a pipe, hence the name: one process sends data
into one end of the pipe and another process reads the data at the other
end. The pipe operator is |
. Let us go back to the example of
the file list above. Suppose you want to find out directly how many
corresponding files there are without having to store the list in a
temporary file, you then use the following command:
ls images/*.gif | wc -l
which means that the standard output of the ls
command (i.e.
the list of files) is redirected to the standard input of the
command. This then gives you the desired result.
You can also directly put together a list of files "without extensions" using the following command:
ls images/*.gif | sed -e 's/.gif$//g' >the_list
or, if you want to consult the list directly without storing it in a file:
ls images/*.gif | sed -e 's/.gif$//g' | less
Pipes and redirections are not restricted solely to text that can be read by human beings. For example, the following command sent from a xterm:
xwd -root | convert - /my_desktop.gif
will send a screenshot of your desktop to the
[6] file in your personal directory.
Completion is a very handy functionality, and all modern shells (including Bash) have it. Its role is to give the user as little work to do as possible. The best way to illustrate completion is to give an example.
Suppose your personal directory contains a file which name is
, and you want to look
at it. Suppose you also have in the same directory another file called
. You are in your personal directory. So you type the
following sequence:
$ less fi<TAB>
(i.e., type less fi
and then press the TAB
key). The
shell will then extend the command line for you:)
$ less file_
and also give the list of possible choices (in its default configuration, which can be customised). Then type the following sequence of keys:
less file_w<TAB>
and the shell will extend the command line to give you the result you want:
less file_with_very_long_name_impossible_to_type
All you need to do then is press the Enter
key to confirm and read the
key is not the only way to activate completion, although
it is the most common. As a general rule, the word to be completed will
be a command name for the first word of the command line
will give nslookup
), and a file name for
all the others, unless the word is preceded by a "magic"
character from
, @
or $
, in which case
the shell will respectively try to complete a user name, a machine name
or an environment variable name[7].
There is also a magic character for completing a command name
) or a file name (/
The other two ways to activate completion are the sequences
and C-x <x>
being the Escape
and C-x
meaning Control
), where <x>
is one
of the magic characters already mentioned. Esc-<x>
will attempt to
come up with a unique completion, and if it fails will complete the word
with the largest possible substring in the list of choices. A
beep means either that the choice is not unique, or quite simply
that there is no corresponding choice. The sequence C-x <x>
displays the list of possible choices without attempting any completion.
Pressing the TAB
key is the same as successively pressing
and C-x <x>
, where the magic character depends on
the context.
Thus, one way to see all the environment variables defined is to type
the sequence C-x $
in a blank line. Another example: if you want
to see the page of the manual for the command nslookup
, you
simply type man nsl
then Esc-!
, and the shell will
automatically complete to man nslookup
You will have noticed that when you send an order from a terminal, you normally have to wait for the command to finish before the shell returns control to you: you sent the command in the foreground. However, there are occasions when this is not desirable.
Suppose, for example, that you have decided to copy a large directory
recursively to another. You also decided to ignore errors, so you
redirect the error channel to /dev/null
cp -R images/ /shared/ 2>/dev/null
A command like this can take several minutes to finish. You then have
two solutions: the first is violent, and means stopping (killing) the
command and then doing it again when you have the time. To do this, type
): this will take you back to the
But suppose you want the command to run while doing something else. The
solution is then to shift the process to the background. To do
this, type C-z
to suspend the process:
$ cp -R images/ /shared/ 2>/dev/null # Type C-z here [1]+ Stopped cp -R images/ /shared/ 2>/dev/null $
and there you are again with the prompt. The process is then on standby,
waiting for you to restart it (as shown by the keyword
). That, of course, is what you want to do, but in the
background. Type bg
(for BackGround) to
get the desired result:
$ bg [1]+ cp -R images/ /shared/ 2>/dev/null & $
The process will then start running again as a background task, as
indicated by the &
(ampersand) sign at the end of the line.
You will then be back at the prompt and able to continue working. A
process which runs as a background task, or in the background, is called
a job.
Of course, you can start processes directly as background tasks,
precisely by adding an '&'
at the end of the command. So, for
example, you can start copying the directory in the background by
cp -R images/ /shared/ 2>/dev/null &
If you want, you can also restore this process to the foreground and
wait for it to finish by typing fg
(ForeGround). To put it into the background again,
type the sequence C-z
, bg
You can start several jobs in this way: each command will then be given
a job number. The shell command jobs
lists all the jobs
associated with the current shell. The job preceded by a +
sign indicates the last process begun as a background task. To restore a
particular job to the foreground, you can then type fg <n>
where <n>
is the job number, e.g. fg 5
Note that you can also suspend or start full-screen applications
(if they are properly programmed) in this way, such as less
a text editor like VI, and restore them to the foreground when
you want.
As you can see, the shell is very complete and using it effectively is a matter of practice. In this relatively long chapter, we have only mentioned a few of the available commands: Linux-Mandrake has thousands of utilities, and even the most experienced users employ a hundred at most.
There are utilities for all tastes and purposes: you have utilities for
handling images (like convert
mentioned above, but also
GIMP batch mode and all pixmap handling utilities),
sounds (MP3 encoders, audio CD players), for CD writing,
e-mail programs, FTP clients and even web browsers
or w3m
), not to mention all the administration
Even if graphical applications with equivalent functions do exist, they
are usually graphical interfaces built around these very same utilities;
in addition, command line utilities have the advantage of being able to
operate in non-interactive mode: you can start writing a CD and then
log off the system in the confidence that the writing will take place
(see the nohup(1)
manual page).