The DosGames package is an Xdialog based frontend to some dos based games that run through dosemu. Requires dosemu- Games include clones of Tetris, Digger, Frogger, Ms Pacman, Galaga, Space Invaders, and Missile Command.

This package contains both the games which it installs in the freedos directory, and the Xdialog script to get them started.  The script is installed into /usr/bin.  This script (dosgames) pipes DOS commands into the xdosemu shell where you will see them slowly being typed.  Unfortunately, there seems to be some kind of race condition - thus in some cases, the first letters of the commands are truncated and it fails.  On my box, I just restart the script and it usually takes the second time. (NOTE:  In version 0.1.1, I have fixed this, at least on my machine, by adding extra linefeeds at the beginning of the scripts).

To my knowledge, all the games included are freeware and available for public distribution.  If you know otherwise, contact me via the Vector Linux forum (user name niiler) and I will remove said game.

Plans are to include some more of the early popular arcade games.

The upgrade, version 0.1.1 includes Scorched Earth, Gravity Force and a small
rather silly looking icon.

Packaged by Tim Niiler using makepkg.